페이지 이미지

Barley-Its great Weight in the North-Bay of Quinte Barley-Additional 100,000,-

000 Acres Suited to Barley North of the Wheat Belt-Uses of Barley in the West-

Testimony Regarding its Culture in Manitoba-Average Yield for Four Years-Com-

pared with the United States-Enormous Yield of Oats-Testimony of Residents in

Manitoba Average sixty Bushels per Acre-Nearly Three Times Greater than Ohio

-100 Bushels per Acre often Raised-Potatoes a sure Crop to the Arctic Circle-

Rotten ones Unknown-Chipweyans as Potato Cultivators-Remarkable size of

Potatoes at Hay Lakes-Late Growth of Potatoes-Feeding Stock an Easy Matter-

Pumpkins, Melons, and Cucumbers in the North-Melons Grow and Ripen North of

St. Petersburg, or 1,200 Miles Northwest of Winnipeg and 900 Miles North of the

Boundary-Extent and Capacity of the Country Beyond the Range of Average Com-

prehension Testimony of Residents Regarding the Productive Powers of the Soil-

Timothy an Excellent Crop-Good Fall Pasture-Wild Hops-Clover-Flax-Hemp

-Why all Crops Succeed so Well-Southern Russia a Parallel Case-Commencement

of Spring-Setting in of Winter-Seed-time in the North-West-Varies in Certain

Localities-Harvest Time-Earliest in the Qu'Appelle Valley-Always Free from

Frost-Qu'Appelle Valley Compared with Saskatchewan-Time for Taking up Roots

-Testimony Regarding Seed Time and Harvest-Roads of the West merely Cart

Trails-No real Roads other than Railways in the Country-Description of Leading

Trails-How Trails are Formed-Where they Lead to-No Attempts made to

Improve them-Travellers Tell of their Own Incapacity-Experienced men Never get

"Stuck"-How to Cross a "slew" with Loaded Carts-Trails or Roads of Ten

Years Since How they were Formed-Indian Trails-Roads of the Future.

Method of the Chapter-Cypress Hills-General Description, Altitude, Wood, Water,

Grass-Value for Summer Pasture-Winter Pasture North of the Hills-Shel-

ter in the Coulées-Plain North of the Hills—Its Description and Character-

Bow River and Cypress Hills Compared-Summer Pasture Everywhere-Enumera-

tion of Localities-All Equally Valuable-Ponies can Winter Anywhere-The Reason

of This-Prairie Grass real Hay in Winter-Why Canadian Horses Die-How to

Remedy This-Mr. Mackenzie's Opinion-Canadian Horses must be Fed-Cattle

Succeed Well as they are always Grass Fed―Ponies use the Hoof; Cattle the Nose

to Procure their Food in Winter-When Cattle must be Fed-Incidents on the

Prairie in Winter-Mr. Selwyn's Testimony-Dr. Dawson's Testimony-Wild Cattle

Winter out-Winter Shelter a Necessity-Other Locations as Good as Bow

River-Country West of Cypress Hills-Hand Hills as They are Now-Descrip-

tion of the Hills-The "Store "-Country West of Sounding Lake-Tail Creek-

Remains of Former Fights-Bow River Country-Natural Hay-Country Better

Suited for Pasture than Farming-Description of the District-Root Crops easily

Raised for Cattle Feed-Winter Storms Never do Harm if Food is Abundant-Sheep

Raising-Keeping Hogs, easily Fattened-Animals easily Fattened in the North-

Illustrations of this Fact-Riga Exports Hides and Tallow-Our Plains of same

Character as Russian Ones-Food Abundant Everywhere—An Irish Delegate's Views

on Stock Raising-Mr. Spence's Opinions Regarding the same Matter-Testimony of

Settlers Regarding Cold.

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Introduction-Enumeration of the Carnivora, of the Ungulata, of the Chiroptera, of the

Insectivora, of the Rodentia-The American Panther, its General Appearance and

Range The Canadian Lynx, its Description and Distribution-Hunting on Peace

River-Foxes, Anecdotes Respecting them-Wolves-The Coyote-The Grey Wolf,

his Habits-Occurrence on the Plains-When easily Taken-Anecdotes Illustrative of

their Cunning and Tenacity of Life-Pine Marten and Fisher-Wolverines, the

Enemies of the Trappers-Anecdotes of the Wolverine-Mink and Otter-Skunks-

Eaten by Hunters-Badgers and their Habits-Danger of Riding on Horseback-

Mode of Killing Badgers-Notes on the Black Bear-Their Habits-The Terrible

Grizzly-Fears of the Indians on Peace River-Nearly all Carry Scars Inflicted by Bears

-Description of One Killed at the Hand Hills-Indian Woman Killed by a Grizzly—

The Cabree or Prong-Horned Antelope-Black Tailed Deer-Wapiti or American Elk,

its Distribution-The Moose-Hunting Moose an Art-Starvation on Peace River in

1875-Caribou Found in the North-Hunting on the Barren Grounds-The Rocky

Mountain Goat-Description of It-Hunting in Bow River Pass-The Big Horn or

Rocky Mountain Sheep-Measurement of their Horns-Musk Ox of the Barren

Grounds-Its general Appearance and Habits-Warmth of its Covering-The Buffalo,

its Distribution-Wood Buffalo on the Athabasca-Their Present Scarcity-Buffalo

Hunting in the Past-Mode of Camping in the Indian Country-Mode of Running

Buffalo-Exciting Scenes-The Charge, Conflict and Pursuit-The Buffalo Pound in

Former Days-How the Indians Slaughtered the Buffalo-Doctor Hector's Account-

Moles and Shrews, Rich Soil where they Are-Gophers and Prairie Dogs, their Habits

-Mode of Catching Prairie Dogs-Beaver-Stories Related of their Instinct-Con-

struction of their Dams-Beaver Houses-Their Construction-Muskrats, their Num-

bers and Habits-Character of Country they Inhabit-Muskrats as Weather Prophets

-The Foolishness of the Prophets-How the Muskrat Builds his House-Pouched

Gopher and Jumping Mice-Porcupines and their Habits-The Prairie and Woodland

Hares-Great Numbers of the Latter-Rocky Mountain Hare.

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