페이지 이미지


Extract from the Rules adopted by the Trustees of the Library.

1. The Library shall be kept open every day when the Legislature is not in session (Sundays excepted), from 10 o'clock A. M. to 4 o'clock P. M.; when the Legislature is in session, it shall be kept open, daily, from 9 o'clock A. M. to 8 o'clock P. M., except on Sundays, when it shall be open from 9 o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock P. M.

4. All books taken from the Law Department of the Library shall be returned within five days, and all books taken from the Miscellaneous Department within ten days from the time of the taking thereof, subject, however, to renewals of said time.

5. A fine of fifty cents per day shall be imposed by the Librarian upon every person who detains a book beyond the time prescribed for each day of such detention.


From an Act prescribing Rules for the Government of the State Library, passed March 8, 1861.

SECTION 11. The Librarian shall cause to be kept a register of all books issued and returned; and all books taken by the members of the Legislature, or its officers, shall be returned at the close of the session. If any person injure or fail to return any book taken from the Library, he shall forfeit and pay to the Librarian, for the benefit of the Library, three times the value thereof; and before the Controller shall issue his warrant in favor of any member or officer of the Legislature, or of this State, for his per diem allowance or salary, he shall be satisfied that such member or officer has returned all books taken out of the Library by him, and has settled all accounts for injuring such books or otherwise.

SEC. 15. Books may be taken from the Library by the members of the Legislature and its officers during the session of the same, and at any time by the Governor and the officers of the Executive Department of this State, who are required to keep their offices at the seat of government; the Justices of the Supreme Court; the Attorney-General; and the Trustees of the Library.

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