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All applications ex parte are to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor James, by book-post or parcel, prepaid, accompanied with the brief of counsel, endorsed with the terms of the order applied for, and an envelope capable of receiving the papers to be returned, with sufficient stamps affixed thereon, and addressed as follows:-"To the Registrar in Vacation, Chancery Registrar's Office, Chancery-lane, London, W.C."

On applications for injuctions or writs of ne exeat regno, there must be sent, in addition to the above, a copy of the bill, a certificate of bill filed, and office copies of the affidavits in support of the application.

The papers sent to the Vice-Chancellor, with any order his Honour may make thereon, will be returned direct to the registrar.

All applications for leave to give notice of motion only, may be made to the chief clerk at chambers.

The chambers of the Vice-Chancellor James will be open on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in each week from eleven till one o'clock. The Vice-Chancellor's address can be obtained on application at his Honour's chambers, 11, Newsquare, Lincoln's-inn.


NOTICE.-ENTRY OF CAUSES. Causes can be entered provisionally at the Office of the Clerk of Assize for the Home Circuit, in London, on Monday, the 26th July, and daily thereafter until Saturday, the 31st July, inclusive,

between the hours of ten and two.

They will be formally entered and put on the list at Croydon by the clerk of assize, in the order of their provisional entry, and before causes entered at Croydon.

In case any record entered in London be withdrawn before the opening of the commission at Croydon, the entry stamps will be returned.

A list of causes for trial each day will be sent to London on the evening of the previous day, and will be affixed outside the porter's lodge, Serjeants'-inn, Chancery-lane, and also outside the office of Mr. Abbott, the Under-Sheriff, No. 8, New-inn, Strand, as soon as possible after the list can be arranged.

The first day's list will not extend beyond the twentieth common jury in the list of causes provisionally entered, should there be so many. The list of causes provisionally entered may be seen at the London Office of the Clerk of the Assize. No cause will be allowed to be entered under any circumstances after the sitting of the court. This arrangement may not apply to future assizes.

By order of Her Majesty's Judges of Assize.


THE HAMPSHIRE LAW SOCIETY. The inaugural dinner of this society was held at the Pier Hotel, Southsea, on Thursday evening, July 22, and passed off in a very successful and agreeable manner. The want of a society of this kind has been long felt by the members of the legal Profession, and now that it has been fairly established it is hoped and expected that the advantages it offers will be generally appreciated. The objects of the society are set forth in the rules as follows: -1. To protect and sustain the interests and character of the legal Profession, and to promote fair and honourable practice. 2. To originate, watch, discuss, and, if necessary, petition, in relation to measures producing changes in the law affecting the legal Profession. 3. To establish and maintain a law library, if and when found practicable. 4. To adopt such measures or do such acts as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the above objects. The attendance at the opening dinner was not so numerous as had been expected, some of the members having from unavoidable causes been unable to be present. The chair was occupied by Mr. Ald. Hellard, the president of the society, and the vice-chair by Mr. Ald. Henry Ford, the vice-president; and among those present were Messrs. C. H. Binsteed, T. Cousins, hon. secretary; A. Besant, hon. treasurer; S. S. Long, J. J. Webb, T. J. Provis, Fareham; W. Reade, jun., Ringwood; E. P. Joyce, Newport; E. Goble, Fareham; S. J. Elliott, W. H. Ford, A. S. Blake, H. Reed, &c. The dinner was served in excellent style, under the personal superintendence of Miss Dare, the manageress, and the wines were of the first quality. On the removal of the cloth,

deeply affecting the well-being of society-interests of a variety of kinds, often delicate in their nature, and involving momentous questions, and often dependent upon the mutual good feeling and honesty of intention which generally existed in the Profession. The well-being of society, and the interests of their clients were all concerned, and if such objects were promoted by societies of this kind it was desirable that they should be supported. (Hear, hear.) Another object which struck him as very desirable was that a society of this kind promoted, to say the least, a sort of uniformity of practice. (Hear, hear.) At times, of course, questions of what was right practice or otherwise would arise, and when gentlemen had opportunities of meeting each other and interchanging their views it would have its proper influence on all parties, and tend to produce that general reliance on, and good feeling towards, each other that they ought all to entertain. (Applause.) Mr. Cousins had kindly taken a great interest in the matter, and he would follow, and he was sure press upon them the desirability of adding to their numbers, in order to enlarge the sphere of operations of the society and extend its benefits in all respects. (Applause.) Mr. T. Cousins, after some preliminary observations, said that they were aware that the society originated with a few gentlemen dining together, and having been put into shape and worked up from time to time it had assumed the important position in the borough it now occupied. The chairman had been pleased to pay him a compliment, but no one could possibly have paid more attention to the matter than their friend Mr. Hellard had. (Hear, hear.) If it had not been for Mr. Hellard this society would never have been in existence, and certainly would never have occupied the position it did now. (Hear, hear.) He had not only attended their general meeting, but every meeting of the committee, and they were all proud of a gentleman who occupied such an eminent position in his profession. (Applause.) One object of the society was to promote fair and honourable practice, and he would go a step further and say that he believed that in the state of public opinion with reference to changes in the law and law reforms, societies of this description were exceedingly necessary for the purpose of carefully watching all changes in law, not so much in reference to their own interests, as those of the public at large. (Hear, hear.) And after all, the Profession constituted the real legislators of the country, and led public opinion with reference to legal changes. When any change was made, it was either the Attorney-General, or SolicitorGeneral, or some eminent member of the legal Profession who introduced the Bill and got it passed into law. These societies were important, because by representing the opinion of the majority of the members they might influence legislation. (Hear, hear.) It was highly important that these societies should exist because they, as practical lawyers, did really know what the law ought to be, on practical and even theoretical grounds, a great deal better than many of those who had to make the laws. As to the law library he would not say a word, because they could not find the means or the disposition among their country friends to establish one at present. He thought that societies of this kind not only promoted uniformity of practice, but also that generous and kindly feeling which ought to exist among all members of the same profession. (Hear, hear.) After mentioning that a number of other gentlemen would have attended, but for circumstances over which they had no control, he said he had been asked to mention the name of their friend, Mr. Alderman Stigant, who was in a delicate state of health, and who wished him to state particularly how warm an interest he felt in the society, and how exceedingly sorry he was that he could not be there to-night. (Hear, hear.) If any little time or trouble he had spent in getting this meeting together had been productive of the slightest good, he could only say that his professional friends were perfectly welcome to it, and his reward was in seeing them present tonight. (Applause,)

Mr. Binsteed said that a very pleasing duty had been entrusted to him, and that was to propose "The President of the Society." (Applause.) Among the many objects of a society like this he felt that the most important was that of raising the tone of the character of their own body. (Hear, hear.) No body of men was so much abused as their own, and nobody was so essential to the existence, the comfort, and the welfare of all. (Hear, hear.) He believed it was quite true that they had succeeded to the position The usual toasts were proposed, and then occupied by the family confessor of the Roman The Chairman proposed the toast of the even- time. They were the depositaries of the secrets ing, "Prosperity to the Hampshire Law Society.' of families; they were often the depositaries of (Applause.) He could not but express his great the miseries of families; and it rested with them pleasure at seeing so many gentlemen connected to cure those miseries, and to compromise, and to with the legal profession present, because if there arrange, and repair mischiefs and misfortunes that was one profession in which it was desirable that overhung families, in a vast number of circumthere should be a community of good feeling it was stances. It was essential, for the welfare of their in that of the law, for interests were concerned fellows, even more than for their own dignity,

that their character should be maintained, and he was sure that the gentlemen who had attended the previous meetings of the society had done the best they could to maintain and elevate the character of their body by electing their friend, Mr. Hellard, as their president. (Applause.) He was sure that the election of Mr. Hellard, as president was a guarantee of the wish of all the members who had hitherto joined that the character of the association, and the honour and dignity of the Profession should be maintained, and that they should do the utmost they could to obtain the good feeling of their fellows, and to remove from public opinion the idea that they were to be "sold" for a few guineas at any time. (Hear, hear.) One constantly saw most flagitious and fraudulent cases carried on by members of their profession, simply because they were retained to do it. He hoped that that was the characteristic of some few only, and they should endeavour to impress upon the public that those individuals furnished exceptions to the rule on which their practice was maintained. (Applause.)

The Chairman said he hardly felt that he deserved their kind expression of feeling, except that having for upwards of forty years been a member of the Profession he had had some considerable experience of matters, and although his line of practice was not that which had brought him before the public so much as that of many others he had probably seen as much of the mainsprings of life as most men. He quite endorsed what had been said by his friend Mr. Binsteed as to the importance of maintaining the status, honour, and position of the Profession. His wish had always been to do so-(applause)-and it would continue to be so, and anything he could do to advance the interests of a society like this he should be always ready to do. (Applause).

Mr. W. Reade, jun., proposed, "The officers of the society." He pointed out that upon the officers the real working of the society, whether for good or evil, to a great extent depended. They had an arduous duty to perform. as they had to steer between Scylla and Charybdis. These gentlemen would, prima facie, be responsible for the next twelve-months for the way the society went on; whether this should be the first and last dinner, or whether, as he trusted, it would be the commencement of a long series, and that the society would grow greater and greater every year, and extend throughout Hampshire those principles and feelings without which the legal Profession became a mockery and a sham. (Applause.) He felt that the existence and power of a society of this kind were essentially necessary if they wished to raise the character of this branch of the Profession. They were the most powerful body in England. The one temporal subject who took precedence of every other was the Lord Chancellor. Who made the Lord Chancellor? Popular prejudice imagined that the Queen or the Premier made him, but it was the attorneys who did so. (Hear, hear, and a laugh.) It was the attorneys who distributed the prizes at the Bar; and the members of the Bar were nothing more nor less than their tenants at will. How important, then, that the instruments from which those results spring, should be pure in every way. (Hear, hear.) They could not secure the proper working of the society without a proper staff of officers, and he was sure that they could repose implicit confidence in those they had selected. (Cheers.)

The Vice-Chairman responded, and after paying a graceful compliment to Mr. Reade for the able manner in which he had proposed the last toast, said that during the thirty-five years he had been connected with the Profession he had often thought that such an institution as this would tend to elevate and maintain the position of the Profes sion. The great object was not merely to secure advantages for themselves, but to promote the high and honourable character of their Profession, so as to gain something for their clients. He thought that anything that tended to elevate the character of members of the Profession must be a benefit to their clients. (Hear, hear.) Speaking on behalf of the executive officers, it would be their study to promote the objects defined so ably in the rules. Mr. Cousins had devoted a great deal of time and trouble, and all the energy he possessed, to get them together, and he had been well assisted by the president. He trusted that next year they would have a great accession of members. Today he had received the authority of Mr. J. H. Hearn, of Newport, to put his name down as a member, and he had no doubt that when the society became known, and that it had been brought into existence, they would have a great many more members. (Hear, hear.) One great benefit to be derived from the society was that young members, on entering the Profession, would have a body to go to for their guidance and instruction. (Hear, hear) He believed that they would gain public opinion by raising the character of the Profession. He should be too glad to assist in every possible way he could in promoting the interest and the welfare of a profession with which he had been so long connected. (Applause.)

Mr. Provis, in complimentary terms, proposed, YOUNGMAN, THOMAS, livery-stable keeper, Bristol gardens, and "The Press," which was responded to by Mr. Hay and Mr. Green.

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The Ladies," was proposed in a neat speech by Mr. Blake, and after Mr. Joyce had responded,

Warrington-mews, Maida-hill Pet. July 19. Reg. Murray. Q. A. Parkyns. Sol. Clarke, St. Mary's-sq, Paddington. Sur. Aug. 6 To surrender in the Country. ALDERTON, JOHN, thatcher, Norwich Castle. & O. A. Francklin. Sur. Aug. 5

Pet. May 18. Reg.

the formal portion of the proceedings was brought ALLEN, JOHN, saddler and harness maker, Torquay. Pet. July 19. to a close.

THE GAZETTES. Bankrupts.

Gazette, July 23,

To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-st. ATTERSOLL, WILLIAM, auctioneer, in partnership, Chatham. Pet. July 19. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sols. Messrs. Nicholson, Chancery-la. Sur. Aug. 3

BAXTER, WILLIAM ROBERT, victualler, Commercial-st, Shore-
ditch. Pet. July 13. O. A. Paget. Sur. Aug. 9
BLENKARN, ALFRED BOWER, insurance agent, Friern-villas,
Peckhamn, and Gresham-bldgs, Basinghall-st. Pet. July 20. Reg.
Pepys. 0. A. Graham. Sols. Messrs. Hodgson, Salisbury-st,
Strand. Sur. Aug. 4

BRANSBURY, GEORGE, plumber, Littlehampton. Pet. July 19.
O. A. Paget. Sol. Brighten, Bishopsgate-st-without. Sur. Aug. 6
BROWN, THOMAS, trainer of racehorses, Winchester. Pet. July 19.
Reg. Pepys. 0. A. Graham. Sol. Kearsey, Old Jewry. Sur.
Aug. 4

BUTLER, CHARLES, beerhouse keeper, Stratford. Pet. July 15. O. A. Paget. Sur. Aug. 9

CAREY, FREDERICK WILLIAM, dealer in tripe, St. John's-rd, Hoxton. Pet. July 19. O. A. Paget. Sol. Nind, Basinghall-st. Sur. Aug. 6

CHAMBERS, THOMAS HODGSON, coal merchant, Grenville-st, Brunswick-sq, and Gloucester-row, Walworth-rd. Pet. July 20. O A. Paget. Sol. Townsend, Queen-st, Cheapside. Sur. Aug. 6 COLE, JEREMIAH, out of business, Union-st, Rotherhithe. Pet. July 19. O. A. Paget. Sol. Burt, Guildhall-chainbers, Basinghall-st. Sur. Aug. 6

COYLE, IGNATIUS FRANCIS, commission agent, Great Portland-st. Pet. July 17. O. A. Paget. Sol. White, Russell-sq. Sur. Aug. 5 CROZIER, WILLIAM, victualler, Chatham-st, Battersea. Pet. July 13. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sur. Aug. 4 DAVYS, WILLIAM, and DAVYS, WALTER LEE, plumbers, Old Charlton. Pet. July 19. O. A. Paget. Sol. Buchanan, Basinghall-st. Sur. Aug. 6

DAWSON, JOHN WILLIAM, carpenter, Seaton-st, Chelsea. Pet. July 16. Reg. Brougham. 0. A. Paget. Sol. Watson, Basinghall-st. Sur. Aug. 5

DOWMAN, WILLIAM, solicitor, Sudbury. Pet. July 13. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sur. Aug. 4

DUNN, PENISTON, not in any occupation, South Lea, Datchitt. Pet. July 12. O. A. Paget. Sur. Aug. 9

FREY, WILLIAM, eating house keeper, Cullum-st, Fenchurch-st. Pet. July 19. O. A. Paget. Sol. Murray, Great St. Helen's. Sur. Aug. 6

GALER, CHARLOTTE, widow, out of business, Cottage-grove, Bowrd. Pet. July 16. O. A. Paget. Sol. Payne, Bedford-row. Sur. Aug. 5

GIBBINGS, WILLIAM, builder, South Penge-pk. Pet. July 14. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sur. Aug. 4

GIBSON, ROBERT, warehouseman, Old Fish-st. Pet. July 14. Reg. Pepys O. A. Graham. Sol. Jones, Queen-st, Cheapside. Sur. Aug. 11

GODBOLT, GEORGE, builder, Gorleston. Pet. July 30. Reg. Murray.
O. A. Parkyns. Sols. Treherne and Wolferstan, Aldermanbury.
Sur. Aug. 9

GOODALL, JOHN, dealer in timber, Surbiton-hill. Pet. July 14.
Reg. Pepys. 0. A. Graham. Sur. Aug. 4
HARDING, FREDERICK, portrait painter. Twickenham. Pet July
15. O. A. Paget. Sol. Hicks, Frances-ter, Hackney-wick. Sur.
Aug. 5

HEBERT, JAMES DEANE, hotel keeper, Trinity-sq, Tower-hill. Pet. July 15. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sols. Messrs. Henderson, Fenchurch-st. Sur. Aug. 4

HERBERT, HENRY CHARLES JOCE, chemist, Blandford. Pet. July 21. O. Á. Paget. Sols. Marsden, Friday-st, and Messrs. AtkinBlandford. Sur. Aug. 9

HIGGINBOTHAM, GEORGE, house decorator, Harrow-st, Lisson-
grove. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sur. Aug. 4
HILDER, NELSON ALBERT, surgeon, Bletchingley, and New-ter,
Camberwell-pk. Pet. July 17. Reg. Brougham. O. A. Paget.
Sol. Kent, Cannon-st. Sur. Aug. 6

HILL, CAROLINE, spinster, (known as Jane Seymour), no business,
Wellington-sq, Chelsea. Pet. July 21. Reg. Brougham. 0. A.
Paget. Sol. Biddles, South-sq, Gray's-inn. Sur. Aug. 9
HOLLEY, JOHN, victualler, Church-st, Mile End New-town.
July 13 O. A. Paget. Sur. Aug. 9


HOWELL, WILLIAM JONES, builder, Plaistow, Pet. July 15. O. A.
Paget. Sur. Avg. 9

JONES, ROBERT SLADE, (known as Robert Boxley Heath), lecturer,
Southgate. Pet. July 21. Reg. Pepys. 0, A. Graham. Sols.
Messrs. Webb, Austin-friars. Sur. Aug. 4
KELLY, JAMES, portmanteau maker, Moore-st, Chelsea, and Park-
side Knightsbridge. Pet. July 16. Reg. Brougham. O. A. Paget.
Sol. Watson, Basinghall-st. Sur. Aug. 6

LEE, ROBERT, saddler and harness maker, High-st, Putney. Pet. July 19. 9. A. Paget. Sol. Peverlay, Gresham-bldgs, Basinghallst. Sur. Aug. 6

LOVELL, GEORGE, plumber, Gray's-inn-rd. Pet. July 17. Reg. Brougham. O. A. Paget. Sol. Pittman, Guildhall-chambers, Basinghall-st. Sur. Aug. 6

MALIPHANT, CHARLES GODFREY, builder, Russell-ter, Hernehill. Pet. July 12. O. A. Paget. Sol. Howard, Quality-ét, Chancery-la. Sur. Aug. 11


MASON, JOSEPH, baker, Deptford. Pet. July 17. O. A. Paget.
Sol. Biddles. South-sq, Gray's inn. Sur. Aug. 6
MAY, JOHN, bootmaker, Green-st, Leicester-sq. Pet. July 21.
O. A. Paget. Sol. Harris, Walbrook-buildings, Walbrook. Sur.
Aug. 9
MORGAN, ALEXANDER, grocer, Vernon-ter, Notting-hill.
July 13. Reg. Pepys, O. A. Graham. Sur. Aug. 4
MOTT, MACEY, builder, Hendon. Pet. July 16. Ö. A, Paget. Sol.
Trimmer, Lincoln's-inn-fields, Sur. Aug. 5
MOXEY, FRANK, builder, Dale rd, Kentish-town. Pet. July 17.
O. A. Paget. Sol. Strutt, Adelphi ter, Strand. Sur. Aug. 5
O'BRIEN, WALTER, innkeeper, Newbury. Pet. July 17. O. A.
Paget. Sur. Aug 9

ORBELL, THOMAS, plumber, Hampton Court. Pet. July 19. O. A.
Paget. Sol. M'Cann, Lincoln's-inn-fields. Sur. Aug. 6
PALMER, JOHN, beerhouse keeper, East Ham. Pet. July 15. O. A.
Paget. Sur. Aug. 9

PAVITT, JAMES, general dealer, Chigwell. Pet. July 15. O. A.
Paget. Sur. Aug. 9

PHILLIPS, JAMES, cabinet maker, Clarence-yd, Hackney-rd. Pet July 21. O. A. Paget. Sol. Watson, Basinghall-st. Sur. Aug. 9 ROBERTS, GEORGE, DAanager to an iron and steel company, Merchant-st, Mile End-rd. Pet. July 13. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sur. Aug. 9

SARGENT, WILLIAM, general shop keeper, Triangle.pl, Kingsland. Pet. July 19. O. A. Paget. Sol. Hicks, Frances-ter,, Hackneywick. Sur. Aug. 6

SEFTON, THOMAS, general dealer, President-st-east, Goswell-rd, Pet. July 21. O. A. Paget. Sol. Johnson, Bedford-row. Sur. Aug. 9

SHEPPARD, HENRY FRANCIS, builder, Bradley-st, South Lambeth and Dovedale-ter, Lower Wandsworth. Pet. July 14. Reg. Pepys O. A. Graham. Sur. Aug. 4

SOUTH, ANTHONY GALLOWAY, sawdust dealer, Swan-la, Rother-
hithe. Pet. July 14. O. A. Paget. Sur. Aug. 9
SYNNETT, ANDREW, builder, Upper Teddington. Pet. July 14.
O. A. Paget. Sur. Aug. 9

THOMPSON, HENRY JAMES, pocket book manufacturer, Glouces ter-st, Clerkenwell. Pet. July 20. O. A. Paget. Sol. Pópe, Great James-st, Bedford-row. Sur. Aug. 2

WAUGH, WILLIAM PETRIE, civil engineer, Landseer-rd, Upper
Holloway, and Craven-st, and King William-st, Strand. Pet.
July 13. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sur. Aug. 4
WELDON, WILLIAM, grocer's assistant, Whitecross-st. Pet. July
16. O. A. Paget. Sols. Messrs. Matthews, Leadenhall-st. Sur.
Aug. 5
WESTON, JOHN HENRY, chandelier manufacturer, Kennington-rd
and Landsdowne-crescent, Lambeth. Pet. July 16. Reg. Pepys.
O. A. Graham. Sol. Sydney, Jewry-st, Aldgate. Sur. Aug. 4
WHITE, FRANCIS, victualler, Nunhead. Pet. July 2. O. A. Paget.
Fisher, King's-bench-walk, Temple. Sur. Aug. 11

O. A. Carrick. Sols. Bishop, Torquay, and Floud, Exeter. Sur. Aug. 3

ARROWSMITH, JAMES, machine manufacturer, Hull. Pet. May 28.
Reg. & O. A. Phillips. Sur. Aug. 3

BANBURY, JOHN, grocer, Exeter. Pet. July 17. Reg. & O. A. Daw.
Sol, Trehane, jun, Exeter. Sur. Aug. 2
BANNISTER, THOMAS, butcher, Liverpool. Pet. July 17. O. A.
Turner. Sur. Aug. 3

BARBER, WILLIAM HENRY, lace manufacturer, Nottingham. Pet. July 19. Reg. Tudor. O. A. Harris. Sol. Heathcote, Nottingham. Sur. Aug. 3

Reg. &

BATE, CHARLES, butcher, Castle Foregate, Shrewsbury. Pet.
July 21. Reg. & O. A. Peele. Sol. Morris, Shrewsbury. Sur.
Aug. 9
BAXTER, DAN, flock dealer, Lenthwaite. Pet. May 19.
O. A. Jones. Sol. Sykes, Huddersfield. Sur. Aug. 6
BEER, GEORGE, master mariner, Truro. Pet. July 19. Reg. &
O. A. Chilcott. Sols. Carlyon and Paul, Truro. Sur. Aug. 4
BEAKE, JAMES, beer retailer, Bristol. Pet. July 19. Reg. Wilde.
O. A. Acraman. Sol. Miller, Bristol. Sur. Aug. 4
BESWICK, JOSEPH THOMAS HOLLAND, beer retailer, Chorlton-
upon Medlock, Manchester. Pet. July 9. Reg. & O. A. Kay.
Sur. Aug. 5
BIDDLE, JAMES, eating-house keeper, Hereford. Pet. July 19.
Reg.&O. A. Reynolds. Sol. Carless, jun., Hereford. Sur. Aug. 21
BRAHAM, SAMUEL, general dealer, Leeds. Pet. July 19. O. A.
Young. Sol. Harle, Leeds. Sur. Aug. 9
BUCKINGHAM, GEORGE, commission agent, Liverpool. Pet. June
18. Reg. & O. A. Hime. Sur. Aug. 4
BURCHELL, JAMES, market gardener, Steyning. Pet. July 21.
Reg. & O. A. Evershed. Sol. Mills, Brighton. Sur. Aug. 9
CATLING, JESSE, journeyman cooper, Huddersfield. Pet. May 13.
Reg. & O. A. Jones. Sol. Learoyd, Huddersfield. Sur. Aug. 6
COLLINGE, SAMUEL, brickmaker, Rockdale. Pet. July 20. Reg.
& O. A. Jackson. Sol. Harris, Rochdale. Sur. Aug. 4
COTTERELL, JOHN, grocer, Kempsey. Pet. July 19. Reg. & O.A.
Crisp. Sol. Rea, Worcester. Sur. Aug 3

CROOK, GEORGE, higgler, Pembury. Pet. July 19. Reg. & O. A.
Alleyne. Sol. Cripps, Tonbridge Wells. Sur. Aug. 6
CROOKES, SAINT JOHN, commission agent, Penshaw. Pet. July
19. Reg. Gibson. O. A. Laidman. Sols. Snowball and Allison,
Sunderland. Sur. Aug. 6
CROW, GEORGE, brewer, Liverpool. Pet. July 20. Reg. & O. A.
Hime. Sol. Thornley, Liverpool. Sur. Aug. 9
DANDY, JOHN, bricklayer, Great Driffield. Pet. July 20. Reg. &
O. A. Tonge. Sol. Allen, Great Driffield. Sur. Aug. 30
DARLING, WILLIAM, grocer, Burnopfield. Pet. July 19. Reg. &
O. A. Booth, jun. Sol. Clavering, Newcastle. Sur. Aug. 9
DAVIES, WILLIAM HENRY, pianoforte maker, Liverpool. Pet.
July 16. Reg. & O. A. Hime. Sur. Aug. 6
DAVIS, BENJAMIN, general dealer, Mountfield. Pet. July 16. Reg.
& 0. A. Young. Sur. Aug. 5
DILLON, CHARLES JAMES, comedian, Leeds. Pet. July 12. O. A.
Young. Sol. Tempest, Leeds. Sur. Aug. 2
DUTHIE, WILLIAM, greengrocer, Birkenhead. Pet. July 20. Reg.
& O. A. Wason. Sol. Moore, Birkenhead. Sur. Aug. 6
EDWARDS, JAMES GEORGE, builder, Madenhead. Pet. July 17.
Reg. & O. A. Darvill. Sol. Smith, Windsor. Sur. Aug. 3
EGAN, JOHN, cabinet maker, Aberavon. Pet. July 20. Reg.
Wilde. O. A. Acraman. Sols. Tenant, Aberavon, and Hender-
son and Salmon, Bristol, Sur. Aug. 4


EVANS, EVAN, butter and bacon dealer, Llangollan. Pet. July 15.
Reg. & O. A. Reid. Sol. Sherratt, Wrexham. Sur. Aug. 3
EVERED, CLARA MIRA, widow, out of business, Hartest. Pet.
July 20. Reg. & 0. A. Andrews. Sol. Salmon, Bury St. Edmund's.
Sur. Aug. 5
GENFUARTH, WILLIAM WILLIAMS, farmer, Llanddanielfab. Pet.
July 19. Reg, & O.A. Dew. Sol. Jones, Menai-bridge. Sur. Aug. 5
GRUNDY, WILLIAM, joiner, Mountsorrell. Pet. July 20.
Tudor. O. A. Harris. Sol. Goode, Loughborough. Sur. Aug. 3
HARVEY, JAMES MARK, stationer, Oxford. Pet. July 16. Reg. &
O. A. Dudley. Sol. Thompson, St. Ebbs. Sur. Aug. 3
HAWKER, WILLIAM, beerhouse keeper, Grimsley. Pet. July 20.
Reg. & O. A. Crisp, Sol. Tree, Worcester. Sur. Ang. 3
HEAD, THOMAS, doctor of medicine, Skelton. Pet. July 19.
& O. A. Varty. Sol. Cant, Penrith. Sur. Aug. 4
HEPPLE. WILLIAM ROBERT, commission agent, Gateshead.
July 19. Reg. & O, A. Ingledew. Sol. Forster, Newcastle.
Aug. 3


HUGHES, ALFRED WILSON, out of business, Topsham. Pet. July
16. O. A. Carrick. Sol. Friend, Exeter. Sur. Aug. 2
INGRAM, WILLIAM, baker, Coventry. Pet. July 15. Reg. & O. A.
Kirby, Sol. Horner, Coventry. Sur. Aug. 3
JEAVONS, JOB, scrap dealer, Wolverhampton. Pet. June 28. Reg.
& O. A. Brown. Sol. Best, Willenhall. Sur, Aug. 2
JONES, DAVID, grocer, Rhymney. Pet. July 20. Reg. Wilde.
O. A. Acraman. Sols. Press and Inskip, Bristol. Sur. Aug. 4
JONES, SAMUEL, WYNNE, commission agent, Hawarden. Pet,
July 22. O. A. Turner. Sol. Cartwright, Chester. Sur. Aug. 3
KENDALL, GEORGE JAMES, auditor of accounts, Nottingham.
Pet. July 20. Reg. Tudor. O. A. Harris. Sol. Maple, Notting-
ham. Sur. Aug. 3

KIDD, CHARLES HENRY, butcher, York. Pet. July 19. Reg. &
O. A. Perkins. Sol. Mann, York. Sur. Aug. 9
KING, EDWARD, tailor, Chesterfield. Pet. July 15. Reg. & O. A.
Wake and Waller. Sol. Cutts, Chesterfield. Sur. Aug. 10,
LANGWORTHY, LEWIS, merchant, Manchester. Pet July 13, Reg
Fardell. O.A. McNeill. Sols. Sale, Shipman, Seddon, and Sale,
Manchester. Sur. Aug. 4

LEIGH, JAMES, plumber, Liverpool. Pet. July 16. Reg. & O. A.
Hime. Sur. Aug. 6

LLOYD, EDWARD, baker, Bishop's Castle. Pet. July 20. Reg. Tudor. O. A. Kinnear. Sols. Griffiths, Bishop's Castle, and Messrs. Hodgson, Birmingham. Sur. Aug. 6

LONG, WILLIAM, chemist, Kidderminster. Pet. July 17. Reg. &
O. A. Talbot. Sol. Crowther, Kidderminster. Sur. Aug. 2
MANTLE, THOMAS, joiner, Birkenhead. Pet. July 14. O. A. Turner.
Sur. Aug. 3

MERRICK, HERBERT, journeyman stonemason, Worcester. Pet.
July 19. Reg. Tudor. 0. A. Kinnear. Sol. Tree, Worcester.
Sur. Aug. 6
MIDWOOD, GEORGE, lime burner, Huddersfield. Pet. July 13.
Reg, & O. A. Jones. Sol. Sykes, Huddersfield. Sur. Aug. 6
MORRINE, JOHN. assistant to a travelling draper, Blackburn. Pet.
July 19. Reg. & O. A. Bolton. Sol. Hall, Blackburn. Sur. Aug. 9
Hartlepool, (trading as Coombe and Muschamp, and the North
of England Manure Co). Pet. July 19. Reg. & O. A. Child. Sol.
Todd, Hartlepool. Sur. Aug. 10
PHILLIPS, HENRY, clothier, Cardiff. Pet. July 14. Reg. Wilde.
O. A. Aeraman. Sur. Aug. 4
POTTS, WILLIAM, shipowner, Huddersfield. Pet. July 16. Reg.
Gibson. 0. A. Laidman. Sol. Hoyle, Newcastle. Sur. Aug. 6
SANDFORD, HORACE VAVASOUR, physician, Colsterworth. Pet.
July 20. Reg. Tudor. O. A. Harris. Sol. Ashwell, Nottingham.
Sur. Aug. 3

SHEARD, WALTER, journeyman blacksmith, Blagden. Pet. July 1.
Reg. & O. A. Jones. Sol. Booth, Holmfirth. Sur. Aug. 6
SLEIGHT, EDWARD, grocer, Bradford. Pet. July 19. O. A. Young.
Sols. Rhodes, Bradford; and Simpson, Leeds. Sur. Aug. 9
SMART, SAMUEL, provision dealer, Dudley. Pet. July 21. Reg. &
O. A. Walker. Sol. Stokes, Dudley. Sur. Aug. 5
STAVENHAGEN, JULIUS, tobacconist, Bradford. Pet. July 21.
O. A. Young. Sols. Berry, Bradford, and Bond and Barwick,
Leeds. Sur. Aug. 9

STEPHENSON, TIMOTHY, labourer, Durham. Pet. July 9. Reg. Gibson. O. A. Laidman. Sols. Hoyle, Shipley, and Hoyle, Newcastle. Sur. Aug. 6

TUNNICLIFFE, EDWARD, farm bailiff, Denstone. Pet. July 20.
Reg. Tudor. O. A. Kinnear. Sols. Messrs. Welby, Uttoxeter,
and James and Griffin, Birmingham. Sur. Aug. 6
TUNNICLIFFE, WILLIAM, journeyman miner, Northwood. Pet.
July 20. Reg. Tudor. O. A. Kinnear. Sols. Messrs. Welby,
Uttoxeter, and James and Griffin, Birmingham. Sur. Aug. 6
TURTON, JOHN, boat haulier, Wolverhampton. Pet. July 14. Reg.
& O. A. Brown. Sol. Langman, Wolverhampton. Sur. Aug. 2
TUSON, HENRY, butcher, Sheffield. Pet. July 20. Reg. & O. A.
Wake and Rodgers. Sol. Fernall, Sheffield. Sur. Aug. 6
WADE, HENRY, ship chandler, Cardiff. Pet. July 19. Reg. Wilde
O. A. Acraman. Sols, Press and Inskip, Bristol. Sur. Aug. 4
WALKER, GEORGE, ironfounder, Liverpool. Pet. July 17. O.A.
Turner. Sur. Aug. 2

WARRENE, SARAH ELLEN, widow, lodging-house keeper, Gravesend. Pet. July 20. Reg. & O. A. Southgate. Sol. Peckham, Doctor's-commons. Sur. Aug. 7

WEBSTER, DAVID, potato dealer, Liverpool. Pet. July 17. 0. A.
Turner. Sur. Aug. 2
WILLIAMS, JOHN, baker, Shrewsbury. Pet. July 21. Reg. & 0.A.
Peele. Sol. Morris, Shrewsbury. Sur. Aug. 9
WOODCOCK, JOHN, labourer, Rotherham. Pet. July 19. Reg. &
O. A. Newman and Hoyle. Sol. Willis, Rotherham. Sur. Aug. 9
WRIGGLESWORTH, FREDERICK, out of business, Ludlow. Pet.
July 16. Reg. & O. A. Williams. Sol. Weyman, Ludlow. Sur.
July 26
YEOMANS, RICHARD FREDERICK, commission agent Longsight.
Pet. July 9. Reg. & O. A. Kay. Sur. Aug. 5

Gazette, July 27,

To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street. BAYFIELD, JOHN TAYLOR, out of employment, St. Thomas-st, Southwark. Pet. July 21. Reg. Brougham. O. A. Paget. Sol. Lilley, Trinity-st. Southwark. Sur. Aug. 1 COLLIER, EDWARD, cominission agent, late Francis-ter, Victoriapark. Pet. July 20. Reg. Brougham. O. A. Paget. Sol. Perry, Guildhall-chmbs, Bas nghall-st. Sur Aug. 11 CHAWNER, DARWIN FRANK, clerk in holy orders, Harford-house, Stoke Newington-rd. Pet. July 22. O. A. Paget. Sols. Swann and Co., Chancery-la. Sur. Aug. 11

CRACKNELL, FREDERICK, labourer, Upnor. Pet. July 23. Reg. Brougham. O. A. Paget. Sol. Nind, Basinghall-st. Sur. Aug. 12 ELSE, FREDERICK EDWARD, wine merchant, Westbourne-grove and Douglas-pl, Bayswater. Pet. July 23. O. A. Paget. Sols. Messrs Gole, Lime-st. Sur. Aug. 12

GARDNER, THOMAS, builder, Champion-ter, Camberwell. Pet. July 19. Reg. Brougham. O. A. Paget. Sol. Morison, Trinityst, Southwark. Sur. Aug. 6

GINGER, GEORGE, builder, New Barnet. Pet. July 22. Reg.
Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Earle, Bedford-row. Sur, Aug. 11
HOUSTON, GEORGE, no occupation, Holborn. Pet. July 22. O. A.
Paget. Sol. Marshall, Lincoln's-inn flds. Sur. Aug 11
JACOB, LAWRANCE, manufacturer of fancy goods, Warwick-rd,
Maida-hill, and Noble st and Birmingham. Pet. July 20. 0.A.
Paget. Sol. Harris, Moorgate-st. Sur. Aug. 6
KITCHINER, JOHN, out of business, Northumberland park,
Tottenham. Pet. July 21. 0. A. Paget. Sol. Popham, Vincent-
ter, Islington. Sur. Aug. 11

LOVEGROVE, JOSEPH, carpenter, Vernon-ter, Kensington-park.
Pet. July 21. Reg. Brougham. O. A. Paget. Sol. Drake,
Basinghall-st. Sur. Aug. 11

O'NEIL, FRANCIS SAMUEL, plumber, Kingsland. Pet. July 21. O. A. Paget. Sol. Briant, Winchester House, Old Broad-st. Sur. Aug. 9

ORD, JOSEPH, engineer, Long-la and Wild's-rents, Bermondsey. Pet. July 19. O. A. Paget. Sol. Cooke, Gresham bldgs, Basing. hall-st. Sur. Aug. 6

PATE, JOHN LEADEN, builder, Cambridge. Pet. July 24. O. A. Paget. Sols. Ravenscroft and Co., Great James-st, Bedfordrow. Sur. Aug. 12

QUAIL, EDWIN, out of business, Mile End-rd. Pet. July 21. Reg. Brougham. O. A. Paget. Sol. Watson, Basinghall-st. Sur.

Aug. 11

RATLEY, THOMAS, ironmonger, Notting hill. Pet. July 20. 0. A.
Paget. Sol. Cooke, Gresham-bldgs, Basinghall-st. Sur. Aug. 9
REID, ARCHIBALD, merchant, Bucklersbury. Pet. July 15. 0.A.
Paget. Sol, Sturt, Ironinonger-la Sur. Aug. 12
REILLY, GEORGE, dealer in fancy goods, Brighton. Pet. July 21.
O. A. Paget. S1. Runnicles, Brighton. Sur. Aug. 9
SANCTO, ALFRED, labourer, Retreat-ter, Hackney. Pet. July 23.
Reg. Brougham. O. A. Paget. Sol. Biddles, South-sq, Gray's-
inn. Sur. Aug. 12

SAURBREY, PETER, baker, Lamp.st, Spitalfields. Pet. July 2
Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Biddles, South-sq, Gray's-inn
Sur. Aug. 11

SHAW, HENRY, printer, Borough-rd, Southwark. Pet. July 20.
O. A. Paget. Sol. Hepburn, Bird in Hand-ct, Cheapside. Sur.
Aug. 11

TURNER, HENRY, grocer, Ridgway-rd, Wimbledon. Pet. July 23.
O. A. Paget. Sol. Tempany, Bedford-row. Sur. Aug. 11
VENN, ROBERT JOHN, licensed victuallet, Broadstairs.


July 23. 0. A. Paget. Sols. Walker and Moojen, Southamptonst, Bloomsbury. Sur. Aug. 12 WALKER, JOSEPH EMBLIN, licensed victualler, Grove-park Hotel, Chiswick. Pet. July 21. 0. A. Paget, Sols. Holmes and Holmes, Finsbury-pl. Sur, Aug. 9

WHITE, GEORGE, coffee-house keeper, Bunhill-row, St. Luke's, Pet. July 21. O. A. Paget. Sol. Hutson, Upper Clifton-st, Finsbury. Sur. Aug. 9

WILLIAMS, THOMAS HUMPHREY, pianoforte tuner, Edward-ter, Peckham. Pet. July 22.0. A. Paget, Sols, Evans and Laing, John-st, Bedford-row. Sur. Aug. 11

WRIGHT, HENRY, plumber, Stony Stratford. Pet. July 13. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sols. Vizard and Co., Lincoln's-inn-fids, for Saunders and Co., Birmingham. Sur. Aug. 11

To surrender in the Country.

BARRETT, SAMUEL, fish dealer, Lancaster. Pet. July 22. Reg. &
& O. A. Dunn. Sols. Johnson and Tilly, Lancaster. Sur. Aug. 2
BERRY, JOSEPH, writing clerk, Oswestry. Pet. July 21. Reg. &
O. A. Croxon. Sol. Jones, Welchpool. Sur. Aug. 14
BIRD, THOMAS, coaldealer, Stanton-hy Bridge. Pet. June 29.

Reg. & O. A. Weller. Sol. Briggs, Derby. Sur. Aug. 18 BRADBURY, THOMAS, retail brewer, Bedworth. Pet. July 22. Reg. Tudor. O. A. Kinnear. Sols. James and Griffin, Birming ham. Sur. Aug. 6


BROOKES, EDWARD, cab proprietor, Llandudno. Pet. July 19.
Reg. & O. A. Hughes. Sol. Jones. Sur. Aug. 3
CANTRELL, GEORGE HIND, grocer, Burton-on-Trent
July 21. Reg. & O. A. Hubbersty. Sol. Wilson, Burton-on-
Trent. Sur. Aug. 18

CARTER, JOHN, timber merchant, Aycliffe. Pet. July 20. Reg. &
O. A. Bowes. Sol. Robinson, Darlington and Richmond. Sur.
Aug. 9

CLONEY, THOMAS, foreman and deputy surveyor to the Trustees
of the Warwick, Coventry, and Leamington Turnpike-road,
Warwick. Pet. July 19. Reg. & O. A. Tibbits. Sol. Sanderson,
Warwick. Sur. Aug. 8

COXON, WILLIAM, journeyman joiner, Derby. Pet. July 2. Reg.
& O. A. Weller. Sol. Heath, Derby. Sur. Aug. 18
CUNLIFFE, JOHN, journeyman iron mouluer, Salford. Pet.
July 22. Reg. & O. A. Hulton. Sol. Ambler, Manchester. Sur.

Aug. 7

DODGE, CHARLES, carpenter, East Coker. Pet. July 21. Reg. &
O. A. Batten. Sol. Watts, Yeovil. Sur. Aug. 6
DEARDEN, PETER, employed at the Farnworth Gas Works, Farn
worth. Pet. July 24. Reg. & O. A. Holden. Sol. Ramwell,
Bolton. Sur. Aug. 11

FRENCH, FREDERICK JAMES, out of employment, New Ferry
Pet. July 24. Reg. & O. A. Wason. Sol. Grey, Liverpool. Sur.
Aug. 10

GARKARD, WILLIAM, bootmaker, Reading. Pet. July 23. Reg. &
O. A. Collins. Sol. Smith, Reading. Sur. Aug. 14
HARDING, CHARLES, out of business, Birmingham. Pet. July 22.
Reg. & O. A. Guest. Sol. Parry, Birmingham. Sur. Aug. 6
HARPER, RICHARD DE LARA, innkeeper, Mold. Pet. July 15.
O. A. Turner. Sols. Evans and Lockett, Liverpool. Sur. Aug. 3
HARRISON, ISAAC, grocer, late Barrow-in-Furness. Pet. July 16.
Reg. Macrae. O. A. M'Neill. Sur. Aug. 6
HARRISON, THOMAS, coal owner, Barnsley. Pet. July 17. 0.A.
Young. Sur. Aug. 9

HUGHES, WILLIAM, farmer, St. Asaph. Pet. July 22. Reg. &
0. A. Sisson. Sol. Williams, Rhyl. Sur. Aug. 10
KIRKPATRICK, JOSEPH, butcher. Carlisle. Pet. July 22. Reg. &
O. A. Halton. Sol. Wannop, Carlisle. Sur. Aug. 10
LANGLEY, SAMUEL, out of business, Torquay. Pet. July 26. 0.A.
Carrick. Sols. Hooper and Wollin, Torquay, and Force, Exeter.
Sur. Aug. 10

LEE, THOMAS, grocer, Monk's Coppenhall. Pet. July 19. Reg.
& O. A. Broughton. Sol. Sheppard, Crewe. Sur. Ang. 3
LOUCH. WILLIAM, baker, Stratford-upon-Avon. Pet. July 24.
Reg. & O. A. Hobbes. Sol. Greeves, Stratford-upon-Avon. Sur.
Aug. 9
MANDELICK, JAMES, metal broker, Liverpool. Pet. July 19.
O. A. Turner. Sols. Forshaw, Goodman, and Hawkins, Liver.
pool. Sur. Aug. 6

MARPLES, WILLIAM, saddler, New Mills. Pet. July 24. Reg. &
O. A. Bennett. Sol. Cooper, Manchester. Sur. Aug. 10
MAWBY, ALFRED, lacemaker, Derby. Pet. July 7. Reg. & 0. A.
Weller. Sol. Briggs, Derby. Sur. Aug. 18

MAY, DANIEL, provision dealer, Dudley. Pet. July 22 Reg. Tudor. O. A. Kinnear. Sols. James and Griffin, Birmingham. Sur. Aug. 6

M'CARTHY, PATRICK, waste manager, Cheetham, near Manchester. Pet. July 19. Reg. & O. A. Dunn. Sols. Johnson and Tilly, Lancaster. Sur. Aug. 13

MELLOR, JOSEPH, and MELLOR, HENRY, silk mercers, Sutton, near Macclesfield. Pet. July 23. Reg. & 0. A. Brocklehurst. Sols. Higginbotham and Barclay, Macclesfield. Sur. Aug. 6

MORICE, GEORGE, clerk to the Trustees of the Aberystwith
Harbour, Aberystwith. Pet. July 23. Reg. Wilde. O. A.
Acraman. Sols. Henderson and Salmon, Bristol. Sur. Aug. 6
MOORE, WILLIAM, beerhouse keeper, Gloucester. Pet. July 22.
Reg. & O. A. Wilton. Sol. Cooke, Gloucester. Sur. Aug. 7
PARKIN, JOSEPH, joiner, Bradford. Pet. July 23,
eg. & O. A.
Robinson, Sol. Wilson, Bradford. Sur. Aug. 10
PICKERING, JOHN, miner, Dalton-in-Furness. Pet. July 19. Reg.
& 0. A. Postlethwaite. Sol. Jackson, Ulverston. Sur. Aug. 12
POOLE, SIDNEY, out of business, Corfe, near Taunton. Pet.
July 23. Reg. & O. A. Meyler. Sols. Reed and Cook, Bridg-
water and Taunton. Sur. Aug. 7

POPE, FREDERICK FRANCIS, Smith farrier, Rainham.


July 24. Reg. & O. A. Hills. Sol. Parsons, King William-st,
Charing-cross. Sur. Aug. 12

SAUL, THOMAS, labourer, Preston. Pet. June 18. Reg. & O. A.
Myres. Sols. Plant and Abbott, Preston. Sur. Aug. 7
SEARLES, GEORGE, bootmaker, Maidstone. Pet. July 10. Reg. &
0. A. Scudamore. Sol. Goodwin, Maidstone. Sur. July 31
SELEY, EDWARD, out of business, Derby. Pet. July 23.
Tudor. 0. A. Harris. Sol. Heath, Derby. Sur. Aug. 10
SMITH, JAMES, brassfounder, Derby. Pet. July 16. Reg. & O. A.
Weller. Sol. Allen, Derby. Sur. Aug. 18


TOLSON, DAVID, and TOLSON, ABRAHAM, TOLSON, mungo merchants, Dewsbury. Pet. July 22, Reg. & O. A. Nelson. Sol. Ibberson, Dewsbury. Sur. Aug. 12

UNDERWOOD, THOMAS, ironmonger, Trevethin. Pet. July 22.
Reg. Wilde. 0. A. Acraman. Sols. Greenway and Bytheway,
Pontypool, and Brittan and Sons, Bristol. Sur. Aug. 6
WARBURTON, JAMES, mechanic, Stockport. Pet. July 19. Reg.
&0. A. Coppock. Sol. Elliott, Manchester. Sar. Aug. 13
WATKINS, LEONARD, leather dealer, Birmingham. Pet. July 22.
Reg. Tudor. O. A. Kinnear. Sols. James and Griffin, Birming-
ham. Sur. Aug. 6

WEBB, JAMES JEREMIAH, fishdealer. Gloucester. Pet. July 19.
Reg. & O. A. Wilton. Sol. Cooke, Gloucester. Sur. Aug. 7
WHITE, ALFRED EALES, out of business, Hastings. Pet. July 23.
Reg. & O. A. Young. Sol. Philbrick, Hastings. Sur. Aug. 7
WILE, EDWARD, butcher, late Barrow-in-Furness. Pet. July 16.
Reg. & 0. A. Postlethwaite. Sur. Aug. 12
WILLIAMS, GEORGE, out of business, Blackpool. Pet. July 20.
Reg. & 0. A. Patteson. Sol. Hartley, Burnley. Sur. Aug. 7
WOODS, JOHN, bricklayer, Bolton. Pet. July 23. Reg. & O. A.
Holden. Sols. Edge and Dawson, Bolton. Sur. Aug. 11
WRIGHT, HERBERT, manufacturer's clerk, Birmingham. Pet.
July 12 Reg. & O. A. Guest. Sol. Parry, Birmingham. Sur.
Aug. 6

WYATT, WILLIAM EDEN, out of business, Birmingham. Pet.
July 24. Reg. &. O. A. Guest. Sol. Sargent, Birmingham. Sur.
Aug. 6


ERRATA-R BAUMAN, CHARLES, builder, Euston-sq, and SEYMOUR, WILLIAM, jobmaster, Jermyn-st, and Mason's-yd, St. James's. (The above bankrupts were erroneously inserted under the head Bankruptcies Annulled in Gazette, July 13.)

[blocks in formation]

The Official Assignees are given, to whom apply for the Dividends.

Allen, F., jun., no business, second, 1s. 101. Paget, London.Bean, É, merchant, first, 2. 14., and 78. 1d. to new proofs. Turner, Liverpool-Bond, J. attorney, second, 2. 9d. Turner, Liverpool. -Dicks, W. shoeing and jobbing smith, first, 1s. 10. Paget, London.-Furlong, R. insurance agent, first, 1d. Turner, Liverpool-Hardcastle, J. printer, first, 9. Turner, Liverpool.-James, T. innkeeper, first, 1. 64. on new proofs, on account of 48. Turner, Liverpool-Mason, S. 8. ironmonger, second, 24. Kinnear, Birmingham.-Price and Lucas, coal merchants, first, 4d. Turner, Liverpool.-Robinson, T. H. victualler, first, 5s. 1. Paget, London. -Short, T. and W. merchants, &c. first, 6. 8d. Kinnear, Birming ham-Smith, J. victualler, first, 2. Turner, Liverpool. Williams, R. builder, first, 14. Turner, Liverpool.-Wolton, W. T. jun. out of business, first, 58. Paget, London.-Young, G. jun, ship broker, first, 6d. Turner, Liverpool.

Assignment, Composition, Inspectorship, and
Trust Deeds.
Gazette, July 23.

ADAMS, JOHN, grocer, Rotherham. June 8. Trusts. J. Smith;
W. R. Carter; and J. Hall, wholesale grocers, all Sheffield
ALTHAM, JOHN, grocer, Lancaster. July 7. Trusts. T. Altham,
Ironmonger, Penrith, and H. Welch, grocer, Lancaster
BAKER, JOSEPH, iron merchant, St. Andrew's wharf, Blackfriars.
July 16. 58. by two equal instalments, in 14 days and 3 mos.
Trast. C. Smith, gentleman, Winchester-bids, Old Broad-st
BATCHELOR, STEPHEN, foreman, Kent House rd, Sydenham.
July 5. 2s. 6d. in 3 mos. Trust. W. Batchelor, foreman, Mid
Kent Brick Works, Beckenham

BATLEY, WILLIAM, joiner, Thornbury, near Bradford. July 16.
54. by two equal instalments, on execution of deed, and on
Sept. 16
BENNETT, CORNELIUS, professor of music, Shifnal. July 5.
2. 6d. in 14 days. Trust. E. Lander, draper, Shifnal
BENNETT, JOSEPH, hotel keeper, Workington. July 8. Trusts.
P. Coulthard, gentleman, Cockermouth; J. E. Cooper, iron-
monger, and R. Harrison, cabinetmaker, both Workington.
Sol. Thompson, Workington
BIRCH, RICHARD, grocer, Accrington. July 5. 58.

BOWEN, BENHAM CHARLES, hay dealer, Swansea. July 16. 2. 61. on Aug. 16

BRUCE, JAMES, grocer, York. June 26. Trust. H. Richardson, grocer, York

CHILLINGWORTH, JOSEPH, and BOWEN, HENRY JOHN, wine merchants, New Bond-st. July 5, Trusts. E. B. Newsom, tea dealer, Great Tower-st, and N. M. Mackie, distiller, Leith CREED, WILLIAM, cabinetmaker, Birmingham. June 24, 38, by two equal instalments, in 1 week and 3 mos CROSLEY, HENRY, innkeeper, Sheffield. June 23. Trusts. T. Favell, wine merchant, and J. Spink, joiner, both Sheffield DIXON, WILLIAM, painter, Lancaster mews, Nottinghill. July 13. 1. on July 30

DOUGLAS, BENJAMIN, grocer, Sunderland. June 25, 48. by two equal instalinents, in 1 and 2 mos

DURRANT, THOMAS, estate agent, Oxford-st. July 17. 2s. 6d. in 6 mos

EAVES, JAMES, ginger beer manufacturer, Liverpool. July 3. 25. in 6 weeks

EDWARDS, THOMAS, schoolmaster, Blackheath. June 19. 2s. by
two equal instalments, in 3 and 6 mos
FILLANE, WILLIAM, silversmith, Huddersfield. June 8. 10s. by
three equal instalments, in 4, 8, and 12 mos,-secured
GARLAND, JAMES, silversmith, Newcastle. July 8. 158. by five
equal instalments, in 4, 8, 12, 18, and 24 mos,-secured. Trust.
T. Y. Strachan, accountant, Newcastle
GLAZIER, FREDERICK, grocer, Horncastle. June 25. Trusts. J
Smith wholesale grocer, Lincoln, and H. Nicholson, Horncastle
GUTHRIE, JOHN, wholesale milliner, Manchester, Trust. J.
Kerr, accountant, Manchester
HESBELDEN, WILLIAM, and BEDFORD, JOHN, joiners, Halifax.
June 22 Trusts. J. Ordish, and T. Chambers, timber mer.
chants, both Halifax

HOPKINS, JOHN MUSHAM, grocer, New Wortley. June 16.
Trusts. I. Wilkinson; W. Allen; and J. Hazelgrave, travellers,
HOWELL, HENRY, accountant, Bristol. June 25. Trust. J. S.
Eveleigh, accountant, Bristol
ISAAC, SAMUEL, and ISAAC, SAUL, merchants, East India-avenue,
Leadenhall-st. June 2. Inspectors E. Barnett, gunmaker,
Minories, and W. Palmer, leather merchant, Bermondsey
JONES, EMILY, milliner, Chepstow. July 1. Trusts. A. A.
Taylor, wholesale draper, Bristol, and W. E. Toye, gentleman,

JONES, PETER MELVERN, timber merchant, Liverpool. July 3.
Inspectors-D. P. Davies, and F. Anderson, timber merchants,
both Liverpool
JONES, THOMAS WILLIAM, draper, Gyffylliog, near Ruthin.
July 3. 78. 6d. by three equal instalments, in 2, 6, and 8 mos,--

JOSEPH, MOSES, SAMUELS, LAWRENCE, clothiers, City-rd, and
Pitfeld-st. June 30. Trusts. W. Haigh, woollen agent, King-st,
and A. Fraser, woollen draper, Ipswich. Sol. Haigh, Jun.,
King-st, Cheapside

KETTLEWELL, JOHN, shoemaker, Leeds. July 17. Trust. J.
Franks, plasterer, Chapel Allerton
KING, ROBERT, lithographer, Sheffield. June 21. Trusts. G.
Hemsoll, manager, and H. Hancock, grocer, both Sheffield
LANDER, JOHN GILBERT, no occupation, Yiewsley, near West
Drayton. June 23. In full, by quarterly payments of 151.-first
on April 1. Trust. G. M. Lander, gentleman, St. Paul's-crant,

LAWRENCE, FREDERICK HALL, and BLUNT, CHARLES, curriers, Leicester. July 16. 28. in 4 mos,-secured. Trust. A. Bromwick, accountant, Leicester

LILLY, JOHN, clothier, East-rd, City-rd. July 15. 48. on July 21 --secured

MARSDEN, JOSEPH, fringe manufacturer, Manchester and Sal-
ford. June 16. Trusts. D. Mottershead, tin plate worker,
Salford, and J. Joule, jun., silk broker, Manchester
MORTON, WILLIAM, music seller, Southport. June 20. Trust.
R. Ivy, accountant, Southport

ODDY, SAMUEL, and OLDFIELD, EDWARD, machine makers, Sal-
ford. June 23. Trusts. F. G. Gardiner, iron merchant; M.
Bailey, smith; and C. Tattersall, accountant, all Manchester
OLDFIELD, JOB, worsted spinner, Halifax. June 24. Trust. J.
Fisher, bank manager, Halifax

PARKIN, WILLIAM, innkeeper, Rotherham. June 21. 28. 6d. on
July 20

PEAKE, HENRY, jun., saddler, Birkenhead. June 7. 12s. 6d.
Inspector-W. Leeming, leather factor, Birkenhead
PERRIN, HENRY, butcher, Gorton, near Manchester. June 28
6. in 6 weeks

PRATT, GEORGE, baker, Portsea. June 19. Trusts. J. Clark, miller, Botley, and W. Edmonds, accountant, Portsea

PRICE, JOHN, plumber, Liverpool. June 28. 7s. 6d. by three
instalments of 2s. 6d. on July 9, Oct. 9, and Mar. 9
POPPLETON, HENRY, Worsted spinner, Leicester. June 25.
Trusts. W. Barfoot, and W. Thompson, worsted spinners, and
C. Smith, hosier, all Leicester
ROBERTS, ANNIE ELIZABETH, widow, Brighton. July 3. 2s. 6d.
in 2 mos

ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, gentleman, Victoria-st, Westminster.
June 23. 1. forthwith
RUSHWORTH, DANIEL, stuff merchant, Bradford. June 23.
Trusts. J. Craven, and J. Rawnsley, stuff manufacturers, and
8. Priestley, manager, all Bradford
SAUNDERS, JOHN, grocer, Liverpool. June 28. Trust. A.
Rothery, whol-sale tea dealer, Liverpool
SEAMAN, EDWARD, grocer, Hull. July 9. 10. by four equal in-
stalments, in 3, 6, 9, and 12 mos

SEMPLE, CHARLES, shipwright, Liverpool. June 21. Trust. J.
H. Wilson, iron founder, Liverpool

SHAW, JAMES, brush manufacturer, Rochdale. June 29. 78. 6. by two instalments, 58. in 7 days, and 2s. &t. in 12 mos,-secured. Trust. W. S. Parker, attorney's clerk, Rochdale

SIMONS, THOMAS WALTER, gentleman, Oxford - vils, Loughborough-rd, North Brixton. July 2 18. in 6 mos SNOWDON, WILLIAM, tailor, Jarrow. July 10. 12s. 6d. by four instalments.-3. G. in 1 mo, and 38. in 4, 7, and 10 mos from July 1,-guaranteed

SUSSMAN, SIGISMUND JACQUES, commission merchant, Skinnerspl, Size-la. June 29. 2s. 6d, by two instalments of 18. 6d. and 1. in 1 and 3 mos,-secured. Trust. C. R. Tennant, accountant, Walbrook

SYKES, SAMUEL, worsted spinner, Bradford. July 6, 5, 6d. by
three instalments of 28., 2., and 1s. 64., on July 19, Sept. 20, and
Dec. 20,-secured. Trust. G. Taylor, builder, Bradford
THOMSON, JAMES SWORD, broker, Liverpool. June 23, Trust.
J. Hughes, accountant, Liverpool

WALLACE, GEORGE, brickmaker, New Ferry, and Tattenhall.
July 1. Trust. J. Caldecott, accountant, Chester
WATTS, JOHN GEORGE, beerhouse keeper, Hull. June 28. 58.
WINEARLS, WILLIAM, out of business, Pentney, June 19. 138. 4d.
by two equal instalments, on Oct. 11 and April 6,-secured

Gazette, July 27.

ABRAHAMS, ALFRED, and ABRAHAMS, LEWIS, wholesale clothiers, High-st, Whitechapel. July 17. 2s. 6d. in 1 week from registration. Trust. M. Abrams, music hall proprietor, Poplar ANN, EDWIN, cartowner, Liverpool. July 12, 10.-58. in 2 mos, 2. 6. in 4 mos, and 2s. 6d. in 6 mos

BAKEWELL, HENRY, and WALKER, JOSEPH, house agents, Birmingham. July 20. 3. in 7 days from registration BARTON, JOHN GEORGE, metal factor, Great Winchester-bldgs, and Patshull-rd, Kentish-town-rd. July 17. Trust. G. Emden, accountant. Moorgate-st

BETTS, BENJAMIN, victualler, Wellingborough. June 30. Trusts. II. Purdy, gentleman, Wollaston, and W. Wyldes, grocer, Wellingborough

BIELBY, MATTHEW, butcher, Beverley. June 29. 6. 8d. on Aug. 19,-guaranteed. Trusts. J. Gray, tailor, Beverley, and J. S. Crathorne, farmer, Skidby

BRASSEY, JOSEPH, baker, Birkenhead. Pet. June 29. Trust. J. Simmons, provision dealer, Birkenhead

BROOKS, SAMUEL, jun., draper. Nottingham. June 21. Trusts. F. M. Swann, woollen merchant, and R. Pinder, draper, both Nottingham

BUCKENHAM, ROBERT CHARLES GRIMWOOD, butcher, Bardwell. June 23. Trust. E. Sheldrake, gentleman, Ixworth, and W. Edwards, dealer, Hopton

CAMMELL, WILLIAM HENRY, and TUCKETT, WILLIAM, ironfounders, Luton. June 26. Trusts. W. Tuckett, W. H. Cammell, H. Stedall, merchant, Broad-st, Bloomsbury, and G. C. G. Lockhart, coal merchant, Luton

CLOAKE, RICHARD, innkeeper, Uckfield. June 30. Trusts. W. Beard, wine merchant, and A. Hill, builder, both Lewes COOK, WILLIAM JOBLING, grocer, Hampstead-rd. July 1. 3s. 4dð. by two equal instalments, in 3 and 6 mos from registration,last secured. Trust. W. C. Hall, provision merchant, Upper Thames-st

COOPER, WILLIAM, barge owner, Rochester. July 1. Trust. H.
Allsworth, barge owner, Gillingham
COTTLE, JOHN JAMES HARINGTON, lieutenant in Her Majesty's
3rd West India Regi nent, Benet-st, St. James's, July 10. 28.
on July 10, 1870

DAVIDSON, ANDREW, linendraper, Berwick-upon-Tweed. June 3.
Trust. R. Kay, wine merchant, Berwick-upon-Tweed
EDWARDS, JOSEPH, blacksmith, Ruabon. June 30. Trusts. J.
Griffiths, farmer, and T. Griffiths, builder, both Ruabon
FANCOTT, EDMUND, grocer, Wolverhampton. July 3. 5s, by two
instalments-first in 14 days from registration, second on Oct. 3.
Trust. J. Price, butter merchant, Bilston

FIELD, JOHN, and STURGES, CHARLES, iron manufacturers, Worcester. June 28. 8, 6.-3s, on June 28, 3s. on Oct. 28, 1860 and 2s. 6d. on Feb. 28, 1870

FINCH, JOHN, innkeeper, Chorley. June 28. Trusts. W. Sansom, gentleman. Chorley; J. Barker, common brewer, Charnock Richard; H. C. Breakell, wine merchant, Preston; and T. Taylor, wine merchant, Lancaster

GARDNER, MARTHA AMELIA, grocer, Upper Whitecross-st. June 30. 68. 8. in 14 days from registration. Trust. W. Smith, accountant, Old Jewry-chmbs

GENTEL, THOMAS, maltster, Lincoln. June 29. Trusts. H. T. Robinson, bank manager; W. Harrison, corn merchant, both Lincoln; and J. Renals, wine merchant, Derby

GOAD, JOHN, grocer, Ulverston. July 5. Trust. R. Pearson, accountant, Ulverston

GOODBODY, WILLIAM, and RUTLAND, JAMES MANSFIELD grocers, Borough, Southwark, and City-rd. July 14. 10. by three equal instalments, in 2, 4, and 6 nos from registration. Trust. M. Keable, widow, Trinity-sq, Southwark GRIFFITH, JOHN DEANE; GRIFFITH, THOMAS ARTHUR: and SANDERS, FREDERICK PARRIS, brewers, Lichfield. June 11. Trusts. C. W. Lyon, Burton-on-Trent; E. Lawson, wine merchant, St. Mary-at-Hill; and E. C. Seargeant, bank manager, Lichfield

GURNEY, SAMUEL, builder, Arlington-st, Camden-town. July 17. 2s. 6d. on July 30

HALL, WILLIAM, bootmaker, South Shields. July 10. 5. by equal instalments, in 3, 6, and 9 mos from registration,-two last secured. Trust. H. G. Brown, auctioneer, South Shields HART, CHARLOTTE, milliner, Northampton. July 10. 58. on Sept. 10. Trust. R. McGirr, draper, Northampton HAWORTH, MARY, grocer, Great Harwood. June 28. 2 weeks, 2s. 6d, in 6 mos, and 2s. 6d. in 12 mos HERRING, EDWARD FRANCIS, auctioneer, Moorgate-st. July 14 11s. on demand

58. in

HENDRIKS, JOHN, steel and copper plate printer, Harrington-st, Hampstead-rd. April 7, 5s, by two instalments of 2s. 6d. each -first in 30 days, second in 3 mos, from registration HOBSON, CHARLES ALBERT, taflor, Rochdale. June 28. Trusts. E. Woodcock, accountant, Rochdale, and J. Fox, cloth merchant, Huddersfield

HUNTLEY, EDWARD, perfumer, Croydon. July 17. 58. by two equal instalments, in 6 and 12 mos,-guaranteed

10. by two Trust. T.

ILBY, HENRY JOHN, hotel keeper, Filey. June 28. equal instalments, in 3 and 6 mos, guaranteed. Thompson, gentleman, Kingston-upon-Hull LE TALL, ALBERT JOHN, grocer, Sheffield. July 3. Trusts. J. 8. Mapson, Worksop, and G. Appleyard, Rotherham, both millers LINDSAY, MARY, and LINDSAY, SARAH, spinsters, provision merchants, Walkden. June 28. Trusts, G. Foster, grocer, Farnworth, and R. Poole, provision dealer, Chowbent LINE, ISAAC, chairmaker, Wycombe Marish. June 13. 5s, by two instalments of 3s, and 2s, in 2 and 3 mos LIPSCOMBE, JOHN EDWARD, and TATAM, ROBERT PEACH, filter manufacturers, Manchester, and Pendleton. July 20. 158. by three equal instalments, in 3, 6, and 9 mos LUND, GEORGE, yarn agent, Manchester. Pet. June 17. Trust. W. Ditchfield, public accountant, Blackburn MARTIN, EDWIN, draper, Horndean. June 15. Trusts. J. Lillywhite, miller, East Meon; J. Bailey, mauure merchant, Eling: and G. A. Gale, brewer, Southsea

MAYSON, JOHN, licensed victualler. London and St. Katharine
Docks Hotel, Upper East Smithfield. July 16. Trusts. W.
Carden, gentlenian, John-st, Clerkenwell
MORRIS, JOHN BROWN, tanner, Gainsborough. June 30. Trusts.
J. Douglas, leather factor, Leeds; J. Hawksworth, oil merchant,
and J. Hooton, gentleman, both Gainsborough

MOSS, ALFRED WILLIAM, hat manufacturer, Nelson-sq, Blackfriars-rd, and Parkfield, Putney. July 5. 9s. by three equal instalments, in 3, 6, and 9 mos from July 1,-secured. Trust. W. M. Edmonds, warehouseman, Gutter-la

NAYLOR, GEORGE, saw manufacturer, Sheffield. June 26. Trusts. J. Nicholson, jun., steel manufacturer, and W. Stacey, piano forte dealer, both Sheffield

PEIL, BERNHARD, innkeeper, Huddersfield. June 29. Trusts. R. Senior, brewer, Shepley, near Huddersfield, and H. Field, traveller, Huddersfield

RANSLEY, WILLIAM, linen merchant, Leeds. July 23. 6s. 81, by two equal instalments, in 4 and 6 mos-secured. Trusts. J. Ransley, farmer, Middleton-rd, near Leeds, and J. Midgley, law student, Leeds

ROBINSON, EDWARD, out of business, Rowley Regis. July 22. 28. 6. in 14 days from registration

ROWLANDS, EDWARD, builder, Everton, near Liverpool. July 21.
Trusts. H. Ganderton, cement manufacturer; D. Hughes, brick-
maker; and J. W. Kelly, tile manufacturer, all Liverpool
SCOTT, THOMAS, commission merchant, Liverpool." June 21.
Trusts. T. E. Lanphier, slate merchant, and E. Robert, ac-
countant, both Liverpool

SEYMOUR, HENRY, ironmonger, Clarendon-rd, Notting-hill.
July 1. 78, 64. Trasts. B. Seymour, ironmonger, Weymouth,
and R. Waygood, engineer, Roberts-pl, Great Dover-st
SHERWIN, WILLIAM HENRY, axletree maker, Tabernacle-walk,
Finsbury. July 24. 2. 61. in 1 mo and 2, in 6 mos from regis-
tration. Trust. J. Sherwin, gentleman, Wormley
SHUFF, THOMAS, builder, Gladstone-st, Wandsworth-rd. July 2.
Trust. F. T. Davies, gentleman, Robert-st, Chelsea
SIMMS, WILLIAM, plumber, Spalding. July 1. 5. on July 31.
Trusts. T. Rippon, plumber, Grantham

SMITH, JAMES, farmer, Leagrave. July 2. 10s. Trusts. F. W.
Partridge, Leagrave; D. Davis, Streatley, both farmers; and
W. G. Twigg, attorney's clerk. Dunstable
SMITH, SAMUEL, grocer, Halifax, June 19. Trusts. S. Law.
wholesale grocer, and E. Haigh, commission agent, both Halifax
SUCKLING, FREDERICK HERBERT, late adjutant of the 5th
Administrative Battalion Lancashire Rifle Volunteers, Ulver-
ston. June 23. Trusts. J. K. Hodgson, actuary, and J. Hartley,
draper, Ulverston

TAYLOR, JEREMY, grocer, Bishop Auckland, and TAYLOR, JOHN, butter merchant, Merrington. June 23. Trusts, S. S. Linford, grocer, and G. Marley, corn merchant, both Bishop Auckland THOMAS, RICHARD, grocer, Treherbert. July 8. 6, 84, by threeequal instalments, in 3, 6, and 9 mos from registration-secured. Trusts. C. Bassett, bank manager, Pontypridd; J. N. Flint, merchant, Cardiff; T. Joseph, colliery proprietor, Treherbert; E. Davies, colliery proprietor, Ystrad Rhondda; W. C. Clarke, public accountant, Cardif THATCHER, MANNING, bird fancier, Brighton. July 17. 48. in 30 days from registration

TILLETT, JAMES, builder, Park-ter, Holloway. July 1. Trusts. W. Owen, builder, Lennox-rd, Holloway, and W. Ozanne, timber merchant, Hornsey-st, Holloway

TROWBRIDGE, GEORGE, printseller, Liverpool. June 23. 4s. by two equal instalments, in 2 and 4 mos from registration WALTON, THOMAS, baker, Liverpool. July 16. 15. by three equal instalments, in 3 days, and 3 and 6 mos from registration. -second and last guaranteed. Trusts. J. H. Walker, corn merchant, Liverpool, and W. Walton, Roman Catholic priest, Liscard

WARREN, MIRIAM, bookseller, Macclesfield. June 26, 2s. 6d. in 1 mo from registration

WHITE, CHARLES FREDERICK, linendraper, Newport. Julv 2. Trusts. A. A. Taylor, warehouseman, Bristol, and B. Evans. linendraper, Newport

WOODCOCK, JOSEPH, bank manager, Nether Knutsford. June 29. Trusts. J. Jackson, grocer, Nether Knutsford, and T. Hurst, farmer, Tabley Superfor

WOOD, JOSEPH, sen., rope manufacturer, Lemon-valley, Rotherhithe. July 17. 4s. in 1 mo from registration,-secured. Trust. T. Wood, twine manufacturer, Essex-st, Mile End WOODS, JOHN, joiner, Blackburn. June 25. Trusts. J. Ward, timber merchant, Fleetwood on-Wyre, and W. Forrest, flagger, Blackburn



RUTHERFORD. On the 23rd inst., at 6, St. Stephen's-square, Westbourne-park, the wife of Henry Rutherford, of Fairnington, Esq., barrister-at-law, of a son.

MARRIAGES. ATKINSON-WELCH.-On the 29th inst., at the Roman Catholic Church of St. Mary, Croydon, Joseph F. Atkinson, Nav. Sub. Lieut. R.N., to Augusta F. H. G. Scott Welch, only child of the late Montague Stuart Welch, Middle Temple, Esq., barristerat-law.

BLACK-BOGas.-On the 8th ult., at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Wilsone Black, Capt. 6th Royal Regt., to Florence Maude, only daughter of the late Stephen Boggs, Esq., barrister. LEE-WOODS.-On the 13th inst., at Cheisea. William H., son of the late Mr. F. V. Lee, barrister-at-law, to Eliza L., daughter of Mr. G. Woods. T

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Caused by


May be secured by a Policy of the

RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. An Annual Payment of 37. to 67. 58. insures 10007, at death, and an allowance at the rate of 67, per week for injury.

RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE May be provided against by Insurance Tickets for Single or Double Journeys. For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, to the Local Agents, or at the Offices, 61, Cornhill, and 10, Regent-street, London. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary.




[blocks in formation]

HENRY WM. BIRCH, Esq. (Birch, Ingram, Harrison, and Co).
HENRY FOX BRISTOWE, Esq., Barrister-at-Law.

R. J. P. BROUGHTON, Esq. (White, Broughton, and White).


CHARLES J. DIMOND, Esq. (Simpson and Dimond).

SIMON DUNNING, Esq. (Burder and Dunning).

JOHN W. HAWKINS, Esq., Chief Clerk to the Master of the Rolls.
WILLIAM E. HILLIARD, Esq., Barrister-at-Law.

N. HOLLINGSWORTH, Esq. (Hollingsworth, Tyerman, and Green).
THOMAS HUGHES, Esq., M.P., Barrister-at-Law.

Solicitor-GEORGE ROOPER, Esq., 26, Lincoln's-inn-fields.

JOHN ILIFFE, Esq. (Iliffe, Russell, and Iliffe).

THOMAS GLOVER KENSIT, Esq., Clerk to Skinners' Company.


WILLIAM BENFORD NELSON, Esq. (Park and W. B. Nelson).
FREDERICK PEAKE, Esq. (Bowker, Peake, and Bird).
GEORGE W. K. POTTER, Esq., Secondary of London.
W. B. S. RACKHAM, Esq., 46, Lincoln's-inn-fields.
GEORGE ROBINS, Esq. (Warry, Robins, and Burgess).
ALFRED H. SHADWELL, Esq., Taxing Master in Chancery.
RICHARD SMITH, Esq. (Richard and W. B. Smith).
Medical Officer-W. O. MARKHAM, M.D., 8, Harley-street.

Actuary and Secretary-THOMAS BOND SPRAGUE., Esq., M.A., formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge.

TOTAL SUM ASSURED, £3,027,386.

INCOME, £126,627.



Wine-tenths of the Total Profits are divided among the Assured. Considerably more than one-tenth of the Profits is derived from Policies which do not participate in the Profits, so that the Assured have larger Bonuses than if they formed a Mutual Insurance Company and received the whole of the Profits derived from their own Policies.

The Expenses of Management are less than Four per Cent. on the Income.

The Premiums are calculated for every half-year of age.

The Conditions of the Policies allow persons whose lives are insured to Reside or Travel, without special licence or payment of an extra premium, in any part of the world, distant more than 33 degrees from the Equator.

Policies in the hands of third parties are not vitiated by suicide, or by the life assured transgressing the stipulated limits.

The business of the Society includes the granting of 1 oans on the Society's Policies, on Life Interests, Reversions, and other approved Securities; also the Purchase of Life Interests and Reversions, and the grant of Immediate and Survivorship Annuities. The Annual Reports are regularly printed, with full accounts of the Receipts and Expenditure, and may be obtained by written or personal application at the Office.









The Directors of this Company, in deference to an objection not unfrequently urged by persons invited to assure, that the ordinary mode of Life Assurance is in their opinion defective or uncertain, by reason of the operation of the customary conditions, have resolved to promulgate the present tables, and to issue Assurances under them which shall be absolutely Unforfeitable, Unconditional, and Unchallengeable.

For the reason referred to, many persons hesitate or decline to assure on the ground that, in the event of inability or unwillingness to continue payment of their premiums, the Assurance will become forfeited. To this class of the public the system now introduced will especially commend itself, being entirely free from all conditions of forfeiture on account of non-payment of premium, or from any other cause whatever; while at the same time it absolutely guarantees at decease, even when a default is made in payment of the premium, a fixed sum in respect of every premium paid, bearing the same proportion to the total amount assured as the number of premiums actually paid may bear to the whole number originally contracted to be paid.

Besides this important advantage, every policy will expressly state what sum can at any time be withdrawn on the discontinuance of the Assurance.

The Assured will thus always have the option of retaining either an ascertained fixed sum payable at decease, or, in case of need, of withdrawing a certain amount, according to the duration of the Policy, such amounts being set forth on every Policy, and rendering unnecessary any future reference to the Company on these points, as is the case with ordinary Assurances.

Creditors assuring the lives of debtors will appreciate this feature as one greatly protective of their interests, and it will likewise commend itself to bankers, capitalists, and others who are in the habit of making advances collaterally secured by Life Policies, as they can at any time learn, by mere inspection, the exact value, either immediate or reversionary, of a Policy of this description.

Every Policy issued on this plan will be without any conditions as to voyaging, foreign residence, or other usual limitations. By this freedom from restrictions of all kinds, the objections before referred to will be entirely removed, and the Policies will become at once positively valuable as actual securities.

In addition to the foregoing statement of advantages, the number of premiums is strictly defined. The longest term provided for is twenty-five years, and the shortest five years, as shown by the Tables. Thus, bankers, creditors, and others holding Policies of this class as security, may always know the utmost amount they may be called upon to advance so as to maintain the full benefit of the Assurances-a matter of great importance where Policies are held as collateral security.

It is only necessary to add that, as a consequence of the Policies under these Tables being unforfeitable and unconditional, they will also be unchallengeable on any ground whatever. They may therefore be aptly termed Absolute Security Policies.

The Prudential Assurance Company possesses an income of 215,0007. a-year; its position is unquestionable: and it obtains the largest amount of new business of any office in the kingdom.

Special Agents wanted.

HENRY HARBEN, Secretary.

ITLE ASSURANCE.-Doubtful and

MPERIAL LIFE INSURANCE TITletive Atles Assured and rendered Marketable and


CHIEF OFFICE.-No. 1, Old Broad-street, London.
BRANCH OFFICE.-No. 16, Pall-mall, London.

The outstanding sums assured by this Company, with the
Bonuses accrued thereon, amounting to about 2,800,000Z., and
the Assets, consisting entirely of Investments in first-class
securities, amount to upwards of 950,0002.

The Assurance Reserve Fund alone is equal to more than nine times the premium income.

It will hence be seen that ample Security is guaranteed to the policy holders. Attention is invited to the prospectus of the company, from which it will appear that all kinds of assurances may be effected on the most moderate terms and the most liberal conditions.

The company also grants annuities and endowments.
Prospectuses may be obtained at the offices as above, and
the agents throughout the kingdom.

ANDREW BADEN, Actuary and Manager.


[blocks in formation]


The lowest rates of Premium on the Mutual System.
Security-Invested Assets, upwards of...
Annual incoine
Bonus-The Society being on the mutual principle, the
Assured share the whole of the Profits.

9576 Policies now in force, assuring £8,670,625.
Assurances granted to the extent of 10,000 on a single

Assurances effected in 1869 will participate in the bonus
of 1874.

Table of Annual Premiums required for an Assurance of £100
for the whole term of Life, with a Participation in Profits.

[blocks in formation]

Mortgageable by the LAW PROPERTY and LIFE
ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 50, Essex-street, Strand.
For information, forms and specimens of the various kind
of defective Titles already assured in this office, apply to
EDWARD S. BARNES, Secretary.




[blocks in formation]

DEPUTY CHAIRMAN.-Sir W. J. Alexander, Bart., Q.C. Reversions and Life Interests purchased. Immediate and Deferred Annuities granted in exchange for Reversionary and Contingent Interests.

Annuities, Immediate, Deferred, and Contingent, and also Endowments, granted on favourable terms.

Loans may also be obtained on the security of Reversions. Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal, and all further infor mation, may be had at the office. C. B. CLABON, Sec.


CHAIRMAN.-Sir William Foster, Bart.
DEPUTY-CHAIRMAN,-James Cuddon, Esq., Barrister-at-Law
Goldsmith's-building, Temple.

This Company is prepared to make immediate ADVANCES on Mortgage of Life Interests, Reversions, Freeholds, and long Leaseholds, and to purchase Reversions, whether absolute or contingent.

The Directors invite the attention of Solicitors and others to their new form of Whole World and Unconditional Life Policy, which affords peculiar and very great advantages to Mortgagees and others.

Every description of Fire and Life Insurance business transacted.

Annuities granted on favourable terms.

Prospectuses, copies of the Directors' Report, and every information sent on application to

FRANK M'GEDY, Actuary and Secretary.


Established in 1797.

70, Lombard-street, City, and 57, Charing-cross, Westminster.

Henry Lancelot Holland,

Henry R. Brand, Esq., M.P. Kirkman D. Hodgson, Esq.
Octavius E. Coope, Esq.
John Coope Davis, Esq.
Henry Farquhar, Esq.

Charles Emanuel Goodhart,

Jas. A. Gordon, Esq., M.D.,


Sir John Lubbock, Bart

John Stewart Oxley, Esq.
Benjamin Shaw, Esq.
M. Wyvill, jun., Esq.

At the Fourth Septennial Division of Profit, the Cash Bonus awarded to Policies of twenty-eight years' standing was $71. 138. 4d. per cent. on the amount of Premiums received in the last seven years.

The Additions made to Policies vary from 17. 5. to 21. 118. 8d per cent. per annum on the sum assured, and give an average of more than 17. 158. per cent. per annum at all



In connection with Life Assurance, on approved Security. in sums of not less than 5007.

ROBERT TUCKER, Secretary and Actuary.

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DOUGLAS. The party giving the receipt must affix the disposal of the business. A very large Bar instamp: (16 & 17 Vict. c. 59.)

All anonymous communications are invariably rejected.
All communications must be authenticated by the name
and address of the writer, not necessarily for publica-
tion, but as a guarantee of good faith.



PARISH LAW CASES and APPEALS decided in all the Courts. Edited by EDWARD W. COX, Serjeant-atLaw, Recorder of Portsmouth, Editor of "Cox's Criminal Law Cases." Vols. I., II., III., and IV., in half-calf, 258. each. Part VII. Vol. V. just published. Price 58. 6d.

variably visits the last town on the Home Circuit, and on the opening of the court the scene which presents itself is a closely packed area of wigs and anxious faces. The charmed circle or square within which the few barristers sit who have business is most ingeniously rendered inaccessible save by a very narrow passage on one side. The consequence is that this passage becomes blocked up by the superabundant Bar, and those who require to consult a leader or take part in the proceedings, have to exercise their agility in leaping the tarrier. To men of thirteen and fourteen stone this is a serious undertaking, and it certainly is not one which

JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES CASES, ought to be rendered necessary

just published, price 58, 6d. Parts I. to XXII. may still be
had. Also Vols. I. and II., which contain all the Cases
decided from the 1st Jan. 1864 to 1868. Price 24. 28. each in


Just published, Part IV. of Vol. XI. of


Court of Criminal Appeal, the Superior Courts, the
Central Criminal Court, at the Assizes, and in Ireland.
Edited by E. W. COX, Serjeant-at-Law, Recorder of Ports-
mouth. Price 58. 6d.

The Parts and Volumes may still be had to complete sets.
It is the only complete series of Criminal Cases published in
England. An Appendix contains a valuable collection of
Precedents of Indictments.

London: 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C.

Just published, price 88. 6d., boards,
DIGEST (Vol. 7, Part 2,

We have been speaking of the list court. The second court, on the ground floor, is more commodious, and far better arranged. Barristers can approach and can leave their seats with facility and dignity, and the absence of overducted with satisfaction to all parties. This fact, however, is a trifle compared to the preponderance of inconvenience resulting from the existence of the circuit. We believe few of the members would regret its extinction, whilst it is quite obvious that London solicitors would have cause to rejoice.

crowding enables the proceedings to be con


EVANS SLA om Phe Commencement, ontaining THE present period of the year is that at which

all the Cases reported and Statutes enacted during the last
half-year (October 1868, and April 1869), so arranged that the
practitioner can find in a moment the latest law on any
subject. This is the only Half-yearly Digest of the Law.

Established for 24 years.

The back parts and volumes may still be had.

OFFICE: 10, Wellington-street, Strand, London.


Law and the Lawyers.

Ir is said that Mr. EDMOND BEALES is to be rewarded for his political services by the vacancy that will shortly occur in one of the 276 County Court Judgeships. He has earned it, and it would be most ungrateful of the Government not to do something for him.

[blocks in formation]





The New Law Courts..




House of Lords


House of Commons

[blocks in formation]


Creditors under Estates in Chancery


Creditors under 22 & 23 Vict. c. 35


[blocks in formation]


Noroik Circuit-Bedford Summer Assizes


Clerkenwell Police Court


[blocks in formation]


THE Bankruptcy and Imprisonment for Debt 286 Bills have passed through all their stages, and now only await the Royal assent.


THE Select Committee on Elections proposes further work for the County Courts, which is that they should adjudicate upon disputed 288 municipal elections. As these elections are 289 annual, and a great deal of bribery usually goes on, this new jurisdiction might form an important item in the labours of the overloaded 289 County Court Judges.




THE Incorporated Law Society have appointed Mr. FITZROY KELLY Lecturer and Reader on 290 Equity; Mr. HOWARD W. ELPHINSTONE on 290 Conveyancing; and Mr. HENRY M. BOMPAS on Common Law.




Doctor's Commons, its Courts and Registries; with a

Treatise on Probate Court Business.



Incorporated Law Society

Social Science Association.


J. M. Wingfield, Esq..

J. Corry Lowry, Esq.





201 WE cannot help thinking that one of the wisest
292 recommendations of the Judicature Commission
292 is that which advises the abolition of the Home
Circuit. At present an expensive machinery is
292 in operation for transacting business, which at
202 all towns save the last is limited and unim-
294 portant. The last town being arrived at, an
enormous list half rotten is attacked amidst a
scence of wild confusion and discomfort. We
think we can undertake to say that no circuit
ever boasted of such a deceptive and delusive
cause list as we annually find at Croydon or
Kingston, as the case may be, and we are certain
that no circuit has better cause to blush for the
accommodation provided for the immense pro-

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VOL. XLVII.-No. 1375.

revising barristers are appointed. Revising barristerships are in the gift of the senior judge of assize, and heretofore it has been the custom for the Judges to ratify in succeeding years the appointments made by their predecessors, unless circumstances arise demanding a change. In this way it has frequently been in the power of Judges to recognise unsuccessful merit and to provide for necessitous members of circuits during the remainder of their lives. That pleasant and admirable period in the history of the Profession appears to be gone for ever, unless the next generation of Judges reverse the decree of the present. That decree appears to be that revising barrist rships shall be given, in the first instance, to Judges' sons, and an example of the fidelity with which this decree is observed is afforded by the Home Circuit. The first favour, not of a Judge's son proper, it is true, appointment made at these assizes was in but of the grandson of an ex-Lord Chancellor, namely, Mr. JEMMETT, a gentleman of the Equity Bar, and, what is of more importance, as far as we are aware, quite new to the business of registration. The second appointment has, we are given to understand, been conferred upon Mr. CHANNELL, son of the learned Baron, and a third, it is stated, is to be the prize of Mr. VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, son of the ex-judge.

themselves excellent appointments. It is hard Now, we will assume that these may be in to speak slightingly of untried men, and we should not have commented upon the subject had there been vacancies to fill in the ordinary course of things. But vacancies have been created. To take an instance; a gentleman of singular ill-fortune at the bar and in his domestic circle was appointed to a revising barristership by a most kind-hearted Judge. The gift was no mean boon, and was appreciated as such. Now he has been removed, and the grandson of Lord St. LEONARDS succeeds. It is reported to us that another gentleman of long standing, and admitted capacity and experience, has been removed, or rather passed over, in likə


As we have remarked, we have nothing to say against Judges' sons, they may claim to share with others the offices to which their merits and standing entitle them; but we do consider it a matter for great regret that public offices should be bestowed on them by preference. Great indignation has been excited on the Home Circuit by these incidents; and by reason also that it was stated that the Judges had met and determined that revising barristerships are offices for which Judges' sons are fitted, and to which they ought to be appointed.

It is with much regret that we bring this matter so prominently forward. Probably small good will be effected; but we shall have discharged our duty to the Profession by doing our utmost to clear the way to promotion for the laborious and capable members of the Profession.

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