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from all ports, places, and islands belonging to Persia; but the British Government engages that, during this interval, nothing shall be designedly done by the Commander of the British troops to weaken the allegiance of the Persian subjects towards the Shah, which allegiance it is, on the contrary, their earnest desire to confirm; and, further, the British Government engages that, as far as possible, the subjects of Persia shall be secured against inconvenience from the presence of the British troops, and that all supplies which may be required for the use of those troops, and which the Persian Government engages to direct its authorities to assist them in procuring, shall be paid for, at the fair market-price, by the British Commissariat, immediately on delivery.

XV. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged at Bagdad in the space of 3 months, or sooner if possible. In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

Done at Paris, in quadruplicate, this 4th day of the month of March, in the year of Our Lord 1857.

FEROKH (in Persian).

Separate Note referred to in Article X of the foregoing Treaty.

THE Undersigned, Her Britannic Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of the French, and His Persian Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to His said Imperial Majesty, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, hereby agree that the following ceremonial shall take place for the re-establishment of diplomatic and friendly relations between the Courts of Great Britain and Persia. This agreement to have the same force and value as if inserted in the Treaty of Peace concluded this day between the Undersigned:

The Sadr Azim shall write, in the Shah's name, a letter to Mr. Murray, expressing his regret at having uttered and given currency to the offensive imputations upon the honour of Her Majesty's Minister, requesting to withdraw his own letter of the 19th of November, and the 2 letters of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the 26th of November, one of which contains a rescript from the Shah, respecting the imputation upon Mr. Murray, and declaring, in the same letter, that no such further rescript from the Shah as that inclosed herewith in copy was communicated, directly or indirectly, to any of the foreign Missions at Tehran.

A copy of this letter shall be communicated, officially, by the Sadr Azim to each of the foreign Missions at Tehran, and the substance of it shall be made public in that capital.

The original letter shall be conveyed to Mr. Murray, at Bagdad,

by the hands of some high Persian officer, and shall be accompanied by an invitation to Mr. Murray, in the Shah's name, to return with the Mission to Tehran, on His Majesty's assurance that he will be received with all the honours and consideration due to the Representative of the British Government; another person of suitable rank being sent to conduct him, as Mehmandar, on his journey through Persia.

Mr. Murray, on approaching the capital, shall be received by persons of high rank deputed to escort him to his residence in the town. Immediately on his arrival there, the Sadr Azim shall go in state to the British Mission, and renew friendly relations with Mr. Murray, leaving the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to accompany him to the Royal Palace, the Sadr Azim receiving Mr. Murray, and conducting him to the presence of the Shah.

The Sadr Azim shall visit the Mission at noon on the following day, which visit Mr. Murray will return, at latest, on the following day, before noon.

Done at Paris, this 4th day of the month of March, in the year



FEROKH (in Persian).

ANNEX-The Shah to the Sadr Azim.

(Translation.) December, 1855. LAST night we read the paper written by the English Minister Plenipotentiary, and were much surprised at the rude, unmeaning, disgusting, and insolent tone and purport. The letter which he before wrote was also impertinent. We have also heard that, in his own house, he is constantly speaking disrespectfully of us and of you, but we never believed; now, however, he has introduced it in an official letter. We are, therefore, convinced that this man, Mr. Murray, is stupid, ignorant, and insane, who has the audacity and impudence to insult even kings! From the time of Shah Sultan Hossein (when Persia was in its most disorganized state, and during the last 14 years of his life, when by serious illness he was incapacitated for business) up to the present time, no disrespect towards the Sovereign has been tolerated, either from the Government or its Agent. What has happened now, that this foolish Minister Plenipotentiary acts with such temerity ? It appears that our friendly Missions are not acquainted with the wording of that document; give it now to Meerza Abbas and Meerza Malcum, that they may take and duly explain it to the French Minister and Hyder Effendi, that they may see how improperly he has written. Since last night till now our time has been passed in vexation. We now command you, in order that you may yourself know, and also

acquaint the Missions, that until the Queen of England herself makes us a suitable apology for the insolence of her Envoy, we will never receive back this her foolish Minister, who is a simpleton, nor accept from her Government any other Minister.

CONVENTION between Great Britain and Spain, for the Establishment of International Copyright. - Signed at Madrid, July 7, 1857.

[Ratifications exchanged at Madrid, September 5, 1857.]

HER Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and Her Majesty the Queen of Spain, being equally desirous of extending in each country the enjoyment of copyright to works of literature and of the fine arts which may be first published in the other; Her Britannic Majesty and Her Catholic Majesty have deemed it expedient to conclude a special Convention for that purpose, and have therefore named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, &c. the Right Honourable John Hobart Caradoc, Lord Howden of Grimston, a Peer of Great Britain and Ireland, and a Peer of Ireland, a Major-General in the Army, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath of England, Knight Grand Cross of the most distinguished Order of Charles the Third, and Knight of the Military Order of St. Ferdinand of Spain, Commander of the Legion of Honour of France,

Su Magestad la Reina de España, y Su Magestad la Reina del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, animadas del mismo deseo de estender en sus Estados respectivos el ejercicio del derecho de propiedad sobre obras literarias y artisticas que se públiquen por primera vez en cualquiera de los dos paises, han considerado oportuno celebrar un Convenio especial al efecto, y han nombrado por sus Plenipotenciarios, á saber:

Su Magestad la Reina de España, á Don Pedro José Pidal, Marqués de Pidal, Caballero Gran Cruz de la Real y distinguida Orden de Carlos Tercero, de la de San Fernando y del Mérito de las 2 Sicilias, de la Pontificia de Pio Nono, de la del Leon Neerlandés, de las de Cristo y de la Concepcion de Villaviciosa de Portugal, de la de Leopoldo de Bélgica, de la de San Mauricio y San Lazaro de Cerdeña, de la de San Alejandro Newsky de Rusia, y de la Legion de Honor de Francia, Caballero de Primera

of Leopold of Belgium, of St. Anne of Russia, of the Redeemer of Greece, and Knight of the Guelphic Order of Hanover, Her Britannic Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Her Catholic Majesty, &c.;

And Her Majesty the Queen of Spain, &c., Don Pedro José Pidal, Marquis of Pidal, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal and distinguished Order of Charles the Third, of that of St. Ferdinand and of Merit of the 2 Sicilies, of the Pontifical Order of Pius the Ninth, of that of the Lion of the Netherlands, of those of Christ and of the Conception of Villaviciosa of Portugal, of that of Leopold of Belgium, of that of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus of Sardinia, of that of St. Alexander Newsky of Russia, and of the Legion of Honour of France, Knight of the First Class of the Nischan Iftijar of Turkey, of the Order of Leopold of Austria, and of that of the Sun and Lion of Persia, Member of the Royal Spanish Academy, and of the Academy of History, and of that of St. Ferdinand, and Honorary Member of the Academy of St. Charles of Valencia, Deputy to the Cortes, and First Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Her Catholic Majesty, &c. ;

Who, after having communi-
eated to each other their respec-
tive full powers, found in good
and due form, have agreed upon
and concluded the following Ar-

[1856-57. XLVII.]

Clase del Nischan Iftijar de Turquia, de la Orden de Leopoldo de Austria, y de la del Sol y del Leon de Persia, Individuo de la Real Academia Española, de la de la Historia, y de la de San Fernando, y Honorario de la de San Carlos de Valencia, Diputado á Cortes, y Primer Secretario del Despacho de Estado, &c.;

Y Su Magestad la Reina del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, al muy Honorable Juan Hobart Caradoc, Lord Howden de Grimston, Par de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, y Par de Irlanda, Mariscal de Campo del Ejercito, Comendador de la muy Honorable Orden del Baño de Inglaterra, Caballero Gran Cruz de la muy distinguida de Carlos Tercero, y Caballero de la Militar de San Fernando de España, Comendador de la Legion de Honor de Francia, de la Orden de Leopoldo de Bélgica, de la de Santa Ana de Rusia, de la del Salvador de Grecia, y Caballero de la Guelfica de Hanover, Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario de Su Magestad Británica en la Corte de Su Magestad Católica, &c.;


Quienes, despues de haberse comunicado reciprocamente sus respectivos plenos poderes, y de haberlos hallado en buena y debida forma, han convenido y concluido los Artículos siguientes:

ART. I. From and after the date on which, according to the provisions of Article XIII, the present Convention shall come into operation, the authors of works of literature or of art, to whom the laws of either of the 2 countries do now or may hereafter give the right of property, or copyright, shall be entitled to exercise that right in the territories of the other of such countries for the same term, and to the same extent, as the authors of works of the same nature, if published in such other country, would therein be entitled to exercise such right; so that the re-publication or piracy, in either country, of any work of literature or of art published in the other shall be dealt with in the same manner as the re-publication or piracy of a work of the same nature first published in such other ocountry; and so that such authors in the one country shall have the same remedies before the courts of justice in the other country, and shall enjoy in that other country the same protection against piracy and unauthorized re-publication, as the law now does or may hereafter grant to authors in that country.

The terms "works of literature or of art," employed at the beginning of this Article, shall be understood to comprise publications of books, of dramatic works, of musical compositions, of drawing, of painting, of sculpture, of engraving, of litho

ART. I. Desde la fecha en que este Convenio se ponga en vigor conforme á lo dispuesto en el Artículo XIII, los autores de obras literarias ó artisticas á quienes las leyes de uno de los dos paises conceden ahora ó concedieren en lo sucesivo el derecho de propiedad ó de reproduccion, tendrán la facultad de ejercer este derecho en los dominios del otro pais durante el mismo tiempo y en los mismos limites en que se ejerciese en este otro pais el derecho concedido á los autores de obras de igual clase publicadas en el; por manera que la reproduccion ó publicacion fraudulenta en uno de los dos Estados de cualquiera obra literaria ó artistica publicada en el otro, será tratada del mismo modo que lo seria la reproduccion ó publicacion fraudulenta de una obra de igual género publicada por primera vez en este otro pais; y que los autores de uno de los dos paises tendrán la misma accion ante los tribunales del otro, y gozarán en este mismo de igual proteccion contra las publicaciones fraudulentas ó reproducciones no autorizadas, que la que la ley concede ó concediere en lo sucesivo á los autores del referido pais.

La espresion "obras literarias ó artisticas," empleada al prin. cipio de este Artículo, comprenderá las publicaciones de libros, de obras dramáticas, de composiciones musicales, de dibujo, de pintura, de escultura, de grabado, de litografias, y de toda otra pro

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