페이지 이미지

Whig Party-Sympathy for Douglas in the great Illinois Contest with the Repub-
licans-Speech on the Removal of the Senate into the New Chamber-Elected United
States Senator to succeed John J. Crittenden in 1862.

Page 114

His Birth, Parentage, and Education-At the Bar-Solicitor-General of the Western

District of Georgia-Georgia Bar in those Days-Sides with Jackson against Nulli-

fication-Elected to Congress-Re-elected-Supplies Drumgoole's place as Parlia

mentary Leader of the Democracy-Vinton, Stephens, Schenck, and Hudson, Whig

Leaders-Speech against the Reception of Petitions-Southern Whigs responsible

for the Growth of Northern Abolition-Free Trade-Texas Annexation-Speech on

the Mexican War-Vindicates Jefferson's Doctrines against the Federalists-Meeting

of Southern Members, and Issue of an Address-Mr. Cobb does not sign it-Issues

a Counter-Address, with Messrs. Lumpkin, of Georgia, and Boyd and Clarke, of

Kentucky-Why he did not Sign the Calhoun Address-Tribute to the Northern

Democracy-General Taylor elected-Cobb in the Opposition-Thirty-First Congress

-State of Parties in the House-Exciting Election of Speaker-The Candidates—

Combinations-Discoveries of Correspondence between Mr. Brown, of Indiana, and

Mr. Wilmot, of Pennsylvania-Election of Mr. Cobb, by Plurality Rule, over Mr.

Winthrop Duties as Speaker-Longest Congressional Session-His Labors in favor

of the Compromise Measures of 1850-Elected Governor of Georgia-Returns to his

Profession-Supports General Pierce-Re-elected to Congress-Endorses Mr. Bucha-

nan-Great Speech at West Chester, Pennsylvania-" Southern Doctrine" and

"Squatter Sovereignty"-The People of a Territory decide the Slavery Question for

themselves-In the Buchanan Cabinet-On the Slave-Trade-Lafitte & Co., of

Charleston, and the Ship "Richard Cobden"-Heads of the Treasury Department-

Secretary Cobb's Visit to New York.

Episode in the Lecompton Debate-Appearance of Senator Crittenden-Interest felt in

him-Reply to Senator Green, of Missouri-The School in which he studied-The

Oldest Senator in the Chamber-His Contemporaries-His Birth and Youth-Prac-

tises Law in Russellville-Volunteers for the War of 1812-Actively participates in

the Movements on the Wabash and Northwestern Frontier-Aide-de-Camp to Gover-

nor Shelby at the Battle of the Thames-Mentioned by General Harrison-Returns

to his Profession-In the State Legislature-Speaker-Elected to the United States

Senate-Moves the Reimbursement of Fines under the Sedition Law-Other Measures

-Moves to Frankfort, and practises Law from 1819 to 1835-Nominated by President

Quincy Adams to the United States Supreme Court-Rejected by Senate--Re-elected

to United States Senate-Opposes Calhoun and the Remission of the Jackson Fine-

Aliens and the Public Lands-Resigns the Senatorship to enter the Cabinet of Pre-

sident Harrison-Resigns on the Death of the President-Re-elected to fill Clay's

Unexpired Term-Continued in the United States Senate-Views on the Oregon,

Texas, and Mexican-War Questions-Relief for the Irish Famine-Congratulates the

French Republic-Yucatan-In Fillmore's Cabinet-Again in the United States

Senate-Opposes the Lecompton Constitution as a Southern-Rights Man-Scene in

the Senate Reply to Senator Toombs-"Crittenden-Montgomery Bill" compared

with the Senate Bill-Action on the Measures-Passage of the "English Bill”—

Desires to increase the Duties of the Tariff of 1857-On the Minnesota Senatorship-

British Aggressions, and General William Walker's Arrest by Commodore Paulding

-General Review of Senator Crittenden's Opinions-French Spoliations-Slidell's

Cuba Bill-Railroad Improvements-Speech on the Removal of the Senate to the

New Chamber-Union Speech at Chicago-Presides at the Formation of the new

Union Party-Reasons for it.


His Father Secretary of the Treasury and War of the Federal Kepublic-His Relation-

ship to Lord Byron-Born in Philadelphia-Education-Studies Law-Volunteers

for the War of 1812-Accompanies Albert Gallatin, as Secretary, to St. Petersburg-

Sent to London with Despatches by J. Q. Adams, United States Minister to Russia-

Ghent-Travels in Europe-Bears Confidential Despatches to President Madison-

Bladensburg and Washington--Dismay and Pillage-The President and the De-

spatches-Receives an Office in the Treasury-Returns to Philadelphia and the Law

-Taste for Politics-First Speech and its Results-First Solicitor of the Bank of the

United States-Deputy Attorney-General of Philadelphia-Chosen by Governor Find-

lay to defend him-Proposes Calhoun for the Vice-Presidency-Exertions in Behalf

of Jackson-Mayor of Philadelphia-District Attorney-Elected to the United States

Senate-Webster and Clay-Introduces the Memorial for the Renewal of the Bank

Charter, but will not advocate it-Exertions in Behalf of his Friend Edward Livings-

ton-Tariff-Nullification-Relations with General Jackson-Retires to his Profes-

sion-Governor Wolff appoints him Attorney-General-President Van Buren appoints

him Minister Plenipotentiary to St. Petersburg-Returns, and declines a Cabinet

Position-Elected Vice-President-His Influence on the Texas, Oregon-Boundary,

and Tariff Questions-Imposing Scene on the Passage of the Tariff Act of 1846-His

Firmness-The Result-Directs Attention to a Tehuantepec Transit-Polk and

Buchanan on that Subject-Sympathy with Irish Revolutionists in 1848-Succeeds

Mr. Buchanan as Minister to England-Complications-Dallas-Clarendon Treaty-

Resolutions of the Philadelphia Democracy nominating Mr. Dallas for the Presidency

United States Senate-Prominent Southern States-Rights Leader-On Compromise
Measures and Rights of Slavery in the Territories-Territorial Legislatures should
protect all Kinds of Property-Re-elected, but resigns to contest the Governorship
with Foote-His Defeat claimed as a Victory-In Retirement until 1852-Advocates
the Claims of Pierce-Secretary of War in the Pierce Cabinet-Useful Measures
projected by him-Re-elected to the United States Senate-Speeches at Vicksburg,
Jackson, Pass Christian, and Mississippi City-Compromise Measures-"Know-
Nothingism"-Cuba, General Walker, and an American Policy-In the Thirty-Fifth
Congress-Free Trade, Army Increase, and Repeal of the Fishing-Bounties-On the
Death of General Pinckney Henderson-Favors Lecompton-Visit to the North-His
Reception and Speeches in Maine, Massachusetts, and New York-Every Community
has the Right to choose its own Institutions-On the Pacific Railroad and French
Spoliations-Letter to the Webster Festival in Boston-Speech at Jackson City on
the Contingency for a Dissolution-On the Slave-Trade-Senator Davis in the Cham-
ber-What Quincy Adams said of his Début.


..Page 181

His Ancestors-Birth, Education, and Study for the Law-Peter D. Vroom, a Jackson

Democrat, his Pupil-Dayton a Whig-Democrats decline and Whigs rise-Dayton

elected to the Legislative Council-Governor Pennington-Reform of the County

Courts-Elected a Judge of the Supreme Court-After three years, returns to the

Bar-Appointed by Governor Pennington to fill a Vacancy in the United States

Senate Elected by the Legislature-Nine Years in the Senate-Supports the Tariff

of 1842 and the Ashburton Treaty-On Judiciary Committee-Effect of Repudiation

of State Debts on Federal Credit-President Tyler fails to negotiate a Loan in Europe

-Senator Dayton's Vindication of Federal Credit-Condemins the President's Propo-

sition-Reduced Postage and Free Circulation of Documents to Editors-Opposed in

every way to the Instruction of Members of Congress by State Legislatures-On the

Oregon-Boundary Question-Protective Tariff-Replies to Woodbury and Silas

Wright-Opposed to Texas Annexation and Secretary Walker's Non-Protective

Tariff of 1846-Against the Mexican War, but votes Supplies-Favors the Wilmot

Proviso, but disclaims Invasion of Southern Rights-Reply to Webster on the Mexi-

can Treaty-On the Clayton Compromise-Fraternity between North and South-

Petitions for Dissolution-Grinnell Expedition-First Session under Taylor's Admi-

nistration-Clay brings in the Compromise Resolutions-Admission of California-

Fugitive Slave Law-Webster's Amendment not taken up-The Constitution and

Slavery-Extension-New Mexico and Utah-Nominated for Vice-President-Attor-

ney-General of New Jersey-Declines the United States Senatorship-Frémont and

Fillmore Parties unite in New Jersey-Dayton aids the Combination.

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