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the fathers of the Republic, has been improved as experience pointed the way, and gradually adapted to the growth and settlement of our western States and territories. It has worked well in practice. Already 13 States and 7 territories have been carved out of these lands, and still more than 1,000,000,000 of acres remain unsold. What a boundless prospect this presents to our country of future prosperity and power!

We have heretofore disposed of 363,862,464 acres of the public. land.

Whilst the public lands, as a source of revenue, are of great importance, their importance is far greater as furnishing homes for a hardy and independent race of honest and industrious citizens, who desire to subdue and cultivate the soil. They ought to be administered mainly with a view of promoting this wise and benevolent policy. In appropriating them for any other purpose, we ought to use even greater economy than if they had been converted into money and the proceeds were already in the public treasury. To squander away this richest and noblest inheritance which any people have ever enjoyed upon objects of doubtful constitutionality or expediency, would be to violate one of the most important trusts ever committed to any people. Whilst I do not deny to Congress the power, when acting bona fide as a proprietor, to give away portions of them for the purpose of increasing the value of the remainder, yet, considering the great temptation to abuse this power, we cannot be too cautious in its exercise.

Actual settlers under existing laws are protected against other purchasers at the public sales, in their right of pre-emption, to the extent of a quarter-section, .or 160 acres of land. The remainder may then be disposed of at public or entered at private sale in unlimited quantities.

Speculation has of late years prevailed to a great extent in the public lands. The consequence has been that large portions of them have become the property of individuals and companies, and thus the price is greatly enhanced to those who desire to purchase for actual settlement. In order to limit the area of speculation as much as possible, the extinction of the Indian title and the extension of the public surveys ought only to keep pace with the tide of emigration.

If Congress should hereafter grant alternate sections to States or companies, as they have done heretofore, I recommend that the intermediate sections retained by the Government should be subject to pre-emption by actual settlers.

It ought ever to be our cardinal policy to reserve the public lands as much as may be for actual settlers, and this at moderate prices. We shall thus not only best promote the prosperity of the

new States and territories, and the power of the Union, but shall secure homes for our posterity for many generations.

The extension of our limits has brought within our jurisdiction many additional and populous tribes of Indians, a large proportion of which are wild, untractable, and difficult to control. Predatory and warlike in their disposition and habits, it is impossible altogether to restrain them from committing aggressions on each other, as well as upon our frontier citizens and those emigrating to our distant States and territories. Hence expensive military expeditions are frequently necessary to overawe and chastise the more lawless and


The present system of making them valuable presents to influence them to remain at peace has proved ineffectual. It is believed to be the better policy to colonize them in suitable localities, where they can receive the rudiments of education and be gradually induced to adopt habits of industry. So far as the experiment has been tried it has worked well in practice, and it will doubtless prove to be less expensive than the present system.

The whole number of Indians within our territorial limits is believed to be, from the best data in the Interior Department, about 325,000.

The tribes of Cherokees, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Creeks, settled in the territory set apart for them west of Arkansas, are rapidly advancing in education and in all the arts of civilization and self-government; and we may indulge the agreeable anticipation that at no very distant day they will be incorporated into the Union as one of the sovereign States.

It will be seen from the report of the Postmaster-General that the Post Office Department still continues to depend on the Treasury, as it has been compelled to do for several years past, for an important portion of the means of sustaining and extending its operations. Their rapid growth and expansion are shown by a decennial statement of the number of post offices, and the length of post roads, commencing with the year 1827. In that were 7,000 post offices; in 1837, 11,177; in 1847, 15,146; and in 1857 they number 26,586. In this year, 1,725 post offices have been established and 701 discontinued, leaving a net increase of 1,021. The postmasters of 368 offices are appointed by the Pre




The length of post roads in 1827 was 105,336 miles; in 1837, 141,242 miles; in 1847, 153,818 miles; and in the year 1857 there are 242,601 miles of post road, including 22,530 miles of railroad, on which the mails are transported.

The expenditures of the department for the fiscal year ending on the 30th June, 1857, as adjusted by the auditor, amounted to

11,507,670 dollars. To defray these expenditures there was to the credit of the department on the 1st July, 1856, the sum of 789,599 dollars; the gross revenue of the year, including the annual allowances for the transportation of free mail matter, produced 8,053,951 dollars; and the remainder was supplied by the appropriation from the Treasury of 2,250,000 dollars, granted by the Act of Congress approved August 18, 1856, and by the appropriation of 666,883 dollars made by the Act of March 3, 1857, leaving 252,763 dollars to be carried to the credit of the department in the accounts of the current year. I commend to your consideration the report of the department in relation to the establishment of the overland mail route from the Mississippi River to San Francisco, California. The route was selected with my full concurrence, as the one in my judgment, best calculated to attain the important objects contemplated by Congress.

The late disastrous monetary revulsion may have one good effect should it cause both the Government and the people to return to the practice of a wise and judicious economy both in public and private expenditures,

An overflowing treasury has led to habits of prodigality and extravagance in our legislation. It has induced Congress to make large appropriations to objects for which they never would have provided had it been necessary to raise the amount of revenue required to meet them by increased taxation or by loans. We are now compelled to pause in our career, and to scrutinize our expenditures with the utmost vigilance; and in performing this duty, I pledge my co-operation to the extent of my constitutional competency.

It ought to be observed at the same time that true public economy does not consist in withholding the means necessary to accomplish important national objects intrusted to us by the Constitution, and especially such as may be necessary for the common defence. In the present crisis of the country it is our duty to confine our appropriations to objects of this character, unless in cases where justice to individuals may demand a different course. In all cases care ought to be taken that the money granted by Congress shall be faithfully and economically applied.

Under the Federal Constitution, "every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate shall, before it becomes a law," be approved and signed by the President; and, if not approved, "he shall return it with his objections to that house in which it originated." In order to perform this high and responsible duty, sufficient time must be allowed the President to read and examine every Bill presented to him for approval. Unless this be afforded, the Constitution becomes a dead letter in this

particular; and even worse, it becomes a means of deception. Our constituents, seeing the President's approval and signature attached to each Act of Congress, are induced to believe that he has actually performed this duty, when, in truth, nothing is, in many cases, more unfounded.

From the practice of Congress, such an examination of each Bill as the Constitution requires has been rendered impossible. The most important business of each session is generally crowded into its last hours, and the alternative presented to the President is either to violate the constitutional duty which he owes to the people, and approve Bills which, for want of time, it is impossible he should have examined, or, by his refusal to do this, subject the country and individuals to great loss and inconvenience.

Besides, a practice has grown up of late years to legislate in Appropriation Bills, at the last hours of the session, on new and important subjects. This practice constrains the President either to suffer measures to become laws which he does not approve, or to incur the risk of stopping the wheels of the Government by vetoing an Appropriation Bill. Formerly such Bills were confined to specific appropriations for carrying into effect existing laws and the well-established policy of the country, and little time was then required by the President for their examination.

For my own part, I have deliberately determined that I shall approve no Bill which I have not examined, and it will be a case of extreme and most urgent necessity which shall ever induce me to depart from this rule. I therefore respectfully, but earnestly,

recommend that the two Houses would allow the President at least two days previous to the adjournment of each session within which no new Bill shall be presented to him for approval. Under the existing joint rule one day is allowed; but this rule has been hitherto so constantly suspended in practice, that important Bills continue to be presented to him up till the very last moments of the session. In a large majority of cases no great public inconvenience can arise from the want of time to examine their provisions, because the Constitution has declared that if a Bill be presented to the President within the last ten days of the session, he is not required to return it, either with an approval or with a veto, "in which case it shall not be a law." It may then lie over, and be taken up and passed at the next session. Great inconvenience would only be experienced in regard to Appropriation Bills; but fortunately, under the late excellent law allowing a salary, instead of a per dien, to members of Congress, the expense and inconvenience of a called session will be greatly reduced.

I cannot conclude without commending to your favourable consideration the interest of the people of this district. Without a


representative on the floor of Congress, they have for this very reason peculiar claims upon our just regard. To this I know, from my long acquaintance with them, they are eminently entitled.

Washington, December 8, 1857.


TREATY between The United States and Japan, regulating the Intercourse of American Citizens with Japan.-Signed at Simoda, June 17, 1857.*

For the purpose of further regulating the intercourse of American citizens within the Empire of Japan, and, after due deliberation, his Excellency Townsend Harris, Consul-General of the United States of America for the Empire of Japan, and their Excellencies Inowouye, Prince of Sinano, and Nakamoera, Prince of Dewa, Governors of Simoda, all having full powers from their respective Governments, have agreed to the following articles, to wit:

ART. I. The port of Nagasaki, in the principality of Hizen, shall be open to American vessels, where they may repair damages, procure water, fuel, provisions, and other necessary articles, even coals, where they are obtainable.

II. It being known that American ships coming to the ports of Simoda and Hakodade cannot have their wants supplied by the Japanese, it is agreed that American citizens may permanently reside at Simoda and Hakodade, and the Government of The United States may appoint a Vice-Consul to reside at Hakodade.

This Article to go into effect on the 4th day of July, 1858.

III. In settlement of accounts the value of the money brought by the Americans shall be ascertained by weighing it with Japanese coin (gold and silver itsebues), that is, gold with gold and silver with silver, or weights representing Japanese coin may be used, after such weights have been carefully examined and found to be


The value of the money of the Americans having been thus ascertained, the sum of 6 per cent. shall be allowed to the Japanese for the expense of recoinage.

IV. Americans committing offences in Japan shall be tried by the American Consul-General or Consul, and shall be punished according to American laws.

Japanese committing offences against Americans shall be tried by the Japanese authorities, and punished according to Japanese


* Signed also in the Japanese and Dutch languages.

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