페이지 이미지
[blocks in formation]

Anchises, the old, 126.

Annoy, 135.

Annoying, 131.
Answered it, 148.

Answer must be made, 132.
Answer on their charge, 155.
Answered, surest, 151.

Antony (Stage Direction), 124.
Apparent, 135.
Apprehensive, 144.
Apt, 144, 159.

Art, in, 154.
Ate, 145.

Awake your senses, 148.

Bait, 153.

Bang, bear me a, 150.

Basest metal, 123.

Basis, Pompey's, 144.
Bastardy, several, 134.
Battle, bloody sign of, 155.
Battles, 155.

Bayed, 145.

Bear it, 136.

Bear me hard, 130.
Befall, that may, 156.
Beholding, 148.

Belike, 149.

Bending their expedition, 154.
Best respect, 126.

Bestow their time with, 160.
Bills, 157.

Bird of night, 131.

Blood, Pompey's, 122.

Bloody sign of battle, 155.
Bold upon, 134.

Bondman, checked like a, 154
Break with him, 134.
Brother Cassius, 133.
Brought you, 131.
Brute, et tu, 144.

Brutus, once, 127.
Budge, 153.

[blocks in formation]

(Stage Direction), 141.

Cæsar, another, 156; ghost of, | Conceited, 133.


Call in question, 154.

Condemned to have, 153.

Condition, prevailed on, 137.

Calpurnia (Stage Direction), 124. | Conference, crossed in, 127.

Capitol, the, 123; before the

Carrions, 134.

Confines, 145.

Conscience, safe, 121.

Consorted, 156.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Constantly, very, 156.

Construe, 125.

Content, 152.

Contented, 157.

Ceremonies, 135; decked with, Contrive, 141.

Change, 159.

Charge, answer on their, 155.
Charactery, 138.

Charm, 137.

Checked like a bondman, 154.

Chew upon this 127.

Clean from, 131,

Climate, 131.

Clock, count the, 135.

Closet, 133.

Cognizance, 141.

[blocks in formation]

Contriver, a shrewd, 135.

Controversy, hearts of, 128.
Counsel, 141.

Count the clock, 135.
Counters, 153.

Course, order of, 125.

Coward lips, etc., 126.

Cowards die, etc., 140.
Cross, 131.

Crossed in conference, 127.

Crown offered him, 128.
Cry, "Havoc," 145.

Cold demeanor, 157; modesty, Damn, 151.

Colossus, 126.

Commend me, 141, 155.
Comment, bear his, 153.
Complexion, 132.
Concave shores, 122.
Conceit, 145.

Danger, do, 133.

Dear abide it, 148.
Dearer, 145.

Decius (Stage Direction), 124
Decked with ceremonies, 123.

Deliver, 145.

Demeanor, cold, 157.

Difference, passions of some, 125

Dint, 149.

Directly, 121.

Discomfort, 159.

Dishonor shall be humor, 154.

Dogs of war, 145.

Doublet, plucked me ope, 130.
Drachmas, seventy-five, 149.
Drawn upon a heap, 131.
Dreamt, I, etc., 149.

Element, 132.

Feast of Lupercal, 123.
Feeds, one that, 151.

Ferret, 127.

Field, 162.
Figures, 137.

Fire, swallowed, 154.

Flavius (Stage Direction), 121.
Fleering, 132.

Flood, the great, 126.
Flourished, 149.

Fly an ordinary pitch, 123.

Emulation, out of the teeth of, Fond, 144.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Freedom of repeal, 144.

Freeman, be a, 159.

General, the, 133.

Genius and the mortal instru

ments, 133.

Ghost of Cæsar, 160.

Given, well, 128.

Give place, 142.

Glanced at, 130.

Glazed, 131.

Going, turn him, 150.

Good regard, 145.

Grace to, do, 148.
Greek, he spoke, 130.

Griefs, enlarge your, 152; pri
vate, 149.
Grudge, 154.

Hairs, his silver, 134.

Hands, in several, 130.

[blocks in formation]

Humor me, he should not, 130; Metal, basest, 123; quick, 130.

Heard, I have, 125.

Hedge me in, 153.

Honorable, more, 156.

[blocks in formation]
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