페이지 이미지

On the discovery of the robbery, Mr. Clairat
applied to the city detective police, and advertised
his loss in the daily papers, and likewise in the
Pawnbrokers' Gazette. The flute cost thirty
guineas. Mr. Harold, on purchasing the instru-
ment, finding it wanted repairing, took it to the
maker, Mr. Clinton, of Percy-street, who recog-
nised the flute as the only one of that description
made by him, and immediately informed Mr.
Clairat of the circumstance. Mr. Clairat placed
the matter in the hands of Detective-officer Smart,
who traced it as having been pawned at Mr. Atten-
borough's, No. 72, Strand, on the afternoon of the
day of its being stolen, and subsequently sent to
Messrs. Debenham's for sale at a public auction,
where it was purchased by Mr. Watson. The
Judge stated that, as the flute was distinctly [NOTE.-This department of the LAW TIMES being open to
proved to be stolen property, it must be given up,
and the 111. be paid to Mr. Harold, with costs.

the Court of Queen's Bench, under the provisions
of 11 & 12 Vict. c. 44. I am therefore of opinion
that the present application must be refused.
Tidswell said that his client's application to the
Court of Bankruptcy was in consequence of inti-
mation from the magistrates that they considered
the question to be within the jurisdiction of the
Court of Bankruptcy.


His HONOUR repeated that no case had been made out for the interference of the Court of Bankruptcy.



free discussion on all professional topics, the Editor is not responsible for any opinions or statements contained in it.] PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION FOR ARTICLED CLERKS.-I intend presenting myself shortly for the preliminary examination, but see no pros pect of being articled to a solicitor for several years. Supposing I successfully pass the preliminary examination now, can I be articled five or ten


C. G.

LAW STUDENTSHIP.-Can any one inform me where I can obtain particulars as to the law studentships given by the Council of Legal Education, and the exhibitions given by the Inns of Court? Can articled clerks compete for both or either of these ?

[Only Bar students can compete.

steward, Lincoln's-inn.-ED.]

NOTES OF NEW DECISIONS. BANKRUPTCY LANDLORD AND TENANT ELECTION BY ASSIGNEES.-R. held of the plain-years hence ? tiff, as tenant from year to year, two farms, the one from 29th Sept. 1864, the other from 29th March 1865, and became bankrupt in Aug. 1866. R.'s assignees then took possession of the farms, and certain disputes having arisen between them and the landlord as to the observance of the terms on which R. held the farms, the assignees refused, in Oct. and Nov. 1866, to allow the landlord to enter on the farms for the purpose of cultivating them, or for any other purpose, and sold the feed of parts of the farms up to Christmas 1866, and did not deliver up possession of the one farm till March 1867, or of the other till Dec. 1866. The assignees having refused to pay rent after Sept. 1866, and having neglected to cultivate the farms, on a case empowering the court to draw inferences of fact: Held, that the assignees by their conduct must be taken to have elected to take the farms, and consequently that they were liable for the rent owing up to the time of their delivering up possession, and for the damage caused by their neglect to cultivate the farms: (Bradshaw v. James, 20 L. T. Rep. N. S. 781. Q. B.)

Wednesday, June 30.


The B. A. 1861-Suspension of proceedings in bankruptcy under sect. 110.-Parochial rates. The court has no jurisdiction to order payment of rates in full where the assignees have divested themselves of the estate in favour of the bankrupt, and where he has obtained his order of discharge.


query, appear to be so contrary to common sense, and to be referable to no well-known principle, that I should be glad to know what authorities he can adduce in support. That he can adduce sufficient authorities I do not doubt, as his opinion is expressed with such confidence, but in the mean time may I venture to say that I know of none, and that my views coincide with those of "E. H. B.," viz., that the child must be legally regarded as the child of the first husband. It is true that where a child is born after marriage, that could not possibly have been conceived in wedlock, it is in law considered as the child of the husband; but the principle on which it is so considered is by no means applicable to the present case. It is, however, the only one I can think of as tending to lead "W. H. F." to M. E. S. the opinion he has expressed.

(Q. 44.) APPOINTMENT OF NEW TRUSTEES-EXERCISE OF POWER.-I do not agree with "W. H. F." and "J. P." in the opinion they come to herein. Stone v. Rowton, 17 Beav. 308; 1 Eq. R. 427, is clearly applicable to the case here submitted. If the power had been properly followed the surviving trustee should have and the trustee so appointed should then have appointed appointed a trustee in the place of the deceased trustee, a trustee in the place of the surviving trustee on his declining to act. Is it not necessary in order to give a retiring trustee power to appoint in his own place to add the words "for this purpose a retiring trustee shall effect? I should like to be informed whether in Hadley be considered a continuing trustee," or words to that v. Hadley, quoted by " J. P.," words to that effect are not contained in that power. The enabling words are altogether wanting in the case stated by "Querist," and I believe their absence is fatal to the appointment

purporting to have been made by the retiring trustee.

W. S.

Apply to the that after A. had renounced, B. appointed D. as sole

in difficulties, proposes to pay his creditors a
DEED OF ARRANGEMENT.-A., finding himself
composition. His liabilities amount to about 401.,
and there cannot be any assent required to the
deed as there are no debts amounting to 101. and
upwards, the largest one being 97. I shall be glad
if some of your readers will inform me through
the columns of your journal whether the deed can
be registered under the Bankruptcy Act, and, if
so, whether the same steps (save the list of cre-
ditors over 101.) must be taken as in the case of
an ordinary deed.

Burslem, July 12, 1869.

[N.B.-None are inserted unless the name and address of the
writers are sent, not necessarily for publication, but as a
guarantee for bona fides.]


55. FREIGHT-BROKERAGE.-A shipbroker takes a captain to a merchant, who offers him a freight of 168. per ton for a certain voyage, which he declines. Subsequently another broker offers him 16s. 6d. for the same voyage, which he accepts, and this broker draws up a charter-party, which is signed by the merchant aforesaid, the captain and broker. The difference in freight between 168. and 168. 6d. the broker makes good out of mentioned broker for commission on freight, on the his own pocket. The captain is now sued by the firstground, it is presumed, of being the first to introduce the captain to the merchant. I should be obliged by the opinion of some of your readers, citing cases if possible, as to the validity of the claim. It should also said merchant, at the captain's request, and obtained be stated that a third broker had previously been to the the offer of the said freight, but the captain did not accompany this broker to the merchant's office. It is customary to allow one-third of the brokerage to the merchant and one-third to the captain or owner. Can the broker claim more than his share?


X. Y.

Motion in this case was made to the court on the 23rd inst., and judgment reserved till this day. His HONOUR said: In this case an application has been made by Mr. Tidswell on behalf of the collector of the extra-parochial district of Toxtethpark, for leave from this court to apply to the justices sitting in petty sessions for a warrant of distress on the goods of the bankrupt, in satisfaction of a claim for 781. 15s. due for poor rates to the overseers of the said district. It appears by the file of proceedings, that a proof for 871. 3s. 9d. was duly made by the collector on the 7th Oct. 1868. On the 20th of Oct. 1868, proceedings in bankruptcy were suspended under the provisions of sect. 110, Bankruptcy Act 1861. Subsequently, on the 30th Dec. 1868, an order was made by Mr. Registrar Lee, duly acting as deputy for the commissioner of this court, in the terms of sect. 156, Bankruptcy Act 1861, for payment of 781. 158. being poor rates in full. It was forcibly argued by Mr. Tidswell, on the authority of the judgment of Mr. Commissioner Bacon in Ex parte St. Andrews, Holborn, 20 L. T. Rep. N. S. 281, that it was not in the power of a debtor executing a deed of assignment or composition to escape from the conditions which gave to certain public burdens a priority over the claims of creditors; but I am of opinion that it is unnecessary for me to review either the facts or the numerous decisions to which I was referred, as Mr. Tidswell has failed to satisfy me that there is any ground for the interference of this court. The leave of the court is indisputably necessary in the case of deeds of arrangement under sect. 198 (Bankruptcy Act 1861), but there is no provision of a like description applicable to liquidation or composition under sect. 110. The representative of the parish officers must apply to the justices in petty sessions for a warrant of distress in the ordinary way. That tribunal will decide all questions both of law and fact; and if the overseers be dissatisfied with the decision of the justices, they have Q. 41.) MARRIED WOMAN-REAL PROPERTY.-The an opportunity of appeal by applying for a rule in views expressed by "W. H. F.," in answer to this

I must beg leave to differ from "W. H. F." and "J. P." on the point raised in this query, in spite of the assertion of the former that "there can be no doubt" on the subject. It appears from the statement of facts trustee in his own stead and retired. Now the words of the power, so far as material, are, that in case either of the trustees should renounce, it should be lawful for the surviving or continuing trustee to appoint a fit person in the place of the trustee so renouncing. appointment of a new trustee in the place of B., and Evidently then the power is not well exercised by the that is the first flaw in the exercise of the power. Again, the power is vested in the "surviving or continuing trustee." A. having renounced, I think that his subsequent death cannot be taken into account, and that B. cannot be called the surviving trustee within be called a continuing trustee, and the appointment the meaning of the power. Neither can B. if he retire made by him is consequently invalid. He should first have appointed a new trustee in the place of A., and then if he wished to retire, the new trustee might, as the continuing trustee, have appointed another trustee in his stead. Upon this point the case is on all-fours with Travis v. Illingworth, 34 L. J. 665, Ch. The cases quoted by "J. P.," are not precisely applicable to, and cannot govern, the present. In Camoys v. Best, 19 Beav. 414, the power was vested in the surviving or continuing or other trustee, and the decision rested on the force of the words "other trustee." In Hadley v. Hadley, 5 De G. & S. 67, the words were "acting trustee," and it was held that a trustee would come under that denomination, if he merely acted by appointing another trustee and then retired. A third flaw in the appointment is, in my opinion, the appointment of a sole trustee, which, I think, is not warranted by the power. The words of the power, so far as material, are "To appoint any fit person or persons in the place of doing violence to the natural meaning of the words, I do the trustee or trustees so dying," &c., and without not see how the expression can be construed otherwise than as if it were "to appoint a fit person in the place of the trustee, or fit persons in the place of the trustees so dying," &c. Moreover, the intention of the settlor to sanction a departure from the original number of trustees must be clearly expressed: (Stones v. Rowton, 22 L. J. 975, Ch.), and the most that can be said here is, grounds above stated, I am of opinion that the power that there is a doubt on the point. On the three was not well exercised, and that "D." can make no title. M. E. S.


Selwyn's Abridgment of the Law of Nisi Prius.
Thirteenth Edition. By DAVID KEANE, Q.C.
and CHARLES P. SMITH, M.A. London:
Stevens and Sons.

(Q. 30.) APPRENTICESHIP.-"W. H. F." appears to have confined his attention to the interpretat caute To the lawyers of the last generation there was of the Act of 1867, and to have considered neither the no better known book than Selwyn's Nisi Prius; rest of the Act nor the previous enactments which for it was on the shelf of every office, in every bag at the time it supersedes. Now, if he will read the very the assizes. By reason of its alphabetical arrangenext section (sect. 3) he will find that the Act is ex-ment, its abundant information was readily pressly confined to the scope of certain existing enactments; and this being so, there can be no grounds for contending that the common law right in question, if unaffected by those enactments, is affected by the Act of 1867. Apparently the sole ground on which "W. H. F." bases his opinion is that by the interpretation clause the word "employed" shall include apprentices, whether I do not see what that has to do with the question; but, under the age of twenty-one or above that age. I confess taking the argument for what it is worth, "W. F. H.' will find in studying the previous enactment, that refractory infant apprentices were as liable to be punished before 1867 as they are now, and that in this respect there is nothing to distinguish this Act from its predecessors. Irrespective of sect. 3, I can see nothing in the Act from which even a vague inference can be drawn that it was intended to abolish the right in question, beside which, I think that the right is of such a character, and depends upon such broad principles, that nothing short of an express enactment can disturb it.

M. E. S.

accessible; it had no rival; it formed, in fact, the portable law library of the practitioner. How it come to lose any portion of its popularity it would be hard to say, for, though it had rivals, none of them approached it in accuracy. not supply more plentiful law to compensate Stephens's book, greatly exceeding it in size, did for its increased bulkiness. Perhaps it was that the changes in the law were so rapid that it it was found to be impossible to keep pace with them, and that scarcely was copy" ready for the press before law reforms completed or announced forbade the costly process of printing what in a twelvemonth would have been worthless.

Be this as it may, prudence dictated delay year after year in the production of a new edition, and it was not until a lull in the process of change offered some chance of permanency


for their labours that the editors of this THE COURTS & COURT PAPERS.
one, Mr. Keane, Q. C. and Mr. C. P. Smith,
adventured upon publication. Even as it is,
they have found it necessary to omit the title
"Bankruptcy," over which a complete revolution
has passed since their volumes have issued from

the press.

But here we have at last an invaluable body of sound practical law, so reduced in bulk by judicious compression that the whole subject is thoroughly treated in two not very ponderous volumes; thus exactly reversing the usual fate of law books, whose custom it is to grow in bulk with

every successive edition, until a little treatise for the pocket becomes a burden for the bag. It will be obvious from the accumulation of statutes and decisions since the former edition, that the greater portion of the work must have been rewritten, and with what laborious care this was done will appear from this, that the mere list of cases cited fills no less than 120 columns of small type.

Although professing to be a book of Nisi Prius law, it is quite as useful in the County Courts, which now have jurisdiction on almost every subject comprised in these two volumes;

12th July 1869. business at the Judges' Chambers, will be observed The following regulations for transacting the By Order.

until further notice.

Summonses will be issued and made returnable at eleven o'clock, at the chambers of the judges of the court in which the actions are pending.

As to applications to be made to the Judge. Acknowledgments of deeds will be taken (by special appointment only) on Tuesdays and then ready will be postponed to the day next Fridays, at half-past ten o'clock, and those not appointed for taking them.

Adjourned summonses will be heard at half-past ten precisely, except on Tuesdays and Fridays, and on those days at eleven o'clock, and the summonses of the day will be taken immediately afterwards.

Council will be heard at twelve o'clock.

As to applications to be made to the masters. Adjourned summonses will be heard at eleven o'clock precisely in each court, and the summonses of the day immediately afterwards.


Judge Springer, of Iowa, recently admitted a lady to the Bar as an attorney, at Mount Pleasant, in that State.

personalty has been sworn under 160,0001. Amongst WILLS AND BEQUESTS.-The Earl of Radnor's the bequests are two legacies of 10,000l., one left to his daughter, Lady Jane, wife of Mr. William Ellice, the other to his daughter Lady Mary, wife of Lord Penzance, and to these two daughters the Earl has left his rings and his shares in the Metropolitan Association for Improving the Dwellings of the Industrial classes. He has left legacies to his servants, and to each of his labourers working Edward from his estates at Folkestone, Kent, and on his estate 20s. A provision is made for his son those in Wiltshire. The residue of his property he leaves to his eldest son, the present Earl, heretofore Viscount Folkestone. Sir James EmersonTennent's 's personalty has been sworn under 60001. His only son, Sir William Emerson-Tennent, Bart., succeeds to the settled estates in Ireland, from which a provision is made for his wife and his only surviving daughter, Eleanor. The will of personalty, more than one-third of which he has the late Mr. T. Brown was proved under 140,000. disposed of in charitable bequests, as follows:Christ's Hospital, 10,000l.; Booksellers' Provident Institution, and also their Retreat, each 10,000). ; Stationers' Company and School, each 50001. Royal Literary Fund, 30001.; Hetherington Blind Charity, 2000l.; Benevolent Society of Blues, 5000l.;

and therefore it will be as much the text-book Counsel will be heard at twelve o'clock. of that popular tribunal as of the Superior Courts. Affidavits in support of ex parte applications for Moreover, it contains just those subjects on which orders (except those to hold to bail) to be left the the solicitor is most frequently consulted by day before the orders are to be applied for, except his clients, and for which he needs the latest, properly indorsed with the names of the parties and a legacy of 500l. to each of the sixteen underhe will find it, and thus it will be found as useful and of the attorneys, and also with the nature of Benevolent Fund, National Benevolent Institution,

readiest, and most reliable information. Here

in the office as in the courts.

If there be any reader to whom it is not already known, it will suffice to tell him that the plan of the work is this: The subjects of Nisi Prius contention are arranged in alphabetical order for convenience of reference, and each one is treated by describing, first, the general law relating to it and the evidence necessary to support the action, then the declaration, then the 'plea, and finally the damages and judgment.


MR. WILLIAM LEE, Q.C. Mr. William Lee, one of Her Majesty's Counsel and a bencher of the Inner Temple, who died at his residence, Brighton, on the 7th of this month, in the 83rd year of his age, was called to the Bar so long ago as July 1813. Mr. Lee was a most learned real property lawyer, and his opinion was so highly esteemed by the Chancery Judges, and especially by the late Lord Justice Knight Bruce, that Mr. Lee was often called upon by that learned judge to give his opinion as amicus curia. Mr. Lee might always have commanded a large practice, but he lacked business habits, and for ten or fifteen years past he may be said to have done nothing in the way of his profession. In spite of increasing years and infirmities he continued to haunt the courts, too long for his own comfort and dignity. Lord Westbury, when he came to town fresh from his successes at Oxford, entered the chambers of Mr. Lee as a pupil; and many years after, when the pupil had become Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, at a dinner given to the Benchers of the two Temples, Lord Westbury gratefully as well as gracefully alluded to the valuable instruction which he had received from Mr. Lee. If the late Mr. Tidd was justly proud of having counted among his pupils Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Cottenham, Mr. Lee pointed with equal pride to the success of his pupil Lord Westbury, both at the Bar and on the woolsack. Mr. Lee was in the habit of saying good things in a dry and sarcastic manner. One may be mentioned. When, twelve years ago, to the surprise of every one, the late Lord Wensleydale was created a peer for life, Mr. Lee asked was his Lordship tenant for life without impeachment ?"


under special circumstances, such affidavits to be

the application.

N.B.-The judge directs particular attention to the rule of Michaelmas Term 1867, and desires it should be distinctly understood that he will not hear any summons or application directed by the said rule to be heard by the masters.

14th July 1869 All summonses to be heard before the judge will be made returnable at half-past ten o'clock, until

further order.


THE HAMPSHIRE LAW SOCIETY. We are pleased to learn that this society has been established. At a general meeting held on the 9th inst., a code of rules was agreed to, and the following officers were appointed. C. B. Hellard, Esq., President, H. Ford, Esq., VicePresident, T. Cousins, Esq., Secretary, A. Besant, Esq., Treasurer. The following gentlemen were appointed members of the council: G. C. Stigant, Esq., C. J. Longcroft, Esq., S. S. Long, Esq., J. J. Webb, Esq., and S. J. Elliott, Esq. The annual dinner is appointed to take place on Thursday, the 22nd inst.


[ocr errors]

NEGATIVE VOTING.-On Monday evening, at the meeting of the Jurisprudence Department of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, Mr. Thomas Hare in the chair, a paper upon Negative Votes was read by Mr. Clair J. Grece, LL.B. Mr. Grece observed that by the present practice negative opinion was not elicited or asked for. The voter was precluded from voting against, say both the objectionable candidates, and so was often driven to vote for one candidate as the only means of excluding the other. The logically correct course would be for him to vote against both. Another evil was, that while any number of candidates may be put forward, the support of the electoral body may be so divided amongst them, that the absurd result may readily arrive that while the election purports to be that of the majority, the representative of a minority of the constituency may be declared elected, as occurred at Brighton in the case of the election of Mr. Moore a few years ago. suggested that recognition should be conferred upon negative votes. The Legislature had recently enfranchised an extensive section of the community, and he claimed for his suggestion that it would be a measure of enfranchisement, not, it is true, of persons, but of opinion. An interesting votes of thanks to Mr. Grece and the chairman closed the meeting.

Mr. Grece

PROMOTIONS & APPOINTMENTS discussion followed the reading of the paper, and

The Right Honourable Sir Robert Joseph Phillimore, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty of England, has appointed Mr. John Postlethwaite Cartwright, of the City of Chester, to be a standing Commissioner for taking bail; and also a Commissioner to administer oaths in the said court.

The Lord Chancellor has appointed Edwin Bedford of Haberdashers Hall, London, gentleman, to be a London Commissioner to administer oaths in the High Court of Chancery.

The Lord Chancellor has appointed Mr. Charles Edward Challinor, of Hanley, in the county of Stafford, gentleman, a Commissioner to administer oaths in Chancery in England.

The Civil

BREAKFAST-EPPS'S COCOA -GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING.-The very agreeable character of this preparation has rendered it a general favourite. Service Gazette remarks:-"The singular success which Mr. Epps attained by his homoeopathic preparation of cocoa has never been surpassed by any experimentalist. By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of wellselected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may boiling water or milk. Sold by the Trade only in lb. save us many heavy doctors' bills." Made simply with 1b., and 11b. tin-lined packets, labelled "JAMES EPPS and Co., Homœopathic Chemists, London."

mentioned societies and institutions: - Artists'

London Orphan Asylum, Idiot Asylum (Redhill), Travellers' School (Pinner), Printers' Pension Society, Bookbinders' Society, St. Ann's Society Brixton), Deaf and Dumb Asylum and Blind School (St. George's-fields), Free Hospital (Gray's inn-road), St. Bartholomew's, St. George's, St. Mary's, and the Cancer Hospitals, and National Life-boat Institution. Ladies' Charity School, Queen's-square, Bloomsbury, 1001.; to seventeen clerks in Longman's house, each 501.; to Mr. W. Longman, 5001.; to Mr. T. Roberts, his late partner, 500l.; to Mr. Thomas Longman, 5000l.; to testator's sister, Mary Ann Brown, 10,000.; to his housekeeper, 1500l.; to his confidential servant, W. Dignan, 7000l.; Mrs. Dignan, 500l.; to his three godchildren, each 500l.; to his executorsviz., M. H. Tatham, solicitor, 20001.: Edmund Hodgson, book auctioneer, 2000/.; and to W. Sharp, of Longman's, 3000.; all legacies free of duty. There are various legacies varying in amount. The residue is to be divided amongst the grandchildren of his former partner, Thomas N. Long. man.


Professional Partnership Dissolbed.

Gazette, July 2. RICHARDSON, HENRY MARRIOTT; BRANDWOOD, JOHN; and DOWLING, WILLIAM, attorneys and solicitors, Manchester and Bolton, June 30. Debts by Brandwood, Manchester; and Richardson and Dowling, Bolton


Gazette, July 9.

To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street.
ALDRICH, JAMES, coachsmith, Featherstone-bldgs, City-rd. Pet.
July 7. O. A. Paget. Sol. Hicks, Francis-ter, Hackney-rd. Sur.
July 22
ALDRIDGE, GEORGE, greengrocer, Warwick rd, Kensington. Pet.
July 5. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Wood, Bucklersbury.
Sur. July 27
BIRD, JOHN WHITWORTH, commission agent, Masbro'-rd-north,
Blyth-la, Hammersmith. Pet. July 7. O. A. Paget. Sol. John-
son, St. Martin's-et, St. Martin's-la. Sur. July 26
BORER, FREDERICK, upholsterer, Lower Tooting. Pet. July 5.
O. A. Paget. Sol. Cooper, jun., Serle-st, Lincoln's-inn-fds. Sur.
July 22

BRUCE, THOMAS, builder, Oxford. Pet. July 7. Reg. Pepys
O. A. Graham. Sols. Doyle and Co., Verulam-bidgs, Gray's-inn,
for Thompson, Oxtord. Sur. July 27
COOPER, WILLIAM, builder, Sandown, Isle of Wight. Pet. July &
O. A. Paget. Sol. Brown, Basinghall-st. Sur. July 22
D'AETH, JOHN, warehouseman, Little Britain, and Wilson's-ter,
St. Leonard's-st, Bromley-by-Bow. Pet. July 3. 0. A. Page
Sol. Hughes, Chapel-st, Bedford-row. Sur. July 22
DAVIES, EDWARD HENRY, lineudraper, Kentish-town-rd, and
Harrow. Pet. June 29. Reg. Pepys.
O. A. Graham. Sal.
Spaull, Verulam-bldgs, Gray's-inn. Sur. July 28
wood-pl, Pimlico. Pet. July 7. Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns.
Sol. Drake, Basinghall-st. Sur. July 20
FIRMIN, GEORGE JORDAN, manufacturing chemist, Old Mon-
tague-st, Whitechapel. Pet. July 7. Reg. Pepys. 0. A. Graham.
Sols. Van Sandau and Co., King-st, Cheapside. Sur. July
HADLAND, JOHN THOMAS, commission agent, Penge. Pet. July 7.
Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sols. Lawrance, Plews, Boyer,
and Baker, Öld Jewry-chambers. Sur. July 20
HENLEY, HENRY, baker, Blue Anchor-rd, Bermondsey. Pet.
July 7. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Rigby, Basinghall-st.
Sur. July 27
HUNT, GEORGE, victualler, High-st, Bow. Pet. July 1. Reg.
Pepys. O. A. Graham.
Sol. Layton, jun., Navarino-cottage,
Bow-rd. Sur. July 23
JAMES, DAVID, in no occupation, Lower Park-rd, Colney Hatch-
pk. Pet. July 3. O. A. Paget. Sols. Messrs. Scard, Great St.
Helen's. Sur. July 19

KELLY, JOHN, formerly wine merchant, Hampshire Hog-la,
Hammersmith. Pet. July 2. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sols.
Messrs. Anderson, Ironmonger-la, Cheapside. Sur. July 23
KIRBY, WILLIAM, cyder manufacturer, Stratford. Pet. July 5
Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Layton, Navarino-cottage,
Bow-rd. Sur. July 27
LEE, WILLIAM, builder, New Windsor and Datchet-common.
Sol. Marshall,
Pet. July 5.
O. A. Graham.
Reg. Pepys.
Lincoln's-inn-fields. Sur. July 28
LINTOTT, EDWARD STONHAM, commission agent, Oregon-ter,
Peckham-rye. Pet. July 6. O. A. Paget. Sol. Fisher, Doughty
st. Sur. July 22

Pet. June 28. O. A. Paget. Sol. Cooke, Gresham-bldgs, Basinghall-st. Sur. July 19 MONK, FREDERICK WILLIAM, brickmakers, Davington, near Faversham, and Bouverie-st. Pet. July 5. O. A. Paget. Sols. Kingsford and Co., Essex-st, Strand. Sur. July 22 FERRAND OLIPHANT. HENRY WILLIAM, and OLIPHANT, AUGUSTUS, army contractors, Cannon-row, and Carey-st, WestO. A. Graham. Sols. minster. Pet. June 29. Reg. Pepys. Lewis, Munns, and Co., Old Jewry. Sur. July 28 PATTISON, WILLIAM, pork butcher, Rodney-rd, and Elstead-ss, Walworth Pet. July 6. Reg. Pepys, O. A. Graham. Sol. Hicks, Francis-ter, Hackney. Sur. July 27

MEEK, GEORGE, beershop keeper, Merton.

REEIN, CARL, leather bag manufacturer, Foster-la, and Rotherfeld-st, Islington Pet. July 5. O. A. Paget. Sol. Gresham, Basinghall-st. Sur. July 22

ROWE, HENRY, carpenter, Aston-st, Limehouse. Pet. June 29. 0. A. Paget. Sol. Cooke, Gresham-bldgs, Basinghall-st. Sur. July 2

SMITH, ROBERT, builder, Hornsey. Pet. July 3. Reg. Pepys. 0. A. Graham. Sol. Cooke, Gresham-bldgs. Sur. July 23 STEED, JAMES, out of business, Croydon. Pet. July 5. Ó. A. Paget. Sol Brant, Winchester-house, Old Broad-st. Sur. July 22 SWANN, WILLIAM, butcher, Angela-gdns, Bethnal-green. Jaly 6. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Morris, Bishopsgatest within. Sur. July 27


THORNTON, JOHN, carpenter, Nottingham-st, Marylebone-rd. Pe: July 6. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Biddles, Southsq. Gray's-inn. Sur. July 2

TREDINNICK, RICHARD, dealer in stocks, Crown-ct, Thread-
needle-st, and Broughton-rd, Stoke Newington. Pet. July 2.
Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Dobie, Gresham-st. Sur.
July 27
WALKER, MATTHEW, and WALKER, JOHN, builders, Dunstable.
Pet. July 3. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Hicks, Coleman-
st. 8ur. July 23

WAY, JAMES, butcher, Greenwich. Pet. July 6. O. A. Paget.
Sol. Elworthy. Moira-chambers, Ironmonger-la. Sur. July 22
WHITE, FRANCIS FREDERICK, builder, Dunstable. Pet. July 3.
Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Sismey, Serjeants'-inn, Fleet-
Sar. July 23
WOODHAMS, JAMES, butcher, Burdett-rd, Limehouse. Pet. July 7.
0. A. Paget. Sol. Wood, Basinghall-st. Sur. July 22

To surrender in the Country.

BANFORD, THOMAS, contractor, Ingol, near Preston. Pet. June 18. Reg. & O. A. Myers. Sur. July 24

O. A.


BEST, JAMES, wheelwright, Withyham. Pet. July 6. Reg. & 0. A.
Pearless. Sol. Burt, East Grinstead. Sur. July 20
BRUMFITT, THOMAS, cabinet maker, Skipton. Pet. July 8.
Young. Sol. Paget, Skipton. Sur. July 26
CALLADINE, THOMAS, greengrocer, Ilkeston. Pet. July 6.
&0. A. Ingle. Sol. Walker, Belper. Sur. July 24
CARTLEDGE, GEORGE, jun., hatter, Burslem. Pet. July 7. Reg.
&0. A. Challinor. Sols. Tomkinson, Burslem. Sur. July 24
CROFTON, JOHN, bootmaker, Thornley. Pet. July 6. Reg. & O. A.
Greenwell. Sol. Stafford, Durham. Sur. July 21
DINES, JOHN HENRY, out of business, Brighton.
Reg. & O. A. Blaker. Sur. July 24

Pet. July 6

DOEL, JOSEPH, innkeeper, Hoole. Pet. July 6. O. A. Turner.
Sol. Churton, Chester. Sur. July 21
EDEX, JAMES, labourer, Walkden Moor. Pet. July 6. Reg. &
0. A. Hulton. Sols. Edge & Dawson, Bolton. Sur. July 24
ELLICOTT, WILLIAM RENDELL, wheelwright, Torquay. Pet. July
7. Reg. & O. A. Pidsley. Sol. Floud, Exeter. Sur. July 21
EVANS, ALFRED, baker, Southampton. Pet. July 5. Reg. & O. A.
Thorndike. Sol. Mackey, Southampton. Sur. July 17
EVELEIGH, THOMAS, shoemaker. Whimple. Pet. July 7. Reg. &
0. A. Daw. Sol. Davy, Ottery St. Mary. Sur. July 20
PISHBURN, ELIJAH, grocer, Yeadon. Pet. July 6. Reg. & O. A.
Carr. Sol. Barret, Otley. Sur. July 24
GILBERT. THOMAS FIELD, gentleman, Brighton.
Rez.&O. A. Blaker. Sur. July 21

Pet. July 6.

GLOVER, JAMES, bookkeeper, Leeds Pet. July 3. O. A. Young. Sol. Blackburn, Leeds. Sur. July 19

HADDOCK, THOMAS, general dealer, Horncastle. Pet. July 3. Reg.
9. A. Clitherow. Sol. Boulton, Horncastle. Sur. July 22
HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY, tailor, Bradford. Pet. July 8. O. A.
Young, Sols. Wilson, Bradford; Simpson, Leeds. Sur. July 26
JAMES, JOSEPH, working miner, Breams Tuffs, near Bream. Pet.
July 3. Reg. & 0. A. George. Sol. Williams, Monmouth. Sur.
July 24

LEYLAND, JOHN, engine tenter, Preston. Pet. July 3. Reg. &
0. A. Myres. Sol. Edelston, Preston. Sur. July 24
LAMB, WILLIAM JOSEPH, tea merchant, Bristol. Pet. June 29.
Reg. Wilde. O. A. Acraman. Sols. Osborne, Ward, Vassall, and
Prior, Bristol. Sur. July 19
MIDDLETON, JOSEPH, stove grate fitter, Sheffield. Pet. July 5.
Reg. & O. A. Wake and Rodgers. Sol. Dyson, Sheffield. Sur.
July 22
ME, RICHARD, baker, Manchester. Pet. July 7. Reg. & O. A.
Kay. Sols. Bennett and Almond, Manchester. Sur. Aug. 4
MELLOR, THOMAS, provision dealer, Manchester. Pet. June 29.
Reg. Fardell. O. A. M'Neill. Sols. Marsland and Addleshaw,
Manchester. Sur. July 26

METCALF, GEORGE, shoemaker, Ulverston. Pet. June 18. Reg. & 0. A. Postlethwaite. Sur. July 19

MONTAGUE HENRY, Recretary of the Royal Christy Minstrels, Birkenhead. Pet. July 8. O. A. Turner. Sol. Sowton, Liverpool. Sur. July 20

MOORE, WILLIAM HENRY, tobacconist, Brighton. Pet. July 6.
Reg.&O. A. Blaker. Sur. July 21

MOORE, HENRY JOSIAH, out of business, Brighton. Pet. July 6.
Rez. & O. A. Blaker. Sur. July 21
MUSGRAVE, FRANK, theatrical manager, Brighton. Pet. July 6.
Reg. & O. A. Blaker. Sur. July 21
NEWNHAM, WILLIAM, baker, Newport, Isle of Wight. Pet. July 6.
Reg. & O. A. Blake. Sol. Beckingsale, Newport. Sur. July 21
NEWEY, HENRY, commission agent, Birmingham. Pet. July 6.
Beg. Tudor. O. A. Kinnear. Sol. Allen, Birmingham. Sur.
July 23

OGLESBY, WILLIAM, furniture broker, Brigg. Pet. July 1. Reg.
&0. A. Hett. Sol. Robbs, Brigg. Sur. July 22
PERKS, CHARLOTTE, eating house keeper, St. Martin, in Worces-
ter. Pet. July 6.
Reg. & O. A. Crisp. Sol. Wilson, Worcester.
Sur. July 21

READ, HENRY ARTHUR, banker's clerk, Bristol. Pet. July 6.
Reg. & O. A. Harley and Gibbs. Sols. Benson and Elletson. Sur.
July 30
REED, JOHN, bookseller, Leeds. Pet. June 19. Reg. & O. A.
Marshall. Sol. Harle, Leeds. Sur. July 22
ROBERTS, DAVID, publican, Taly-cafn. Pet. June 30. O. A. Tur.
Ler. Sols. Evans and Locket, Liverpool, for Jones, Conway.
Sur. July 22

BOUCH, CHARLOTTE CATHERINE, out of business, Birmingham.
Pet. July 7. Reg. Hill. O. A. Kinnear. Sols. James and Griffin,
Birmingham. Sur. July 21

BUTTER, RICHARD, journeyman flint grinder, Odd Rode, in Astbry. Pet. July 6. Reg. & O. A. Latham. Sol. Salt, Tunstall. 3. July 16

SEDGWICK, THOMAS, butcher, Houghton-le-Spring.

Pet. June

30 Reg. Gibson. O. A. Laidman. Sol. Joel, Newcastle. Sur. July 21 STOCK, ABRAHAM jun., glass dealer, Merthyr Tydfil. Pet. July 5. Rg. & O. A. Russell. Sol. Lewis, Merthyr Tydfil. Sur. June 20 SIMPSON, GEORGE, draper's assistant, Brigg. Pet. July 7. Reg. 30. A Newton. Sol. Bescoby, East Retford. Sur July 20 SOS, RICHARD BELTCHER, market gardener, Gainsborough. Pet July 5. Reg. & O. A. Burton. Sol. Hayes, Gainsborough. 8. July 26

STEPHENS, JOHN, plumber, Landport. Pet. June 30. Reg. & O. A. Howard. Sol. Champ, Portsea. Sur. July 19

STCLIFFE, ABRAM, out of business, Rochdale. Pet. July 3. Reg.
0. A. Jackson. Sol. Thomas, Halifax. Sur. July 22
BUTTON, WILLIAM, shipwright in Sheerness dockyard, Mile-town
Sheerness. Pet. July 3. Reg. & O. A. Wates. Sol. Wills, Sheer-
ess. Sur. July 23

UNDERWOOD, THOMAS, Hithographer, Birmingham. Pet. July 5.
Reg Hill. O. A. Kinnear. Sols. Messrs. Hodgson, Birmingham
S. July 21
WANDINGLEY, HENRY, commercial traveller, Doncaster. Pet.
Jaya Reg. & O. A. Shirley. Sol. Woodhead, Doncaster. Sur.
July 21
WEIGHILL, ROBERT FORSTER, ont of business, Durham. Pet.
July 4. Reg. & O. A. Greenwell. Sol. Bell, West Hartlepool.
Sur. July 21

WILLIAMS, THOMAS, labourer, Bishopstone. Pet. July 1. Reg.
&0. A. Morris. Sol. Smith, Swansea. Sur. July 19
WILMOT, HENRY, contractor, Winchester. Pet Jure 22. Reg. &
9. A. Godwin. Sur. Aug. 7

SON, THOMAS, painter, Rochdale. Pet. July 5. Reg. & O. A. Jacasm. Sol. Ashworth, Rochdale. Sur. July 22 WOODHEAD, WILLIAM, tobacconist, Liverpool. Pet. June 19. Reg. 20. A. Hime. Sur. July 19

Gazette, July 13.

To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street. ALEXANDER, RICHARD, timber dealer, Catherine-st, Limehouse. Pet. July 3. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Medcalf, Gresham-bldgs. Sur. July 28


BEARD, JACOB, out of business, Barnes. Pet. July 9. O. A. Paget.
Sol. Mayhew, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Sur July 30
BINGHAM, FREDERICK FRANCIS, baker, Hye-la, Peckham.
July 6. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Dubois, Church-
passage, Gresham-st. Sur. July 27

BRUCE, ROBERT CAIRNES, gentleman, adjutant in the 21st Kent
Rifle Volunteers, Woolwich-common. Pet. July 5. O. A. Paget.
Sol. Buchanan, Basinghall-st. Sur. July 26
BURROWES, AMELIA SEYMOUR, widow, not of any business, Bur-
lington-rd, Bayswater. Pet. July 10. O. A. Paget. Sol. Biddles,
South-sq, Gray's-inn. Sur. July 30

BUTSON, JOHN JAMES, painter, Warwick-rd, Stoke Newington.
Pet. July 10. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Biddles, South-
sq. Gray's-inn. Sur. Aug. 3

BUTTENSHAW, SAMUEL EDWARD, merchant's clerk, Bolton-rd,
St. John's-wood. Pet. July 10. O. A. Paget. Sols. Evans and
Co., John-st, Bedford-row. Sar. July 30

CLARK, JOHN, journeyman baker, Crimscott-st, Bermondsey.
Pet. July 9. O. A. Paget. Sol. Chidley, Old Jewry. Sur. July 30
CLARK, THOMAS, carpenter, Dulwich. Pet. July 9. Reg. Pepys.
O. A. Graham. Sol. Godfrey, Hatton-gdn. Sur. July 23
COGHLAN, CHARLES, in no profession, Ladbroke-rd, Notting-hill.
Pet. June 23. O. A. Paget. Sols. Messrs. Lewis, Ely-pl. Sur.
Aug. 2

COLLIS, SAMUEL SHERLOCK, commercial traveller, Albion-rd,
Stoke Newington. Pet. July 8. O. A. Paget. Sol. Kisch, Wel-
lington-st, Strand. Sur. July 25

COOPER, THOMAS BUCK, grocer, Kingston-upon-Thames. Pet.
July 7. O. A. Paget. Sol. Jarvis, Chancery-la. Sur. July 25
FORBES, GEORGE, teacher of music, Alm sq, St. John's-wood.
Pet. July 7. O. A. Paget. Sol. Wickens, Palmerston-bldgs,
Old Broad-st. Sur. July 28

GIBBINS, WILLIAM HENRY, house decorator, Greenwich. Pet.
July 7. O. A. Paget. Sol. Harris, Wellington-st, London-bridge.
Sur. July 25
GILES, JAMES, beershop-keeper, West Hanney. Pet. July 8.
Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Cooke, Gresham-bldgs. Sur.
HORSLEY, WILLIAM GEORGE, commission agent, Brewery-rd,
Caledonian rd. Pet. July 8. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol.
Watson, Basinghall-st. Sur. July 27

July 27

HUNT, WILLIAM, omnibus driver, Folkestone. Pet. July 10. Reg.
Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Minter, Folkestone. Sur. July 28
HYAMS, HENRY, clothier, Scarborough-st, Goodman's-fds. Pet.
July 7. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Montague, Bucklers-
bury. Sur. July 27

JAMES, EDWIN, brushmaker, Elizabeth-st, Eaton-sq. Pet. July 6.
Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Eaden, Gray's-inn-sq. Sur.
July 27
JAMES, ROBERT, coachbuilder, Whittaker-st and Ebury-mews,
St. George, Pimlico. Pet. July 10. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham.
Sol. Hicks, Francis-ter, Hackney-wick. Sur. July 28
LITTLEJOHNS, EDWIN, builder, Upper Norwood. Pet. July 6.
Reg. Brougham. O. A. Paget. Sol. Cooke, Gresham-bldgs,
Basinghall-st. Sur. July 23

MAYHO, JOHN ROBERT, oil and colourman, Princes-st, Lisson-
grove, St. Marylebone. Pet. July 5. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham.
Sol. Hicks, Francis-ter, Hackney. Sur. July 27
MILBON, JOHN, builder, Romford. Pet. July 7. Reg. Pepys.
O. A. Graham. Sol. Lea, Furnival's-inn. Sur. July 27
MOLE, ROBERT CHAPMAN, livery stable keeper, High-st, Blooms.
bury. Pet. July 6, Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Neal,
Pinner's-hall, Old Broad-st. Sur. July 27

MOORE, EDMUND THOMAS, out of business, Bow. Pet. July 9.
Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sols. Butler and Co., Tooley-st,
London-bridge. Sur. July 28

NICHOLLS, HENRY, builder, Rymer-rd, Alma-rd, Old Wands. worth. Pet. July 8. O. A. Paget. Sol. Scott, Basinghall-st. Sur. July 28


NICOLL, GEORGE, hairdresser, Air-st, Regent-quadrant.
July 5. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Morris, Jermyn-
st, St. James's. Sur. July 27

PAIGE, LEWIS, clerk in holy orders, Whitfield. Pet. July 8. O. A.
Paget. Sols. Torr and Co., Bedford-row. Sur. July 30
Pet. July 9. Reg.
PAINE, AMBROSE, beershop kooper, Lee.
Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sols. Wild and Co.. Ironmonger-la.
Sur. July 28

PENN, GEORGE WILLIAM, commercial traveller, Southgate. Pet.
July 8. O. A. Paget. Sol. Willis, Hunter-st. Sur. July 26
SALTER, ROGER GEORGE, out of business, Eagle-pl, Piccadilly.
Pet. July 9. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Watson, Basing-
hall-st. Sur. July 29

SCHOLEY, ANNE HANNAH, ballast merchant, late Park-rd, Peck-
ham. Pet. July 5. Reg. Brougham. O. A. Paget. Sols. Morri-
son, Trinity-st, Southwark. Sur. July 26
SCHONDORF, MICHAEL, corn broker, Great Tower-st and Ball's
Pond-rd. Pet. July 5. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham.
Messrs. Thomson, Cornhill. Sur. Aug. 3
Pet. July 7.
SCOTT, ROBERT, carpenter, Barnet st, Hackney-rd.
Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sols. Noon and Davies, New
Broad-st. Sur. July 28
general smith, Plumstead. Pet. July 6. O. A. Paget.
Buchanan, Basinghall-st. Sur. July 26

SMYTH, GEORGE, journeyman tailor, Cirencester-pl. Fitzroy-sq. Pet. July 7. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Watson, Basingball-st. Sur. July 28

TAUNTON, WILLIAM, attorney-at-law, South-sq, Gray's-inn. Pet. July 9. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Vyner, Cook's-ct, Lincoln's-inn. Sur. July 28


WALTON, THOMAS JAMES, merchant, Great St. Helen's.
July 1. Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sol. Diarmid, Old
Jewry-chambers. Sur. Aug. 2

WESTON, JOHN, ship's store agent, Change Alley-chambers, Corn-
hill, and Norfolk-ter, Grange-rd, Dalston. Pet. July 9. O. A.
Paget. Sol. Pope, Great James-st, Bedford-row. Sur. July 30
WOODS, WILLIAM, builder, Battle. Pet. July 9. O. A. Paget.
Sol. Johnson, New-inn. Sur. July 30
WOODWARD, ROBERT, estate agent, Compton-rd, Canonbury,
Islington. Pet. July 7. O. A. Paget. Sol. Keighley, Iron-
monger-la. Sur. July 26

To surrender in the Country.
ANDREWS, FREDERICK, innkeeper, Glastonbury. Pet. July 6,
Reg. & O. A. Lovell. Sol. Hobbs, jun., Wells. Sur. July 24
BALL, GEORGE, blacksinith, South Brent. Pet. July 9. Reg. &
O. A. Bryett. Sol. Windrutt, Totnes. Sur. July 24
SMITH, commission agents, Liverpool. Pet. July 9. O. A.
Turner. Sol. Etty, Liverpool. Sur. July 26

BRANDRETH, WILLIAM, and HOLLAND, WILLIAM, shoe manu. facturers, Leicester. Pet. July 8. Reg. & O. A. Ingram. Sol. Durrant, Leicester. Sur. July 31

BRANNAN, PATRICK. Birkenhead. Pet. June 16. Reg. & O. A.
Wason. Sur. July 30

BROWN, JOHN, cowkeeper, Kingston-upon-Hull. Pet. July 9.
O. A. Young. Sols. Spurr and Chambers, Hull. Sur. July 28
CHETHAM, JAMES JOSEPH, painter, Rochdale. Pet. July 9. Reg.
Fardell. O. A McNeill. Sol. Woolley, Manchester. Sur. July 27
CRACROFT, FREDERICK JAMES, gentleman, Shaldon. Pet. July 9.
O. A. Carrick. Sols. Howard, Weymouth; and Terrell and
Petherick, Exeter. Sur. July 27
DERRICK, ROBERT, out of business, Sneinton. Pet. July 7. Reg.
& O. A. Patebit. Sol. Heath, Nottingham. Sur. Oct. 6
FOULKES, THOMAS, beer retailer, Manchester. Pet. July 6. Reg.
&O. A. Kay. Sol. Ambler, Manchester. Sur. Aug. 4
GALLON, JOHN, jun., out of business, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Pet.
July 7. Reg. & O. A. Clayton. Sol. Britton, Newcastle-upon-
Tyne. Sur. July 31

GLANVILLE, WILLIAM FREDERICK, flour merchant, Pembroke
Dock. Pet. July 8. Reg. Wilde. 0. A. Acraman. Sols.
Hulm, Pembroke Dock; and Press and Iskip, Bristol.
July 23
GRAVEN, JAMES, engineer, Ely. Pet. July 8. Reg. & O. A. Hall.
Sol. Cross, Ely. Sur. July 24

HENRY, MATTHEW, private tutor, East Hove. Pet. July 9. Reg.
& O. A. Evershed. Sol. Lamb, Brighton. Sur. July 28
HOWLAND, RALPH, chair rumer, Chipping Wycombe.
July 7. Reg. & O. A. Parker. Sol. Spicer, Great Marlow. Sur.
July 23


HIEBER, JOHN VON GOTT, teacher of languages, Monks Coppen. hall. Pet. July. Reg. & O. A. Broughton. Sol. Sheppard, Crewe. Sur. July 2

HOOLEY, WILLIAM, Inerchant's clerk, Southampton. Pet. July 8.
Sol. Mackey, Southampton.
Reg. & O. A. Thorndike.
July 17

JACKSON, JOSEPH, bricklayer, late Bradford. Pet. July 6. Rez.
& O. A. Kay. Sol. Nuttall, Manchester. Sur. Aug. 3
JONES, JOHN, carpenter, Llangammarch. Pet. July 7. Reg. &
O. A. Llewellin. Sol. Cheese, Hay. Sur. July 25
JONES, JOHN, refreshment-house keeper, Birmingham.

July 10. Reg. Tudor. O. A. Kinnear. Sols. James and Griffin,
Birmingham. Sur. July 23

KERSHAW, GEORGE, smith, Oldham and Ashton-under-Lyne.
Pet. July 8. Reg. & O. A. Tweedall. Sol. Buckley, Oldham.
Sur. July 28

LLEWHELLIN, JOHN, licensed victualler, Pembroke Dock. Pet.
July 10. Reg. & O. A. Lanning. Sol. Parry, Pembroke Dock.
Sur. July 24

MARX, LEOPOLD, commission agent, Manchester. Pet. July 10.
Reg. Macrae.
O. A. McNeill. Sol. Leigh, Manchester.
July 30
MOLLARD, WILLIAM, chartermaster, Tipton. Pet. July 10. Reg.
&O. A. Walker. Sol. Stokes, Dudley. Sur. July 23
PADDON, GEORGE, cabinet maker, Highweek. Pet. July 9. Reg.
& O. A. Pidsley. Sol. Carter, Torquay. Sur. July 28
PAGE, WILLIAM BISHOP, refreshment-house keeper, Wolver
hampton. Pet. July 5. Reg. & O. A. Brown. Sol. Stratton,
Wolverhampton. Sur. July 22
PERCIVAL, JOHN, bookkeeper, Manchester. Pet. July 8.

Reg. &

O. A. Kay. Sols. Eltott and Hampson, Manchester. Sur. Aug. 44 PERKES, GEORGE, chartermaster, Tipton. Pet. July 7. Reg. & O. A. Walker. Sol. Stokes, Dudley. Sur. July 23 RUMBELOW, ROBERT, mast maker, Cardiff. Pet. July 9.

Reg. &

O. A. Langley. Sol. Raby, Cardiff. Sur. July 24
SMITH, ALBERT, baker, Bristol. Pet. July 8. Reg. Wilde. O. A
Acraman. Sols. Bramble and Blackburne, Bristol. Sur. July 23
WOOD, CHARLES JOHN, tinner, Leeds. Pet. July 9. Reg. & O. A.
Marshall. Sol. Harle, Leeds. Sur. July 23
WORAM, EDMUND, butcher, Colyt.n. Pet. July 7. Reg. & O. A.
Bord. Sol. Tweed, Honiton. Sur. July 23

Gazette, July 6.

BYRAM, WILLIAM, stone merchant, Great Western-ter, Padding-
ton. April 1, 1859

HANCOCK, WILLIAM, builder, Manchester. Jan. 6, 1858
HOWELL, GEORGE, and REES, JOHN, drapers, Llanelly. April 26,
HUDSON, HENRY PHILIP, solicitor's clerk, Fleet-rd, St. John's
pk, Hampstead. Sept. 12, 1866


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

ALLEN, ALFRED, bootmaker, Exeter. June 11. Trusts. J. Derham, wholesale shoe manufacturer, Bristol, and W. Somervell, currier, Noble-st

June 12.

ARMFIELD, FREDERICK GEORGE, leather dresser, The Granze,
Trusts. J. Beach, leather dresser,
Willow-walk, Bermondsey, and J. Baird, jun., leather salesman,
Bermondsey-st, Bermondsey

ATKINSON, JAMES SAMUEL, upholsterer, High-st, Peckham.
June 30. 48. in 4 mos

BALL, JOHN, fellmonger, Ross. May 26. Trust. L. Winterbotham. banker, Stroud

BALL, JOHN, and YATES, EDWIN JAMES, fellmongers, Ross.
May 26. Trust. L. Winterbotham, banker, Stroud
BELL, RICHARD, out of business, Beverley-rd-south, Penge-
pk. June 30. 28. 64, on Jan. 17, 1870

BELLIS, THOMAS, farmer, Allt Vois. June 20. 88. by two instalments of 4s, on Oct. 11, and Dec. 31

BLACKLOCK, THOMAS, grocer, Carlisle. June 22. 3. in 2 mos CHARD, JOHN, currier, Bristol. June 7. 8. by three equal instalments, in 3, 6, and 9 mos from April 1,-secured. Trust. G. Boyle, draper, Bideford

DEVIS, EDWARD, brewer, Birmingham.

June 9. Trusts. G. Hemming, and E. Hodgkins, maitsters, and V. W. Houghton, accountant, all Birmingham

DONOVAN, PATRICK, slopseller, Jeremiah-st, Poplar. June 11. 5. by two equal instalments, in 4 and 8 mos FOSTER, WILLIAM, Woolstapler, Halifax. June 15. Trusts. J. G. Thomas, woolstapler, J. Chambers, worsted spinner, both Halifax; and J. H. Wheelwright, worsted spinner, Ripponden GREEVES, GEORGE PETER, currier, Chipping Wycombe. June 21. 78. Gel.-28. Gd. in 2, 4, and 6 mos from June 15 GRIMSHAW, JONATHAN, Commercial exporter, Leeds. June 23. Trusts. J. Lowley, wholesale bootmaker, Leeds; S. T. Tolson. blanket manufacturer, Earlsheaton; and J. Ward, provision merchant, Leeds

HARE, SAMUEL; ATKINSON, RICHARD; and HARE, JAMES, grocers, New Wortley, and Castleford (trading as Hare Brothers). June 9. Trusts. W. Stephenson, joiner, New Wortley, and C. H. Beecroft, spice boiler, Armley

HARRISON, JOHN, and FRIPP, WILLIAM, jun., brokers, Leadenhall-st. June 1. Trusts. J. Roy, Liverpool, and H. S. Schroeder, Old Broad-st, brokers

HILL, JOHN, agent, Heatley. June 15. 28. on Dec. 31 HUTCHINSON, HENRY LEONARD, builder, Hampton-ter, Hampton-wick. June 15. Trusts. W. E. Eicke, estate agent, Kensington-gardens-ter, Hyde-pk, and J. J. Dew, gentleman, Ellenborough-rd, Holloway

JACOBS, WILLIAM, saddler, Lichfield. July 2. Trusts. T. Heath,
leatherseller, and P. Craddock, butcher, both Lichfield
JENKINS, THOMAS WILLIAM, grocer, Aberhenfig. June 4. 58. by
two equal instalments, in 2 and 4 mos
JOHNSTON, HENRY, and JOHNSTON, JAMES, builders, High-st,
Wapping. June 16. Trusts. T. Carter, shipwright, Millwall,
Poplar G. Hedges, lighterman, Eagle-wharf, Wapping, and
E. Richardson, wharfinger, Sharp's-wharf, Wapping
LAIDLAW, ALEXANDER, publisher, Bury ct, St. Mary - axe.
June 12. 1. in 1 mo

LEWIN, SARAH LETITIA, grocer, Chesham. June 10. 58. in 1 mo.
Trust. J. G. Store, tailor, Chesham
LINSEY, THOMAS BUSBY, jeweller, Holborn. June 29.

E. H. Job, gentleman, Carter-la, and T. H. Phillips, gas engineer, Barbican

LIVESAY, ERASMUS GILBERT, schoolmaster, Portslade. June 3. 2s. 6d. on July 1. Trus, G. F. Cosstick, grocer, Hove MOORE, PETER, baker, Tattenhall. June 22. Trusts. D. Johnson, and W. J. Radford, millers, both Wrexham MULFORD, WILLIAM FREDERICK, grocer, Florence-ter, Portobello rd, and Kensington-pk-rd. June 14. 58, 2x. 6d. on executing deed, and 2s. 6d. on Sept. 14, and the debt of Davis and Co., in full NECRASOFF, NICHOLSON DAYKIN, out of business, Harlesden. Jun 14. 1. 6d. on July 14

PARKER, JOHN, iron merchant, Derby. June 7. 58. in 1 mo.
Trust. W. Gibson, merchant, Derby

PIMBLOTT, GEORGIANA, widow, grocer, Fenton. June 11. Trust.
C Lowe, miller, therstone, and J. Salmon, grocer, Hanley
PRICHARD, GEORGE, bootmaker, Blackfriars-rd. July 6. 7.-18.,
18. G., 18. 6d., 18. G., and 18. G., in 14 days, 2, 5, 8, and 10 mos
PURCELL, DANIEL, boot dealer, Manchester. June 25. 88. by
two equal instalments of 4s. on Sept. 10, and Dec. 10,-secured
July 2
ROSE, WILLIAM HENRY, brewer, Rayleigh.
Trusts. C.
Weedon, banker, Chelinsford; J. Ardley, maltater, Mark-la, und
W. I. Belcham, farmer, Rayleigh. Sols. Plews and Irvine, Mark-
La; and Duffield and Bruty, Tokenhouse-yd, Lothbury
June 12.
RUYMP, ROBERT REUBEN, brickmaker, Norwich.
Trusts. W. Birkbeck, gentleman, and J. F. Ranson, timber mer-
chant, both Norwich. Sol. Coaks, Norwich
SHARMAN, WILLIAM, russia broker, South Sea house, Thread-
needle st. June 28. 5. by two equal instalments, on July 15,
and Nov. Trusts. J. Charles, Bishopsgate it, and H. 8.
Colchester, South Sea-house, Threadneedle-st, Rusta brokers
SMITH, JAMES STEPHEN, nautical brazer, St. George's-at-east.
June 30. 2. 6. on July 50. Trust. H. Denhard, baker, St.
George's st east

SMITH, JOHN PAXFORD, wine merchant, Gloucester. May 11. Trusts. T. Halsey, gentleman, Witminster, H. D. Poole, gentleman, New-sq, Lincoln's-inn, and W. Wright, jun., wine merchant Bristol

SPEDDING, JOHN FOSTER, drysalter, Liverpool. June 12. 10.,38., 38., and 4. at 1, 3, and 6 mos,-secured

STANSFIELD, RICHARD, ironfounder, Salford Old Foundry, in Todmorden. June 4. C. C. Dunkerley, iron merchant, Manchester, J. Booth, timber merchant, Todmorden, and R. S. Ja nes, iron merchant, Manchester

WILDE, PETER, bookseller, Shrewsbury, and Birmingham. June 22. Trusts. P. Ezekiel, commercial traveller for Saunders and Smith, leather bag manufacturers, Newgate-st, and W.B. Dawson manufacturer, Birmingham

WILKINS, FREDERICK, egg merchant, New-rd, Whitechapel.
June 15. Trusts. C. Foucard, Crown-sq, Southwark, and E. P.
Vanderhoop, High-st, Southwark, provision merchants
WINTER, THOMAS, builder, Frimley. June 11. Trusts. S. B.
Boulton, King William-st, and T. M. Wescott, timber merchants,

YATES, EDWIN JAMES, fellmonger, Ross. May 26. Trust. L.
Winterbotham, banker, Stroud

Gazette, July 13.

ALLEN, WILLIAM, diaper, Sheffield. June 14. Trusts. P. Gillibrand, and R. Spencer, merchants, both Manchester BARCZYNSKI, MEYER, and COLLEDGE, THOMAS MURRAY, ship chandlers, North Shields. June 4. 78. 6d. by three equal instaf ments, in 3, 6, and 9 mos from registration,-secured. Trusts. I. M. Cohen, North Shields, and J. Schott, Sunderland, ship chandlers

BENNET, JOSEPH, hotel keeper, Workington. July 8. Trusts. P. Coulthard, gentleman, Cockermouth; J. E. Cooper, ironmonger, and R. Harrison, cabinetmaker, both Workington BENNINGTON,

CHARLES, cotton manufacturer, Blackburn. June 16. 88. by two equal instalments, in 2 and 4 mos,-secured BLAKELEY, JOHN, grocer, Manchester. June 16. Trust. J. Fox, gentleman, Manchester

BLUNDELL, WALTER DUNMORE, boot manufacturer, Walsall.

LAWSON.-On the 11th inst., at 9, The Grove, Blackheath, the wife of William Norton Lawson, Esq., barrister-at-law, of a son. LLOYD. On the 7th inst., at Rhydoldog, near Rhayader, the wife of R. Lewis Lloyd, Esq., barrister-at-law, of a son. SMITH. Or the 10th inst., at 38, Ossett-terrace, Hyde-park, the wife of Richard Horton Smith, Esq., of Lincoln's-inn, barristerat-law, of a daughter.

VILLIERS. On the 11th inst, at the Waterfalls, Southgate, the wife of John F. Villiers, of Gray's-inn, barrister-at-law, of a son. WALTERS-On the 10th inst., the wife of W. Melmoth Walters, Esq., of Lincoln's-inn and Ewell, of a son.


CARY-FAGG.-On the 13th inst., at Holy Trinity Church, Haverstock-hill, George Cary, of Lincoln's-inn, barrister-at-law, to Ellen Maria, eldest daughter of James Fagg, Esq. CRIBB HERAUD.-On the 10th inst., at St. Clement Danes Church, Charles Luson, third son of A. Cribb, Esq., of Sohosquare, to Ellen Mary, third daughter of the late J. C. Heraud, Esq., of Lincoln's-inn.


COLVILLE. On the 6th inst., at Macclesfield, aged 67, T. M. Col. ville, Esq.

DAVIES.-On the 8th inst., aged 11, Ellen Maria (Nellie), the only and beloved daughter of Samuel R. Davies, solicitor, Ross. DAVIS. On the 9th inst., Mary, the beloved wife of Henry Ingles Davis, of Coventry, solicitor.

EGAN. On the 8th inst., at Oakley-house, Leamington, aged 61, Mr. Charles Egan, barrister-at-law.

GEBBIE. On the 7th inst., at Netherfield-house, Lanarkshire, N.B., Helen Currie, widow of William Gebbie, of Netherfield, solicitor, Strathavon.

LEE. On the 7th inst., at his residence, in Brighton, aged 83, William Lee, Esq., Q.C., one of the Benchers of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple.

WRIGHT. On the 6th inst., at Sutton-bridge, Lincolnshire, aged 28, C. U. J. Wright, late of Halstead, Essex, solicitor.

[blocks in formation]

CHIEF OFFICE.-No. 1, Old Broad-street, London.
BRANCH OFFICE.-No. 16, Pall-mall, London.

The outstanding sums assured by this Company, with the Bonuses accrued thereon, amounting to about 2,800,0007., and the Assets, consisting entirely of Investments in first-class securities, amount to upwards of 950,000Z.

The Assurance Reserve Fund alone is equal to more than nine times the premium income.

It will hence be seen that ample Security is guaranteed to the policy holders. Attention is invited to the prospectus of

June 24. 3. in 1 mo from registration. Trust. F. Marson, boot PARTRIDGE AND COOPER the company, from which it will appear that all kinds of as

manufacturer,; Stafford

BURNETT, WILLIAM, plumber, Scarborough. June 16. 5s. in 3 mos from registration

CHAMBERS, WILLIAM HENRY, jeweller, Exeter. June 16. 10s by equal instalments, in 7 days and 4 mos,-secured CLARK, JOHN, grocer, Lymington. June 4. 4s. 6d. in 14 days from registration

10s. on

CLOUGH, JOHN, and HOWITT, THOMAS BELL, machine wool-
combers, Bradford. June 15. Trusts. H. Brown, bank manager;
B. Dufty, and J. G. Best, woolstaplers, all Bradford
COUCHMAN, WILLIAM, messman, Croydon. June 29.
July 29
COUSINS, JAMES PRIDIE, tailor, St. Martin's-la. July 10. 10s. by
instalments of 2s. 6d. on Oct. 10, 1869, and Jan. 10, April 10, and
July 10, 1870

DALLIMORE, JOHN WILLIAM, contractor, Fareham, Netley, and
Gosport. May 28. Trusts. W. Pink, coach builder, Fareham ;
R. Driver, timber merchant, Southampton; and S. Trickett,
stone merchant, Gresham-bldgs, Basinghall-st
DAVIS, THOMAS WILLIAM, boot salesman, Colchester. June 14.
Trust. D. Davis, boot manufacturer, Hackney-rd
DE MARTHIN, GUILLERMO ENRIQUE, gentleman. Orchard-st,
Portman-sq. July 8. 59. in 6 mos from registration,-secured
Trust. J. Waddell, public accountant, Poultry
EWBANK, WILLIAM, general dealer, Great Grimsby. July 2.
78. 6d. by three equal instalments, in 4, 8, and 12 mos from
registration,-secured. Trust. C. Wilcockson, merchant's clerk,

FEIST, WILLIAM, grocer, Southwick, near Shoreham. June 16.
Trusts. H. Moore, merchant, Lewes, and J. C. Cochrane, grocer,

GOODALL, JAMES, accountant, Saint George's-rd, Southwark. July 6. 2s. 6d. in 1 mo

GOSTLING, FRANCIS, boot manufacturer, Norwich. June 3. Trusts. J. G. J. Bateman, merchant, and W. Howlett, music seller, both Norwich

GOWTHORPE, WILLIAM, butcher, Louth. June 17. Trusts. C. Cooper, farmer, Great Carlton, and W. Easting, butcher, Louth GRIMWADE, EDWARD WILLIAM, merchant, Saint Helen's-pl. June 14. 58.-24. Gd. in 14 days and 4 mos. Trusts. C. Grimwade, wholesale stationer, New Earl-st, and C. L. Nichols, public Rccountant, Gresham-bldgs, Basinghall-st HALL, WILLIAM; HALL, WILLIAM SIDNEY: and HALL, THOMAS, jun., brickmakers, Gloucester. June 30. 2s. in 1 mo from registration

HANKS, RICHARD, grocer, Croydon. June 14. 78. 6d. by three equal instalments, in 2, 4, and 6 mos from June 1,-last secured. HIGSON, JOHN RICHARD, saddler, Halifax. June 30. Trusts. W. Willett, saddler's ironmonger, Manchester: T. H. Brearley, currier, Halifax; and D. Turner, draper, Rochdale

HOARE, GEORGE, hatter, Liverpool. June 12. 12s. 6d. by instalments of 48., 4s., and 4s. 6., in 3, 6, and 9 mos from registration. Trust. H. Hunter, cap manufacturer, Liverpool HUXHAM, JOHN BURGESS, grocer, Ystalyfera, near Swansen. June 25. 68, on registration. Trust. W. Huxham, corn inspector, Gloucester

LLOYD, THOMAS, stonemason, Norwich. June 15.

Trusts. R.

Steward, Esq., Cambridge; T. C. R. King, painter, and S. L. Hill, gentleman, both Norwich MATHER, WILLIAM, and READ, JOHN, builders, Charles-st, Westminster-bridge-rd. July 10. 58. in 28 days from registraMITTON, ABRAHAM, joiner, Halifax. July 3. Trusts. W. S. Firth, timber merchant, and J. R. Shaw, cabinet maker, both



OLIVER, MAGER, fruiterer, Great Grimsby. June 11. Trusts. E. Sellers, fruiterer, Cleethorpes, and T. Bells, builder, Great Grimsby

PENN, CHARLES, and PENN, SAMUEL, upholsterers, Dover. June 3. Trust. J. W. Thomas, upholsterer, Bishopsgate-st Without

SHEPHEARD, GEORGE, out of business, Southampton-vil, Newrd, Shepherd's bush. July 8. 2s. 6d. in 1 mo SIMPSON, GEORGE BROWN, bookseller, Dudley-pl, Clapham-rd. June 14.. 15s. by three equal instalments, on Oct. 1, Jan. 1, and July 1. Trust. F. W. De la Rue, wholesale stationer, Bunhillrow, Finsbury

SPALTON, GEORGE THOMAS, hosier, Rotherham. June 17. 6s. 8d. on Aug. 2

STEPHENS, HENRY, plumber, Leeds. June 28. 12s. 6d. by instalments of Gs. 6d, and 6s. in 3 and 6 mos,-guaranteed. Trust. T. Stephens, ale brewer, Leeds

STOREY, WILLIAM, jun., plumber, Baxton. June 5. Trusts. J.
F. Boswell, wine merchant, and W. Wright, jun., plumber, both

THOMAS, JOHN, grocer, Rhymney.
Huxtable, accountant, Cardiff

June 15. Trust. W. D.

TIMINGS, DAVID, retail brewer, Birmingham. June 25. 2s. 6d. in 7 days from registration

TOMLINSON, THURSTON; TOMLINSON, HENRY; and TOMLINSON, THOMAS, Corn millers, Altham, and Whatley. June 4. 68. 8d. by two equal instalments, in 14 days from registration, and on Oct. 30,-last secured. Trusts. G. Tomlinson, Read; J. Wilkinson, Padiham, farmers; and D. Riley, widow, Whalley TRACEY, BENJAMIN WHEATLY, retired commander in the Royal Navy, Merrick-sq, Southwark. June 28. 6d. by two equal instalments, on July 28, and Aug. 28 WATSON, HENRY THOMAS, ship owner, Great Grimsby. July 6. 2501 on April 30. E. Bannister, merchant, Great Grimsby WEBSTER, EDWARD, grocer, South Shields. June 15. Trusts. T. D. Hails, provision merchant; G. Relton, jun, flour dealer, both South Shields; and J. Nesbit, grocer, Newcastle-uponTyne


WILLIAMS, THOMAS, builder, Birmingham. June 22. 68. by two equal instalments, on July 14 and Oct. 14

WORMALL, WILLIAM, grocer, Cleckheaton. June 16. 5s. on Aug. 1. Trust. R. Wormall, Lothersdale



BROUGH.-On the 8th inst., at Liverpool, the wife of William Brough, Esq., of a daughter.

HAMILTON.-On the 7th inst., at 7, Rutland-square, Edinburgh, the wife of Hubert Hamilton, Esq., advocate, of a son. LAING.-On the 29th inst., at Grosvenor-villa, Croxted-road, Dulwich, Mrs. Laing, wife of Malcolm Laing, Esq., of Lincoln's-inn, and 2, Plowden-buildings, Temple, of a daughter.


92, FLEET-STREET, AND 1 & 2, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, E.C Carriage paid to the Country on Orders exceeding 20s.

DRAFT PAPER, 48. 6d., 68., 78., 78. 9d., and 98. per ream
BRIEF PAPER, 178. 6d., and 238. 6d. per ream.
FOOLSCAP PAPER, 108, 6d., 13s. 6d., and 188. 6d. per ream.
CREAM LAID NOTE, 38., 48., and 58. per ream.
LARGE CREAM LAID NOTE, 4s., 68., and 78. per ream.
LARGE BLUE NOTE, 38., 4., and 6s. per ream.
ENVELOPES, CREAM OR BLUE, is. 6d., and 68. 6d. per 1000.
THE TEMPLE" ENVELOPE, extra secure, 98. 6d. per 1000.


[blocks in formation]

Mortgages granted on Rates, Lands, &c. F. ALLAN CURTIS, Actuary and Secretary. MMEDIATE ANNUITIES GRANTED by for the following sums deposited :-For £100. For £200. 17 13 6 35 7 0 53 0 6 88 7 6 14 3 28 6 4 42 9 6 79 15 10 11 13 5 23 6 10 35 0 3 58 7 1 For forms of proposal, prospectus, &c., apply to EBENEZER CLARKE, Jun., Secretary. 52, Cannon-street, London, E.C.

At age.

[blocks in formation]

68, CHANCERY-LANE, LONDON. CHAIRMAN.-The Right Hon. Russell Gurney, Q.C., M.P., Recorder of London.

DEPUTY CHAIRMAN.-Sir W. J. Alexander, Bart., Q.C. Reversions and Life Interests purchased. Immediate and Deferred Annuities granted in exchange for Reversionary and Contingent Interests.

Annuities, Immediate, Deferred, and Contingent, and also Endowments, granted on favourable terms.

Loans may also be obtained on the security of Reversions. Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal, and all further inforC. B. CLABON, Sec. mation, may be had at the office.


AW UNION INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 126, CHANCERY-LANE. CHAIRMAN.-Sir William Foster, Bart. DEPUTY-CHAIRMAN,-James Cuddon, Esq., Barrister-at-Law Goldsmith's-building, Temple.

This Company is prepared to make immediate ADVANCES on Mortgage of Life Interests, Reversions, Freeholds, and long Leaseholds, and to purchase Reversions, whether absolute or contingent.

The Directors invite the attention of Solicitors and others to their new form of Whole World and Unconditional Life Policy, which affords peculiar and very great advantages to Mortgagees and others.

Every description of Fire and Life Insurance business transacted.

Annuities granted on favourable terms. Prospectuses, copies of the Directors' Report, and every information sent on application to

FRANK M'GEDY, Actuary and Secretary.

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POLICIES effected during the current year, will, if in force on 31st December 1873, be entitled to a BONUS at the NEXT DIVISION OF PROFITS IN 1874.

JOHN RALPH GRIMES, Secretary. 6, New Bridge-street, Blackfriars, London, E.C. May 1869.


Three Guinea SUITS of the new BANNOCKBURN, Gairloch, Glencoe, Killicrankie, and Blair Atholl Heather MIXTURES in all their pristine beauty of design and colouring, for Shooting Fishing, and Deer Stalking. At ALFRED WEBB MILES' only Establishment, 12, Brook. street, Hanover-square, W. Established 1841.


equal in appearance, accuracy, and durability, to any watch at five times the cost. A written guarantee and twelve months trial allowed.

ALBION SNELL, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 114, High Holborn, W.C. Established 1848. Free and safe by post is. extra, registered.

[blocks in formation]

F. DIXON TAYLOR, 72, Mark-lane, London, E.C. LL. WHISKY. Dublin Exhibition, 1865. This celebrated old Irish Whisky gained the Dublin Prize Medal. It is pure, mild, mellow, delicious, and very wholesome. Sold in bottles, 38. 8d. each, at the retail houses in London; by the agents in the prin cipal towns in England; or wholesale, at 8, Great Windmill street, London, W.-Observe the red seal, pink label, and cork branded "Kinahan's LL. Whisky."


265, STRAN D."If I desire a substantial dinner off the joint, with the agreeable accompaniment of light wine, both cheap and good, I know of only one house, and that is in the Strand, close to Dane's-inn. There you may wash down the roast beef of old England with excellent Burgundy, at two shillings a bottle, or you may be supplied with half a bottle for a shilling."-All the Year Round, June 18, 1864, page 440. The new Hall lately added is one of the handsomest dining rooms in London. Dinners (from the joint), vegetables, &c., 18. 6d.

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[blocks in formation]




To Readers and Correspondents

D. Q.-See "Queries." We do not answer questions. All anonymous communications are invariably rejected. All communications must be authenticated by the name

gratulate him on his promotion. But he was able to combine with this more ephemeral kind of political advocacy work which qualified him to serve his country as well as his party. His connection with the Army and Navy Gazette

and address of the writer, not necessarily for publica- completed and signalised his acquaintance with tion, but as a guarantee of good faith.


military life in all its details, and the influence and independence of that journal will be certain to gain the confidence of the whole military pro

MAGISTRATES, MUNICIPAL and fession for the new Deputy Judge-Advocate.

and APPEALS decided in

all the Courts. Edited by EDWARD W. COX, Serjeant-atLaw, Recorder of Portsmouth, Editor of "Cox's Criminal Law Cases." Vols. I., II., III, and IV., in half-calf, 258. each. Part VII. Vol. V. just published. Price 58. 6d.




THE MASTER of the ROLLS has, in the matter of the Accidental Death Insurance Company,

J decided by all the Courts, with NOTES, &C. Part XXIII. used very strong expressions upon the fre

just published, price 5s. 6d. Parts I. to XXII. may still be had. Also Vols. I. and II., which contain all the Cases decided from the 1st Jan, 1864 to 1868. Price 27. 28. each in half-calf.

Just published, Part IV. of Vol. XI. of

Court of Criminal Appeal, the Superior Courts, the Central Criminal Court, at the Assizes, and in Ireland. Edited by E. W. COX, Serjeant-at-Law, Recorder of Ports

mouth. Price 58. 6d.

quent contests for the office of liquidator, which occupied so much of the time of the courts, to the injury by delay to the interests of suitors. He seemed to think it was more a

COX'S CRIMINAL LAW CASES; in the question to be disposed of in chambers than to be fought out in the courts, and so far we entirely agree with him. But it is not for this that we notice the case in question, but for an incidental remark that has a special significancy at this time. "The real contest in all these cases," he said, "was who was to be the solicitor to the liquidator, who was generally merely a tool in the hands of the solicitor."

The Parts and Volumes may still be had to complete sets. It is the only complete series of Criminal Cases published in England. An Appendix contains a valuable collection of Precedents of Indictments.

London: 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C.
Just published, price 88. 6d., boards,

VANS'S LAW DIGEST (Vol. 7, Part 2, EVANS'S Parting

all the Cases reported and Statutes enacted during the last half-year (October 1868, and April 1869), so arranged that the practitioner can find in a moment the latest law on any subject. This is the only Half-yearly Digest of the Law.

Established for 24 years.

The back parts and volumes may still be had.

OFFICE: 10, Wellington-street, Strand, London.


Law and the Lawyers.

THE business on the circuits has been remark23ably meagre. Perhaps the Home has shown the 236 greatest dearth. The causes at Nisi Prius have been in the main of slight importance, whilst criminal offences have been lighter than usual.


236 237

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A SINGULAR judicial power has been conferred 243 on juries in an American state. A recent statute enacts that, "In all cases of felonies 243 which by existing laws are punishable with death, it shall be competent for the jury em243 panelled to return with their verdict of guilty, and as part of the same, either that the prisoner 245 shall suffer death by hanging as now provided by law, or that he be imprisoned in the peni245 tentiary for the term of his natural life, or for a term not less than fourteen years, as they may 247 decide."










250 230



OF Mr. O'Down, the new Deputy Judge Advo247 cate-General, the Globe writes: We may call the Premier fortunate, in finding for his appointment a candidate who combines a thorough acquaintance with the esprit de corps and the 249 training-professional as well as mental-which belongs to the Bar, and with the corresponding elements in the military spirit. This 250 is a combination not often met with in a high 250 degree of development, and it is one which stands the country in good stead when the work to be done is of so delicate and difficult a nature as the 253 administration of military law. We are quite 254 satisfied that Mr. O'Dowd is the right man in the right place, but, as we have said, it by no means follows that Mr. GLADSTONE should give general satisfaction by this appointment. That this should be the result arises, in a considerable degree, from the fact that Mr. O'Dowd has made his way into public life through the gate of the literary profession-a gate which has in general, we are afraid, been made much too difficult of access to those who are outside the happy valley of official influence and emolument. If, however, Mr. O'Dowd had merely served his party in the ordinary routine of partisan writing, we should not have been so ready to con

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There is a partial truth in this observation. Undoubtedly a winding-up is at least as profitable to the solicitor as to the liquidator, and therefore it is only in the natural course of things that solicitors should seek it, and if two persons are seeking the same object, it is but common prudence in them to join hands and pull together. But it is unjust to say that the liquidator is only a tool in the hands of the solicitor, for their interests are mutual and their alliance is on even terms. The powers of the liquidator are limited, and although he can give a great deal of profitable business to the solicitor, he cannot, with safety to himself, make work for him, and that is what Lord ROMILLY must have designed to convey by the expression that the liquidator was merely the tool of the solicitor.

But the subject has a special interest at this moment. The Bankruptcy Bill practically extends the system of winding-up to all bankrupt estates. The trustees are designed to be, and in practice will be, official liquidators. They are to be paid, and bankruptcy trusteeship will become a regular business. Indeed, it can only be performed efficiently by persons who make a business of it, who will devote their whole time and thought to it, and keep an establishment of clerks and collectors. The pay for each case will be small, and it can only be profitably a large scale, where the great managed on bankruptcies with heavy assets will pay for the little ones. A solicitor must be attached to every bankruptcy; few estates can be wound-up without some litigation. The solicitors may fairly look to this source of business as anxiously as they do the winding-up of companies, and we have no doubt that their bills will continue to be, as ever they have been, the principal claim in the expenses of a bankruptcy. It was to meet this difficulty that we suggested --and had the opportunity remained to us, we should have pressed it upon the consideration of the House as the most prudent course-to make solicitors in all cases the official liquidators in bankruptcy, paying them by a liberal

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THE Bill is very short. It merely removes the doubt raised by the recent equally divided judgment of the Queen's Bench, by declaring that no society registered under the Friendly Societies Act shall be deemed, for the purposes of the 24th section of that Act for the punishment of fraud and imposition, to be a society established for a purpose which is illegal, or not to be a Friendly Society within the meaning of such section. It is limited to one year. This is all that can be asked for, although, as before observed, neither the necessity nor the advantage of it is apparent, seeing that the general law gives to trades unions precisely the same protection against fraud and embezzlement as it gives to other associations and to private persons. Friendly societies possess the advantage, if such it be, of a summary proceeding before justices;

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