
rank in literature both at home and abroad, this work was originally written in German. It loses nothing however in the translation, which has been executed with such idiomatic grace as to read like the composition of one to whom the language is native.

Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, by Sir G. WILKINSON. In this important work a complete view of Egyptian antiquities is presented, showing the character of the domestic life, political institutions, religious observances, and industrial arts of that remarkable people. It is the product of long and laborious research; it bears the stamp of thoroughness on every page; it is copious, without being confused; the descriptive portions are crowded with information, while they are couched in a flowing and attractive style, clothing the hoary and wasted Past in a fresh and life-like costume. The volume is illustrated by a multitude of engravings, which make the explanations of the writer perfectly clear to the eye. It will be welcomed by the student of profane history, and no less by the searcher of the Scriptures, as an efficient and most interesting aid in their pursuits. (Published by Harper and Brothers.)

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rapher and "honest chronicler" has succeeded to a charm in giving the veracious history of her life. His irrepressible love of fun is so blended with the true spirit of wit, as to entitle him to a high rank in the walk to which he has so cordially devoted himself. He is certainly a master in this line-at the very top of the scale-and his imitators are-nowhere.

Crosby and Nichols have issued a posthumous work by the late Rev. SYLVESTER JUDD, consisting of a series of discourses on The Church. Mr. Judd is well remembered as the gifted but erratic author of Margaret, Richard Edney, and other preductions, which have obtained a limited circle of devoted admirers. Several, of his friends have thought it desirable to bring before the public his views concerning Church principles, plans, and organization, and the result is the present volume. The discourses which it contains are written in a plain and unambitious style, and in a tone of unmistakable earnestness.

An edition of Professor SMITH'S History of Greece is issued by Harper and Brothers, expressly prepared by a competent American editor. As a popular manual of Grecian history this work is entirely without a rival in English literature. It embodies the best fruits of modern researches in a style of remarkable elegance and grace, and presents the oft-told story of Grecian development not only with critical discrimination but with picturesque beauty. The high rank of Professor Smith as a classical scholar vouches for the accuracy of his

rare enticement to every tasteful reader.

The Regent's Daughter is a dramatic adaptation, founded on the romance of ALEXANDRE DUMAS, hinging on a plot for the assassination of the Regent, Philip of Orleans, in which the lover of the Regent's unacknowledged daughter is the chief actor, and which was detected by the counter-intrigues of Cardinal Dubois. The translator has executed his task with remarkable success, show-narrative, while the charms of its diction offer a ing a sagacious perception of the sources of dramatic effect, and a felicitous, command of spirited, and nervous English. The play is intended primarily for reading, but, with some unimportant omissions, would be admirably suited to public representation. Its authorship in the present form has been ascribed to the editor of the Albion, weekly newspaper, Mr. WILLIAM YOUNG, and it certainly betrays the graceful vigor of expression for which the pen of that gentleman is famed. (Published by Appleton and Co.)

Among the numerous popular fictions called forth by the Temperance Reform, the story entitled Minnie Hermon, by THURLOW W. BROWN, is as well entitled to commendation as any that have fallen under our critical eye. It presents a series of vivid sketches, many of them marked by true pathos, showing the tragic effects of indulgence in the fatal cup. The facts are evidently taken from real life, and though embellished with a high rhetorical coloring, can not be said to exaggerate the evils which they are intended to illustrate. (Published by Miller, Orton, and Mulligan.)

The Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington, by B. P. SHILLABER, have been collected in a neat volume, illustrated by numerous characteristic engravings, and published by J. C. Derby. The unexampled popularity attained by these specimens of native humor, as they have appeared from time to time in the public journals, may safely be taken as a test of their genuine and rare merits. We regard them as among the best productions of the sportive badinage, so congenial to the American taste, that are to be found in our lighter literature. The character of the oracular old dame is sustained with dramatic harmony through the whole of her unique comments; she never by any mischance relapses into orthodox English; and always hides beneath her eccentricity of expression the largest and warmest soul of grandmotherly kindness. Her biog

Spirit Manifestations Examined and Explained, by JOHN BOVEE DODS. (Published by Dewitt and Davenport.) After the elaborate defense of the socalled Spiritual Manifestations by Judge Edmonds, and some other writers of ability and official position, the subject has assumed an importance in the public eye which we think is quite out of proportion to the value of any communications obtained by this peculiar agency-mysterious, preternatural, spiritual, psychological, or by whatever term it is designated. As an illustration of certain remarkable powers in the human system-not yet sufficiently explained-this volume, however, is seasonable, and well adapted to gratify a laudable curiosity. The writer, who has devoted his attention for many years to the subject, and who is undoubtedly a man of scientific research, as well as of candor and impartiality, professes to have discovered the origin of the phenomena in question in the involuntary powers of the mind, the physical instruments of which are seated in the cerebellum. He adduces a multitude of very curious facts in support of his theory, which, if they do not give it the force of demonstration, have a great deal of plausibility, considered in that point of view, and are well worth the study of the anthropological inquirer. Dr. Dods handles his subject without bitterness or partisan zeal. He imputes no sinister motives to the believers in spiritual manifestations. He thinks them in a great error, and endeavors to show them the ground of their error. His volume is eminently readable-replete with singular instances of abnormal phenomena, both from ancient and modern times-and is not surpassed, either in instruction or entertainment, by any work yet called forth by the "spiritual controversy."

D. Appleton and Co. have issued a neat and convenient edition of SURENNE's French and English Dictionary, thoroughly revised and improved by

additions from standard authorities, forming one of the best manuals for constant reference now in use. The recent publications of T. B. Peterson include, among others, T. S. ARTHUR'S excellent domestic stories of The Iron Rule; or, Tyranny in the Household, and The Lady at Home; or, Happiness in the Household; a compact and well-printed edition of DISRAELI's novels, Venetia, The Young Duke, Miriam, Alroy, Henrietta Temple, and Contarini Fleming, each work, comprising three volumes in the original, in one handsome volume; and Kate Clarendon and Viola, by EMERSON BENNETT. The numerous popular fictions brought out by Mr. Peterson, have given his name a wide celebrity among book-purchasers, and have contributed greatly to the promotion of a cheap literature.

able account of travels performed in connection with the joint English and Russian commission for settling the boundary between Turkey and Persia in the region occupied by the Koordish tribes. In addition to the lively sketches of Eastern manners and scenery, the volume abounds with copious and valuable notices of Armenian history, and the progress of Russian aggression in that quarter.

Mason Brothers publish A History of the Old Hundredth Psalm Tune, by the Rev. W. H. HAVERGALL, with an introductory notice by the Rt. Rev. Bishop WAINWRIGHT. It furnishes a curious history of that ancient piece of psalmody, with an account of the successive changes which it has undergone. Its authorship is ascribed, not to Martin Luther, according to the traditional opinion, but to William Franc, an obscure composer, whose name is known only in connection with the Genevan Psalter. The tune, however, has since been subjected to so many variations as almost to have lost its original identity.

The prevailing interest in the war now waging between Russia and the Allied Powers has called forth numerous publications relating to the condition of Russia and Turkey, which can not fail to be received with general satisfaction. Of these the most original and able is Russia as it is, by Count A new edition of TALFOURD'S Critical and MisDE GUROWSKI, a Polish nobleman, now resident in cellaneous Writings is published by Phillips, Sampthis country, and a thinker of great depth and pen- son, and Co., containing the most important essays etration, profoundly versed in the civil and military and reviews of their late lamented author. As a affairs of Europe, and warmly devoted to the for- sound and impartial critic, Talfourd occupies a high tunes of the Sclavonic race. His work abounds in place in English literature. If he did not affect the rare and valuable information, in comprehensive brilliant audacity of Jeffrey, he was far more cathgeneral statements, and in copious statistical ac-olic in his tastes, and more profoundly appreciative counts of the resources of Russia. The style is lucid and vigorous, and presents a remarkable instance of effective idiomatic expression by one who writes in a foreign language. This work is published by the Appletons.

in his judgments. Free from the love of paradox, which, to a great extent, vitiated the remarkable critical acuteness of Hazlitt, and never, like Coleridge, overlaying the original and subtle distinctions of transcendental speculation with a cloud of va

The Russian Shores of the Black Sea, by Law-porous phraseology, Talfourd brought an honest and RENCE OLIPHANT, is an entertaining narrative of a voyage down the river Volga, and a tour through the country of the Don Cossacks. It is filled with lively pictures of the peculiar manners of the people, and of the natural scenery of that portion of the Russian Empire. (Published by Redfield.)

Redfield has also issued A Year with the Turks, by WARINGTON W. SMYTH, containing sketches of travel in the European and Asiatic dominions of the Sultan. It presents a highly favorable view of the Turkish character, which it defends with the spirit of a partisan.

masculine judgment, a keen perception of truth, a singularly refined taste, a profound and universal culture, and a most gracious sympathy with every genuine manifestation of intellect, to the criticism of the great literary productions of the age. His verdicts, in almost all cases, will stand the test of time. He was apparently almost wholly devoid of prejudice-certainly, he had not a trace of malignity or captiousness in his nature-he never sought to amuse himself or the public at the expense of an unfortunate author-he did not mistake severity for acuteness, nor wholesale censure for just discrimA work of great interest on the Russian policy, en-ination-he never condemned without causetitled the Knout and the Russians, from the French of GERMAIN DE LAGNY, is published by Harper and Brothers. It presents a detailed and very lively description of the interior of Russian society, with a lucid exposition of the prominent public institutions. The author is no friend to the Czar, and no doubt occasionally permits his hostility to color his statements. We do not think, however, that the substantial accuracy of his work can be called in question, and the strong feeling under which he writes gives a piquant zest to his descriptions, and effectually prevents the reader from falling asleep. His chapters on the army, the nobility, the clergy, the navy, the magistracy, and the finances, are informing and valuable. His account of Russian serfdom is full of novel and striking views. In describing the punishment of the knout, he brings forward several terrible instances showing the severity of Russian criminal law, in spite of the abolition of capital punishment. The vivacity of style with which this volume is written makes it more readable than a large proportion of the works which have been suggested by the Russian question.

though, perhaps, it may be admitted that his heart was tinctured with an excess of favoritism for those whom he deemed great intellectual benefactors, and who had not met with the due meed of honor from the public. His native kindliness protected him from the bitterness which is often thought to be an essential element of criticism; while his wakeful good sense and delicately sensitive taste, prevented him from becoming the dupe of pretension. In our opinion, his critical essays possess far more than an ephemeral value; we know of no better comments on recent English literature; and their diligent study can not fail to produce the most wholesome effects on the public taste.

My Schools and Schoolmasters, by HUGH MILLER, is an admirable specimen of autobiography, detailing the varied experiences of his early years, and the successive steps by which, from a working mechanic, he attained his present scientific distinction. It is a work replete with instruction and encouragement, especially to those who have not enjoyed the benefits of a regular scholastic education. (Published by Gould and Lincoln.)

An Art-Student in Munich, by ANNA MARY How-
A delightful record of personal experiences,

Another work issued by Harper and Brothers, in relation to Turkey, is CURZON's Armenia, an agree- | ITT.

belonging "to a peculiarly poetical chapter in the | nized at once. He was the leader in all sports, life of a woman studying Art." The author is a from his great bodily strength, as well as his enthu daughter of the celebrated Howitts, and writes with siasm for pleasure of that kind; and he gained the an enthusiasm and naivete that are quite fascina-Newdegate prize for an English poem of sixty lines. ting. Her notices of art and artists in Munich are On leaving college he bought the Elleray estate, on not only spirited, but full of information. (Pub- Windermere, and cultivated the acquaintance of lished by Ticknor, Reed, and Fields.) the "Great Lake Poet," becoming himself, in latter days, the "Admiral of the Lakes," and acting as such when Bolton entertained Canning and Scott with a splendid water fête on Windermere. In these days Wilson played many wild feats. He attended all the fairs, fights, running matches, races, and so forth, in the country. He was a capital boxer, singlestick man, and wrestler; no great sportsman, except as an angler, and now and then in pursuit of the red deer. For some time he took up his abode among the gipsies, learned a great deal of their slang, and adopted their costume and their habits. Afterward he partially settled down, and went to study law in Edinburgh. As might be expected, little profit resulted from this experiment, but he took to literature, and produced several isolated works, such as the "Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life," which attained great popularity; the "Trials of Margaret Lindsay," a pathetic Scottish story; the "Isle of Palms ;" and the "City of the Plague." But two things occurred in Edinburgh about 1818

The Dodd Family Abroad, the latest production of CHARLES LEVER (published by Harper and Brothers), is one of the finest and funniest specimens of his inimitable humor and satire. It relates the adventures of an Irish family, who leave their kindred bog-trotters at home, and go in search of "the genteel" on an European tour. They fall into all sorts of scrapes, constantly suffer from their own absurdities, but learn no wisdom from the experience. | The characters of the ambitious and most foolish mamma, the long-suffering papa, the graceless wretch of a son, and the deluded beauty of a daughter, are sustained with infinite spirit, and afford an endless fund of amusement.

Farm Implements, and the Principles of their Construction and Use, by JOHN J. THOMAS (published by Harper and Brothers), is a volume for the farmer's library, the like of which is not to be found in the extensive range of agricultural literature. It originally appeared in the Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society, under the title of the Professorship of Moral Philosophy in the "Agricultural Dynamics; or, the Science of Farm University became vacant, and Maga was estabForces." The edition now published is based on lished. Wilson immediately became a candidate that essay, which has been revised and enlarged, for office in the one, and contributor to the other. and the number of illustrations more than doubled. Sir Walter Scott's patronage mainly contributed to In applying the principles of Natural Philosophy, in his success in the first, his own abilities won the their different branches, to the practices of modern second. Before this time he had commenced that farming, it avoids the use of technical phraseology, connection with Blackwood's Magazine which, for and presents the subject in a form adapted to the years after, identified him with all the brilliant comprehension of every reader. The practical fancy and exquisite taste with which its pages were farmer will find in it a description of the tools in adorned. The productions of his eloquent pen were, daily use, with an exposition of the scientific prin- in 1842, published in a collected form, under the ciples of their construction, and numerous valuable title of "Recreations of Christopher North." A hints for the improvement of their convenience and singularly vigorous and healthy physique, animated utility. The work is adapted to recitation in by an impulsive and restless spirit, drew him on in schools as well as to private reading. Speaking of youth to undertake feats-generally displays of aththe original edition, the late accomplished horti-letic strength-out of the ordinary course; and the culturist Downing remarked: "We should like to see this work printed, bound, and hung up in every work-shop, tool-room, and farmer's book-shelf in the country."

feats attributed to him are either gross inventions, or literal acceptations of the humorous caricatures of the "Noctes Ambrosiana:" they who were intimate with Wilson know that he neither required nor used to excess the stimulus of strong drink. He enjoyed the most extravagant hilarity of the social board, but could work himself up to the high

alternations of indolence, so often remarked in temperaments like his, led him in more advanced life to indulge in an unusual disregard of external appearances; and upon those slight grounds the most adventurous tales of his eccentricity were circulatDEATH OF PROFESSOR WILSON. ed: but even at the most extravagant period of his IN recording the death of this distinguished man, youth, John Wilson was always restrained by a which took place on the 3d of April, we are re-high and pure sense of morality. The drinking minded of the disruption of another link, which connected the rich, imaginative, and picturesque poetical movement of the last half century with the intellectual development of the present day. Under the pseudonym of Christopher North, the deceased was known to every cultivated reader in our own country; in spite of strong political differences, he was cherished with enthusiastic and loving admi-est pitch by the sheer effort of talking. His literary ration; and his death, though at a ripe old age, has sent a pang to many American hearts like that felt on the loss of a personal friend. The subjoined notice, which embodies the language of several of the leading British literary journals, presents the character of the departed poet in a favorable light, and will not be thought to do more than justice to his memory.

genius was so entirely akin to his physical temperament, as to appear simply an emanation from it. Looking at his productions with the cool critical eye with which one is accustomed to examine the works of a past time, we can not but perceive that they are characterized by a want of condensation

by an absence of exact, subtle, or deep analytical or critical power-that their style is sometimes Professor Wilson was born at Paisley in 1788, inflated, and verging on the tawdry; and yet, with his father being a wealthy manufacturer there. He all these defects, they are informed with a vitality entered Glasgow University at the age of 13, and which entitles them to be numbered in the class of in four years more went to Magdalen College, Ox-works which men will not willingly let die. There ford, where his extraordinary quality was recog- is a bewitching combination of vague, dreamy wild

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ness, pathos, and ethereal fancy, in his "Isle of lasting affection. As for friends and others not Palms" and "Unimore;" while in his "City of the belonging to his own family circle, there perhaps Plague" there is an irregular splendor and vigor never was a man gifted with such an universality that sometimes reminds one of the old English dra- of sympathy with all that is intellectual. He had matists. His prose writings are the outpourings of points in common with all-with the elegant fasan improvisatore; unequal, but fascinating, full of tidiousness of Lockhart, the broad humor and inpower and variety-ranging from pictures of ideal spired idiotcy of the Ettrick Shepherd, the polished beauty to defiant humor, now throwing out sugges-coterieism of Moore, the masculine benevolence of tions pregnant with materials for thought, and again Chalmers, the disputatious logic of De Quincey, dashing off graphic descriptions that place their the playful humor of Lamb, the enjoué and often subjects visibly before the eye. If the marvel of felicitous criticism of Hunt, and the honest aspirahis eloquence is not lessened, it is at least account- tions of less gifted individuals. In the society of ed for to those who have seen him. One writer the northern capital he will be long and sadly misssays "Such a presence is rarely seen; and more ed. The accounts of his eccentricity of manners than one person has said that he reminded them of and appearance have been much exaggerated. He the first man, Adam; so full was that large frame had no great respect for the commonplace convenof vitality, force, and sentience. His tread seemed tionalities of artificial life, nor had he any reveralmost to shake the streets, his eye almost saw ence for tailors and masters of ceremonies; but the through stone walls; and as for his voice, there was statements about his buttonless shirts, his threadno heart that could stand before it. He swept away bare coats, and tattered academical robes, are picall hearts whithersoever he would. No less strik-torial fictions. With all his apparent eccentricity, ing was it to see him in a mood of repose, as when he had sound judgment and a genial kindly heart; he steered the old packet boat that used to pass be- and in his warm love, especially in his latter years, tween Bowness and Ambleside, before the steam- of all that was generous and good and sacred, and ers were put upon the lake. Sitting motionless, his sincere affection for Dr. Chalmers and others with his hand upon the rudder, in the presence of of his colleagues most eminent for piety and active journeymen and market-women, with his eye ap- philanthropy, he gave proof of a religious principle parently looking beyond every thing into nothing, far deeper than any mere sentimental feeling or and his mouth closed under his beard, as if he philosophical persuasion could have inspired. He meant never to speak again, he was quite as im- was much beloved in the neighborhood of Elleray. pressive and immortal an image as he could have Every old boatman and young angler, every hoary been to the students of his class or the comrades shepherd and primitive dame among the hills of the of his jovial hours." Another describes him as "a district, knew him and enjoyed his presence. He stout, tall, athletic man, with broad shoulders and was a steady and genial friend to Hartley Colechest, and prodigiously muscular limbs. His face ridge for a long course of years. He made others was magnificent; his hair, which he wore long and happy by being so intensely happy himself when flowing, fell round his massive features like a lion's his brighter moods were on him. He felt, and enmane, to which, indeed, it was often compared, be-joyed too, intensely, and paid the penalty in the ing much of the same hue. His lips were always working, while his gray flashing eyes had a weird sort of a look which was highly characteristic." As Professor of Moral Philosophy, he possessed a rare power of winning the affections and confidence of his pupils, and instigating them by a certain contagion of eloquence to self-exertion. Properly speaking, he founded no school; for his discursive turn of mind was unfavorable to the maturing of systematic, precise opinions: but he set his hearers to think, and inspired them with ambition to distinguish themselves as thinkers, and not a few able and successful inquirers were thus launched upon their philosophical career. He also imparted a new character to the Moral Philosophy chair of Edinburgh. Stewart and Brown had each confined his instructions almost exclusively to intellectual analysis-had made his class as it were a double of the Logic class: the genial and imaginative Wilson naturally applied himself more to the analysis of the fancy and the passions, and the ilJustration of their influence on the will-the most essential branch of ethical inquiry. But it was in his own family, and among the wide and varied circle of friends and acquaintances he loved to bring around him, that Wilson was seen in all the most Punch was concocted in the dark back-parlor of engaging features of his character. His domestic a public-house behind Drury-lane Theatre. The affections were intense: we believe he never en- paper was started; it struggled on for about a year, tirely recovered from the blow inflisted by the death and was then sold for £100 to Messrs. Bradbury of Mrs. Wilson-and if ever there was a woman to and Evans, the printers. In their hands it rose to be sorrowed for throughout a widowed life, it was eminence. All the wit in England hastened to she; so opposite to the dazzling impetuous spirit their standard. It has had the honor of being exof her mate, in the beautiful gentleness and equa-pelled from several kingdoms on the continent of nimity of her temper, yet adapting herself so en- Europe. "One night, at Lady Blessington's," tirely to his tastes, and repaid by such a deep and said a certain literary gentleman, "Lord Brougham

deep melancholy of the close of his life. He could not chasten the exuberance of his love of nature and of genial human intercourse; and he was cut off from both long before his death. The sad spectacle was witnessed with respectful sorrow, for all who had ever known him felt deeply in debt to him. He underwent an attack of pressure on the brain some years before his death; and an access of paralysis closed the scene. In his death, those who knew him best will feel that one of the great and good men of our time has passed away.

The Author of Mary Powell has commenced a series of The Chronicles of Merry England, a history written in chronicle style, and affecting some of its quaintnesses, to which we object, as to all affectations and imitations. This first volume advances no further than the reign of Stephen. It is pictorially written, and therefore well calculated for school and family reading.

The Edinburgh Review is just 50 years old; the Quarterly, 44; the New Monthly Magazine, 33; Blackwood, 38; and Fraser, 24.

told me that he would rather stand a six weeks' | odical, containing reports and papers of scientific roasting in the House of Peers than a single scarifying joke in Punch."

Among the recent English publications the following are worth noting: Volumes one to three of the Rev. H. H. MILMAN'S History of Latin Christianity, including that of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicholas V.; STEPHENS' Central America, revised by Mr. CATHERWOOD, in one volume; The Life and Times of John Perry, the Pilgrim Martyr; Working Women of the last Half Century, the Lesson of their Lives, by C. L. BALFOUR; Remains of the late Bishop Copleston, with an Introduction containing Reminiscences of his Life, by Archbishop WHATELY; Mr. HARDMAN's Translation of Weiss' History of the French Protestant Refugees; Atherton, a new work by Miss MITFORD, author of Our Village.

Among the most recent publications of interest in Paris we may cite the first volumes of the works of ARAGO, with a charming introductory memoir by his early and constant friend and brother in science, ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. The political and economical papers of ARMAND CARREL have also been collected and arranged, judiciously annotated by M. CHARLES ROMEY, and preceded by a biographical notice from the pen of M. LITTRE. These papers throw a new light on the high qualities of that chivalrous individual.

and literary societies, accounts of missions, &c., shall henceforth be published, under the title of "Bulletin des Sociétés Savants."

An unpublished Latin treatise by Leibnitz, in refutation of Spinoza, has lately been discovered and translated into French by M. Foucher de Careil.

A Florence correspondent of a London journal writes: "I met at a soirée the other evening, the lady who, about thirty years since, wrote Rome in the Nineteenth Century, and the poet, Mr. Browning the former a talkative and bustling, the latter a silent and thoughtful guest. His gifted lady is hardly to be met with in such circles, for Mrs. Browning dedicates herself here, as I understand, to the retired, studious life conformable with her habits in earlier years, as with the inclinations of her gentle and elevated nature."

The publishing house of Messrs. J. W. Parker and Son, who have just given to the public Mr. FREDERICK TENNYSON'S Poems and the Poetical Remains of PRAED, will shortly issue a volume of new Poetry from the pen of the Rev. CHARLES KINGSLEY, which it may be hoped will consist rather of many short pieces than two or three long ones, remembering the touching and picturesque ballad of Call the cattle home, in his novel of Alton Locke.

The late recall of Chevalier BUNSEN by the Prussian Government produces much excitement among his English friends. A London journal says:

The Paris correspondent of the Literary Gazette writes, "About once a month or so, a new work by Lamartine is talked of; at this moment it is said that he is writing a volume of Turkish tales, which "Literary men as well as politicians will be sorry he intends shall form a sort of companion volume to learn the removal of the Chevalier Bunsen from to the Arabian Nights.' But of all the many new the office of Prussian minister at the English court. works of his that have been promised during the The Chevalier had so long been connected with this last year, not one-his soi-disant History of the country, had made himself so deeply acquainted Constituent Assembly' excepted (it is being pub- with our language, literature, and science, that he lished piecemeal in a newspaper, but excites little may be said to have been of us, as well as among attention)-not one has seen the light. Neverthe- us; some of his best works are written in the En less, it is quite certain that he labors hard with his glish language; and it may be said more truly of pen, even to the injury of his health. This is most him than of most students, nihil tetigit quod non honorable to him, as his political career has made ornavit.' At any period the removal of such a man him poor and embarrassed, and as he is anxious to would be a matter of regret, and now more espeleave, on going to his last home, no debts behind cially, when it is clearly the consequence of politihim. In one respect he is very fortunate: an emi-cal intrigues at the court of Prussia, unworthy in nent stockjobber, named Mirès, who is the proprietor of three or four newspapers and periodicals, feels such warm admiration of his genius and personal character, that he insists on purchasing all the manuscript works he writes or plans, and on giving him, in ready money, a higher sum than, if left to himself, he would venture to ask. It is not often that the Stock Exchange produces a Mecænas; and it is much to the credit of M. Mirès to be the præsidium et dulce decus meum of such a man as Lamartine, the greatest living poet of France, and, in spite of his political errors, one of the noblest of her citizens."

A new work of Michelet's is announced, "The Women of the Revolution." The illustrious historian is still at Nice; his health is improved.

themselves, and arising from parties openly and avowedly hostile to this country."

Southey, Moore, Wordsworth, Campbell, Coleridge, Scott, Wilson-never did a brighter galaxy of poets adorn any age. It is curious and sad to remark that in the case of almost all of these illustrious men-certainly of all of them who reached old age-the overtasked brain more or less gave way.

A lately-published decree of the Index includes, among other prohibited works, in French and Italian, the Theological Essays of Mr. F. DENISON MAURICE. It is not frequently that English publications appear in this list; and though the theory of ecclesiastical censorship is severe, its enforcement in Rome is tempered by modifications. Permission to read prohibited books, which is necessary for those desiring freely to avail themselves of public libraries, is easily obtained by application to proper authority and statement of a legitimate object in view, the petitioner receiving a formula in Latin, in the name of the Pontiff and the Inquisition, at the expense, The French Government has decided that a peri- for expedition fees, of about tenpence.

A work is published in Paris bearing this singular title, "Eternity Unveiled; or, the future life of souls after death." The author is M. H. Delaage, the grandson of Chantal.

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