페이지 이미지
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Mr. Northcott to Mr. Gómez.

1911. Mar. 21

Mr. Gómez to Mr. Northcott.

Mar. 24


Same to same.


Same to same..

Mar. 27
Apr. 6

Mr. Knox to Mr. Northcott (telegram).

Apr. 8

Same to same (telegram).. | Apr. 17

Mr. Wilson to Mr. North- Apr. 21 cott.


Same to same..



Mr. Northcott to Mr. Knox. Apr. 25

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Same subject. The Government of the United
States has assented to the proposal of the Nicara-
guan Government for the formation of a claims
tribunal. Recommends Thomas P. Moffat for ap-
pointment as second commissioner.

Same subject. The Government of Nicaragua will
proceed to take the necessary steps for the crea-
tion of the tribunal.

Same subject. Act of Apr. 4-May 17, 1911, approv
ing presidential decree of Mar. 29, 1911, establishing
the tribunal or mixed commission. Text.
Political affairs. Reports that political conditions
are very unsettled. Give details.
Same subject. President Estrada vetoed the consti-
tution which had been hurriedly passed by the as-
sembly, dissolved the assembly, and called for a
new election.

Same subject. Instructs to impress upon the party
leaders that a failure to stand by their agreement
might jeopardize the future of Nicaragua. This
applies especially to the approaching elections.
Settlement of foreign claims against Nicaragua.
Otto Schoenrich has been appointed a member of
the claims commission.
Political affairs. This Government is gratified that
President Estrada has been proceeding along lines
of the agreement of Oct. 27, 1910, and expects that
the financial rehabilitation and the settlement of
claims through the commission will restore peace
and prosperity in Nicaragua.

Same subject. Refers him to the above telegram as
to department's views.

Same subject. Reports departure of Gen. Emiliano
Chamorro for Salvador. Conditions continue

Same subject. The newly elected assembly con-
vened on Monday last. The President has asked
for authority to negotiate through the Govern-
ment of the United States.

Same subject. After causing the arrest of Minister
of War Mena President Estrada resigned in favor of
Vice President Díaz, who immediately released

Same to same (telegram)......do..... Settlement of foreign claims against Nicaragua.

Reports arrival of Judge Schoenrich and departure
of Moffat.














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Same subject. Reports rumors of a contemplated
uprising. Requests that a war vessel be stationed
at Corinto.

Same subject. A plot supported by Zelaya has been
discovered. The President requests that a war
vessel patrol the coast and watch for filibuster that
left San Francisco some time ago.
Same subject. The fort overlooking Managua blew
up to-day. The President of Honduras advises
that the filibuster Eureka left Salina Cruz with a
cargo of arms.
Same subject. Instructs to inform the Díaz Gov-
ernment that the United States will continue to
support it in so far as it properly may. A war
vessel has been ordered to watch for the reported

Same subject. It is reported that the Eureka
landed arms on some island in the gulf. The
Nicaraguan Government desires that the Govern-
ment of Salvador intercept them.
Same subject. Instructs to send the above infor-
mation to the legation at San Salvador and to the

Mr. Northcott to Mr. Knox....do.... Same subject. Reports conversation between him

Same to same (telegram)... June 9 Mr. Knox to Mr. Northcott June 26 (telegram).

self and President Díaz and incloses an agreement
between Diaz and Mena.

Same subject. Urgently requests that the York-
town remain at Corinto at least two weeks.
Settlement of foreign claims against Nicaragua.
The department desires certain modifications in
the decree establishing the claims commission.









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| Mr. Gunther to Mr. Knox July 29 telegram

Same to same (telegram).. July 30 Same to same (telegram)... Aug. 1 Same to same (telegram)....... Aug. 7 113 Same to same..




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Fare LIS Kerns the departure of a recen
JACHT. With semas treen GUİNİQAD
Sestrenet O KTEILE CLA scanst Nesca
*2* væk present. NicaragAZ ÖZVEZDI
Were DESTRed because the decree jøovides for ide
CSONYUSUKE ATA ATLIDEna di cotaracts and con-
DESSINS IT exocutive decree
Same subject. No more than three contracts or
Outcessions are ounstucted legal or unOORSTAIN
DEA Requests further instructions.
Same so yect Retkets that the substance of
department's tel:crum of Jane 25 has leaked out.
and has produced considerábie SeCATIOM
Same sutees. Expusing the sillade of the depart- 1
and mstricts him to explain it to the
Nicaraguan Government.
Same sut Jeet. Fresident Mat, Mena, and the
Nicaraguan member of the commission hare
screed to the modifications proposed by the
department, but desire postponement of sabmis-

SC & Sme to the ar

Folitical airs Reports that a revolution is set
for July 25.
Settlement of foreign claims against Nicaragua.
Department agrees to postponement of mociñca-

tions of decree.

Same subject. Transmits amendatory decree
worded as President Diar is willing to approve it.
Politicsi afairs. Reports his endeavors to mediate
between Diaz and Mena.

Same subject. Reports complete reconciliation
between Par and Mena.
Settlement of foreign claims against Nicaragua
Confirmation copy of the amendatory decree.
Political affairs. Reports conversations with Gen.
Mena who is anxious to be elected President by
the assembly in contravention of the constitution.
Same to same (telegram)... Sept. 23 Settlement of foreign claims against Nicaragua.

Sept. 5


enable him to submit the mixed claims commis-
sion decree to the assembly President Dias hopes
the department will soon place him in position
to do so.

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Gunther' Sept. 25 Same subject. The Spanish text of the amendments
submitted in legation's No. 101, of Aug. 7, is en-
tirely satisfactory to the department.

Mr. Gunther to Mr. Knox Sept. 28 Same subject. The President will seize the first

opportunity to submit the amendatory decree to
the assembly. The opposition to the loan contract
is becoming more determined and dangerous prop-
aganda is being conducted against the loan.

Same to same (telegram). Sept. 29 Political affairs. President Diaz requests me to state

that the tacit consent of the department to theelec-
tion of Mena by the assembly for the four-year con-
stitutional term would result in the immediate ap-
proval of the loan and mixed commission matters.

Mr. Adee to Mr. Gunther... Sept. 30 Same subject. The ratification of the pending loan

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contracts and the amendatory mixed commission
decree should be disposed of before any political
matter can be taken up by the department.
Same subject. The loan contracts will be sent to the
assembly to-day.

Oct. 5 Same subject. The loan and claims commission
matters should be disposed of before consideration
of political matters which should not be discussed

Mr. Adee to Mr. Reid...... Oct. 10

Mr. Gunther to Mr. Knox.. Oct. 26

Settlement of foreign claims against Nicaragua. In-
closes copy of an instruction to the legation at
Madrid, giving the attitude of the department in
regard to the Nicaraguan claims commission.
Political affairs. Advises that the assembly elected
Gen. Luis Mena as President and Fernando Solor-
zano as Vice President.

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Same to same /telegram)... Nov. I

Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox telegram).

Nov. 2

Mr. Gunther to Mr. Knox (telegram).

Settlement of foreign claims against Nicaragua. In-
cioses certified copy of the amendatory decree of
the mixed commission as approved by the

assem y.

Political affairs. President Díaz desires to be in-
formed of the attitude of the department concern-
ing the election of Mena as President.
Settlement of foreign claims against Nicaragus. The
British (creign office places ac obstacle in the way
of British claimants who present their claims be-
fore the commission, but does not accept the com-
mission as a bar tɔ diplomatic intervention.
Nov. 6 Same subject. The President has been informed by
the German Legation that the German Govern-
ment does not recognize the mixed commission.
Same subject. The Nicaraguan Government has
declared the commissionership held by Mr. Modat
vacant and requests appointment of a new com-

Mr. Castrillo to Mr. Knox.. Nov. 7

Mr. Knox to Mr. Gunther Nov. 10 (telegram).

Mr. Gunther to Mr. Knox Nov. 17 (telegram).

Same to same telegram)... Nov. 18

Mr. Knox to Mr. Gunther (telegram).

Nov. 20

Mr. Gunther to Mr. Knox (telegram).

Nov. 28

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Gunther (telegram).



Same to same (telegram)... 152 Mr. Gunther to Mr. Knox...

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Same suject. If the Nicaraguan Government de-
cides that European claimants must exhaust legal
remedies afforded by the Nicaraguan tribunals the
department believes that international law and
practice furnish ampie precedents therefor.
Same subject. Referring to the above telegram.
The President hesitates to take the initiative by
sending a circular note to the interested powers
until he is assured of the support of the United

Political affairs. Asks whether he is to call attention
to the failure of the assembly to call for a presi-
dential election under the constitution.
Same subject. The currency experts, collector of
general customs, and assistants will leave here
before Dec. 1. The assembly may wish to remain
in session until after their arrival.
Settlement of foreign claims against Nicaragua.
German and Italian claimants have withdrawn
their claims from the commission.

Same subject. Refers to department's telegram of
Nov. 10 as a guide regarding the treatment of
European claims.

do.... Same subject. Mr. Arthur R. Thompson is proposed
as successor to Moffat on the claims commission.
Political affairs. The assembly has completed the
constitution and will remain in session as a legis-


13 Mr. Knox to Mr. Castrillo..! Dec.

5 Settlement of foreign claims against Nicaragua. Mr.
Arthur B. Thompson has been nominated for ap-
pointment as successor to Moffat on the Nicara-
guan claims commission.















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Same subject. Incloses copy of an identic note of the
Nicaraguan Government to the interested powers
advising them of the establishmnet of the claims

Same to same (telegram)... Dec. 18 Political affairs. It is reported from Costa Rica that

Same to same (telegram)... Dec. 21

Mr Knox to Mr. Gunther Dec. 23

exiled Zelavistas headed by Irias and supple-
mented by Estrada Cabrera are about to move
against Nicaragua.

Same subject. Incloses a translation of a letter from
President Diaz reciting the difficulties confronting
Nicaragua and signifying his intention to conclude
a treaty with the Government of the United States,
permitting that Government to intervene in the
internal affairs of Nicaragua in order to maintain
peace and a lawful government.
Same subject. Instructs him to express to President
Diaz the department's gratification for his spirit of
confidence in the good faith of the United States.
His suggestion will be given deep and careful con-




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Mr. Bryn to Mr. Knox..... Mar. 20 Interpretation of the naturalization convention of

1869 between the United States and Sweden and
Norway. Asks to be informed whether this Gov-
ernment accepts the interpretation of Article III
that the two years' stay in the original country
shall be considered to be only a term, after the expi-
ration of which the person concerned shall be
deemed to have renounced his American citizen-



Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryn..... Mar. 29

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Mirza Ali Kuli Khan to Mr.

1910. Dec. 28


Mr. Knox to Mirza Ali Kuli


Mirza Ali Kuli Kahn to Mr.
Mr. Knox to Mirza Ali Kuli

Jan. 5
Feb. 17
Feb. 24



Employment by Persia of American experts as finan-
cial assistants. Transmits copy of a telegram from
the Persian minister for foreign affairs requesting
department's assistance in engaging financial ex-

Same subject. The request contained in above note
is receiving the consideration of the department.
Same subject. Gives list of experts engaged and the
terms and conditions of the engagements.
Same subject. The department hopes that the serv-
ices rendered by the American advisers will be of
material assistance to the Persian Empire.

Mr. Russell to Mr. Knox... May 24 Same subject. Reports arrival of the American fi

Same to same.......
June 13
Mr. Adee to Mr. Russell July 31






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Same subject. Reports that Russian, German, and
Italian diplomatic officers are trying to prevent
Shuster's success.

Nov. 25 Same subject. Incloses a translation of a telegram
from the Persian minister for foreign affairs stating
that various activities of Mr. Shuster, treasurer
general of Persia, are complained of by the Russian
Government and have involved the Persian Gov-
ernment in difficulties, and requesting the view of
this Government in the matter.



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Same to same (telegram)......... June 6

Mr. Lorillard to Mr. Knox June 7 (telegram).

Proclamation of the Republic of Portugal. Recog-
nition by the United States. The minister for
foreign affairs hopes that the United States will
encourage the infant republic by early recognition.
Same subject. The attitude of this Government
toward the new Government of Portugal is one of
Same subject.

benevolent exstruct

him to inform the minis-
ter for foreign affairs of the official recognition of
the new Government of Portugal by the Govern-
ment of the United States as soon as the Constitu-
ent Assembly has expressed the voice of the

Same subject. Asks whether the proclamation of
the Republic by the assembly means definite and
final action.

Mr. Knox to Mr. Lorillard...do.... Same subject. Instructs to recognize the Repub-

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lic of Portugal as soon as it may be officially pro-
claimed by the Constituent Assembly.
Same subject. The Government of the Republic
has been recognized to-day by the Government
of the United States, the first of the great powers
to do so.

Same subject. Incloses copy of the proclamation of
the Republic by the Constituent Assembly and
his note of recognition.







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Mr. Alte to Mr. Knox.

..do.... Same subject. Advises that the Constituent As-
sembly adopted a republican form of government
for Portugal.


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