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His HONOUR said in the County Court an appeal was only allowed on a point of law by a case. It seemed to him that the 26th section gave a general right of appeal.

Elliott. Unless there was an agreement not to appeal, but he could not bind the owners, who lived at Harwich.

His HONOUR.-Are you agreed upon the value of the vessel saved and the cargo ?

Elliott said they were very nearly; it was a matter of 501. or thereabouts. The salvors made out that the vessel was worth 50l. more than they did.

It appeared that Mr. Beck had valued the vessel at 2501., and they had called in Mr. Reed, a ship builder, who had valued her at 2001. The value of the cargo, according to Mr. Beck's estimate, was 6371. 10s.

Witt referred to a provision in the Mercantile Shipping Amendment Act, which enacted that when any salvage question arose, the receiver of wreck for the district, on the application of either party, might appoint a valuer to value the property in respect to which the salvage claim was made, and a copy of the valuation, purporting to be signed by the valuer, and attested by the receiver, should be received as evidence in any subsequent proceedings. Under this section they had made an application to the receiver of wreck to get this wreck and cargo valued, and he had done so.

His HONOUR.-The Act of Parliament does not make his valuation conclusive.

Witt said he supposed it was considered that it would form a good basis.

Elliott said their valuation of the ship was 2001. and the cargo 6601.

Under the circumstances proved the COURT thought that 701. would be ample compensation.

Witt asked his Honour to allow the costs to be taxed on the higher scale. There were two scales, the lower for cases where the amount awarded did not exceed 100., and the higher where it was above 100l., except the judge should otherwise order.

His HONOUR said he did not see anything to take the case out of the ordinary rule, that costs should be governed by the amount recovered. The plaintiffs made a demand which was very much too large, while the defendant's offer was very much too small, and he thought it was fair and reasonable that the costs should abide the event.

manor present in court do consent and agree that grant of the time of King Charles II. 1672, which the lord of this manor may grant to the Rev. notwithstanding its peculiar circumstances is James Terram a piece of ground, parcel of the certainly strong evidence of the custom contended waste of this manor, containing one acre or there- for. A single ancient entry has been held suffiabouts, for the purpose of thereon erecting a cient to prove the nature of the descent of copychapel of ease, situate at the west end, adjoining hold, there being no contradictory instances, Dee Paines-lane, upon such terms and for such estate Mason v. Mason, 3 Wills. 63, and, as observed by as the said lord may think proper;" and in pur- Lord Ellenborough in Roe d. Bennet, v. Jeffrey, suance of this Act the lord granted the land in 2 M. & S. 92, "one act undisturbed does not make a question to the person named. In the years custom, but it is evidence of a custom." The various 1842, 1843, 1819, and 1858 similar grants were entries of admissions to inclosures, of which the made at the rate of about one a year. In original grants are not forthcoming, are, however, the year s 1859 and 1860, fourteen such grants to my mind, very strong evidence of the existence were made in each year. In 1861 there were of the custom, and taking into account the loss of six such grants. In 1862 there was only one. In the court rolls antecedent to 1662, and for the the years 1868 there were twenty-five. The grants period between 1728 and 1752, the balance of testo the plaintiffs are dated the 27th May 1859, and timony, in my opinion, inclines evidently in favour 6th May 1861, which are in evidence, and which of the custom; especially as I think that, having are substantially the same as the ancient grant of regard to the limitation in quantity, the saving of the time of King Charles II. All these grants are sufficient pasture and turbary, and the consent of of very small pieces of land, generally less than the homage being required in respect of all grants, one acre, and never exceeding three acres; but it it is likely to prove beneficial to those directly inwas stated that there had been two grants of con- terested, and also to the public. Being of opinion siderable extent (upwards of thirty acres each)- that the defendant, George Wells, has made out one in 1784 to Sir William Abdy, and another in his justification of the first trespass alleged against 1835 to Sir Denis le Marchant, and that the latter him, and is not proved to have committed, or parwas confirmed by a private Act of Parliament; ticipated in the second, I find a verdict in his but of neither of these grants was any evidence favour; and although there is evidently much illgiven. In all the grants during the last thirty will on his part towards the plaintiff, and although years, and indeed, in the two others which I have I do not think that any real injury has been occamentioned, all parties interested seemed to have sioned to him or the other defendant by the interacquiesced, and the grantees to have been left ruption of the right of way, although, possibly, in undisturbed possession of the land granted to some injury may have arisen from the inclosure them. The evidence of Mr. Drewitt and other wit- of the land and the building of the houses along nesses leaves no doubt upon this point, at least the front of the road, still I think, considering the as to the later grants. Under these circumstances important question which has been raised by the the defendant, Philip Wells, resolving to assert plaintiff, and is now decided by this court under his right of way across this land, granted to the authority of the recent Act (30 & 31 Vict. and inclosed by the plaintiff, and also his right of c. 142), that I must allow the defendant, George common, of pasture, and turbary upon it, not Wells, his costs under the scale provided by that only effected a passage over the land as his father Act and the general rules. With regard to the had done, but also levelled the whole of the fence other defendant, Philip Wells, I am, of course, of one side, so as to throw open the land. Now also of opinion that he has justified the there is no doubt, upon the evidence before me, first alleged trespass in the assertion of the that the defendant, in respect of the tenement right of way cleared by him, but after much conwhich he occupied, and as the lessee of the free-sideration and some doubt that he has failed in holder, was prima facie entitled to the commonable justifying the second alleged trespass admitted by rights enjoyed by the freeholder and his father him in the destruction of the fence in asserting before him, and there is also no doubt that in his rights of pasture and turbary, which rights I pulling down the entire fence the defendant and hold to be barred by the grant the lord with the those whom he employed pursued strictly legal consent of the homage made, the circumstances of means of asserting it against the plaintiff. Mr. the case, and especially the conviction now before Justice Bayley, one of the greatest judges who me of the man employed by him in the sum of ever sat on the bench, says: "The authorities 31. 6s. 8d. and costs (satisfied as to the latter, but cited from Brooke's Abridgment and the Year- not as to the defendant Philip Wells, by the severe Book satisfy my mind that where a fence has been penalty of one month's imprisonment with hadr laerected upon a common inclosing and separating bour), I think that I shall meet the ends of justice parts of that common from the residue, and there- by giving a verdict against him for the like amount by interfering with the rights of the commoners, in respect of the like damages which the plaintiff the latter are not by law restrained in the exer- ought to have sued for here, or in some other civil cise of those rights to pulling down so much court, in the first instance. I will also allow the of that fence as may be necessary for them to plaintiff the court fees on that sum, and the costs remove for the purpose of enabling their cattle to of the advocate and one witness, Mr. Quilly, who enter and feed upon the residue of the common, produced the court rolls, and of the map probut that they are entitled to consider the whole duced, according to the scale just mentioned, but of that fence so erected upon the common as a no further costs. There will be a verdict for the nuisance, and to remove it accordingly," Arlett v. defendant George Wells, with costs as above, Ellis, 7 B. & C. 362; and Mr. Justice Littledale, payable in a month, and a verdict for the plaintiff another very great judge, observes in the same against Philip Wells for 31. 68. 8d., with costs, [NOTE.-This department of the LAW TIMES being open to case that "there does not appear to be any reason also payable in a month. why the commoners should not pull down the whole fence," and that "it is much more convenient than that he should bring an action for every obstruction," Ibid. 378. I much regret, therefore, that in a case where the title was so evidently in dispute, and where there was so much doubt and difficulty as the present, that any magistrate should have convicted and sentenced to hard labour for wilful damage a man who was only employed by the defendant, Philip Wells, to remove these fences on this occasion, especially as a similar charge had previously been made against another person, who was called as a witness in this case, and most properly dismissed by a very experienced and respected magistrate, Mr. Briscoe. I now come to the main point of this case, whether the right of the lord of the manor and homage to make the grants in question is sufficiently proved by the necessarily meagre and somewhat unsatisfactory evidence which has been furnished in support of it. I confess that this is a subject of much difficulty, and on which I have bestowed much consideration. And, firstly, the Prescription Act (3 Will. 4, c. 71) shortening the time of prescription in certain cases," clearly does not apply to the present case; nor, of course, does the Statute of Limitations (3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 27), and the plaintiff must recover on the strength of the title of the lord of the manor to make the grant in question. Now, it cannot, I think, for a moment be contended that the grants of the last thirty years would, by themselves, sufficiently evidence such a custom, although no doubt those grants, and the acquiescence of the commoners and all parties interested certainly create a presumption in favour of the custom. The grants of 1784 and 1835 do not appear to me (if evidenced), to assist the claim of the lord, but rather to challenge a closer scrutiny into it. We next come to the

White then stated that three labourers had been
convicted in 31. 6s. 8d. each, with imprisonment
and hard labour, and that the aggregate amount
of such penalties (101.) was the damages found by
the magistrate who convicted.
Austin consented to the verdict against the de-
fendant Philip Wells for 101.

THE DEFALCATIONS BY A COUNTY COURT OFFICIAL.-Samuel Drew Foulkes, late Deputy Registrar at the Wolverhampton County Court, was brought up on remand, charged in five sepa rate cases with fraudulently altering an original record of the County Court. The depositions taken on the previous occasion were read over, and the prisoner was formally committed to take his trial at the assizes on each of the charges. Bail refused.



free discussion on all professional topics, the Editor is not responsible for any opinions or statements contained in it.]


AND DUNN.-The decision of the Court of Criminal Appeal in the above cases, as it appears in your reports of 8th May 1869, pp. 402-3, is so startling to me as a clerk of indictments of some little experience, as well as to other gentlemen with whom I have discussed the subject, and PORTSMOUTH COUNTY COURT. appears to me to be so utterly unsupported by (Before C. J. GALE, Esq., Judge. any known rules as to the construction of indictments, that I feel it my duty at once to call attenTHE MARY ANN. tion to it, in the hope of ascertaining whether or Procedure under the Admiralty jurisdiction. not the precedent is one that is likely to be followed In this case the judge was assisted by two in future cases. Assuming, as I do, the accuracy nautical assessors, Capt. Shute B. Piers, R.N., of your report, it appears that no counsel appeared and Capt. G. H. Parkin, R.N. The plaintiffs were for the prisoner, a circumstance, I think, not James Lawrence and others, and the defendants entirely to be left out of consideration. The prothe owners of a barge named the Mary Ann, 49 secuting counsel referred to the following cases: tons, of Harwich. The suit was instituted by the-1. Reg. v Oliver, which judicially decides simply plaintiffs to recover 300l., for salvage services rendered.

Witt, barrister (instructed by Pritchard and
Sons, of Doctors'-commons), appeared for the

Elliott (of the firm of Binsteed and Elliott, of
Portsmouth) for the defendants.

While the court was waiting for the arrival of
the witnesses, a discussion took place as to the
manner in which the proceedings should be con-

Witt said the intention of the Act was that pro-
ceedings should be conducted in precisely the
same way as in ordinary cases in this court.

His HONOUR.-Is an appeal given?
Witt said there was an appeal given in all other
cases. The appeal was only by leave of the judge.
An appeal might be made to the High Court of

that upon an indictment charging an assault occasioning actual bodily harm it was competent for the jury to convict of a common assault (a proposition which, I apprehend, was as clear before as after that decision); 2. Reg. v. Yeadon, in which the case of Reg. v. Öliver is relied upon, and which decides simply the same thing and nothing more ; 3. Reg. v. Ingram, which decided, in the reign of Queen Anne, that a battery includes an assault. The prosecuting counsel appears also to have referred to Hawkins' Pleas of the Crown in support of the last thoroughly undisputed proposition. Upon the authority of these cases, the prisoner Taylor, who is indicted for unlawfully and maliciously wounding, and inflicting grievous bodily harm upon one T. M. (offences having no existence as such at common law, but now existing as offences simply by virtue of the statute 24 & 25

Vict. c. 100, s. 20), is convicted of the common law offence of an assault, although no assault is charged in the indictment, and although (as I shall venture to submit), the indictment does not even charge any offence whatever. Chief Baron Kelly is reported to have said, in giving judgment,"



of your correspondents kindly inform
the medium of the LAW TIMES What are the proper
me through
steps to take, and the usual mode of proceeding, for a
gentleman retired from the legal profession, and no
longer on the roll of attorneys, and who is possessed of
the requisite property qualification as regards the
county, in order to be appointed a borough as well as a
county magistrate ?

6. WILL.-A. by will gave all his real estate to trustees
to their use during his wife's life, and in case his wife
should die before his youngest child should attain twenty-
one, to the use of the trustees until his youngest child
should attain twenty-one, in trust to pay the rents to
wife for life, and then for his children until his youngest
child should attain twenty-one; and upon the decease
of his wife, or upon the youngest child attaining
twenty-one, whichever event should last happen, the
the time of his wife's death, or youngest child attaining
testator gave his real estate to all his children living at
twenty-one, whichever event should last happen, as
tenants in common, with clause of survivorship in case
any children should die before the happening of the
event lastly referred to without leaving issue. But in
pening of the event lastly thereinbefore referred to,
case there should be no such child living on the hap-
the testator gave the same real estate unto and to the
the use of his own right heirs. The wife is the sole
surviving trustee under the will. The testator left
several children; one only (a son) now survives, the
viving son are desirous of selling the real estate, but
others having died without issue. The widow and sur-
the purchaser objects to the title. Can the widow and
the son (who is twenty-one, and the testator's heir-at-
law) together make a good title?

redemption. In practice I always call for the junc
tion of the mortgagee in and subsequently dealing with
the property for the purpose of divesting him of the
legal estate. I think the subject is one of great import-
ance, and I should be glad of the views of your readers
on the following:-In all mortgages by demise let this
declaration (or something like it) be incorporated:
"It is hereby expressly declared that if the said (mort-
after the time herein before stipulated for payment of
gagor), his heirs, executors, or administrators, shall
the said sum of and interest, and before the exer-
cise of the power of sale hereinbefore contained, pay
trators, or assigns, the said sum 'of
unto the said (mortgagee), his executors, adminis-
and all
interest and other moneys due hereunder, and the
said (mortgagee) his executors, administrators, or
assigns shall endorse, or cause to be endorsed, on these
presents a memorandum or receipt under his or their
hand or hands evidencing such payment, then and in
such case the said (mortgagee) his executors, adminis-
trators, or assigns shall from thenceforth stand pos-
sessed of the said lands, &c., in trust for the said
(mortgagor), his heirs and assigns, for the residence
then unexpired of the said term which shall thereupon
become attendant upon the inheritance of the said
lands, &c., and subject thereto shall be deemed to be
satisfied and absolutely cease and determine." See
Satisfied Terms Act (8 & 9 Vict. c. 112).

13. LEASE.-What is the practice as to engrossing a lease and the counterpart? Does the lessor's solicitor how are they borne? engross both? And when nothing is said about costs, LEX.


'Although the word 'assault' does not occur in either count of the indictment, yet both counts necessarily include an assault," &c. I am not aware of any decided authority for this proposition; and I venture, although most respectfully, and with the very greatest deference, to question it as thus stated, as I do not think it clear that it would be impossible to imagine a case of wounding coming within at least the words of the section without any assault. If, however, the above proposition of the Lord Chief Baron be indisputably true, still I am not aware of any case which decides that, by the common law a prisoner can be convicted of an assault, or any other offence, unless that assault or other offence be expressed in words charged in the indictment. The rule on this subject, as laid down in Starkie's Criminal Pleadings, vol. 1., p. 41, is thus stated: "And in general, whenever an offence as described in the indictment is made up, partly of facts and circumstances, which constitute a less aggravated offence, and partly of circumstances peculiar to itself, the defendant may, if the evidence warrant such a conclusion, be found guilty of the more simple, and acquitted of the more serious offence." Upon this well-known and perfectly intelligible rule the decision in Reg. v. Oliver is founded; but I venture to submit that there is no authority to warrant its extension to offences not described in the indictment; and that it is a dangerous precedent to do so. Moreover, I venture to assert that the indictment, as set out in your report, charges no offence whatever; inasmuch as it purports to charge two offences which, as described therein, are not offences at all at common law, but are simply misdemeanors created by the statute, and yet are not alleged to have been committed against the statute. I presume that the draftsman relied upon 14 & 15 Vict. c. 100, s. 24, which provides that "no indictment shall be held insufficient for (amongst other things) want of a proper or formal conclusion." I am not, however, aware of any case which decides that this provision extends to warrant the omission of the conclusion "against the form of the statute" where the offence is a statutable one; and as the same section expressly authorises the omission of the words " against the peace,' and provides for the case of the insertion of the words "against the form of the statute" in the purchaser in the lands conveyed? singular number instead of in the plural, or vice versi. It seems clear that it was never intended to dispense with the necessity for the statutory conclusion where the offence was statutory. 1, inform me whether, in case a creditor is omitted in the A. being seised in fee, by deed duly acknowledged, joins

therefore, submit, with great deference, that the indictment was bad on the face of it. T. G.

NOTARY PUBLIC.-In many towns there is no officer of this description for the purpose of taking ship protests, &c., and the unsatisfactory, although apparently not really irregular practice is adopted of having them taken before a Chancery commissioner. This is probably owing to the heavy and disproportionate amount of stamp duty (301.) pay. able on appointment (in addition to the attendant fees and expenses of about 151.), it being inconveniently large for those solicitors who are the only practitioners whose purpose would be served by obtaining the appointment. Being myself one of this class, and desirous of acting in that capacity, I should be glad to communicate with other solicitors similarly circumstanced, with the view of discussing and determining among ourselves whether a reduction of the duty would be best obtained by a joint petition to the House of Commons, or an address to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, or how otherwise. CIVILIAN.

12th May 1869.

COUNTY COURT PROCEDURE.-I observe in your Saturday's number a notice of a petition for a reform of County Court Procedure. I wish to suggest that in the first of the proposed amendments the words "or agent" be omitted. The court has a right to the guarantee for correctness, which is implied by the process being issued to solicitors only, and it is very desirable that such process should not be committed to any person who may chose to represent himself to be the agent" of a suitor, such agencies are too promiscuous already. J. HESTER.



Mr. Grundy, of the firm of Grundy and Coulson, of Manchester, has been appointed an Extraordinary Commissioner to administer Oaths in the Irish Court of Chancery, for the counties of Lancashire and Cheshire; and also a Commissioner for taking Affidavits in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer of Pleas, Ireland.


7. CONVEYANCING PRECEDENTS.-I shall be glad to be informed by any of your numerous readers where to a married woman of property paid for by the may find the following precedents: 1. A conveyance husband; 2. A similar conveyance when the money is the wife's separate money 3. A mortgage by the married woman in each of the above two cases ?


8. CONVEYANCE.-In a conveyance of lands, the following are the limitations to the purchaser: "To have and to hold said pieces or parcels of land, &c., unto the said A. B. and his heirs, to the use of such person and persons for such estate and estates, interest and interests, and to and for such intents and purposes, and under and subject to such powers, &c., and in such manner as he, the said A. B., by any deed or deeds, &c., with or without power of revocation, &c., shall appoint, and in default of, and until such appointment, and so far as no such appointment shall extend, to the use of the said A. B." "It will be observed there are no words. of limitation to the ultimate use. What estate has the


9. CREDITOR OMITTED FROM DEED OF ARRANGEMENT. -Will any of your numerous readers be so kind as statement of debts required to be filed with a deed of arrangement under sect. 192 of the Bankruptcy Act 1861, such deed, when duly filed, is a bar to an action by the creditor for the amount of his claim? By answering this query with reference to any authority or case on the subject would much oblige.


(Q. 109.) TRANSFER OF MORTGAGE.-M. E. S. has misunderstood the query. He will find, on referring to it, that it was stated the mortgagee had devised his trust estates to B. and C., who were also his executors, and, consequently, the transferee will get the legal estate from them. The difficulty is as to the assignment of the mortgage debt, one of the executors of the mortgagee being also the transferee. I shall be obliged if some experienced conveyancer will give me his view upon it. H. E. Jun.

(Q. 2.)-COVENANT TO REPAIR IN LEASE.-The judge of a County Court holds that the effect of qualifying a covenant to repair, and leave in repair (usual form) by adding such words as "fair wear and tear excepted" is to render it almost nuigatory, inasmuch as, in his opinion, the tenant is relieved of all liability to repair, except as to wilful damage. From this it would appear that in order that as much protection may be afforded the landlord as the tenant, the covenant should be retained in its simple form, and left open to proper legal construction as mentioned by "M. E. S." in his reply. The words just quoted are, I believe, commonly considered a very proper qualification to this covenant, but in view of recent decisions, it would seem that they should be carefully excluded from all forms. As a point of practice, the subject deserves consideration, and I should like to see further opinions in future numbers. Southampton. C. ST. AUBYN ANGROVE.

(Q. 3.) EQUITY OF REDEMPTION-MORTGAGE.-I may state for "J. G.'s" guidance that acknowledgment of a conveyance by a married woman was insisted on by the purchaser's solicitor, under the following circumstances: with her husband in mortgaging the estate for securing a sum of money borrowed by the husband, as in the case put by "J. G." The proviso for reconveyance declared that on payment of mortgage-money and interest, the mortgagee would reconvey to such uses upon such trusts and for such estate or estates, intents and purposes as the husband and wife should during their 10. ARTICLED CLERK.-1. By articles of agreement, joint lives by any deed or deeds jointly direct or appoint,. dated 15th April 1865, A. became bound to serve B. and in default thereof to use of it in fee. The mortas his clerk "from the day of the date hereof, for, and gage was paid off, but no reconveyance was taken till during, and until the full end and term of five years the husband and wife agreed to sell the property, when they requested the mortgagee's representatives to join thence next ensuing, and fully to be complete and in the conveyance, which they did in the usual way. ended." When can A pass his Final Examination and be admitted? 2. How many hours a day can a princi-appointed under the power given above. The husband and wife in joining in the conveyance also pal compel his articled clerk to work? He works now from nine a.m, to seven p.m., including Saturdays, and Southampton. C. ST. AUBYN ANGROVE. sometimes on a Sunday, and is suffering in health from overwork, but the principal refuses to alter the hours. 3. Arrangements are made by B. to article E. in the 5th May 1861, for a month on trial; at the end of month of April 1864, and E. enters B.'s office on the the month all parties are satisfied, and final arrangements are made, a salary is fixed, and the articles are drawn up and approved, and engrossed, but are not signed and stamped till the February following, in consequence of B. being called away about that time, and the articles were placed on one side and mislaid, E. thinking it of no consequence as long as he served his five years with B. It is now desirous that E. should be admitted as early as possible. When can he enter for his Final Examination?


(11.) MARRIED WOMAN-SEPARATE ESTATE-ADULTERY.-A., by post-nuptial settlement, gave to his wife power to appoint, by deed or will, the equities of redemption of various valuable properties and the surplus moneys arising from the sale thereof. Fourteen years after the date of the deed she lived in adultery, first country, and she subsequently appointed, by deed and having gone through a form of marriage in a foreign will (the latter of which is duly proved), the properties to the person with whom she lived in adultery. The ultimate remainder in the post-nuptial settlement is to A., the first husband, on default of appointment by his wife. No procedings were taken in the Divorce Court

by A. Will any of your readers refer to any authorities

or law which will invalidate the appointments, or say
power of appointment contained in the deed?
if the elopement and adultery was a revocation of the
T. M.
12. MORTGAGES BY DEMISE. Some practitioners
are under the impression that when a mortgage for a
extinguished, and consequently they do not call for a
term is paid off the term is as it were satisfied and is
surrender or re-assignment. But the best opinions
incline the other way, unless the mortgage-money be
paid off on the very day stipulated in the proviso for

There is no necessity for A. to acknowledge the deed whereby she proposes to mortgage her equity of redemption, and it would be incorrect if she did so. The new mortgage will be by appointment under the power limited to A. by the original mortgage, and there is not even a necessity for the concurrence of her husband. M. E. S.

(Q. 4.) EXECUTORS.-The jurisdiction conferred upon County Courts in administration cases is confined to suits by creditors, legatees, devisees, heirs-at-law, or next of kin. The only way then, in which an executor can get the estate of his testator wound-up in the County Court is to procure one of these parties to institute the suit. But if the executor is also a trustee under the will, he may, for the purpose of carrying out the trusts reposed in him, take advantage of the jurisdiction in that behalf granted to the County Court. M. E. S.


Compensation to Land and Houseowners; being a Treatise on the Law of Compensation for Interests in Lands, &c., payable by Railway and other Public Companies. BY THOMAS DUNBAR INGRAM, Barrister-at-Law. Second Edition, by J. J. ELMES, Barrister-at-Law. London: Butterworths. THE importance of this subject to railways and enterprises of a public nature, not less than to the owners of land whose interests are, by a species of confiscation, seized and appropriated tifies the devotion of a distinct volume to without their owner's consent, sufficiently jusa single branch of railway law. The appear

of it.


ance upon the title-page of the words "second edition," attests in the most conclusive manner that Mr. Ingram had rightly measured the requirements of the Profession when he designed the monograph before us. Seeing what a small space the subject occupies in the statute book, it would scarcely have been credited, but for the evidence of the work itself, that a treatise of 226 pages could have grown out But such is the fact, and this without any undue expansion; the cases not cited at needless length, nor are exraneous topics introduced to swell the volume. The work is divided into thirteen chapters, treating of agreements with promoters of companies before they have obtained their special Act, and the course to be pursued by a landowner opposing the Bill; of contracts with the company after incorporation; of the powers possessed by railway and other public companies for compulsory purchase, and the manner in which they are to be exercised; and of the restrictions imposed upon those powers. An interesting chapter is devoted to the much litigated questions relating to lands injuriously affected, and this is followed by three chapters in which the author has collected the cases, classifying them under three divisions; first, where lands are taken or purchased, but not entered upon until the purchase money and compensation are ascertained and paid; secondly, the cases in which the property is taken, or injuriously affected, before satisfaction made to the owners; and, thirdly, the cases of loss and damage not remediable either by compensation or action at law. The various modes of assessing compensation are next considered; then the manner of dealing with the interests of lessees and tenants at will; then the question of costs; and, lastly, certain special cases of compensation peculiar to railway companies. The appendix contains no less than sixty forms, required in the practice of this branch of the law, and the statutes and parts of statutes in which it is embodied. The index is very ample. Thus it will be seen to be a book very valuable to all solicitors who may be concerned either for railways or for the persons whose properties are affected by them.

Indian Criminal Law and Procedure. By M. H. STARLING, L. L. B., Barrister-at-law. London: Allen & Co.

A VOLUME of nearly 700 closely-printed pages embodies the entire of the criminal law of our Indian Empire. Mr. Starling, who has had extensive experience as a practitioner in the criminal courts in England, was peculiarly qualified for the laborious task which he has performed so well. If time and space would permit, an extremely interesting and instructive review of this work might point out the differences between the criminal law we apply to our Eastern Empire and that we enforce at home, with the reasons, ethnological and religious, for some of the remarkable divergencies which would be found to exist. Such a treatise, though impracticable in our crowded columns and amid the various claims upon our attention, would be an appropriate theme for the Law Review, and we commend it to the notice of our quarterly contemporary. Mr. Starling will, we hope, receive the reward of his useful labour in the employment of the knowledge and ability of which he has thus proved the possession, where the Indian public may have the benefit of them.



At the meeting of the Society, held at the Law Institution, Chancery-lane, on Tuesday evening last, Mr. Warmington in the chair, the question for discussion was, "Does an immaterial alteration made in a deed by the person taking a benefit under it after the execution of the deed, render it void which was opened by Mr. G. P. Amos in the affirmative. The society decided in the nega tive by a large majority.


The ninth meeting of the session was held on Friday, the 30th April, Mr. Bright presiding. The question for discussion was-XIV. Jurisprudential. "Ought married women to stand in the position with regard to their property as femes sole?" Mr. French opened the debate in the affirmative,

but, after a long discussion, the negative side of the question was carried.



At the usual monthly meeting of the board of directors, held at the Law Institution, London, on Wednesday the 5th inst., Wm. Strickland Cookson, Esq., in the chair, the following directors were present:-Messrs. Hedger, Nelson, Rickman, Shaen, and Sidney Smith; Mr. Eiffe, secretary.

A donation of 201. was granted to the necessitous widow and children of a non-member; and nineteen new annual members were admitted to the associa



MR. EDWARD CHALLINOR. We have to record the death of Mr. Edward Challinor, of Hanley, who died on the 25th ult. at his temporary residence, Oak Mount, Withington, near Manchester, at the age of 52 years. Mr. Challinor was admitted in Easter Terin 1839, and practised at Hanley from the year 1840 up to the time of his illness, which fell upon him early last Year: Mr. Challinor had been town clerk of Hanley since the incorporation of the borough, he having been most instrumental in obtaining the charter. He was also clerk to the local board of health, and to the burial board of Hanley, and registrar of the Hanley, Burslem, and Tunstall County Courts, and was likewise solicitor to the respective boards of health of Burslem and Tunstall, and held many other public and important appointments. He was much looked up to and respected in his profession.



Professional Partnerships Dissolbed.

Gazette, May 4. LUCAS, JOSEPH, and SHOWLER, ROBERT FRANCIS, attorneys and solicitors, Trinity-pl, Charing-cross. May 3 TAYLEUR, CRESSWELL JOHN, and PODE, JOHN SPURRELL, attorneys, solicitors, and conveyancers, Torquay. March 25


Gazette, May 7.

To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street. AYTON, WILLIAM GEORGE, courier, Charlotte-st, Sloane-st, and

Hill-st, Knightsbridge. Pet. May 4. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Watson, Basinghall-st. Sur. May 25 BONNET, JOHN CONRAD, tailor, Woolwich. Pet. May 1. O. A. Stansfeld. Sols. Messrs. Spiller, South-pl, Finsbury. Sur. May 24 BRERETON, ASHLEY FRANCIS, gentleman, Portsea-pl, Hyde-pk. Pet. May 5. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Tucker, Southampton-bldgs, Chancery-la. Sur. May 28 BYRNE, EDWARD MCALPINE, mercantile clerk, Cosmo-pl, Southampton-row, Bloomsbury. Pet. May 3. Reg. Pepys. 0. A.

Graham. Sol. Dobie, Gresham-st. Sur. May 28 CAPON, THOMAS, miller. Stokesby. Pet. May 5. Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sols. Sole, Turner, and Turner, Aldermanbury, agents for Coaks, Norwich. Sur. May 31

CLINT, THOMAS TOLSON, merchant, Liverpool and Birkenhead. Pet. May 4. Reg. Roche. O. A. Parkyns. Sol. Watson, Basing. hall-st

Sur. May 26

COHEN, SIMON (otherwise Sicgismund Sellman), fancy dealer,
Upper-st, Islington. Pet. May 1. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham.
Sol. Green, Ironinonger-la. Sur. May 27
CORNWALL, JOHN LAWIS, late greengrocer, Essex-rd, Islington;
Great Northern Potato-market, King's-cross; and Orchard-st,
Ball's-pond. Pet. May 3. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol.
Thompson, Gray's-inn-sq. Sur. May 28

COX, FRANCIS, estate agent, Gresham-bldgs, Basinghall-st. Pet.
April 30. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Coleman, Green-
wich. Sur. May 28
CROSS, SAMUEL JOB, victualler, Sutton. Pet. May 3.
Roche. O. A. Parkyns. Sol. Lade, Gresham-bldgs, Basinghall-
st. Sur. May 26


DAVEY, HENRY, civil engineer, John-st, Adelphi Pet. May 1. Reg. Roche. O. A. Parkyns. Sols. Linklaters, Hackwood, and Addison, Walbrook. Sur. May 31 EDMUNDS, HENRY, manager of the Portman-chambers, Portman-st. Pet. May 3. Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sol. Wilding, Titchborne-st, Edgware-rd. Sur. May 31 ELLIS, HORATIO THOMAS WILLIAM, silversmith, King-st, Coventgdn. Pet. May 5. Reg. Pepys. 0. A. Graham. Sols. Dowse and Co., Lime st-chambers, Lime-st. Sur. May 28 GARNES, JOHN, clerk in the Hudson's Bay Company, Greenwoodrd, Hackney. Pet. May 4. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Champion, Ironmonger-la. Sur. May 28 GILSON, EDWARD ROWELL, clerk to an insurance broker, Crogdon, and Lower Thames-st. Pet. April 23, 0. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Richardson, George-st, Mansion-house. Sur. May 24 HATCHER, DANIEL GEORGE, innkeeper, Southampton. Pet. May 3. O. A. Stansfeld. Sols. Linklaters and Co., Walbrook. Sur. May 24

HAYES, MARK, traveller to a spiced beef dealer, Isleworth. Pet. May 3. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Notley, Trinity-st, Southwark. Sur. May 24 JEWELL, WILLIAM HENRY, insurance broker, George-st, Mansion-house. Pet. April 24. O. A. Stansfeld. Sols. Laurance and Co., Old Jewry-chambers; and Rickards, Crown-ct, Old Broad-st. Sur. May 24

FRENCH COURTS AND COURT Costs.-A curious case has recently been tried in Saigon. It appears that Captain Jeffries, of the ship Mexicana, induced the plaintiff to enter into a contract to freight the ship Mericana, the captain guaran- JOBSON, HENRY, merchant, Crutched-friars. Pet. April 23. Reg. teeing the vessel to be classed A 1 for at least a year from date.

Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sols. Flux, Argles, and Rawlins, East JONES, JOHN, smack owner, Great Yarmouth. Pet. May 4. Reg. Roche. 0. A. Parkyns. Sols. Linklaters, Hackwood, and Addison, Walbrook. Sur. May 26

LAIRD, ROBERT GRIMMOND, general merchant, Billiter-sq. Pet.
May 4. Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sols. Messrs. Miller,
Sherborne-la. Sur. May 24
LOVELL, ROBERT JAMES, foreman to a coachmaker, Portland,
near Weymouth. Pet. May 5. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham.
Sols. Coombe und Co., Staple-inn. Sur. May 28
MINTON, CHARLES, and MINTON, ALFRED, millers, Slough. Pet.
April 29. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sols. Lawrance, Plews,
and Co., Old Jewry-chambers, for Darvill and Co., Windsor. Sur.
May 27
MORGAN, MATTHEW SOMERVILLE, artist, Margate. Pet. May 3,
Reg. Roche. O. A. Parkyns. Sois. Evans and Laing, John-st,
Bedford-row. Sur. May 20

May 5. 0. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Fisher, Manor-rd, Walworth. Sur.
May 26
MORTON, JOHN, assistant to a beer retailer, Chatham. Pet. May 1.
Reg. Pepys. 0. A. Graham. Sol. Cooke, Gresham-bldgs. Sur.
May 27

India-avenue, Leadenhall-st. Sur. May 31 It was afterwards discovered that the vessel was not classed either at Lloyd's or Veritas, and as the plaintiff would be obliged to insure the goods shipped, he could not avail himself of the charter, and sued in the Commercial Tribunal to compel the defendant to fulfil his part of the contract, and within ship of the description specified. a certain time to provide the plaintiff with a The court directed that the defendant should fulfil the contract, that is, find a ship of the proper description within eight days, and gave judgment MORRIS, EDWARD, late Cook, Hanover-st, Walworth.rd. Pet. against him in costs. The defendant appealed the case to the Superior Court, immediately, when it was decided that the former judgment was wrong in law, as it should have fixed damages at a given MORTON, WILLIAM HENRY, late assistant manager of pleasure sum, instead of decreeing defendant to perform an impossibility. Judgment was therefore entered comes the bill of costs, a fact that will scarcely be for plaintiff for 1000 francs and costs. And now believed here, where going to law is such an expensive luxury that poor people cannot afford it. It is appended to the report of the case in the Saigon Advertiser and Shipping Gazette. The costs of the first trial were 40 francs 20 centimes, exclusive of registering fees,-equal to 10.64 dollars.

gardens, Newman-st, Oxford-st. Pet. April 29. Ö. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Froggatt, Argyll-st, Regent-st. Sur. May 19 NEWROTH, STEPHEN (known as Charles New), grocer, Short's gans, Bloomsbury, and Grove-rd, and North-bank, St. John's. wood. Pet. May 1. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Pittman, Guildhall-chambers. Sur. May 28

OLIVER, HENRY, builder, Testerton-st, Lancaster-rd, Notting hill. Pet. April 30, 0. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Tilley, Finsburypavement. Sur. May 24

SCHLOTTMANN, HILMUTH, journeyman fancy box maker, John-st,
Wilmington-sq. Clerkenwell. Pet. May 5. O. A. Stansfeld.
Sol. Watson, Basinghall st. Sur. May 24
SPRINGETT, FREDERICK WILLIAM, wine merchant, Totton. Pet.
May 4. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Edwards, Bush-la,
Cannon-st. Sur. May 28


SULTAN, JULIUS, formerly dealer in cigars, Englefield-rd, Isling
ton. Pet. May 3. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Harrison, Basinghall-st.
Sur. May 24
TITCHMARSH, THOMAS, farmer, Royston. Pet. May 3.
Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Wood, Crooked-la. Sur. May 28
TURNBULL, JOHN WILLIAM, agent for brewers, Shepherd's-bush.
Pet. May 3. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Pritchard, South-sq, Gray's
inn. Sur. May 24

WALLIS, WILLIAM GEORGE DENNETT, law stationer, St. John's-
grove, St. John's-hill, New Wandsworth. Pet. April 30. Reg.
Brougham. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Lilley, Trinity-st, Southwark.
Sur. May 24

WALSHAM, WILLIAM HENRY, accountant, Gresham-st, and
Idmiston-rd, Stratford. Pet. May 3. Reg. Roche. O. A. Par
kyns. Sol. Brown. Basinghall-st. Sur. May 26
WEBER, VICTOR FERDINAND, no business, Kew-green. Pet. May !.
O. A. Stansfeld. Sols. Lawrance and Co., Old Jewry-chambers.
Sur. May 24

WHEN THE TAXES ARE ΤΟ BE PAID.-A statement, in the form of a Parliamentary return, has been issued, showing the periods in the years 1869-70 and 1870-71 when, under the scheme of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, payments will have to be made in respect of assessed taxes and licence duties respectively by persons who have kept articles liable to duty previous to or in either of those years; and also showing the periods in the years 1869-70 and 1870-71 in which, under the same scheme, house duty, land tax, and income tax, under the several schedules, will be collected, and in respect of what year's assessment, or part thereof, each such collection will be made. From this statement it appears that payments will have to be made in respect of assessed and income tax will be collected, under the scheme taxes and licence duties; and house duty, land tax, of the Chancellor of the Exchequer as follows, APLIN, WILLIAM, publican, Hatch Beauchamp. Pet. May 4. viz., after

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Sol. Olive, Ports

Raven-ct, Seething-la. Pet. May 4. 0. A. Stansfeld. Sol.
Chidley, Old Jewry. Sur. May 24
WOOLMORE, HENRY, journeyman confectioner, Old Brentford.
Pet. May 4. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham.
mouth-st, Lincoln's-inn. Sur. May 28
To surrender in the Country.
ALLAN, ROBERT, innkeeper, Hurworth-pl, near Croft.
May 3. Reg. & O. A. Bowes. Sol. Steavenson, Darlington. Sur.
May 20

Reg. & O. A. Meyler. Sol. Trenchard, Taunton. Sur. May
ARMSTRONG, RICHARD, porter, Liverpool. Pet. May 4. Reg. &
O. A. Hime. Sol. Brown, Liverpool. Sur. May 18
BAKER, EDWARD BRADLEY, tobacco dealer, Liverpool. Pet.
April 30. Reg. & O. A. Hime. Sol. Thornley, Liverpool. Sur.
May 17
BATTY, GEORGE, builder, Fulford, near York. Pet. May 3. 0. A.
Young. Sols. M'Laren, York, and Simpson, Leeds. Sur. May 24
BROOKES, GEORGE, refreshment house keeper, Birmingham. Pet.
March 4. Reg. & O. A. Guest. Sol. Rowlands, Birmingham.
Sur. June 4.

CHAPMAN, GEORGE, saddler, Winterton. Pet. April 8. Reg. & O. A. Brown. Sol. Mackrill, Barton-on-Humber. Sur. May 18 CHEESEBOROUGH, ALFRED, woolstapler, Bradford. Pet. May 3. Reg. & O. A. Robinson. Sols. Rawson, George, and Wade, Bradford. Sur. May 18

CLARKE, CHARLES, hotel keeper, Bromsgrove. Fet. May 4. Reg. Tudor. O. A. Kinnear. Sols. James and Griffin, Birmingham. Sur. May 21

CLAYTON, JOHN, jun., farm labourer, Hale, near Altrincham. Pet. May 3. Reg & O. A. Southern. Sol. Roberts, Manchester. Sur. May 19

COLTON, JOSEPH, bootmaker. Sheffield, late Mortomley. Pet. May 1. Reg. & O. A. Wake and Rodgers. Sols. Messrs. Chambers, Sheffield. Sur. May 19

COOK, JOHN, Jun., butcher, Chalgrave. Pet. May 3. Reg. & O. A. Kipling. Sol. Neve, Luton. Sur. May 24

COOPER, CHARLES, stonemason, formerly Birstal. Pet. May 4.
Reg. & 0. A. Robinson. Sol. Hutchinson, Bradford. Sur.
May 19

COX, GEORGE, poulterer, Torquay. Pet. May 5. Reg. & O. A.
Pasley. Sol. Carter, Torquay. Sur. May 18
DOWNIE, THOMAS, tailor, Newbiggen-by-the-Sea. Pet. April 30.
Reg. Gibson. O. A. Laidman. Sols. Hoyle, Shipley, and Hoyle,
Newcastle. Sur. May 25

ECCLES, JOHN, plumber, Tyldesley. Pet. May 4. Reg. Macrae. 0. A. M'Neill, Sols. Sutton and Elliott, Manchester. Sur. May 23

EDWARDS, WILLIAM, farmer, Fadog-goch. Pet. May 3. Reg. & 0. A. Dew. Sol. Jones, Menal-bridge. Sur. May 20

FARM. JOHN WILLIAM, merchant's clerk, Great Grimsby. Pet. April 2. Reg. & O. A. Daubney. Sol. Haddelsey, Great Grimsby. Sur. May 14


FERGUSON, GEORGE, grocer, Liverpool. Pet. May 3. O. A.
Turner. Sols. Snowball and Copeman, Liverpool. Sur. May 21
FIFIELD, JOHN, grocer, Rawtenstall. Pet. May 3. Reg. & O. A.
Woodcock. Sol. Sykes, Bacup. Sur. May 21
HARTLEY, WILLIAM, flax waste dealer, Leeds. Pet. May 3. O. A.
Young. Sol. Simpson, Leeds. Sur. May 24
HAWKEY, PEARCE, ironmonger, Penzance. Pet. April 27.
& O. A. Borlase. Sol. Thomas, Penzance. Sur. May 11
HIDE, GEORGE MARTIN, greengrocer, Alverstoke. Pet. May 4.
Reg.&O. A. Howard. Sol. Champ, Portsea. Sur. May 19
HILL, JOHNSON, millwright, Horton. Pet. May 3. Reg. & O. A.
Robinson. Sols. Wood and Killock, Bradford. Sur. May 18
HISCOX, CHARLES P., builder, Shepton Mallett. Pet. April 28.
Reg. Wilde. O. A. Acraman. Sol. Harwood, Bristol. Sur.
May 21

HOLDEN, THOMAS, clerk, Hulme. Pet. May 1. Reg. & O. A.
Halton. Sol. Storer, Manchester. Sur. May 15

HOWELL, GEORGE, and REES, JOHN, drapers, Llanelly. Pet. April 21. Reg. Wilde. O. A. Acraman. Sols. Messrs. Brittan, Bristol. Sur. May 21

JONES, JAMES, master carter, Liverpool. Pet. May 4. O. A.
Turner. Sol. Atherton, Liverpool. Sur. May 18

JORDISON, ROBERT, butcher, Redcar. Pet. May 3. Reg. & O. A.
Crosby. Sol. Dobson, Middlesbrough. Sur. May 20
KEAY, JOHN, grocer, Darlaston. Pet. May 3. Reg. Tudor. 0. A.
Kinnear. Sol. Brevitt, Darlaston. Sur. May 21
KENNY, WILLIAM, beerseller, Preston. Pet. April 15. Reg. &
0. A. Myres. Sur. May 22

LANCASTER, CAROLINE, innkeeper, Huddersfield. Pet. April 15.
Beg. & O. A. Jones. Sol. Sykes, Huddersfield, Sur. May 21
LANCASTER, ROBERT, commission agent, late Liverpool. Pet.
April 15. Reg. & O. A. Hime. Sur. May 17

LIDDELL, JOHN THOMPSON, grocer, Durham. Pet. May 1. Reg. 40. A. Greenwell. Sol. Marshall, jun., Durham. Sur. May 19 MARSHALL, THOMAS, shopkeeper, Rochdale. Pet. May 1. Reg. &0. A. Jackson. Sol. Holland, Rochdale. Sur. May 18 MATTHEWS, ROBERT, Lootmaker, Carlisle. Pet. May 4. Reg. & &0. A. Halten. Sol. Ostell, Carlisle. Sur. May 20 MORRISON, JOSEPH, Coachbuilder, Scarborough. Pet. April 3. Reg. & O. A. Wood.ill. Sol. Taylor, Scarborough. Sur. May 17 MUDGE, MOSES, and MUDGE, RICHARD ELLIS, builders, Ply. mouth Pet. May 4. O. A. Carrick. Sols. Elworthy, Curtis, and Dawe, Plymouth. Sur. May 26

NIND, BENJAMIS, contractor, Newcastle-under-Lyme.


April 30. Reg. & O. A. Slaney. Sol. Leech, Newcastle-underLyme Sur. May 22

NOBLE. WILLIAM RICHARD, last manufacturer, Leeds. Pet.
May 4. 0. A. Young. Sol. Rider, Leeds. Sur. May 24
BEE, DAVID E., grocer, Rhondda-valley. Pet. April 23. Reg.
Wilde. 0. A. Acram in. Sols. Spickett and Price, Pontypridd,
ana Beckenham, Bristol. Sur. May 21
ROBERTS, JAMES, waterman, Leftwich. Pet. May 1. Reg. & O. A.
Cheshire, Sol Fletcher, Northwich. Sur. May 25
tioneer's agents, Plymouth, Stonehouse, and Tavistock. Pet.
May 4. 0. A. Carrick. Sols. Elworthy, Curtis, and Dawe,
and Edmunds and Son, Plymouth. Sur. May 26
BOWLAND, EDWARD, grocer, Wolvercott. Pet. April 20. Reg. &
0. A. Dudley. Sol. Thompson, St. Ebb's. Sur. May 19
SALT, WILLIAM, master mariner, Birkenhead. Pet. May 3. Reg.
&O. A. Wason. Sol. Moore, Birkenhead. Sur. May 19
SAUNDERS, HENRY, jun., attorney, Kidderminster and Cleobury
Mortuner. Pet. May 4. Res. Hill. O. A. Kinnear. Sol. Corbet,
Kerminster. Sur. May 19

SMITH, JOSEPH, plura ber, Brighton. Pet. May 1. Reg. & O. A.
Evershed. Sol. Lamb, Brighton. Sur. May 20
SPIKINS, FREDERICK, cabinetinaker, Sheffield. Pet. May 4. O. A.
Young. Sol. Sugg, Sheffield. Sur. May 19

TAYLOR, JOHN, bootinaker, Farnworth. Pet. May 3. Reg. &
0. A. Holden. Sols. Hall and Rutter, Bolton. Sur. May 19
TRIPLETT, JAMES, master mariner, Plymouth. Pet. May 3.
Rez. & Ó. A. Pearce. Sols. Greenway and Adams, Plymouth.
Str. May 19

WALLEY, JAMES, bricklayer, Tunstall. Pet. May 4. Reg. & O. A.
Challinor. Sol. Tennant, Hanley. Sur May 5
WALSHAW, MATTHEW, jeweller, Bradford. Pet. May 4. Reg. &
0. A. Robinson. Sol. Hargreaves, Bradford. Sur. May 18
WHITE, WILLIAM, fariner, Dymock, near Ledbury. Pet. April 27.
Rev. Wilde. O. A. Acraman. Sol. Beckingham, Bristol. Sur.
May 21
WHITEHORN, JOHN THOMAS, jun., drysalter, Nottingham. Pet.
May 5. Reg. & O. A. Patchitt. Sol. Belk, Nottingham. Sur.
May 19
WILKINS, JOHN, commercial traveller, Newport. Pet. April 17.
Reg. Wide. O. A. Acraman. Sur. May 21

WILLS, JOHN, soapboiler, Manchester. Pet. May 5. Reg.
Fardell O. A. M'Neill. Sol. Maples, Nottingham. Sur. May 24
WILSON, FREDERICK, joiner, Nottingham. Pet. May 5. Reg. &
0. A. Patchitt. Sol. Belk, Nottingham. Sur. May 19
WILSON, JOHN, victualler, Liverpool. Pet. April 30. O. A. Turner.
Sol Tyrer, Liverpool. Sur. May 18
WOOD, JOHN, grocer, Little Horton, near Bradford. Pet. May 4.
Reg & O. A. Robinson, Sol. Rhodes, Bradford. Sur. May 18
WOODBOW, SAMUEL, beerseller, Bradford. Pet. May 4. Reg. &
OA. Robinson. Sol. Rhodes, Bradford. Sur. May 18
WORLEY, JOHN, beerhousekeeper, Walsall. Pet. May 3. Reg.
H. O. A. Kinnear. Sol. Brevitt, Darlaston. Sur. May 19
WRIGHT, FORRESTER, beerhousekeeper, Alrewas. Pet. May 4.
Reg &0. Birch. Sol. Adams, Walsall. Sur. May 18
Gazette, May 11.

To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street. ASHINDEN, FREDERICK, draper, Richmond-ter, Shepherd's Bh Pet. April 31. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sols. Fox and Robinson, Greshamn-house. Sur. June 3

BALL, HENRY EZRA, financial agent, St. Michael's alley, Cornhill.
Pet. April 30. Reg. Brougham. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Brown,
Binghall-st. Sur. May 24
BARKER, JOHN, out of business, Hermitage-villas, Tottenham.
Pet. May 6.
Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sol. Sole, Turner,
ard Turner, Aldermanbury. Sur. May 31
BATCHELOR, JOHN, hay dealer, Woodfield-pl and Bishop's-
11ws, Paddington. Pet. May 7. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Venn,
Ninn, Strand. Sur. May 26
BENNETT, THOMAS FRANCIS, wine merchant, Cheyne-walk,
Chelsea, and Drury lane. Pet. May 8. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol.
Per, Lower Thames-st. Sur. May 26

[ocr errors]

BOYER, WILLAM, carman, Amberley-wharf, Paddington. Pet.
May. Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sol. Wason, Basinghall-
Sur. May 31
BROWN, WILLIAM ROBERTSON, commercial clerk, Havering-st,
Commercial-rd east. Pet. May 5. Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns.
Kimberley, Scott's-yd, Cannon-st. Sur. May 31
COFELL, EDMUND, accountant, Coleman-st, and Essex rd,
Intor. Pet. May 3 0. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Hicks, Strand.
Sr. May 26
COLEMAN, COLEMAN, manufacturer of crinoline, Little Moorfields
Li Cheapside. Pet. May 5. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Thompson,
Cill. Sur. May 20

CEF, WILLIAM, grocer, New Barnet. Pet. April 30. Reg.
Be. O A. Parkyns, Sols Howard and Co., Poultry. Sur.
June 2
DOST, THOMAS GEORGE, licensed victualler, Church-st, Green-
Pet. May 6. 0. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Greaves, Essex-st
Strand. Sur. May 26
PASZAYSON, WILLIAM, tutor, Marylebone-rd. Pet. May 7. Reg.
May. 0. A. Parkyns. Sol. Godfrey Hatton-garden. Sur.

[ocr errors]

GIFFORD, WALTER BLACHFORD, no business, Datchet. Pet.
May 6. O. A. Stansfeld. Sols. Messrs. Lewis, Ely-pl. Sur.
May 24

HAMERTON, MILES, builder, Albert-st, Wandsworth. Pet. May 6.
Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sol. Hicks, Strand. Sur. May 31
HOOD, WILLIAM, out of business, Camomile-st, Bishopsgate-st
within. Pet. May 5. Reg. Brougham. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol.
Olive, Portsmouth-st, Lincoln's-inn-fields. Sur. May 26
MARGETTS, CORNELIUS, builder, Albert-rd, New-cross. Pet.
April 28. 0. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Angell, Guildhall-yd. Sur.
May 23
MATHEW, GEORGE FELTON, tailor, Farringdon-st. Pet. May 6.
Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Harrison, Basinghall-st. Sur.
May 28
MATTHEWS, GEORGE, furniture dealer, St. John-st, Clerkenwell.
Pet. May 6. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Olive, Portsmouth-st, Lin-
coln's-inn-fields. Sur. May 24

MATTHEWS, LEONARD EDWIN PERFECT, coal merchant, Chatham. Pet. May 7. Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sols. Lewis and Lewis, Ely-pl, Holborn. Sur. May 24

MILLS, THOMAS, out of business, Webster rd, Bermondsey. Pet. May 7. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sols. May and Sykes, Adelaide-place, London-bridge. Sur. May 28

MOORE, WILLIAM FREDERICK, cowkeeper, Victoria-rd, South Hornsey. Pet. May 6. O. A. Stansfeld. Sols. Messrs. Webb, Austinfriars. Sur. May 2

MORGAN, EDWARD CHARLES, share broker, Norwich. Pet. May 7. Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sol, Lydall. Southamptonbldgs, Chancery la. Sur. May 24

NICHOLSON, GEORGE HENRY, assistant to a silk agent, Bythornter, Brixton. Pet. May 8. Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sol. Denny, Coleman-st. Sur. May 31

POUND, JOHN, boot dealer, Grange-rd, Bermondsey. Pet. May 6.
Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sol. Hicks, Strand. Sur. May 31
RAYNER, JOHN, mantle manufacturer, Kingsland-rd and De
Beauvoir-rd, Kingsland. Pet. May 6. Reg. Pepys. 0. A.
Graham. Sol. Sturt, Ironmonger-la. Sur. May 27
REYNOLDS, JAMES GEORGE, cheesemonger, High-st, Whitechapel.
Pet. May 7. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Moss, Gracechurch-st. Sur.
May 26

ROWLAND, ROBERT, carpenter, Brayard's-rd, Peckham. Pet.
May 6. Reg. Brougham. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Pittman, Guild-
hall-chmbs, Basinghall-st. Sur. May 26
ROWLANDS, WILLIAM, foreman of the labourer's loco department,
Great Northern Railway, King's-cross, Naflour-st, Caledonian-
rd. Pet. May 3. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Goatley,
Bow-st, Covent-gdn. Sur. May 28
SILLEY, HENRY, licensed victualler, Tower-st, Seven Dials. Pet.
May 5. Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sol. Kimberley, Scott's.
yd, Cannon-st. Sur. May 31

SLEAP, FREDERICK JOHN, builder, Grange-rd, Islington. Pet. May 6. Reg. Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Dennis, Southampton-bldgs, Holborn. Sur. May 28

TEMPLE, JOHN JOSEPH MARTIN, licensed victualler, British-st,
Bow-rd, and Stratford. Pet. May 5. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol.
Layton, jun, Navarino-cottage, Bow-rd. Sur. May 26
TIMBS, JOHN, author, Gray's-inn-pl. Pet. May 6. Reg. Pepys.
0. A. Graham. Sol. Edinunds, St. Bride's-avenue, Fleet-st.
Sur. May 28

TIPPLE, JONAH, wood turner, Waterloo-rd, Lambeth.


May 6. Reg. Pepys. 0. A. Graham. Sol. Cooper, Lincoln's-innfields. Sur. May 28

VANT, CHRISTOPHER, tailor, Mile End-rd. Pet. May 6. Reg.
Pepys. O. A. Graham. Sol. Cooke, Gresham-bldga. Sur.
May 28
WARREN, JOHN WITTEWRONGE, wine merchant, Enfield. Pet.
May 8. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Daniels, Rolls-chimbs, Chancery-
la. Sur. May 26
WATKINS, WILLIAM, baker, East-rd, City-rd. Pet. May 3. Reg.
Brougham. O. A. Stansfeld. Sol. Kimberley, Scott's-yd, Bush-
la. Sur. May 24

WHEELER, FREDERICK AUGUSTUS, auctioneer, Chipping Norton
Pet. May 6. Reg. Murray. O. A. Parkyns. Sols. Rooks, Ken-
rick, and Harston, King-st, Cheapside, and Messrs. Aplin and
Sundes, Chipping Norton. Sur. May 31

To surrender in the Country.

ASH, WILLIAM, gentleman, Stratton. Pet. May 5. Reg. & O. A.
Coham. Sol. Lanyon. Sur. May 19
BOUGHEY, GEORGE, refreshment-house keeper, Congleton. Pet.
May 6. Reg. & O. A. Latham. Sols. Messrs. Cooper, Congleton.
Sur. May 22

SHARPE, MARY, lodging-house keeper, Bristol. Pet. May 4.
Reg. & O. A. Harley and Gibbs. Sol. Thick. Sur. May 28
SILCOCKS, THOMAS, out of business, Bristol. Pet. May 4. Reg. &
O. A. Harley and Gibbs. Sur. May 28

SIMPSON, RICHARD, grocer, Armley, near Leeds. Pet. May 1.
Reg. & O. A. Marshall. Sol. Harle, Leeds. Sur. May 21
SKETCHLEY, THOMAS, baker, Birmingham. Pet. May 6. Reg. &
O. A. Guest. Sol. Francis, Birmingham. Sur. June 4
SPENCER, JOB, plumber, Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Pet. May 6. Reg.
Tudor. O. A. Harris, Sol. Rowlands, Birmingham. Sur. May 25
STACEY, WILLIAM ROBERT, tailor, Weston-super-Mare. Pet.
May 7. Reg. Wilde. O. A. Acruman. Sols, Price, Burnham,
and Press and Inskip, Bristol. Sur. May 21
SUMMERHAYES, SAMUEL, builder, Weston-super-Mare.


May 8. Reg. Wilde. O. A. Acraman. Sols. Henderson and Salmon, Bristol. Sur. May 22 SYLVESTER, WILLIAM CHARLES, chief constable of police, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Pet. April 14. Reg. Gibson. O. A. Laidman. Sols. Ingledew and Daggett, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Sur. May 5 TALBOT, JOSEPH LUDFORD, locksmith, Birmingham. May 8. Reg. & O. A. Guest. Sol. Rowlands, Birmingham. Sur. June 4


WARDLE, THOMAS, merchant's clerk, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Pet. May 8. Reg. & O. A. Clayton. Sol. Joel, Newcastle-uponTyne. Sur. May 25

WAREING, WILLIAM, bobbin maker, Preston. Pet. May 7. Reg. & O. A. Myres. Sols, Messrs. Turner, Preston. Sur. May 22 WATERS, JOHN, builder, Truro. Pet. May 8. Reg. & O. A. Chilcott. Sols. Carlyon and Paull, Truro. Sur. May 22 WEBB, ALFRED, butcher, Bath. Pet. May 7. Reg. & O. A. Smith. Sol. Wilton, Bath. Sur. May 25

WHITELEY, THOMAS, and COWGILL, JAMES, cotton spinners,
Huddersfield. Pet. April 29. 0. A. Young. Sols. Jacomb,
Huddersfield, and Cariss and Tempest, Leeds. Sur. May 31
WILKIE, ABRAHAM ROBERT, baker, Landport. Pet. May G
Reg. & O. A. Howard. Sol. Champ, Portsea. Sur. May 26
WILLIAMS, PHILLIP HENRY, stockbroker, Bristol. Pet. May 6.
Reg. Wilde. O. A. Acraman. Sols. Press and Inskip, Bristol.
Sur. May 21

WOODWARDS, BENJAMIN, photographer, Trowbridge. Pet.
April 20. Reg. & O. A. Webber. Sol. McCarthy, Frome. Sur..
May 24
WRIGHT, HENRY, beerhouse keeper, Westerham. Pet. May 4.
Reg. & O. A. Holcroft. Sol. Carnell, Sevenoaks. Sur. May 27
Gazette, May 4.

HALL, GEORGE LOWTHIAN, artist, Elgin-rd, Maida-vale. Aug. 6,
Gazette, May 7.


[blocks in formation]

The Official Assignees are given, to whom apply for the

Blackman, W. victualler, first, 48. Parkyns, London.-Blech, J. E shipbroker, second, 34. Turner, Liverpool.-Coates, A. miliiner, first, 24. Stansfeld, London.-Dickens, F. W. clerk in War Office. third, 3. Parkyns, London.-Dunham, D. builder, first, 3. Stansfeld, London.-Good, T. scrivener, third, 9-16ths. d. Stansfeld, London.-Hughes, R. grocer, second, Is. 4d. Turner, Liverpool.-Lewis, H. cigar merchant, second, 1. Turner, Liver-pool.-Morrison, R. clerk in Somerset-house, second, 4. 8. (and 6. d. to new proofs). Stansfeld, London.-Printer, J. D. paymaster in R. N., second, 38. 31. (and 8, d. to new proofs. Stansfeld, London.-Richardson, G. B. necktie manufacturer, first, 3. 11. Stansfeld, London.-Roberts, T. coal merchant, second, 2. Turner, Liverpool-Vardell, J. J. musical instrument dealer, first, 1s. 6d. Turner, Liverpool.-Whitehoe, W. banker, first, 20 Turner, Liverpool.-Witherspoon, W. commission agent, first, 3. Turner, Liverpool.

Bond, J. attorney, first, 91. Turner, Liverpool.-Dorsing, J. merchant, second, 1. Turner, Liverpool.-Haricot, W. grocer, first, 2. 13. Kinnear, Birmingham.-Horydon, J. leather dealer, first, 28. 1. Kinnear, Birmingham.-Lawrence, E. grocer, first, 4. 10. Parkyns, London.-Ramsay, G. B. builder, first, 14. Kinnear, Birmingham.-Rorlands, O. R. joiner, first, 28. Id. Sol. Turner Liverpool.-Rose, I. B. and Rose, R. drysuiters, . Turner, Liverpool. Shepherd, H. timber inerchant, first, 24. 24. Parkyns,. London.-Sutton, J. clothier, first, 2. S. Kinnear, Birmingham. -Turner, J. brewer, second, 6. Turner, Liverpool. Wente, J. W.. bookseller, second, 7d. Parkyns, London.-White, W. upholsterer, first, s. 1d. Parkyns, London.

BRIDGWATER, WILLIAM, coachbuilder, Newport. Pet. May 1.
Reg. & O. A. Liddle. Sol. Walker, Wellington. Sur. May 22
BRUCE, WILLIAM WALLACE, commission agent, Everton. Pet.
April 15. 0. A. Turner. Sur. May 27
BRYAN, JONATHAN, and ELLIS, JOHN JAMES, farmers, Mangots.
fleld. Pet. May 7. Reg. & O. A. Harley and Gibbs.
Moseley. Sur, May 28
BERTOG, JOHN, grocer, Wakefield. Pet. May 6. O. A. Young.
Sols. Cross, Bradfori, and Simpson, Leeds. Sur. May 31
CROOME, WORTHY, late market gardener, Wick and Abson. Pet.
May 4. Reg. & O. A. Harley and Gibbs. Sur. May 28
DEANE, HENRY PALMER, innkeeper, Hart. Pet. May 6. Reg. &
O. A. Child. Sol. Todd, Hartlepool. Sur. May 25
EDWARDS, ANDREW GRAHAM, out of business, Rock Ferry. Pet.
May 6. Reg. & O. A. Wason. Sol. Anderson, Birkenhead. Sur.
May 21


EDWARDS, EDWARD, cheese factor, Abergele. Pet. May 6. Reg.
& O. A. Sisson. Sol. Williams, Rhyl. Sur. May 27
EDWARDS, JOHN, jun., brass founder, Wolverhampton.
May 1. Reg. & Ö. A. Brown. Sol. Dallow, Wolverhampton.
Sur. May 19

FEARNLEY, JOHN EDWARD, shopkeeper, Dewsbury. Pet. May 6.
Reg. & O. A. Nelson. Sols. Scholes and Brearey, Dewsbury.
Sur. May 27
FIDDES, JOHN, bootmaker, Alnham. Pet. May 3. Reg. & O. A.
Woodman. Sol. Wilson, Alnwick. Sur. May 21

FOSTER, SAMUEL, joiner, Bradford. Pet. May 7. O. A. Young.
Sols. Terry aud Robinson, Bradford, and Bond and Barwick,
Leeds. Sur. May 31

GADD, JOHN, mattrass maker, Bristol. Pet, May 1. Reg. Wilde. O. A. Acraman. Sols. Sale and Co., Manchester, and Press and Inskip, Bristol. Sur. May 21


GRAHAM, WILLIAM, commission agent, Leeds. Pet. May 7. Reg. & O. A. Marshall. Sol. Whiteley, Leeds. Sur. May 24 HALLIWELL, THOMAS, printer, Leigh. Pet. April 29. Fardell. O. A. M'Neill. Sol. Horner, Manchester. Sur. May 24 HARDY, CHARLES, haulier, Westbromwich. Pet. May 4. Reg. & O. A. Watson. Sol. Topsham, Westbromwich. Sur. June 10 HOLMES, ROBERT SHIELD, engineer, Blaydon. Pet. May 8. Reg. & O. A. Ingledew. Sol. Bousfield, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Sur. May 26

HOYTEN, MARIA, widow, lodging-house keeper, Budleigh Salterton. Pet. April 29. Reg. & O. A. Daw. Sol. Floud, Exeter. Sur. May 24

HUDSON, FRANCIS SIMS, grocer, Swansea. Pet. April 28. Reg. Wilde. O. A. Acraman. Sol. Jones, Carnarvon, and Press and Inskip, Bristol, Sur. May 21

JUMP, WILLIAM, out of business, Southport. Pet. May 6. Reg. &
O. A. Welsby. Sols. Barker and Inman, Southport. Sur. May 25
KERR, DANIEL, surgeon, Wednesbury. Pet. May 8. Reg. Hill
O. A. Kinnear. Sol. Ebsworth, Wednesbury. Sur. May 6
KETTLE, BENJAMIN, out of business, Burley, near Leeds. Pet.
May 6. Reg. & O. A. Marshall. Sol. Harle, Leeds. Sur. May 24
KILBY, HENRY JOHN, hotel keeper, Filey. Pet. May 6. O. A.
Young. Sols. Bond and Barwick, Leeds. Sur. May 31
KOVACHICH, CHARLES VEST, mason, Bristol. Pet. May 5. Reg.
& O. A. Harley and Gibbs. Sur. May 28

LANE, JOHN, provision dealer, Wolverhampton. Pet. May 5.
Reg. & O. A. Brown. Sol. Bartlett, Wolverhampton. Sur. May 19
LEWIS, HENRY, mason, Tenby. Pet. May 8. Reg. & O. A. Lan-
ning. Sol. Adams, Pembroke. Sur. May 25
LOVETT, ELIZABETH, widow, butcher, Liverpool. Pet. May 6.
O. A. Turner. Sol. Etty, Liverpool. Sur. May 24
PHILLIPS, JAMES, sawyer, Tuckingmill. Pet. April 30. Reg. &
O. A. Peter. Sol. Holloway, Redruth. Sur. June 1
PHILLIPS, JOHN CHARLES, contractor, Maindee, near Newport.
Pet. May 7. Reg. Wilde. O. A. Acraman. Sols. Williams, Car.
diff, and Henderson and Salmon, Bristol. Sur. May 21
PINDER, EDWARD, house decorator, Manchester. Pet. May 5.
Reg. & O. A. Kay. Sol. Ambler, Manchester. Sur. June 8
RAYNER, SAMUEL FELTON, coachbuilder, Maldon. Pet. May 4.
Reg. & O. A. Codd. Sol. Gooday, Maldon. Sur. May 20
ROBERTS, Jos: PH, market gardener, Pershore. Pet. May 6.
Reg. Tudor. O. A. Kinnear. Sols. Martin, Pershore, and
Southall, Birmingham. Sur. May 21

ROBINSON, JOHN, glass dealer, Scarborough. Pet. May 9, O. A.
Young. Sols. Richardson, Scarborough, and Simpson, Leeds.
Sur. May 31
SCHOLES, WILLIAM BRANSON, comedian, Liverpool. Pet. April 5.
O. A. Turner. Sols. Harris and Culshaw, Liverpool. Sur.
May 24

Assignment, Composition, Inspectorship, and Trust Deeds.

Gazette, May 7.

ACKLAND, WILLIAM JOHN, draper, Chapel-st, Islington, and Mitcham. April 7. Gs, by three equal instalments on June 24, Aug. 24, and Oct. 24,-secured. Trusts. A. Yorke, Watling-st, and G. Ellbeck, Milk-st, warehousemen

ALLEN, SAMUEL, farmer, Twycross. April 13. 14. on April 27 BASS, HENRY WILLIAM, milliner, Dartford and Bexley-heath. April 20. Trust. J. J. Rowe, warehouseman, Fore-st BECK, JOSEPH, shopkeeper, Oldbury. April 29. Trusts. C. Woodbridge, grocer, and G. Thompson, maltster, both Oldbury BENNETT, GEORGE, outfitter, Dover. April 17. 158. by four instalments of 3s. 9. in 3, 6, 9, and 12 mos from May 1,secured

BENTON, GEORGE, hay dealer, Westgate. April 2. 3. by twoequal instalments, on July 1 and Oct. 1

BERKELEY, GEORGE BRACKENBURY, gentleman, Yorke pl, Islington. April 10. In full in 12 mos after the deccuse of the survivor of his father and mother

BUCKLEY, JOHN, and BUCKLEY, ROBERT, boiler manufacturers, Gauxholme, near Todmorden. April 1. Trusts. W. A. Jenner, and J. Hall, iron merchants, Manchester, and G. Crossley, joiner, Gauxholme

COUSINS, GEORGE, grocer, Church-st, Wimbledon.

April 6. by two equal payments, on May 1 and Aug. 1 DANIEL, GEORGE WYTHE, gentleman, Bessborough-st, Pimlico. May 3. 18. 6, in 10 days, and 18. 6d. in 12 mos DAVIES, GEORGE, packing-case maker, Manchester. April 14. 78. 6d. by three instaliments,-3s. in 1 and 3 mos, and Is. 6d. in 6 mos


DAVIS, CYRUS, and DAVIS, GEORGE, victuallers, Giltspur-st, and
Metropolitan Cattle-market. April 30. Trust. W. Carden,
gentleman, St. John-st, Clerkenwell
DOUGLAS, JAMES, Ironmonger, High-st, Deptford. April 12.
Trusts. F. A Heighton, and J. Odhams, iron merchants, both
Upper Thames-st
DUGGIN, HENRY THOMAS, grocer, Brompton-rd.

April 12.


by four equal instalments, in 7 days, and in 2, 4, and 6 mos from April 7 EGGLESDEN, EDWARD, victualler, Hove. April 12. 58. EVANS, WILLIAM HENRY, and JACOBS, SOLOMON, printers, Liverpool. April 27. 3, in 14 days

GAITES, DAVID, commission agent, Amelia vils, Southgate. April 8. C. d. by two equal instalments, in 1 and 3 mos GARLICK, GEORGE POPE, chemist, Birmingham. April 10. 2s. 6d. in 1 mo

GOODSON, ROBERT, mantle manufacturer, Tottenham-et-rd. April 15. Trusts. R. W. Bilby, manager to W. and G. Needham and Co., Saint Paul's-churchyard, and J. Folkes, trimming manufacturer, Gutter-la, Cheapside

[blocks in formation]

KEER, DAVID, draper, Pitfield-st, Hoxton. April 6. 8s. 6d. by four instalments,-6d. on execution, and 8. by three equal instalments, in 3, 6, and 9 mos,-secured. Trust. M. Keer, draper, High-st, Bromley

LEWENS, JAMES, provision merchant, Spittal. April 10. Trusts. T. Hogg, miller, and W. Ainsley, tobacconist, both Berwick-onTweed

LONGLEY, JAMES, music dealer, Leeds. April 19. Trust. C. Lowing, accountant, Leeds


April 7.

MC LOUGHLIN, WILLIAM, bookbinder, Manchester, and West April 26. Trust. M. Preston, accountant, Manchester METCALFE, GEORGE ANTHONY, billiard table manufacturer, Manchester. April 10. Trusts. W. C. Hulme, timber merchant, and W. Lindop, ivory turner, both Manchester OATES. THOMAS, commercial traveller, Worcester. Trust. G. A. Turley, linendraper, Worcester PALLISTER, JOHN, tailor, Durham and Willington. March 31. Trust. W. H. May, woollen warehouseman, Gutter-la PARKER, WILLIAM MICHAEL, bootmaker, Hull. April 3. 68. in three equal instalments, on June 1, Sept. 2, and Dec. 1. Inspector, J. Screeton, manufacturing stationer, Hull RAYNER, ALAN, and RAYNER, DENNIS, woollen manufacturers, Halifax. March 30. Trusts. E. Sykes, manager, J. Brooke, woollen merchant, and C. Hirst, jun., woolstapler, all Huddersfield

SENIOR, EDWARD, waste dealer, Dewsbury Moor. April 12. Trusts. W. H. Taubman, waste dealer, Blackburn, and E. Higham, cotton spinner, Todmorden

SINFIELD, WILLIAM, baker, Fulham-rd. April 2. Trust. A. J. Wright, miller, New Crane-mills, Shadwell

SMITH, EDWARD, draper, Jubilee-st, Stepney. April 27. Trusts, J. Ellerton, warehouseman, St. Paul's Churchyard, and J. Stevens, wholesale clothier, Little Trinity-la

SMITH, JAMES, draper, Bolton. April 20. Trusts. J. Foy and M. Snell, drapers, both Bolton

SMITH, JOHN, linendraper, Market-pl, Upper Holloway. April 14. Trusts. T. R. Crowle, butcher, Mildmay-park, Islington, and F. Johnson, warehouseman, Little Love-la


Broad-st, Ratcliff. May 3. Inspector, A. A. James, accountant,
SPRATT, LUCY, innkeeper, Horncastle. April 7. 6s. on May 5
ELIZA, widow, Portland-villas, South
April 29. 18. 6. in 6 mos
STANCLIFFE, WILLIAM, builder, Sheffield. April 20. Trusts. C.
Jenkinson, slater, and R. Topham, painter, both Sheffield
facturers, Marsden. April 7. Trusts. C. Hirst, Huddersfield,
J. Shaw, Golcar, both woolstaplers, and C. Watson, merchant,

April 22. 10. by

WADE, HENRY, ship chandler, Cardiff. April 15. 10s. by four equal
instalments, in 3, 4, 6, and 8 mos-secured
WARD, ARTHUR, furniture broker, Worthing.
four equal instalments, in 3, 6, 9, and 12 mos
WARD, HENRY, contractor, Leeds. April 28. 58, in 7 days
WEBB, WILLIAM ALFRED, builder, St. Alban's. April 24, 58.-
4s. in 2 mos. and 18. in 6 mos

WELLS, JACOB RUTTER, farmer, Wadhurst.
S. P. Graves, auctioneer, Southam

April 7. Trust.

WILLIAMS, RICHARD, shopkeeper, Llansannan. April 19. Trusts. E. Jones, draper, Rochdale, and A. Humphreys, commercial traveller, Rhyl

YOXALL, WILLIAM, saddler, Ashton-under-Lyme.

Trust. W. Madew, Ashton-under-Lyne

Gazette, May 11.

March 22.

ARDEN, RALPH, publican, Sandbach. April 12. Trusts. J. Dickinson, publican, and J. C. Hilditch, auctioneer, both Sandbach ARNSBY, GEORGE EKINS, shoe manufacturer, Earls Barton. April 15. Trusts. T. P. Stroulgen, leather merchant, and S. Ashby, currier, both Northampton

BENN, JOHN, and BENN, HENRY, cloth manufacturers, Morley. May 1. Cs. by three equal instalments, in 4, 8, and 12 mos from April 20, 1869-secured. Trusts. J. Stephens, cloth merchant, and J. Coates, commission agent, both Leeds

BLACK, GEORGE, cotton manufacturer, Nelson, near Colne. March 19. Trusts. R. Fenton, spinner, Blue Pitts, near Rochdale, and T. W. Taylor, yarn agent, Manchester BOSSON, GEORGE, grocer, Tunstall. April 19. 58. in 1 mo from registration. Trust. S. Edge, cheesefactor, Newcastle-underLyme

BURFIELD, ROBERT COLLINS, grocer, Chatham. Apri 6. 10s. by three equal instalments, in 2, 4, and 6 mos from March 31,-last secured

CLIFFORD, WILLIAM PHILLIPS, draper, Penge. April 24. 98. by
three equal instalments, in 3, 6, and 9 mos-secured. Trust. E.
Clifford, Lewisham
April 21. Trust. R.

REWD SON, FRANCIS, grocer, Ulverston.
Casson, auctioneer, Ulverston
DEDAMESS, GEORGE, grocer, Porchester. April 16. 28. in 14 days
from registration
FOLKARD, AUGUSTUS, secretary to a Commercial Company,
Haslam House, Lewisham. April 30. 100. by quarterly pay-
ments. Trust. W. A. Laker, accountant, Newton House,
FREEMAN, WILLIAM, watchmaker, Portsea. May 7. 78. 6. in 3,

STEPHENSON, JAMES, grocer, Sunderland. April 12. 156. in 4, 8, and 12 mos from March 21,-secured

April 23.

Trust. T. G.

TEARLE, JOSEPH, straw hat manufacturer, Luton. April 5. 4
WARHAM, MARY, widow, draper, Tunstall. April 19. 78. 6d. by
two instalments of 3s. 9.,-secured
WEBBER, FREDERICK, draper, Devizes.
R. Harding, warehouseman, Bristol
WHITE, ROBERT, wine merchant, Fen ct, Fenchurch st.
April 8. 2s. 6d. in 4 mos from registration
WILBRAHAM, ANN, widow, Stapleford. April 14. Trust. J. Rain-
bow, grocer, Nottingham

WILSON, CHARLES, tailor, Knottingley. April 24. 58. on June 1
WILLIAMS, JANE, widow, provision dealer, Liverpool. April 13.
Trusts. R. S. Danson, and R. Jackson, provision merchants,
both Liverpool

WOOD, HENRY, ironmonger, Church Stretton. April 10. Trust.
H. Weatherby, accountant, Shrewsbury
YOUNG, WILLIAM, draper, Grove-pl, Brompton. April 19. Trusts.
J. Ellerton, warehouseman, St. Paul's-churchyard, and S.
Walkden, warehouseman, Lawrence-la

[blocks in formation]


KNIGHT.-On the 8th inst., at 22, Castle-street, Hereford, the wife of James Henry Knight, Esq., solicitor, of a daughter. NORGATE.-On the 5th inst., at East Dereham, Norfolk, the wife of Charles B. L. Norgate, Esq., solicitor, of a son. WEEKS. On the 9th inst., at 4, Shaftesbury-terrace, Kensington, the wife of Thomas H. Weeks, Esq., solicitor, of a daughter. MARRIAGES.

ROBERTS-RODGERS.-On the 5th inst., at St. Mary's Church Sandown park, Liverpool, Edward Francis Roberts, Esq., solicitor, Chester, to Agnes, second daughter of the late Robert Rodgers, Esq., of Liverpool.

DEATHS. DEVONSHIRE.-On the 29th ult.. at Holford-square, Pentonville, aged 77, Mr. Thomas Harris Devonshire, for nearly fifty years the highly esteemed and confidential clerk of Messrs. Freshfields, of Bank-buildings. RUTLAND. On the 9th inst., at Peterborough, aged 39, S. Rutland, Esq., solicitor.

BROOKSBANK.-On the 8th inst., at his house, 2, Barrow-hillplace. Regent's-park, aged 80, Thomas Brooksbank, for nearly fifty years of No. 14, Gray's-inn-square. BARNES.-On the 5th inst., at St. Catherine's, Horndean, aged 64, Elizabeth, widow of Keith Barnes, of 7, Spring-gardens, and 8, Upper Portland-place.

BEECHAM.-On the 5th inst., at 8, Magdalen-road, St. Leonard'son-Sea, aged 70, William Pain Beecham, Esq., solicitor, late of Hawkhurst.

ETCHES.-On the 30th ult., at his residence, Oak Cottage, Woodhouse, Whitchurch, Salop, aged 49, James Goulbourn Etches, Esq., solicitor.

GILL. On the 10th inst., aged 68, Matthew Gill, Esq., of Knares borough, solicitor.

HONE. On the 12th inst., at 100, Barnsbury-road, N., Elizabeth, widow of the late Joseph Hone, Esq., Master of the Supreme Court of Tasmania, and third daughter of the late William Henry Rowe, Esq., barrister-at-law.

BREAKFAST EPPS'S COCOA-GRATEFUL AND COM FORTING. The very agreeable character of this preparation has rendered it a general favourite. The Civil Service Gazette remarks:-"The singular success which Mr. Epps attained by his homeopathic preparation of cocoa has never been surpassed by any experimentalist. By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of wellselected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills." Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold by the Trade only in lb. lb., and 1lb. tin-lined packets, labelled "JAMES EPPS and Co., Homœopathic Chemists, London."

[blocks in formation]


No. 1, Old Broad-street, and 16 and 17, Pall-mall, London. Established 1803.

Subscribed and Invested Capital, 1,600,0007. Insurances can be effected both at Home and Abroad at Moderate Rates of Premium, and ENTIRELY FREE OF DUTY, after Midsummer next; meanwhile, the exact proportion will be charged provisionally.

Claims liberally and promptly settled.

JAMES HOLLAND, Superintendent.

[blocks in formation]

Ralph T. Brockman, Esq., Folkestone.
Edward W. Cox, Serjeant-at-Law, 36, Russell-square.
Geo. Fred. Fox, Esq., Bristol.

E. E. P. Kelsey, Esq., The Close, Salisbury.
John Mead, Esq, 2, King's-bench-walk, Temple.
H. Paull, Esq., M.P., 33, Devonshire-place.

Sir Henry Thompson, M.B., F.R.C.S., 35, Wimpole-street.
SECRETARY-Edward S. Barnes, Esq.


the Purchase of Absolute or Contingent Reversions, Life Interests, and Policies of Assurance on Lives.

Office-No. 63, Old Broad-street, London, E.C. JOHN PEMBERTON HEYWOOD, Esq., Chairman. EDWIN WARD SCADDING, Esq., Deputy-Chairman. Solicitors-Messrs. Iliffe, Russell, & Iliffe, Bedford-row. Actuary-Robert Tucker, Esq., the Pelican Life Assurance Company.

Forms for submitting Proposals for Sale may be obtained at the Offices of the Company. G. A. RENDALL, Secretary.__ MPERIAL LIFE

[blocks in formation]

6, and 9 mos from registration, sccured. Trusts. M. V. Charles, PARTRIDGE AND COOPER securities, amount to upwards of 950,0007.

[blocks in formation]

GREAVES, WILLIAM HENRY, cloth manufacturer, Horsforth. April 13. 10s. by three equal instalments, in 3, 6, and 9 mes from May 1, 1869. Trust. J. Greaves, Horsforth GWILT, JOHN LLOYD, grocer, Liverpool. April 13. 6s. by three instalments of 2s. in 1, 4, and 7 mos from registration,-secured HEAVER, RESTA, grocer, Bolney. April 12. Trusts. M. Wallis, and D. Hack, wholesale grocers, both Brighton HILLIER, WILLIAM HENRY, cigar light manufacturer, Birmingham. April 14. 10s. by two equal instalments, in 2 and 4 mos from registration May 3. HOLLIER, JAMES, grocer, Albion-house, Forest-hill. by three equal instalments, in 2, 4, and 6 mos,-last secured HUMPHREYS, JOHN, leather seller, Holloway-rd. April 10. 78. 6d. by three equal instalments, in 1, 3, and 5 mos from registration JACKSON, CHARLES, spade maker, Harborne. April 13. 18. in 1 mo from date of deed. Trust. R. J. Cooper, auctioneer, Oldbury JUDD, JAMES, builder, Greyhound rd, Fulham New Town. May 6.5s. by two equal instalments, in 6 weeks and 2 mes from first payment LEMAITRE, FRANCIS, portmanteau manufacturer, Oxford st. May 6. 58. by three instalments of 28, 2., and 1s., in 3, 6, and 9 mos. Trusts. L. Harris, leather merchant, Veie-st, Lincoln'sinn-fields, and T. C. Hudson, Birmingham agent, Aldermanbury

MAVIN, GEORGE, jun., builder, Spennymoor. May 18. 6s. 3d. on June 1, 1869

May 5. 58. on MAWSON, GEORGE, toy dealer, Southport. July 19 MAXWELL, ROBINSON, and LEGGE, JOSEPH WILLIAM, grocers, Old Kent-rd. April 12. Trusts. A. B. Neume, wholesale sugar dealer, and J. Rendell, tea merchant, both Eastcheap NELSON, JOHN, innkeeper, West Hartlepool. April 29. 10s. on registration. Trust. R. H. Young, gentleman, West Hartlepool NEEDHAM, JOHN, provision dealer, Rusholme, near Manchester. April 20. 3. by two equal instalments, in 2 and 4 mos from registration. Trusts. W. Needham, warehouseman, Sale, and R. Needham, provision dealer, Manchester PALMER, GEORGE FREDERICK, licensed victualler, Birmingham. April 14. Trusts. E. T. Pickmere, wine merchant, and J. Fulford, maltster, both Birmingham PEARCE, JOSEPH, draper, Chesterfield.

Sadler, merchant, Manchester


Carriage paid to the Country on Orders exceeding 208.
DRAFT PAPER, 48. 6d., 68., 78., 78. 9d., and 9s. per ream
BRIEF PAPER, 178. 6d., and 238. 6d. per ream.
FOOLSCAP PAPER, 108. 6d., 138. 6d., and 188. 6d. per ream.
CREAM LAID NOTE, 38., 48., and 58. per ream.
LARGE CREAM LAID NOTE, 48., 68., and 78. per ream.
LARGE BLUE NOTE, 38., 48., and 68. per ream.
ENVELOPES, CREAM OR BLUE, 48. 6d., and 68. 6d. per 1000.
THE TEMPLE" ENVELOPE, extra secure, 98. 6d. per 1000.


[blocks in formation]

March 29. Trust. W.

For £200. 6 17 13 35 53 7 0 0 6 14 3 2 28 42 6 4 9 6 4 11 13 23 65 7 10 35 0 3 For forms of proposal, prospectus, &c., apply to

For £300.

For £500.

88 7 79 15 10 58 7



PICKARD, RICHARD, grocer, Canton, near Cardiff. April 23. Trust.
F. C. Hill, accountant, Cardiff

PIGGOTT, JOHN, watchmaker, Ross. April 12. Trust. H. Carter,
wholesale jeweller, Birmingham

SHAW, JAMES, woollen manufacturer, Arthur's Greenfield.
April 28. 188. by two equal instalments, in 4 and 8 mos. Trusts.
J. Shaw, and J. Shaw, weavers; W. Shaw, woollen manufacturer,
all Arthurs; and C. Earnshaw, boot dealer, Oldham
SPYER, JAMES, merchant, Billiter-st. May 3. Trusts. S. Isaac,
merchant, East India-avenue, Leadenhali-st; J. Smith, broker,
Leadenhall-st; G. Little, merchant, Cullum-st; and E. S. Hay.
wood, widow, Offord-rd, Liverpool-rd

EBENEZER CLARKE, Jun., Secretary. 52, Cannon-street, London, E.C.

The Assurance Reserve Fund alone is equal to more than nine times the premium income.

It will hence be seen that ample Security is guaranteed to the policy holders. Attention is invited to the prospectus of the company, from which it will appear that all kinds of assurances may be effected on the most moderate terms and the most liberal conditions.

The company also grants annuities and endowments. Prospectuses may be obtained at the offices as above, and of he agents throughout the kingdom.


ANDREW BADEN, Actuary and Manager. AW UNION INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 126, CHANCERY-LANE. CHAIRMAN.-Sir William Foster, Bart. DEPUTY-CHAIRMAN,-James Cuddon, Esq., Barrister-at-Law Goldsmith's-building, Temple.

This Company is prepared to make immediate ADVANCES on Mortgage of Life Interests, Reversions, Freeholds, and long Leaseholds, and to purchase Reversions, whether absolute or contingent.

The Directors invite the attention of Solicitors and others to their new form of Whole World and Unconditional Life Policy, which affords peculiar and very great advantages to Mortgagees and others.

Every description of Fire and Life Insurance business transacted.

Annuities granted on favourable terms. Prospectuses, copies of the Directors' Report, and every nformation sent on application to





68, CHANCERY-LANE, LONDON. CHAIRMAN.-The Right Hon. Russell Gurney, Q.C., M.P.,

Recorder of London.

DEPUTY CHAIRMAN.-Sir W. J. Alexander, Bart., Q.C. Reversions and Life Interests purchased. Immediate and Deferred Annuities granted in exchange for Reversionary

EXTINCTION of PREMIUMS: The and Contingent Interests.

NORWICH UNION LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY provides a means of relieving a Life Policy from the future payments of Premium according to a system especially advantageous to the Insurer.-For the New Prospectus apply to the Society's Office, 50, Fleetstreet, E.C.

Annuities, Immediate, Deferred, and Contingent, and also Endowments, granted on favourable terms.

Loans may also be obtained on the security of Reversions. Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal, and all further infor mation, may be had at the office. C. B. CLABON, Sec.

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