tain Crawford of the Mary Anne, and ordered him to pilot her into the first British port, with an intention, it is faid, of delivering up the vessel to Government, and entering themselves volunteers on Board the British navy. On her arrival in the Road, the mutineers hoifted the British over the Dutch flag, and fired a Royal falute; they then brought their officers on shore, and have fince affifted in removing their ammunition and warlike stores on board of one of his Majefty's cutters. June 16. This morning, a duel was fought in the neighbourhood of Edin burgh, betwixt Major Crichton and Mr Bennet furgeon in Edinburgh; when the Major was unfortunately shot through the body, the ball having penetrated near his breast, and come out at his back. It is with pleasure we add, that great hopes are entertained of his recovery. BIRTHS. May 6. The lady of Alexander Allars dyce, Efq. of Dunnottar, M. P. for Aberdeen, a daughter at Aberdeen. 9. Mrs Grant of Congalton, a fon. 16. The Right Hon. Lady Balgonie, a daughter, at Balgony, Fifeshire. 20. At Bradford-hall, Worcester-shire, the lady of Lieut.-Colonel M'Donell of Lochgary, a daughter. 22. Mrs Richardfon of Keithock, a fon. 23. Mrs Wemyss of Wemyss, a fon. June 7. Mrs M'Kenzie, younger of Applecross, a fon. ter. 8. Mrs Stothart of Cargen, a daugh 9. Mrs Glaffell of Long Niddry, a daughter. 12. Mrs Smith, fpouse of the Rev. Mr Smith, a daughter at Muffelburgh. 16. The lady of Sir John Sinclair of Ubfter, Bart. a daughter. Mrs Lockhart, wife of Mr Walter Lockhart, writer in Edinburgh, a daughter. -. Mrs Brown, North-Caflle Street, a fon. MARRIAGES. At Lambeth Palace, George Wright, Efq. only fon of Sir James Wright, Bart. to Miss M'Lane, only daughter and fole heiress to the late Charles M'Lane, Efq. of Oakhampton in Berks, with a fortune of so,oool. At London, Nathaniel Bishop, Efq. of Gloucester-Place, to Miss Mary Elizabeth Douglas, daughter of the late Sir James Douglas. At Dublin, Daniel Corneille, Efq. to Mifs Stewart, daughter of Charles Ross Stewart, Efq. of the East India Company's 'ervice. At London, John M'Kenzie, Efq. of King's-Arms-Yard, Coleman-ftreet, to Miss Vandam, of Guildford-street.. At Dumbarton Cattle, Mr John Turnbull. jun. of Cordale, to Miss Robertson, daughter to Captain Robertfon of that place. Sir Hector M'Kenzie of Gairloch, Bart. to Miss Chriftian Henderfon. At Aberdeen, Mr. Robert Gordon, Craighead, to Mils Janet Wright, niece to the late Dr Garrow. May 17. At Invernetrie, William Forrefter, Eiq. of Culmore, Captain in the ad battalion of the 4th Fencible regt. to Miss Gordon, daughter of Alex. Gordon, Esq. of Invernettie. 20. At Edinburgh, Jas. Pierfon, Efq. eldeft fon of James Pierson, Esq. of Abington, Cambridgeshire, to Mifs Margaret Ouchterlony, fecond daughter of the deceased John Ouchteriony, Efq. of Guvnd. June 2. At Borrowstounness, Mr Jas. Taylor, jun. Sheriff-Clerk of Linlithgow; to Miss Janet Hart, youngest daughter to Mr Robert Hart, merchant in Borrowhounness. 6. At Rosemount, Ayrshire, Robert Caldwell, Efq. to Miss Hunter of Hunterftone. -. At Paifley, Mr Ebenezer Richardfon, manufacturer in Glasgow, to Mils Agnes Carfwell, daughter of Mr Robert Carfwell, manufacturer in Paifley. 7. At Perth, Daniel M'Farlane, faddler, Perth, to Miss Margaret Renney, daughter of the late Captain Renney, of Forebank, by Dundee. 9. Mr Peter Jamiefon, of Kingsflon, in Jamaica, to Miss Barbara French, daughter of the late Mr John French, advocate in Aberdeen. 13. At London, Lieut: Colonel Alex. Graham, of Duchray, to Miss Moncrief of Sauchope. -. At Glasgow, Mr Wm. Cuthell; mercht. to Mifs Christian Farie, daughter of Mr Robert Farie, bookfeller. - Mr John Lamb, inerchant in Glafgow, to Miss Janet M Cormick, daughter of the deceased Mr Wm. M-Cormick, merchant. 14. At Lethen House, Lewis Dunbar, Efq. of Grange, to Miss Sophia Brodie, fecond daughter of the deceated Alexander Brodie, Efq. of Lethen. 3 Pa 17. Henry William Hardy, Elq. to Mifs 1 Mifs Eleanor Douglas, youngest daughter of the late Dr Erskine Douglas, and niece of the late Sir John Douglas of Kelhead, Bart. DEATHS. At Hyderabad, 14th OA. laft, Lieut. William Steuart, of the Royal Eftablishment, youngest fon of Mr James Steuart writer in Edinburgh; a gentleman whofe excellent talents were exerted during a long course of official duty, to the benefit of his employers, and whose pri'vate virtues, and endearing qualities, have rendered his loss a fubject of regret to the public; and of fincere forrow to his friends. Lieutenant Steuart was for fome years attached to the Residency with Madajee Sindia, and, fince the middle of the year 1790, has served as afsistant to the Refident at the court of the Nizam; in which stations his abilities, natural and acquired; and his knowledge of the politics and languages of Hindostan, enabled him to fulfil his duty with credit to himself and advantage to the public interests. As a furveyor, his merit was confpicuous, and in particular, his furvey of the rout from Agra to Hyderabad through paths till then unexplored, has proved a valuable acquisition to the Geography of India. His conduct in every fituation, whether referred to a public or private life, obtained him the approbation of his fuperiors, the respect and affection of his acquaintances; an uncommon liberality of mind, joined to manners the most amiable; and an ardent attachment to the friends of his choice, will ever endear to them his memory, and keep alive in their minds the fincereft forrow for his lofs. Calcutta Monthly Journal. OF. 1795. At Charlestown, S. Carolina, Mr Edw. Jaffiray, manufacturer in Glafgow, third fon-in Dec. at Charlestown, South Carolina, Mr James Jaffray, fecond fon-and in Jan. 1796, at London, Mr John Jaffray, eldest fon, of Provost Jaffray, Stirling. At Fort Monghir, Mr James Clidsdale, assistant furgeon in the East India Company's service in Bengal. Nov. At the Physician General's Houfe, after a short but fevere illness, Dr Andrew Ponton, furgeon in the Hon. Company's service. A young man much and fincerely lamented; whose humanity and attention, in the line of his profeffion, warmth of heart, and strict principles of honour and probity, had gained him the esteem of all who knew him. Dr Ponton was fon of Mr Alex ander Ponton, architect. Madras Gaz. Feb.10. 1796. At Martinico, Lieut. Rois Gillespie, of General White's regiment, fixth lon to Dr Thomas Gillespie, physician in Edinburgh. March 6. At Martinique, Mr Francis Hart, furgeon. 18. On his passage from Cork to the Weft Indies, Jas. Smith Baillie, younger of Dochfour, Lieut. Col. of the 99th regiment of foot. Lately at Pondicherry, where he cammanded, Lieut. Col. Stirling of the 74th regiment. On his paffage to Barbadoes, Mr Jas. Smollet, Mate of the Phoenix East Indiaman, fourth fon of Alexander Smollet, Elq. of Bonhili. April 14. At Edinburgh, Mrs Elliot, widow of Mr William Elliot of Woollee, writer in Edinburgh. -. At his house in Chapel-ftreet, Me Alexander Palmer, aged 83. 15. At Fenwick, Mrs Dewar, wife of the Rev. Mr James Dewar, minifter in that place. At Perth, Mrs Jean Richardson, wife to Mr John Rofs, merchant. 16. At Aberdeen, Mr David Ogilvie of the Royal Navy. -. At Perth, Mr James Marshall, junior, manufacturer. →After a short illness, aged tro years, Mrs. Mary Turner of Church-Linch, Worchestershire. -. At his house in London, the Right Hon. James Lord Somerville. His Lordship was one of the Sixteen Representatives of the Scots Peerage in Scotland, and a Bachelor. He fucceeded his father in 1766, and is fucceeded by his nephew, who will be the fifteenth Lord Somerville. Their ancestor came over with the Conqueror, and at one period enjoyed very large estates both in Scotland and England. Their progenitor was the famous Sir Philip de Somerville, proprietor of the lordship of Whitchnour, whe bequeathed a flitch of bacon to every husband and wife in the manor who could say they had no difference for a year and a day after marriage; and at this day the claim is often made at Whitchnour House. -. At Mansfield, the Rev. Mr Robert Buchanan, one of the minifters of Lesmahago, of a short illness, in the 72d year year of his age, and aist of his miniftry in that parish. April 18. At Stromness, Mr Jeremiah Sinclair, shipmaster. 20. At Edinburgh, Geo. Douglas, Esq. 22. At Cullen, Mrs Margaret Hay, widow of Mr John Forbes, late minister at Deer. -. At London, after a short illness, Mr David Walker, late of Montrofe. 23. At the Manfe of Kippen, Mrs Christian Innes, wife of the Rev. John Campbell, minifter of Kippen. -. At Edinburgh, Mr John Johnstone, wine-merchant. 24. Mifs Sarah Hamilton, daughter of the late Rev. William Hamilton, minifter of Douglas. 26. At Craigcrook, Mr David Allan, farmer. 27. At Tain, Bailie George Miller, merchant there. 30. At Edinburgh, Mrs Gray, widow of Alexander Gray, Efq. of Overskibo. Alexander Fer Fergusson, Efq. advocate, unfortunately killed on the road from Duinfries to Craigdarroch, by the overturning of the carriage. -. At the House of Cartsburrn, Mrs Chriftian Crawfurd, of Crawfurdsburn, in the 91st year of her age. -. At his House, London, Geo. Anderfon, Efq. accountant to the East India Board of Controul. May 1. At Edinburgh, Mrs Agnes Barclay, widow of the late Wm. Grainger, Efq. of Warrifton, At his house at Limpfton, David Carnegie, Eiq. late in the service of the Hon. East India Company. 2. At Huntly in the 19th year of her age, Miss Forsyth, eldest daughter of Al. Forsyth, Efq. late merchant in Huntly. -At Hope-Park, after a short illness, James Ogilvy, Efq. deputy receiver-general of the Customs. 3. At Edinburgh, John Ruffel, Esq. clerk to the fignet. -. At Letham, near Hadington, Mrs Dawkins. -. Alexander Pott, Efq. of Borthwickshiels, late furgeon in the hospital, West Indies. 4. At Aberdeen, Hary Lumsden, Efq. of Auchindoir. -. Mr William Watson, sen. manufacturer urer at Glasgow. 5. At Blackadder, Miss Mary Bofwell. -. At Tooting, near London, MrJas. Veitch of Elliock. 6. At Edinburgh, Samuel Charters, Efq. late folicitor to the Customs. 9. At Newton, Enfign Philip Thomson, second son of Colonel Thomson of Charleton. - At the Cottage of Linclouden, Miss Margaret Maitland of Eccles. -. At Corstorphine, Mits Ann Auftin, daughter of the late Hugh Austin, Efq. of Burdwan, Bengal. Mrs Jean Rofs, wife of the Rev. Mr Jofeph Taylor, minifter of the gofpel at Watten. १० 11. At Glasgow, Mr Alex. Grindlay, merchant, 13. At his houfe at Drumsheugh, aged feventy-three years, the Hon. Jas. Erfkine of Alva, one of the Senators of the College of Justice. In the year 1748, he was appointed Sheriff-depute of Perthshire, upon the abolition of the heritable jurifdictions; in 1754 he was made a Baron of Exchequer, and in 1761 a Lord of Seffion. 14. At Edenside, Mrs Agnes Martine, daughter of the deceased James Martine, of Clermont, Efq. -. At Edinburgh, the Hon. Miss Marianne Sempill, daughter of the deceafed Hugh Lord Sempill. -. At Waterton of Stonywood, Mr Alexander Smith paper-manufacturer. -. At Edinburgh, Mr William Ainflie, faddler, 16. At Geife, in the county of Caithnefs, George Sinclair, Elq. aged 76. 19. At Ballyshannon, J. Campbell, Efq. 21. At Canalbank, Mrs Grizel Baillie, daughter of Hugh Baillie, Efq. late of Monkton. -As Edinburgh, Mrs Calderwood Durham of Largo. 22. Mr Archibald McGilchrift, youngest son of the late Arch. M'Gilchrift, Efq. town clerk of Glasgow. At Old Hamstocks, the Rev. Me John Cochrane, minifter of the gofpel. At Balfiuig, John Burnet, fon of William Burnet, late in Whitewell. 23. At Edinburgh, after a firort illness, the Right Hon. Primrose Lady Lovat, at the age of eighty-fix: -. At the Hot Wells, Bristol, where he had gone for the recovery of his health, health, Arthur Nicolson, Esq. younger May 23. Alexander Laurie, Efq. of -. At Edinburgh, Miss Chriftian Gar- 25. At Edinburgh, Mrs Smith, relict 26. At Jedburgh, Mr William Chif- -. At Glasgow, Mr Andrew Craig, 27. At Poplar, Angus M'Nab, Esq. -. At Preston, West Lothian, Mar- Dr Alexander Eafon, physician in advocate. -. At Spring Garden, near Ayr, Mifs 31. At Edinburgh, Mr Alexander -- At Carntyne, John Gray, Esq. in - -- At Cairnhill, John Nisbet, Esq. 64th year of his age, the Right Hons June 2. Mr Thomas Pringle, cabinet- -. Mrs Elizabeth Orr, wife of Mr -. At Morningside, Mr Thomas Rat- -. At Woodfide, near Paifley, Mrs 3. At Edinburgh, Mrs Bell, widow -. At his house, Tobago Street, in 5. At Gullen, East Lothian, suddenly, -. At Glasgow, Mrs Margaret Watt, At Inverleithen Manse, the Rev. 6. At Leith, Mrs Isobella Patison, wife -. Adam Paterson, merchant in Dun- 8. Miss Chriftian Hutchison, daughter 9. At Leith, Mr James Pinkerton, -. At Glasgow, Mrs Agnes Halybur- II. At Cocklick, Agnes Gordon, fpoufe 12. The Lady of Sir Henry Hay Mak- -. At Edinburgh, Mr William Cư 13. Mrs Margaret Bonnar, wife of A- 14. At Craigston, William Urquhart 16. At Edinburgh, Mr Thomas Grant, -. At Greenholme, Mrs Helen Sellers, OF THE EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, New Series; 1 From January to June, (inclusive,) 1796. LITERATURE, SCIENCE, ARTS, HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, POLITICS, &c. A GRICULTURAL Extracts, Page 29, 93, 330 Artois, Count de, arrives at Leith, 76 Annual Registers, account of, 187 Arts and Sciences, in France, New A- Farms, observations on large, 367 475 |