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your proposal only on condition, that you seize Kadar Khan alive, and bring him to me. The Coorgs said: "we cannot promise to take Kádar Khan prisoner. He may be slain in the turmoil of the engagement. Who is to recognize him in the throng? If you wish it, we shall call Kadar Khan by name, three times, and invite

Rajah to Kadar Khan "and the lives and honor of your family" seem to afford a glimpse of the real obligation, which Kádar Khan had conferred upon Vírarája. For in return for a mere act of hospitality, why should Vírarája desire to save the lives and honor of Kadar Khan's family? But if, according to Thornton's account Vol. II. page 500, note, Kàdar Khan had preserved the honor of one of Víraraja's sisters, every thing is intelligible and reflects honor on the Rajah. Thornton, who in his fifth volume gives a very unfair account of the late history of Coorg, is quite taken with the elder Vírarája, the uncle, not, as he alleges, the father of the present ex-Rajah of Coorg. He writes of the elder Vìrarája: "his character was altogether extraordinary, and was marked by a degree of romantic generosity of rare occurrence anywhere, and most rare among the generally corrupt, effeminate, and perfidious race of Eastern princes. At the time of General Abercromby's passage through Coorg in 1791 (read, "a short time before the arrival of General Abercromby on the Malabar Coast ") the Mysoreans had been dispossessed of every Fort which they had occupied in Coorg, except Mercara, which was closely invested, and expected to surrender within a very short period. Intelligence, however, was received of the approach of a convoy of provisions, escorted by a considerable body of troops; but this force was attacked and defeated by the Rajah, and being ultimately surrounded, was left without the possibility of escape. The immediate surrender, of Mercara. was conse quently anticipated by the English General, who was greatly surprised to learn from the intelligence which next reached him, that the convoy had been allowed to enter Mercara, and the escort to return in safety. The obvious conclusion was, that such an arrangement could only be the result of treachery, and that the Rajah was leagued with Tippu against those with whom he had hitherto been acting. But his conduct merited a more favourable interpretation, and such an explanation was given as satisfied the English authorities of his sincerity, however they might disapprove of his acts. The Commander of the escort had, during the Rajah's imprisonment shown him some acts of kindness, and he had established a still higher claim upon his gratitude, by preserving the honor of one of his sisters and restoring her to the protection of her brother."



him to leave the camp. The Rajah agreed. Upon this two messengers went to the Musulman camp offering to spare Kádar Khan's life, if he would surrender himself to the Rajah of Coorg. Kádar Khan, Nattad Khan, and two other officers, left the Musulman camp, and appeared before Vírarájéndra. The latter addressed Kadar Khan, and said: in return for the kindness, which you have shown me in times past, I wish to spare your own life and the lives and honor of your family. Kadar Khan replied: if I lose the supplies which I am ordered to carry to Mercara, how can I return to Tippu ? If I escape to-day, I am sure of being destroyed with my family by my master. If you wish to save my life, you must permit me to execute my orders. If you do, I shall be greateful for your goodness to the last hour of my life. The Rajah gave orders to Káryakàra Kongéri Ayanna: "escort this force to Mercara, invite Jaffar Kulli Beg to capitulate, and report to me again!” Ayanna did so. Jaffar Kulli Beg accepted the proposal in a frank manner. terday,” he said, "I thought of capitulating, but today, having received fresh supplies through the kindness of the Rajah, I conceive, that I must hold out longer, in order to avoid Tippu's vengeance. As soon, however, as the new stores will be consumed, I shall surrender. Thus my life may be saved." Kongèri Ayanna conducted Kàdar Khan to the Mysore frontier, and reported Jaffar's answer to the Rajah.


While these affairs took place in Coorg, Tippu Sultan lay before Bettikote with his whole army. After a long siege he possessed himself of the fortress. All the cannon and warlike stores were sent to Seringapatam. Bettikóte was razed to the ground, the country pillaged, men and women driven away to Mysore, and the victorious army returned to the capital.

A short time after the fall of Bettikóte, Major Gene


ral Sir Robert Abercromby, Governor of Bombay, came with an army to Tellicherry. He inquired into the treachery of the Bíbi, and resolved on punishing her guilt by depriving her of her principality, and sending her prisoner to Bombay. His camp was at Cannanore, whither the Rajah of Coorg was invited through an officer and a Company of Sipahis. Vìraràjéndra promptly complied with the invitation. Before the Rajah

arrived on the coast, however, the troops of Tippu, amounting to 6000, and the Màpli force of the Bíbi consisting of 4000 men capitulated. Sir Robert Abercromby granted a free passage to the Mysorean force, and permitted them to carry away their arms and private property; but the Bíbi, he declared, should be deposed and exiled to Bombay. In this plight the Bíbi, friendless and despairing, bethought herself of the Rajah of Coorg who, she was informed, had last night arrived at Tellicherry. Her ancestor had saved Dodda Virappa's Captain out of the hands of the Cherkal Rajah. He might now, in return, save her. That very night she sent her son, under the charge of Kunnipakki, one of her principal officers, in a boat across the bay to Víraràjéndra at Tellicherry. "She had hitherto," she sent word to the Rajah, "been the mother of the lad: Vìraràjéndra, she begged, might now be father to him." Vìrarájéndra was staying at the house of a Mápli of the name of Hayàja. Thither Kunnipakki, accompanied by Músé Behári, went with the young prince. He reminded Víraràjèndra of the service done by the Cannanore Rajah to his ancestor Dodda Vìrappa, and begged him to intercede with his English friends for the Bíbi's son. Vìraràja, unable to withstand such entreaties, went to Cannanore, accompanied by Chief Robert Taylor and waited upon Sir Robert Abercromby. He introduced the Bìbi's son, as a suppliant, and entreated the General to save the youth, and show him



kindness. Sir Robert gave the desired promise, and then inquired, who his new protegé was. Being told, that it was the son of the Bìbi, he felt much annoyed. But Víraràjéndras supplications prevailed, and the Cannanore family was assured of the protection of Sir R. Abercromby, as long as they would prove their fidelity to the Company. Vìraràja had the joy of presenting the Bibi's son to his mother, and to apprize her at the same time of the success of his intercession with Major General Abercromby. The Mysore garrison departed, and the English flag was hoisted on the fort of Cannanore, by Mr. Taylor, Mr. Sandiford and Mr. Samuel Wilson.

The only safe passage for the Bombay army from the coast into the Mysore was through Coorg, and Sir Robert requested the Rajah to permit the troops of the Company to march through his country to the eastward by the Heggala pass, and to assist them at the same time with draught cattle and provisions. Víraraja returned home, promising to do all in his power to serve his friends. Tippu had laid Coorg waste, and robbed the Rajah of all his wealth. Coorg was on all sides surrounded by enemies. Vìraràja therefore resolved to lay Mysore under contribution. Accordingly spies were despatched into Tippu's territory to ascertain, where stores and cattle were kept. After having collected the necessary information, the Rajah made some foraging expeditions, which put him in possession of 1,500 heads of cattle and a considerable supply of provisions for the army. 1,111 bullocks, the choice of the Mysore spoil, were sent to Tellicherry.

Meanwhile Colonel Hartley had arrived at Calicut. He took the fort of the place, and joined the forces under Sir Robert Abercromby.

Jaffar Kulli Beg, who held the fort of Mercara, had

consumed his provisions, and offered to evacuate the place, if he was permitted, to leave Coorg unmolested, and to carry away his private property. The Rajah consented. The fort of Mercara, with all its guns, ammunition and treasure, was delivered to the Coorgs. The Rajah himself came over from Nàlkanàdu on the occasion. The Mysore soldiers had received no pay for three months and were consequently in great distress. They begged the Rajah to furnish them with money to support their families. Vìraràja made them a present of one thousand pagodas, and sent the whole garrison under a safe conduct across the frontier. Jaffar Kulli Beg returned to Seringapatam. Víraràja took formal possession of Mercara.

Sir Robert Abercromby ascended the Heggala pass and encamped on the plain above it. The Rajah came over from Nalkanadu and had an interview with the Major General. The Company's troops were supplied with the stores brought from Mysore. General Meadows (always called General Mendys in the Ràjèndranàma), then Governor of Madras, marched an army against Seringapatam. He took the route of Dindigul and Coimbatoor. Tippu marched his army from Seringapatam to Satyamangalam, where an action took place. On this occasion, the brother-in-law of Tippu, a great favorite and excellent officer, Burán-u-dín (alias Barkar-u-din) fell. Unable to meet the English in the open field, Tippu harassed them by attacks upon detached parties, and by cutting of their communications. The Governor General, Lord Cornwallis now came to Madras with a great army. On receipt of this uncomfortable intelligence Tippu descended by the Krishnagiri pass to Arcot. General Meadows followed him upon the heel, by the same road, and joined the army under Lord Cornwallis. United, the English army re-ascended the Krishnagiri pass and encamped at Banga

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