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has over his serf. "I shall not be allowed to go with my lord," said she, faintly smiling, "if the morning finds me here."

Michal arose; and, shaking the boy who still slept, bade him follow. They went forth into the night together. For the second time, the Mokan abandoned the wealth he had amassed, and thought only of preserving the Little Flower. Many were the dangers and sufferings they encountered in the passage of the Carpathian Mountains; for Michal had resolved to try his fortune in another land. The pilgrims traveled on foot, but Floriora never complained of fatigue. On the contrary, she every day seemed to grow younger and younger; and when they at length crossed the frontier, she romped with her son, who was as tall as herself, in a field by the margin of a stream, while Michal sat on a fallen tree, and looked gravely on through tears of joy.


Thus they went on and on in good old storybook style, until they came to the Banat of TeImeswar, in the capital of which the late bandit's son contrived to open a shop, and to settle down as a peaceable citizen. The lovers of the marvelous took the Mokan up at a much later period of life, and made him a guerrilla hero in one of the wars between the Turks and the Russians, during which he espoused neither side, but inflicted injury on both. There is no reason, however, for supposing that he ever left Temeswar again. He had enough to do to make the Little Flower happy after her long period of misfortune. We do not understand him, if he did not think her as beautiful ever afterward, as when the dawn first revealed her countenance to him in the forest hiding-place. Michal the younger soon grew up, and had brothers and sisters, some of whose children may be in Temeswar to this day.

Monthly Record of Current Events.


Senator voted for it. The South wished to do no

INCE the passage of the Nebraska Bill the pro-wrong to the North; it asked only the preservation ceedings of Congress have not been of very special importance. The exasperation consequent upon that measure has manifested itself in subsequent debates and "explanations." The members of Congress opposed to the Nebraska Bill issued a protest against that measure, setting forth the reasons for their opposition to it. They declare that it was carried unnecessarily and wantonly, there being no present reason for the establishment of a government in the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas. They say that by this bill the free States "have lost all guarantee for freedom in the Terri tories contained in former compromises, while all the States, both slave and free, have lost the guarantees of harmony and union which those compromises afforded." They further affirm that this measure looks to the wider extension of slavery in the future-to the annexation of Cuba and portions of Mexico, at any cost whether of money or blood to a war with England, France, and Spain, and an alliance with Russia-to the immediate annexation of the eastern portion of St. Domingo, with a view to the ultimate conquest of the whole of that island-to an alliance with Brazil and the extension of slavery in the valley of the Amazon-and finally to the withdrawal of the slaveholding States from the Union, and the establishment of a separate empire in the central regions of the Continent. Against this measure the signers of the address appeal to the people of both sections, announcing their readiness to do all in their power to restore the Missouri Compromise, and to execute such measures as may seem advisable "for the recovery of the ground lost to freedom, and to prevent the further aggression of slavery." In the Senate this address was animadverted upon in very severe terms by Mr. Jones, of Tennessee, who declared that he had "never seen a production which contained in so few words so much fiction and pure imagination" as did this address. He prnnounced the charge that the South had urged the passage of the Nebraska Bill, with the designs alleged, to be wickedly and maliciously false. The bill would have passed had no Southern

of the Constitution and an equality of rights. He spoke in terms of severe condemnation of those who had presented petitions for the abolition of the Fugitive Slave Law. This, he said, was equivalent to petitioning for the dissolution of the Union, which could not be preserved for a day after the repeal of that law. Mr. Rockwell, of Massachusetts, replied, defending the petitioners. They asked merely for the repeal of an act of Congress but four years old, which was in addition to one which had been in force for more than fifty years. Public sentiment, he said, was against the law, and demanded its repeal; and the time had gone by when threats of the dissolution of the Union would deter the free States from doing what they believed to be right. The dissolution of the Union, moreover, he believed to be impossible. Mr. Sumner, of Massachusetts, also replied to Mr. Jones. He said that if the Union could not exist after the repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law, it ought to come to an end. In the course of his remarks, Mr. Sumner declared that he disavowed any personal obligation to assist in the return of a fugitive slave. This called forth severe replies from Senators Butler and Pettit, who charged Mr. Sumner with repudiating the oath he had taken to support the Constitution. Mr. Sumner subsequently made a set speech in reply, in which he said, that in taking the oath to support the Constitution, he swore to support it as he understood it, not as it was understood by others. He said that the charge against him came with an ill grace from Virginia and South Carolina, of which States the former, in its resolutions of 1798, had undertaken to define its constitutional obligations to the extent of nullifying an act of Congress; and the latter of which, in expelling an eminent citizen of Massachusetts, who had been sent to protect the rights of her colored citizens, had committed an act which one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, a citizen of South Carolina, had characterized as trampling upon the Constitution. He asked how many Senators there were who would assist in surrendering a fugitive

and along the Colorado river. The authorization of the construction of a plank road and railway across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec is confirmed, and neither government is to throw any obstacles in the way of the free transit of persons and mermade upon the transit of the persons and property of citizens of the United States than upon those of other foreign nations; no interest in the road or in its proceeds to be transferred to any foreign gov. ernment; and no passports or letters of security to to be required of persons merely crossing the Isthmus. The United States are to have the right of transporting their mails across the Isthmus in closed bags free of all custom-house or other charges by the Mexican government. Arrangements are to be made by which the United States may transport troops and munitions of war by the road. When the road is completed, a port of entry is to be open.

slave; he did not believe there was one. To this question, Mr. Clay, of Alabama, replied, that, lest it should be heralded to the world that no one Senator had the moral courage to say that he would assist in restoring a slave to his owner, he would say that he himself would do so. Mr. Butler re-chandise of both nations; no higher charges to be joined, defending South Carolina from the charges brought by Mr. Sumner.-Mr. Gillette, the new ly elected Senator from Connecticut, presented the resolutions of the Legislature of that State censuring Senator Toucey for his vote on the Nebraska Bill. Mr. Toucey replied, vindicating his course on the ground that the Missouri restriction was without any foundation in the Constitution. He spoke in strong condemnation of the recent act of the Connecticut Legislature in reference to the claimants of alleged fugitives, which set at defiance the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial departments of the Federal Government, and trampled under foot the Constitution of the country. He ac-ed at or near its terminus in the Gulf of Mexico. cepted the vote of censure which had been passed upon him as the highest eulogy that he could receive. Mr. Gillette replied, by a defense of his State in general, and of her recent law in particular, which he believed to be entirely in accordance with the Constitution. He denounced the Fugitive Slave Law, and renounced all obligations to assist in its enforcement.-Among the important measures upon which final action is not yet taken, are the Homestead Bill, the River and Harbor Bill, bills establishing a telegraph to the Pacific, and steam communication between San Francisco and China, and the Canadian Reciprocity and Japan treaties.

The United States may extend to the road such protection as shall be warranted by public or international law. After considerable debate in Congress, the bill making the appropriation of $10,000,000 requisite to carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty, was passed, by a vote of 102 to 63 in the House, and 34 to 6 in the Senate.

-A treaty has been negotiated between the United States and Great Britain, providing for commercial reciprocity between this country and the British provinces. It provides that the fisheries of the provinces, with the exception of those of Newfoundland, shall be open to American citizens; that disputes respecting fisheries shall be settled by arbitration; that the British shall have a right to participate in the American fisheries as far as the 36th degree of north latitude; that there shall be free commerce between the provinces and the United States in flour, breadstuffs, fruits, fish, animals, lumber, and a variety of natural productions in their unmanufactured state. The St. Lawrence and the Canadian canals are to be thrown open to American vessels; and the American government is to urge upon the States to admit British vessels into their canals upon similar terms. The treaty is to be submitted to the provincial Legislatures of the British provinces, as well as to the governments of the two countries.The Japan Expedition has been attended with exceedingly favorable results. A treaty of amity, preparatory to a commercial treaty, has been negotiated. This treaty has been submit. ted to the Senate, but its provisions had not trans. pired at the date when this Record closes. It is, however, understood that it contains the important stipulations that two ports on different islands shall be open to American vessels; that the steamers from California to China shall be furnished with supplies of coals; and that sailors shipwrecked on the Japanese coasts shall receive hospitable treatment. The negotiations throughout were conducted in a very friendly spirit. It is not supposed that the commerce with Japan will at present be of any very considerable amount, the people having been so long secluded from intercourse with foreigners, that they produce but few articles adapted for exportation. The Russians have also been endeavor. ing to enter into a treaty, but the Japanese declared that their efforts had been unsuccessful.

The "Gadsden Treaty" with Mexico, as amended in the Senate, has been accepted by Santa Anna. The first article, relating to the new boundary between the United States and Mexico, is as follows: "The Mexican Republic agrees to designate the following as her true limits with the United States for the future retaining the same dividing line between the two Californias as already defined and established according to the 5th article of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the limits between the two Republics shall be as follows: Beginning in the Gulf of Mexico, three leagues from land, opposite the mouth of the Rio Grande, as provided in the 5th article of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo; thence, as defined in the said article, up the middle of that river to the point where the parallel of 31° 47′ north latitude crosses the same; thence due west one hundred miles; thence south to the parallel of 31° 20′ north latitude; thence along the said parallel of 31° 20' to the 111th meridian of longitude west of Greenwich; thence in a straight line to a point on the Colorado river, twenty English miles below the junction of the Gila and Colorado rivers; thence up the middle of the said river Colorado, until it intersects the present line between the United States and Mexico." A commissioner is to be appointed by each government to survey and lay down this boundary, and their decision is to be final, and to be considered as a part of the treaty. The United States are released from the obligation, imposed by the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, to protect the Mexican frontier against the Indians. In consideration for this release, and for the territory ceded by Mexico, the United States are to pay $10,000,000, of which $7,000,000 is to be paid on the ratification of the treaty, and the remainder as soon as the boundary line is establishFor Nebraska.-William O. Butler, of Kentucky (who ed. Vessels and citizens of the United States are declines the appointment), Governor; Thomas B. Camto have free passage through the Gulf of California | ming, of lowa, Secretary; Fenner Ferguson, of Michigan

The following appointments have been made for the new Territories of Nebraska and Kansas:

Chief Justice; Edward R. Hardin, of Georgia, and James | Bradley, of Indiana, Associate Justices; Experience Estabrook, of Wisconsin, Attorney General; Mark W. Izard, of Arkansas, Marshal.

For Kansas.-Andrew H. Reeder, of Pennsylvania, Governor; Daniel Woodson, of Virginia, Secretary; Madison Brown, of Maryland, Chief Justice; Sanders W. Johnson, of Ohio, and Rush Ellmore, of Alabama, Associate Judges; Andrew J. Isaacs, of Louisiana, At torney General; J. B. Donaldson, of Illinois, Marshal. The Legislature of New Hampshire convened at Concord, June 7. In the Senate the Democrats have a decided preponderancy. In the House the Democratic candidate for Speaker was elected by a vote of 156 to 153 cast for his opponent, who was supported by the Whigs and Free-Soilers. The most important business before the Legislature was the election of United States Senators. A number of ballots were had, the regular Democratic candidate lacking from four to seven votes of a majority. It was finally resolved to postpone the election of Senators till the next Legislature. A series of resolutions was passed by the House, bearing upon the Nebraska Bill. The first reiterates the resolution of 1850, declaring “that the people are bound by no compact, express or implied, to suffer the introduction of slavery into Territory now free," and expressing an unalterable opposition to the erection of any Territory without its prohibition by law. The second resolution is directed against the passage of the Nebraska Bill. The third and fourth commend the course of those members of the Congressional delegation who opposed the bill, and censure those who voted in its favor.

extremely virulent. In other sections it has as yet assumed a comparatively mild form.-General Quitman and several other persons reputed to be have been arrested and held to bail on a charge of engaged in an organization for the invasion of Cuba, violating the neutrality law.

From California we have intelligence of the discovery of gold in new localities, and to a very large amount. Serious difficulties have arisen in San Francisco and other places, growing out of squatter claims.From New Mexico and the Rio Grande we receive continued accounts of Indian hostilities. A revolution has taken place in New Grenada. General Melo suddenly rose against the government, seized the President, Obando, and assumed supreme power. It is generally supposed that the success of the coup d'état will be but temporary. GREAT BRITAIN.

Some changes have taken place in the Cabinet, consequent upon the separation of the functions of Secretary of State for the Colonies from those of Secretary of War. The Duke of Newcastle relinquishes the former department, in which he is succeeded by Sir George Grey, retaining the War department. Much disappointment is expressed at this disposition by those who wish a vigorous prosecution of hostilities, they had hoped for the appointment of Lord Palmerston to the department of War. Lord John Russell becomes Lord Presi dent of the Council, without, however, being raised to the peerage. His seat in the House of Commons having been vacated by his acceptance of a new office in the government, he was immediately re-electA bill has passed the Legislature of Connecticut, ed without opposition, Mr. Urquhart, who had anpunishing with a fine of $5000 and five years' im-nounced his intention of opposing him, not being prisonment any person who shall falsely and maliciously represent any inhabitant to be a fugitive from labor, with the design of procuring his forcible removal. Every such claim is, prima facie, presumed to be false and malicious, and this presumption can be rebutted only by testimony equivalent to that of two credible witnesses testifying to facts directly tending to establish the truth of the claim. -Serious disturbances have arisen in various parts of the country between Americans and foreigners. In New York and Brooklyn, for several successive Sabbaths, encounters took place, occasioned by individuals haranguing in the open air against the doctrines and practices of the Catholic Churoh. These difficulties have been further aggravated by the hostility entertained by foreigners to a secret combination designated as "Know-Nothings," who have operated with much success in local elections in many of the larger places. Their action is mainly directed against the election to of fice of any except citizens of native birth.The Fourth of July was celebrated with unusual spirit throughout the country. The celebration was at-lowed by Lord Clarendon on behalf of the Ministended with fewer accidents than usual. A collision took place on the Susquehanna Railroad, near Baltimore, between a regular and an excursion train, by which about forty persons were killed on the spot or fatally injured. - -Frauds to the amount of between two and three millions of dollars have been perpetrated by Robert Schuyler, late President and Transfer Agent of the New York and New Haven Railroad. The larger portion was committed by issuing spurious stock of this road, for which his two-fold position gave abundant facilities. The immediate result of this was a great depreciation in the value of railroad stocks in general.-The cholera has made its appearance in various parts of the country. In some localities at the West it is

able to find a man to nominate him. Lord John Russell made a very cautious speech to the electors, in which he said that brilliant naval victories, similar to those won in former wars, were not to be expected over an enemy who entrenched his fleet behind stone walls. But he was confident that the navy would accomplish all that could be reasonably expected. As to the terms upon which peace should be made, much would depend upon the views of the allies, and upon the fortunes of war; but he would say, that no peace ought to be concluded without abundant security against the ambitious designs of Russia. If these designs should be accomplished, it would be fatal to the liberties of England.-In the House of Peers, Lord Lyndhurst made a long and able speech, exposing the dangerous policy of Russia, and urging the necessity of securing some material guarantee against it; such as the capture of the Black Sea fleet, and the occupation of the Russian provinces adjacent to Austria and Turkey. No mere treaty with Russia would be worth the paper upon which it was written. He was fol

try, who agreed in the main with Lord Lyndhurst. Lord Aberdeen made a much more moderate reply. He said that there was now no necessity for stimulating the war spirit of the country. The war was essentially one of defense, and should be vigorously urged, though he denied that Europe was greatly endangered by the policy of Russia. Peace should be concluded at the first moment in which it was possible to do so on just and honor. able terms.-In the course of a debate upon Cana dian affairs, the Earl of Ellenborough urged that steps should be taken toward making the North American colonies free from England. This view was concurred in by Lord Brougham, and warmly opposed by other peers.-The new Crystal Pal


ace at Sydenham was opened on the 10th of June. | measure. Many look upon it as highly advantageThe Queen, Prince Albert, the royal family, the ous to Russia, since the Austrian forces arc interyoung King of Portugal, the foreign embassadors, posed between the retreating Russians and the and an immense concourse of the nobility and peo- Turks, covering them from an attack in one direcple, were present. The edifice is far more imposing tion, and enabling them to direct all their force to than that in Hyde Park. Appearances indicate that the defense of the Crimea and the provinces now the enterprise will prove very successful.-At a threatened with attack from the Allies. public meeting in Sheffield, held to consider the desirability of reconstituting Poland as an independent nation, Kossuth made a speech marked by his usual zeal and eloquence. He said that the question at issue in the present war was not a new one. He passed in review the conduct of England toward Austria, which he declared to have been one of the causes of the present alarming preponderance of Russia. The Turks had all along seen the importance of the national existence of Poland as a barrier against Russia, and had England been as wise, the present crisis would not have occurred. He deprecated all alliance with Austria as unsafe and untrustworthy The alliance of Poland with Austria, in the time of John Sobieski, was an unnatural one, and sealed the fate of Poland. Poland was the only point at which Russia was vulnerable; and the only available course was for the Western powers to call Poland to arms. Napoleon, in undertaking to check the growing power of Russia, was vanquished, not by frost and snow, but by his alliance with Austria. The alliance of Turkey with Austria would drive Servia and the Sclavonic provinces over to Russia. Sweden also was a natural ally of the Western powers against Russia; but no pledge could be given her which would justify her in arming, except for the Allies to espouse the cause of Poland. On the other hand, an alliance with Austria would be equally embarrassing in case of victory or defeat.


M. Persigny has retired from the Ministry of the Interior, in France, having been replaced by M. Bilault. The retiring Minister presented to the Emperor a very long and curious report upon his own administration. What had been required in his department, he said, was not so much a man of great administrative experience, as one personally devoted to the Emperor. He prides himself especially upon the change of policy adopted by the government in the matter of elections. Instead of endeavoring to secure the election of its candidates by indirect means, the government now openly named the persons whom it wished to be chosen. He plumes himself upon the success of his policy toward the press, which never manifested so much wisdom, moderation, and patriotism as at present.-The King of Prussia and the Emperor of Austria have had a personal interview at Teschin. Among the prominent topics considered at this meeting-in addition to the general policy of the two powers-is said to have been the resolution adopted by some of the minor Germanic powers at a conference held at Bamberg. The resolution was to the effect that the demand to be made upon the Emperor of Russia to withdraw his forces from the Principalities, should also be accompanied by a like demand that England and France should withdraw their forces from the Turkish land and water. 'Austria has concluded a separate convention with the Porte, in virtue of which the Principalities are to be occupied by Austrian forces. In case the Russians voluntarily retire, they are to be replaced by the Austrians, who are to compel them to evacuate the Principalities, if necessary. There is much diversity of opinion as to the ulterior bearing of this

Nothing of importance has been accomplished by the Baltic fleets, and the opinion is becoming prevalent that Cronstadt is impregnable to any naval attack. A portion of the fleet which has been cruising in the Gulf of Bothnia has destroyed about fifty vessels, and burned public property to the amount of some £400,000. A detachment, landed to attack Gamle Carleby, fell into an ambuscade, and lost 50 men in killed, wounded, and missing. In the Black Sea the allied fleets have been unable to entice the Russian vessels from Sevastopol, and an attack by sea upon that stronghold is evidently considered impracticable. The British steamer Tiger ran ashore near Odessa, and, with her crew, fell into the hands of the Russians. A detachment of the combined fleets has performed important services upon the Circassian coast, driving the Russians from one of the three strong posts which they have continued to occupy since the general abandonment ordered some three months since. Aid in arms and ammunition has been furnished to the Circassians, who have begun to carry on the war with increased vigor, in conjunction with the Turkish forces. The allied troops have as yet afforded no actual assistance in the field to the Turks, though a large detachment has been dispatched in the direction of the immediate scene of hostilities. Appearances indicate that an attack is meditated upon the Crimea, whither the Russian forces are apparently concentrating. Great complaints are made of the unsuitableness of the dress of the English troops, which is stated to be far less adapted to service in a warm climate than that of the French. Some essential modifications have been ordered. For some weeks the chicf interest of the war has been concentrated upon the siege of Silistria. The ultimate fall of this fortress seemed to be assumed on all hands, the only question being as to the time and the loss of life which it would cost. The siege was regularly opened about the middle of May. On the 29th a furious assault was made upon the fortress by about 30,000 men; after a sanguinary conflict, the Russians were repelled. On the 2d of June a mine was sprung, but by some accident it did more damage to the besiegers than to the besieged. In this attack Mussa Pacha, the Commander of the fortress, was killed by a shell. On the 9th the Russians stormed two detached forts, but were eventually repulsed. Prince Paskiewitch was severely injured by a spent ball, and forced to retire from the camp. Four days later, a grand attack was made, but without success, and the Turks succeeded in throwing an additional detachment into the fortress. The Russian Commander, Prince Gortschakoff, and General Schilders, the chief of artillery, were both wounded. On the 15th the garrison, now considerably augmented, assumed the offensive. The Russians, beaten at all points, were driven across the Danube, and the Turks crossing an arm of the river took possession of the works from which Silistria had been bombarded. The entire Russian forces, both east and west of the fortress, immediately recrossed the Danube, and at the latest dates were in full retreat upon Moldavia, while the Turks under Omer Pasha were advancing upon the Danube.

ION SAVING" has for some time past them, than is needed for those assumed occult caus

"Utena by word and a reproach. By a cer

tain class of editors and political haranguers it has been employed as a base reflection upon some of our noblest men, as well as their noblest efforts for the perpetuation of our national strength and national glory. It was a taunt which barely spared the memory of Clay, and which haunted the patriot Webster to his grave. Their fears for the dissolution of the American Union were charged with hypocritical cant; their efforts for the aversion of such a calamity were characterized as the acts of unprincipled alarmists. But there can be no mistake about the matter now. That our national union, and along with it our proud national existence, is in the most imminent peril, the blindest must see, the most stupid must acknowledge. The proof of this comes not simply from turbulent Congressional debates, or inflammatory resolutions, or law-resisting riots. The most alarming evidence is in the tone of the press. Can any one be blind to that attitude of fierce defiance which is now assuming a form so sectionally distinct? Can we shut our ears to the furious invectives, the stinging reproaches of meanness and treachery on the one side, and of cowardice and fanaticism on the other-the vindictive taunts expressly designed to arouse the bitterest sectional animosities, and impart to them a virulence which no recollections of a common ancestry, of a common glorious history, can ever heal. The lover of peace, of union, of compromise-we will still use the term, although it has fallen into disrepute might see nothing formidable in this, if regarded in itself or in its intrinsic weight of argument. Its dread significance lies in the fact that it is the sign of a people already divided, and whose hostile sections are beginning to hate each other with an intensity that no mere outward political connection can repress. The South is saying things of the North which no men at the North, whatever be their party ties, will bear. The North is hurling back upon the South vindictive taunts, which can not be forgiven, because they imply charges of what is even worse than corruption of blood, or any form of political dishonor. He who does not see this is blind indeed. We are already divided. The evidence is as direct as that England and Russia are now at war. In fact, we may, well doubt whether there really exists between the Hostile armies on the Danube, or the hostile fleets on the Baltic, as sore a feeling of personal and sectional rancor as the press is now spreading between the Northern and Southern portions of these United States.

common sense,

Who is to blame for this most lamentable state of things? It may not be conducive to the great pacification for which every patriot should so earn estly strive, to examine too scrupulously the exact balance of criminations and recriminations. Let let a knowledge of history, above all, let Christian charity come in here. In all the world's annals have we ever read of a case like this of national strife in which one side was free from blame, while the whole, or even the great preponderance, of guilt was on the other? We know that this is a very old and trite solution, but trite truths are by no means of the least value. Sometimes, too, it requires more independence of thought to state them, and, even more research to discover

alities on account of which they are often neglect

ed and cast out of sight.

But when we speak thus of both sides being to blame, we ought, perhaps, to qualify the declaration. If we have in view the great mass of the people, we might rather say that both sides are equally innocent. The bitter evils of this bitter and suicidal controversy can be mainly traced in their root to a few men at either extreme of the national and sectional scale, whose violence has been wickedly cherished, for the most corrupt purposes, by a still smaller class in the middle. Such are the parties on whom the future historian must visit the just condemnation of this sad work. They are the Northern fanatics who, twenty-five years ago, began to meddle with matters they had no right to touch, and to form treasonable Combinations respecing interests with which they were expressly forbidden to interfere. We call them fanatical in the strictest sense of this much-abused term. They mingled a malevolent feeling with the profession of an abstract benevolence. They preached reform, as Christ and Paul had never preached it. We also say their designs were treasonable; for the result at which their combination aimed was the subversion, and not by legal means, of institutions which the political organization had placed exclusively in other and, to them, foreign jurisdictions. Here was one extreme. There were, on the other hand, Southern ultraists who, with equal fanaticism and equal treasonableness, sought to make that national which the Constitution, and the compromises of the Constitution, recognized as having a local existence depending on positive local law. Herein we can not help observing a wondrous agreement. Both insisted upon investing slavery with a national character; the one for the purpose of making an unconstitutional assault upon it, the other as the ground of its perpetual maintenance.

It is curious, too, to trace in other respects the striking parallel. One side commenced with false and forced interpretations of the Scriptures, and landed at last, after a series of struggles, in the most undisguised infidelity; the other, setting out with a false interpretation of history and political philosophy, and taking to itself a high conservative aspect, has terminated in that meanest of all species of radical anarchy, the practice and justification of filibustering. They discovered a wondrous excellency in what could be shown to have been the bane of the ancient republics. They made slavery the corner-stone of freedom. Of course, with such a dogma, they became as mad and as fanatical as their Northern counterparts. Each grew by the aliment afforded by the other, and hence the striking analogies presented in the whole course of these mischief-brooding factions. We have the spectacle of men everlastingly mouthing it about their higher law and higher morality, and yet recklessly undermining that only foundation on which the religion and morality of this world has ever yet been able to repose with any thing like a feeling of strength and security. Again, we have seen men whose only title or only security for what may be called, to say the least, an anomalous species of property, rests on the sacredness of constitutions, compacts, compromises, judicial decisions and national unity, ever the first to advocate nullification, secession, and resistance

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