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Presbyterian Church_in that city, on the 1st No- | Bible classes. A few children have made a public vember, 1833. Rev. Jacob Helffeinstein has been preaching subsequently as stated supply.

The Second Free Church has admitted 426 members; 145 males and 281 females; of whom 302 were added on profession, and 104 on certificate.respect to the hope they entertain of having subThe adult baptisms have been 106. Nine young men belonging to this church are studying for the ministry. Two members of this church, one male and one female, are engaged in the foreign missionary service.

The Third Free Church has admitted 344 members; 115 males and 229 females; of whom 203 were added on profession, and 141 on certificate. Twelve are studying for the ministry, and two are in the foreign missionary service.

profession of religion, some of them being seven or eight years old. In all cases, individuals applying for admission to the church, attend a meeting of the session, and are examined faithfully with mitted to Christ. In some of the free churches, it is the practice to propound (or, as the term is with you, propose) such persons as give evidence of piety, one month previous to their admission to the church. With all this care, a few cases of discipline have occurred, but in a majority of them, the subjects of discipline have been those received by letter from other churches in the same communion, or of other denominations.

A statement with regard to a single male Bible The Fourth Free Church has admitted 64 mein-class, in one of the churches, will give you an idea bers; 22 males and 42 females; of whom 26 were added on profession, and 38 on certificate. Three are studying for the ministry, and one is preparing for the missionary service.

of the method adopted in all these churches, to give biblical instruction to youth of both sexes in separate classes. Two or three young men, who were loitering about near the church, were invited to It is believed that more than half the persons come in and take seats apart, to see if they would who are hopefully converted in these congrega-like biblical instruction. After the morning sertions, unite with other churches, owing to various vice they agreed to become scholars. Each was circumstances. A large portion of those who have desired to bring a new scholar in the afternoon here made profession of religion, have not been They did so, and others were invited to take seats previously baptized, which fact, while it shows that with them. The adoption of a rule, that no prothey have been brought up in families destitute of fessor of religion should be admitted without bringpiety, evinces the importance of free churches, ing a non-professor to the class, was the means of where the poor and neglected may have greater op- many impenitent persons being brought under inportunity to hear the gospel preached. This fact struction. The class met an hour and a half before shows also the happy results attending the personal the morning and evening services on the Lord's efforts made by the members of these churches, in day, in the body of the church. A suitable library inviting and encouraging the impenitent to attend was established, and the teacher lent the scholars church and Bible classes. New circles of religious such books as in his judgment were adapted to influence are thus formed, and the gospel, in living their circumstances, giving the impenitent Baxter's epistles, is carried to hundreds of families, which Call, &c. &c., and biographies of deveted missionotherwise might have continued to live as heathensaries, &c., to the young converts. One of the schoin a Christian land. The "aggressive movements" lars acted as librarian. The scholars were encouof these churches among the population of this raged to purchase Polyglott Bibles of the librarian, city, have thus been attended with most happy ef- and to pay for them by small instalments, if unable fects. Sinners have been plucked as fire-brands to pay for them at once. The Gospel of Matthew out of the burning, and made to rejoice in God was taken up in portions of about half a chapter their Saviour. for a lesson, according to the subjects. The teachers in the other departments of the Sabbath school, members of the church generally, and especially the young converts, were actively engaged in persuading inactive professors, and the impenitent, wherever they met them, to unite with this class. Within twelve months, twenty-five of the young men in the class became teachers in the Sabbath schools, three began studying with a view to the ministry, twenty-seven were hopefully converted, and thirty-seven in all united with the church. The principal objects with the teacher, were the immediate conversion of sinners, and inculcating upon professors of religion their duty to be coworkers with God in converting the world; and the Lord greatly blessed the agency employed.

Sabbath schools and Bible classes have been, from the beginning, objects of prime concern with the Free Churches. The districts near them have frequently been explored, and invitations given to the poor, and those who neglected the house of God, to attend church, and send their children to the Sabbath school. The teachers in these schools have uniformly been professors of religion, for it is thought improper to entrust the souls of the young to the guidance of teachers, who themselves have not been taught by the Spirit of God. It is said, I know, that impenitent teachers have sometimes been converted while acting as Sabbath school teachers. True; but it is not known how many scholars have been made infidels by receiving religious instruction from "blind leaders of the blind." A Bible class for females, taught by another elder A single fact shows what intelligent children think of the church, occupied the lecture-room, and in of this matter. A little girl, not ten years old, said two years eighty-five were hopefully converted in to her teacher, "I am afraid you will never lead this class. The number in this class varied from me to heaven."-"Why not?" asked the teacher. fifty to eighty. It was a great advantage to have "Because," said the child, "you do not appear to them in a separate room, free from noise, so that know the way yourself." While some were in- their minds need not be diverted, but kept solemnly structing, others were visiting, and persuading pa- fixed upon the instructions. The impenitent were rents and youth to avail themselves of the means brought into the class mainly by the Christians that of grace provided for them. The people of color belonged to it. They were always urged to do have not been overlooked, nor have they been thrust this, and to pray for their conversion, especially away into a few seats in the galleries, but especial during the hours of instruction. The great aim efforts have been made to instruct them, and pro- of the teacher was the conversion of the scholar vide good seats for them, so that they might feel the first time she attended, and his main hope was that Christians imitate their heavenly Father, in during the first three Sabbaths they came. After a some degree at least, in not being respecters of per-scholar had joined the class, the teacher took down A large proportion of the accessions to the her residence, visited her as soon as practicable, churches have been from the Sabbath schools and and held personal conversation with her about the


salvation of her soul. In view of what God has | procured, it would be no difficult thing for the memeffected by this agency, there appears to have been bers of the Free Churches to organize many new most success with the scholars who did not live churches every year. As it is, one new church has with professors of religion. This arose probably been organized every year since the system was from two causes; 1. Their not being gospel-hard- commenced in this city. More than enough are ened; and, 2. From their not having some luke- added to them from the world annually to compose warm professor near them, over whom to stumble. a large church. In fact, could the right kind of It is the usual practice in these churches, on Sab-ministers be procured, each of the Free Churches bath evenings, to invite those who are resolved on could easily colonize and build up a new church immediate submission to God, or are willing to be every year, and these again adopt the same system. conversed or prayed with respecting their souls' We think a church cannot act efficiently when it is salvation, to come forward and take seats in front composed of more than 200 or 300 members, alof the pulpit, or to meet the minister and elders in though we are too unwilling to urge off our brethe lecture-room, immediately after the dismission thren that they may commence other enterprises for of the congregation. And the church, on such oc- the Lord Jesus. It is a great mistake to suppose it casions, are invited to stay and pray for the in- requires wealth or large numbers to maintain pubfluences of the Holy Spirit, and to offer the prayer lie worship, for in a city like this, a few young of faith for the immediate conversion of sinners. Christians, who can raise 1,000 or 1,500 dollars to The results have been cheering, and many sinners begin with, hire a hall, and procure a preacher, can have, on these solemn occasions, been "led quite to support public worship without difficulty, and make Christ." it instrumental of great good. God, in his holy providence, will, if they are prayerful, self-denying, and efficient, give them converts in the course of the year, whose contributions, added to their own, and the public collections, will enable them to maintain, respectably, preaching and the accompanying means of grace. And such churches might be built up in every city, and in many villages. Why should they not be extended throughout Christendom? And it may well engage the prayerful consideration of Christians, if such churches are not more in accordance with the spirit of the gospel than those that have been organized by the Presbyterian and Congregational denominations usually. We see what wonderful success our Methodist brethren have had by alluring to their houses of worship the middling classes of society; "firing low," as their

The ministers of these Free Churches have moderate salaries, the church edifices are plainly built, and all the expenses attending public worship are on an economical scale. No one is admitted to the churches, on profession or by letter, who will not pledge himself or herself to abstain wholly from the manufacture, sale, or use of ardent spirit. The use of tobacco, also, can be said scarcely to exist in these churches. It is inculcated on the members to practise temperance in eating, and plainness in dress and furniture. When it is considered that the cost of the tobacco used in this country is estimated to be more than the expense of supporting the ministers of every denomination, and that a world is perishing for want of the gospel, it surely behooves Christians not to indulge in any habit or luxury, at the expense of the souls of their fellow-great leader, Wesley, enjoined it upon them. That


eminent man well understood the philosophy of the The minister of the First Free Church gave subject, and knew that moral influence ascends in public notice to the people of his former charge, society, and especially in a republic. How greatly that he would not unite in marriage any member is this principle overlooked by many who essay to of his church with an unbeliever; and the sinful- enlighten the world?-Let us not be ashamed to ness of such unhallowed marriages is inculcated copy from the Methodists, or from any denominaby all the ministers of these churches. They be- tion, measures and modes of preaching that are Jieve they were expressly forbidden under the Old blessed by the Holy Spirit; especially ministers and Testament dispensation, and also in the New Tes-others would do well not to refuse to copy the extament. They cannot, then, but put the question to their people, with solemnity, "Shouldst thou love them that hate the Lord ?"

Collections are taken at every service; and on communion Sabbaths, (the first in every month) the church members deposite in the boxes the sums they severally agree to pay statedly, for the support of public worship. The deficiency is made up annually by a subscription among those members of the church who possess the means of contributing. Besides these, collections are frequently made for special objects of Christian benevolence. The congregations are chiefly composed of people in moderate circumstances, and of strangers. Although some persons of property belong to these churches, and others of this description, after being hopefully converted in them, have united with other churches, still the principal efforts are made to bring in the neglected, the poor, the emigrant, and those who, in the arrangements in the old churches, have been almost entirely overlooked.

Do not understand me as asserting that all the members of these churches are active, prayerful, and consistent. It is not so. There are not a few, it is to be feared, who sit idly by while a world is perishing; who, after having solemnly pledged themselves to live for Christ, do little or nothing to build up his kingdom, and regenerate the world. Great must be the condemnation of such professors! It is easy to see that, could suitable ministers be

ample of Jesus Christ, who certainly well understood in what way to influence, most effectually, human society.

An extraordinary impulse is given to young Christians, when responsibilities like those described are assumed in the fear of the Lord; and they then feel that it is both a duty and a pleasure to bestow the money intrusted to them in building up the Redeemer's kingdom. Clerks in stores have subscribed 100 dollars per annum, and young merchants double or treble that amount; while others, without large means, have cheerfully given from 500 to 1,000 dollars a year for the support of public worship; and this, too, while they did not neglect more public calls to give money for the conversion of the world. The members of these churches have been pressed to relinquish their ownership of the property committed to them by the great Head of the church, and to hold it as stewards, to be laid out (the whole of it) in building up his kingdom, and converting the world. And some of them, it is confidently believed, aim to act upon this obvious principle of the gospel.

Free churches, où similar principles, have been organized in many other places since the commencement of the system in this city, and generally attended, as there is reason to believe, with the smiles of Divine Providence. Why should it be otherwise? Free seats attract the poor, and those who are unable or unwilling to purchase or hire

pews; sitting promiscuously in the house of God | pertinent to the subject. Should you or others see abates the pride of the rich; and it is well that men fit to introduce the system into London, it cannot, I should feel humble before each other, at least in the think, but be attended with such happy success, as sanctuary of the Almighty. And the system of la- to evince that it is a system in favor with God and bor adopted is calculated to bring into personal ac- man. In conclusion, allow me to remark, that there tivity every member of the church. are two peculiarities in the history of our churches that specially need reformation: 1. Expending so much of the Lord's money in enriching and embel

I have said that a new church might be organized in this city every year, out of each of the Free churches, provided suitable ministers could be obtain-lishing houses of public worship; and, 2. Neglected. Great difficulty and delay arise on this account; for it requires preachers of peculiar talents to be successful in Free churches. They must be "scribes well instructed"-Christians of much religious experience of a revival spirit-sound theologiansready extemporaneous speakers-not afraid of "new measures," nor disposed to substitute expediency for duty; and in all respects thorough-going Christian reformers. Such ministers will not have sleepy congregations, nor will the members of their churches be at ease in Zion, or so conform to the world that it is difficult to distinguish them from those who have no hope in Christ. We bless God that measures are in rapid progress to educate young ministers, who will have the courage to preach the whole gospel, and take a strong hold of the blessed work of converting the world to God. May the Lord Jesus Christ hasten the day when our young men, on being converted, will, in the spirit of the youthful Paul, desire above all things to be heralds of salvation; and when Christian merchants, mechanics, farmers, and others, will "buy, and sell, and get gain," not to consume it upon their lusts, but to fill the treasury of the Lord!

I have thus, dear sir, given you the history of the Free Churches in this city to the present time, and have ventured to offer such suggestions as seemed

ing the great body of the community, adults and children. These things can be and should be remedied. When I have seen in some of our churches a communion service of massive plate, splendid chandeliers, and costly architecture and furniture, I have been reminded of the anecdote of Oliver Cromwell on visiting York Minster. In one of the apartments the Protector noticed twelve niches, in which were the statues of the twelve apostles in solid silver. "What have you there?" inquired Cromwell. On being told, he exclaimed, "Take them down, coin them, and let them go about doing good." Is it not true, that the mere interest of the capital at present invested in superfluous architecture and furniture in churches, is greater than the whole annual contribution of the Protestant churches in Christendom for the spread of the gospel? It may not be practicable to take down and coin all these useless investments, and send the proceeds about doing good, but the present generation will be guilty before God, if they do not take heed not to run into such excess of folly, in lavishing upon embellishment funds that should be expended in multiplying churches, and winning souls to Christ.

With high respect, I remain, dear sir,

Yours, in the bonds of the Gospel,


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