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reply to such an act of magnanimity? It pre- | safety, take Napoleon into any harbor in Entended to hold out a hospitable hand to the enemy, and on giving himself up with confidence he was immolated. NAPOLEON.

"Bellerophon, at Sea, August 4, 1815."

In the evening of the next day, as the Emperor was slowly pacing the deck conversing with Las Cases, he quietly drew from under his waistcoat the valuable diamond necklace which Queen Hortense had pressed upon him, and, without slackening his pace, placed it in the hands of Las Cases, saying, "Take care of that for me." He then continued his conversation, upon a totally different subject, as if there had been no interruption.

Two plans were formed, by legal gentlemen in London, to rescue the Emperor from the despotic grasp of the Ministers, and to place him under the protection of British law. One effort was, to demand the person of Napoleon, through a writ of habeas corpus. An attempt was also made to cite him, as a witness, in an important trial, to prove the condition of the French navy. When the officer arrived to serve the writ on Lord Keith, the Admiral contrived to keep the boat off until he had leaped into his twelve-oared barge. Then there ensued a race in which the Admiral was of course a victor, but which provoked the mirth of all England, and also roused the indignation of many generous hearts.

The government, alarmed by these determined efforts to rescue their victim from a life-long imprisonment and a lingering death, ordered the Bellerophon immediately to put to sea, and to remain cruising off Torbay till she could be joined by the squadron from Portsmouth destined for St. Helena. It is greatly to the honor of the British nation, that the Ministers, while perpetrating this high-handed crime, could not, with

gland. The wind was high and the sea rough, but the Bellerophon weighed anchor and pushed out into the stormy waves. Here the ship remained for several days, to the great discomfort of all on board, pitching and rolling on the restless billows.*

The Emperor chose as his companions the Grand-Marshal Bertrand, Count Montholon, and Count Las Cases. General Gourgaud was in such despair at being left, and pleaded so earnestly to be taken, that, notwithstanding the instructions allowed Napoleon to take but three officers, it was consented that Las Cases should be considered, not as an officer, but as private secretary. Thus Gourgaud was included.

On the evening of the 7th, the Northumberland, with two frigates, arrived at Torbay. Admiral Keith and Admiral Cockburn came on board the Bellerophon. Both seemed embarrassed and ashamed of the ignominious business they were called upon to perform. Admiral Keith was a gentleman of highly polished manners. He seem

"The friends of Napoleon in England, meanwhilefor notwithstanding the odium which had been uniformly ually become known, and the revulsion, consequent upon cast upon him by authority, his real character had gradthe detection of falsehood, had naturally converted many, who had been unwitting dupes, into admiring friends, to say nothing of the number of intelligent persons who had never been deceived-used all their influence to soften the

rigor of his sentence; and failing in their appeals to the clemency of the government, they had recourse to other, though certainly as inadequate means, to effect their purpose. It was first sought to procure his removal on shore to be inapplicable to an alien; upon which a subpœna by a writ of habeas corpus; but this process was found was issued, citing him to appear as witness in an action brought by a naval officer for libel. This proceeding seems and its officer, Lord Keith."-History of Napoleon by to have alarmed and confounded both the Admiralty Board George M. Bussey. London, 1840.

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Every article was examined, not even excepting the Emperor's body linen. About twenty thousand dollars was taken, in gold, from the trunks. Twenty-five hundred dollars, in gold, were left in the hands of Marchand, the Emperor's valet-dechambre, for his master's present use in remunerating his servants. The Admiral was, however, not willing to thrust his hand into the pockets of the Emperor, or to order him to take off his shirt. Thus some eight or nine hundred thousand dollars, in diamonds and letters of credit, were retained.*

ed to feel keenly the insults which his govern- | search. The business was faithfully executed. ment was heaping upon the Emperor. With crimson cheeks and faltering speech he informed Napoleon that he was ordered to search his luggage and that of his suite, and to take away all the money that could be found. He, however, gave the kind assurance that the English government did not intend to rob General Bonaparte; but that they would act as guardians, and keep his money safely, that he might not squander it in attempts to escape. "When General Bonaparte dies," the government authorized the Admiral to say, "he can dispose of his property by Will, and he may be assured that his Will shall The two Admirals now came into the cabin be faithfully executed." The Emperor and his where the Emperor, calm and sorrowful, was friends were also ordered to surrender their swords. standing by the stern windows. Las Cases, General Bonaparte was also informed, that, if he Count Montholon, General Bertrand, and Genshould make any effort to escape, he would expose eral Gourgaud, burning with unavailing indighimself to close confinement. A few months af- nation, were at his side. Lord Keith-in obeterward an act of Parliament was passed, subject-dience to a command from which his soul reing to the penalty of death any of his suite who volted-in a voice tremulous with embarrassshould attempt to facilitate his escape. ment and shame, said, "England demands your sword!"

Admiral Cockburn attended to this humiliating task. The French gentlemen refused to be present at an outrage so ignominious. The Emperor's valet, Marchand, opened the trunks for the

The strange demand seemed to rouse the Em* See Memoirs of Duke of Rovigo, vol. iv. p. 176; also Montholon and Las Cases.

and sufferings-while the victims of poverty, persecution, and exile-were awful. Piontkouski -a Polish officer who had been raised from the ranks-with tears implored Lord Keith to allow him to follow his beloved Emperor, even in the most menial character.

peror from a painful reverie. He looked up with | almost inevitable death. Their subsequent perils a convulsive movement, placed his hand upon the hilt of his sword, and fixed upon the Admiral one of those withering glances which few men had been able to withstand. Lord Keith could go no further. His head, silvered with gray hairs, fell upon his breast. His generous heart refused to inflict another pang upon the illustrious victim Mr. O'Meara was the surgeon of the Bellerbefore him. Bowing profoundly and with deep ophon. He with enthusiasm attached himself emotion to the Emperor, without uttering a word to Napoleon, and accepted the appointment of he withdrew. The secretary of the Admiral ven- his physician. About 11 o'clock the barge aptured to remind him that the command of the Min-peared to convey the Emperor to the Northumisters was explicit-that the sword of Napoleon berland. As Napoleon crossed the quarter-deck should be surrendered. Lord Keith, turning upon of the ship the men presented arms, and three his heel, indignantly replied, "Mind your own ruffles of the drum were beat, such as are used business!" in a salute to a general officer. He uncovered Napoleon then sent for Captain Maitland, and his head, and said: "Captain Maitland, I take said: "I have requested this visit in order to re- this last opportunity of thanking you for the manturn my thanks for your kindness and attention ner in which you have treated me while on board while I have been on board the Bellerophon, and the Bellerophon." Then turning to the officers also to beg that you will convey them to the offi- who were standing by, he added: "Gentlemen, I cers and to the ship's company under your com- have requested your Captain to express my gratmand. My reception in England has been far itude for your attentions to me, and to those who different from what I had anticipated. I have, have followed my fortunes." He then advanced however, no longer to learn that it is not fair to to the gangway, but, before descending, bowed judge of the character of a people by the conduct two or three times to the crew, who were all asof their government. It gives me great satisfac-sembled in the waist and on the forecastle. He tion to assure you that I feel your conduct to me throughout has been that of a gentleman and a man of honor."

Napoleon took an affecting leave of his friends who were forbidden to accompany him. Their anguish was very great, and many of them wept bitterly. Las Cases-who left both wife and children to devote himself to the Emperor-said to Lord Keith, "You see, my lord, that the only persons who shed tears are those who remain behind." The Emperor affectionately embraced General Lallemand and the Duke of Rovigo after the French manner, clasping them in his arms and pressing his cheek to theirs. He had nerved himself to composure, but tears streamed copiously from their eyes.

The French government had excluded Savary and Lallemand from the amnesty; and now the British Ministry prohibited them from accompanying Napoleon to St. Helena. Thus these distinguished men-whose only crime was their generous devotion to their sovereign-were consigned to

was followed by the French officers with their ladies, and by Lord Keith. After the boat had shoved off and was a few yards from the ship, he rose, took off his hat and bowed, first to the officers and then to the men. He then sat down, and, with perfect composure and politeness, entered into conversation with Lord Keith.

The household of the Emperor, as now composed, consisted of Count and Countess Montholon and child, Count and Countess Bertrand and three children, Baron Gourgaud, Count Las Cases, and Dr. Barry O'Meara. There were also thirteen individuals in the various grades of servants-making in all twenty-four persons. One man, in his anxiety to follow the Emperor, succeeded in concealing himself on board the ship. When discovered, he was held as a prisoner during the voyage, and was not permitted to land.

The orders given by the government to Sir George Cockburn were very explicit that Napoleon should not be recognized as Emperor, but sim

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ply as General. They persisted to the last in the assumption that he was an usurper, and that the people of France who placed him upon the throne were rebels. When the Emperor was informed of this decree, he simply remarked, "They may call me what they please; they can not prevent me from being myself."

The Northumberland was manned by more than a thousand sailors. As the barge approached, every eye, of officers and seamen, was riveted upon the man whom the world has pronounced to be the most extraordinary recorded in the annals of time. Universal silence, adding almost religious awe to the solemnity of the ceremonial, prevailed, as the Emperor, with a slow step, ascended the gangway and stood upon the deck. The officers of the Northumberland stood in a group uncovered. The Emperor raised his hat, when the guard presented arms and the drums

rolled. After addressing a few words, with an air of the most affable politeness, to those near him, he retired to his cabin.

It is indeed whimsical to see the British Ministers attach so much importance to withholding the title of Emperor from one who had governed so large a portion of Europe-who had been the creator of kings-and whose imperial title had been recognized by every Continental nation. Napoleon was so far superior to any similar weakness, that he intended to assume the name of Colonel Duroc or Muiron. The assumption, however, that the French nation were rebels, and had no right to elect him their Emperor, roused his indignation and incited him to an honorable resistance. It can never be sufficiently deplored that England lost so glorious an opportunity of dignifying history by the record of a noble deed. Had the appeal of Napoleon met with a magnanimous re

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The shaded parts of the map show those portions of the Empire wrested from France by the Allies.

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sponse, it would have consigned much of the | Blucher, with savage barbarity, plundered and wrongs the English government had previously inflicted to oblivion. But now no friend of England, who is not lost to all sense of honor, can ever hear the words Napoleon or St. Helena without feeling the cheek tingle with the blush of shame. Two frigates and seven sloops of war-all with troops on board-were prepared for the voyage, and the next day, the 9th of August, the whole squadron, guarding one man, set sail for St. Helena. What a comment upon the grandeur of his character, and the powerful influence he had obtained over the hearts of the people of Europe, that it was deemed necessary to send him to a lonely rock two thousand miles from France, to place an army of bayonets around his solitary hut, and to girdle the island with a squadron of armed ships! Surely Napoleon stands alone and unrivaled in his glory.

While these scenes were transpiring, Blucher and Wellington marched vigorously to Paris.

ravaged the country through which he marched. The French soldiers, disheartened by the loss of their Emperor, would not fight for the provisional government. A few despairing and bloody battles ensued, when Paris again capitulated, and the English and Prussians triumphantly encamped in the garden of the Tuileries and in the Elysian Fields. France was humiliated. Her crime, in choosing her own Emperor, was unpardonable. Blucher, drunk with exultation and wine, was with the utmost difficulty restrained from blowing up the beautiful bridge of Jena, which spans the Seine, and the magnificent monument in the Place Vendome. The allied sovereigns soon arrived, with their countless hosts. France was dismembered without mercy, her strong fortresses were surrendered to the Allies, the Louvre was stripped of all those treasures of art which had been surrendered to France by hostile nations, in recompense for perfidious attacks. The enormous

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