
4864 Chitrabhánu,) he possessed himself of Ikkéri by treachery, seized and killed Nambyanna, and sent Irammáji a prisoner to Kaulédurga. Hyder now called the residence of the Ikkéri Rajah's Hydernagara, and began to style himself Nawab Hyder Ali Khan Bahádar. He took formal possession of the whole country, former ly subject to the Ikkéri Rajahs, except Amara-Súlya, which, he was informed, had been given to the Rajah of Coorg by Sómashékara Náyaka. On his return to Seringapatam he seized the public treasury, and killed all the principal officers who refused to submit to his authority. The higher military appointments he gave to his own relatives and friends, augmented his army gradually, and at last laid siege to the fort of Mysore. Having reduced it, he made Karáchúri Nandarája prisoner, and was now sole master of the country. When Chikka Krishnarajah died, Hyder placed on the throne another Krishnarajah of the same family. The time had now arrived, when Hyder chose to unfold his plans regarding Coorg. He demanded from the Rajah of Coorg the Ittarige country (Bemmatti, Mallyapattana and Hosûru), instead of the mere payment of the reveThe Rajah complied with the demand. Hyder Ali Khan forthwith built a fort at Mallyapattana and placed an Amildar there. The Rajah of Coorg, on the other hand, put the remaining part of the Yélusávira country into a state of defence. After a time Hyder Ali sent Parjulla Khan with an army against Coorg. This was done in the year 1765, (Kaliyuga 4867, Párthiva.) Parjulla Khan encamped on the heath of Ubbalgandi, a place near the North-eastern frontier of Coorg. Many battles were fought between the Coorgs and the Mysoreans, At last Parjulla Khan was defeated, and retired to the Aigúr country (northward of Coorg). Hyder Ali now offered to the Rajah of Coorg eternal peace, and the Uchchingi district, which is contiguous





to the Northern frontier of Coorg for 300,000 pagodas. Chikka Vìrappa inquired, when the district would be ceded to him, in case he became purchaser. Parjulla Khan replied: as soon as you pay one fourth of the price and give your General as hostage for the payment of the remainder." Upon these terms a solemn treaty was concluded. The Rajah paid 75,000 pagodas, sent Charamanna, the brother of his Commander-in-Chief, as hostage, and demanded the cession of the district. Parjulla Khan forwarded the treasure and the hostage to Hyder Ali Khan. During these transactions Chikka Virappa died, childless (A. D. 1766, Kaliyuga 4868, Vyaya). He was the last of the family of Dodda Vìrappa. After his death, his two cousins, Muddurája of Háléri, son of Appájirája, the younger brother of Doddavìrappa, and Muddaya of Horamale, the son of another younger brother of Doddavírappa, ruled Coorg together, in good harmony. They lost no time in reminding Parjulla Khan of the transfer of the Uchchingi district according to the solemn treaty. Hyder Ali to whom Parjulla Khan referred the question, sent an evasive anThe Rajah with whom he had carried on negotiations, having died, he would now offer new terms to his successors. The Coorg Rajahs should first pay the whole sum of 300,000 pagodas. Then they might take possession of the country. Seeing that Hyder only wished to cheat them, the Rajahs recommenced hosti lities. Lingarája, the younger brother of Muddurája of Háléri, attacked Parjulla Khan near the Yélusávira district. Parjulla Khan lost the battle and retired towards Bislighatt. Lingarája came up with him, beat him again, and routed his army. The whole camp, treasure, guns and ammunition fell into the hands of the Coorgs. Parjulla Khan fled with the fragments of his force into the Aigúr country.


Charamanna, the Coorg hostage, had died at Mysore

of the small pox. When Hyder learned the disaster of Parjulla Khan, he proposed peace. In lieu of the Uchchingi country he gave the districts of Panje and Bellare for the sum of 75,000 Rupees paid by the Rajahs to Parjulla Khan, and fixed the boundary between Mysore and Coorg at the river Sarve. Thus peace was, for a while, established in the year 1768.

A. D. 1770 (Kaliyuga 4872, Vikritu) both Muddaya of Horamale, and Mudduràja of Hàléri died. Lingarája of Hàléri wished to see his nephew Appàjiràja, the son of his elder brother Mudduràja, on the throne. On the part of the Horomale family, Mallaya the son of Muddaya, proposed his own son as successor to the Government of Coorg. A fatal family dispute arose. The Horamale man, being the stronger party, succeeded in enthroning his son, Dèvapparàja, at Mercara, and in making himself master of the country. Lingaraja of Hálèri, unwilling to be worsted, went to Krishnappa Nàyaka of Aigúr, a dependant of Hyder Ali, with his son, Viraràja, and his nephew Appàjiràja, who was accompanied by his two sons. From this retreat he sent Muttanhalli Basava with two other messengers to Hyder Ali, imploring "the old friend and patron of the Coorg Rajahs," to settle the dispute between the houses of Háléri and Horamale, and to restore the Hàlèri-branch to the government of the country. Wolf Hyder was delighted to be chosen umpire between the quarrelling jungle-sheep of Coorg, and immediately promised every assistance to his new clients. Lingaraja of Hàlèri, upon this friendly answer from the great man, went in person to Hyder Ali. Hyder repeated his assurances of friendship and kept Lingarája, as his guest, at Seringapatam.

A. D. 1771 (Kaliyuga 4873, Kara) Triyambaka, Màva, i. e. uncle or father-in-law to Shrímant Péshva of Púna, came with a great army and laid Mysore


waste. A great battle was fought at Chinna Kuruli, Hyder Ali was utterly defeated. A fleet horse carried him from the battle fleld to Seringapatam, but he had no means to renew the combat. For two years the Mahrattha Chief pillaged Mysore. At last Hyder Ali purchased peace for a large sum of money, and Triyambaka returned home. The departure of the Mahratthas was followed by a severe famine. Multitudes died all over Mysore. Lingaràja took the opportunity to propose to Hyder Ali an expedition into Coorg. "Plenty of grain will be found in Coorg," he said, "enough to feed the army. In the mean time the famine season will pass over." Hyder Ali took Lingaraja's advice. He marched his army into Coorg in 1773 (Kaliyuga 4875, Kali year); taking the route of Arkalgúđu and Bettikanave. In Yedavanàdu, a district belonging to the Nanjarájapattana Talook, an action took place. Hyder Ali sustained a defeat, and retreated as far as Arkalgúdu. He sent for Lingaràja, who had accompanied him on the expedition, and said to him: "the Coorgs are determined to shut me out of their country. To effect an entrance is a matter of great difficulty. What are we to do?" Lingaràja replied: "I have many friends among the Coorgs. I will send word to them and engage their help." Hyder Ali begged of him to do so, and Lingarája wrote to his partizans, that Hyder Ali had come with a large army, to support the cause of the Hàléri family, and that he, Lingaràja, expected them to act accordingly. Some of the men, thus addressed, listened to the proposal and replied, if Hyder Ali would enter Coorg at Bàlele, in Kiggattnàdu, they would fight only to save appearances, and oppose no serious resistance. Hyder moved to Bálele, the Coorg friends of Lingaraja kept their promise, and the Mysore army entered. Dévapparàja fled. He sought refuge with Víravarma the Rajah of Kóte. Hy

der Ali seized the whole Horamale family and sent them prisoners to Seringapatam. The Kote Rajah, true to the character of his house, said to the fugitive Coorg : "Your ancestor, Dodda Vírappa, took the life of my ancestor, Víravarma, at Tómàra. Your head shall now atone, unless you redeem yourself with a round sum.” The hapless refugee paid to his treacherous friend the sum of 40,000 Hana, equal to Rs 1,666-10-8. But having still reason to distrust Víravarma, he fled in disguise, accompanied by four faithful dependants. He intended to escape to the Mahrattha country, but before he reached the Southern Mahrattha frontier, he was seized by Hyder's people at Harihar, and carried to Seringapatam. Hyder Ali threw him into prison and murdered him together with his whole family. Thus the Horamale branch of the Coorg family was cut off by the knife of Hyder Ali. In 1774, (Kaliyuga 4876, Jaya year) the line of Nandarája of Horamale, the younger brother of Dodda Vírappa, perished in the dungeons of Seringapatam.

Hyder Ali now offered to restore Coorg to Lingaràja, if he paid the expense of the expedition. Having sustained, as he alleged, heavy losses, his bill amounted to a very large sum. Lingaràja declared his inabi lity to satisfy Hyder Ali's demands, because he had for some years drawn nothing from his country. Hyder proposed, that an annual tribute of 24,000 rupees should be paid by Lingarája. The latter agreed, provided Hyder Ali would assist him in the recovery of the Wynaad (Bainàdu) as far as the village of Kalpàvati, from the Rajah of Kóte, who had possessed himself of that part of Coorg. Hyder Ali replied, that Lingaraja should set Appàji, his elder brother's son, upon the throne at Mercara, and accompany himself to Seringapatam, where he would make due inquiry into the Wynaad affair. Accordingly a number of Wy

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