THE MISCELLANEOUS WORKS OF OLIVER GOLDSMITH. VOLUME FIFTH. CONTAINING VOLUME. SECOND OF THE CITIZEN OF THE WORLD. PERTH: PRINTED BY R. MORISON, JUNIOR, FOR R. MORISON AND SON, BOOKSELLERS, PERTH; N. R. CHEYNE, EDINBURGH, AND W. COKE LEITH, MDCCCXII. From LIEN CHI ALTANGI to FUM HOAM, first Prefi dent of the Ceremonial Academy at Pekin, in China. I N every letter I expect accounts of fome new revolutions in China, some strange occurrence in the state, or disaster among my private acquaintance. I open every pacquet with tremulous expectation, and am agreeably disappointed when I find my friends and my country continuing in felicity. I wander, but they are at reft; they fuffer few chan ges, but what pass in my own restless imagination; it is only the rapidity of my own motion, gives an imaginary swiftness to objects which are in fome meafure immoveable. VOL. V. A Yet |