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Act, vested certain powers and authorities in Her Majesty's Consul appointed to reside in the Kingdom of Siam for the peace, order, and good government of Her Majesty's subjects being within the dominions of the Kings of Siam, and particularly authority to hear and determine any suits of a civil nature arising in those dominions between a British subject and a subject of the Kings of Siam or a subject or citizen of a foreign State in amity with Her Majesty, or between British subjects, subject to an appeal, expressed to be given by the said Order, to the Supreme Court in Her Majesty's possession of Singapore, and also authority to try British subjects charged with having committed crimes or offences within the dominions of the Kings of Siam, and power also to cause any British subject charged with the commission of any crime or offence, the cognizance whereof might appertain to such Consul, to be sent to Her Majesty's possession of Singapore for trial before the Supreme Court of the said possession; and in the said Order in Council are contained provisions in relation to the trial by the said Supreme Court of the British subjects so sent for trial, and also for the exercise by the said Supreme Court, concurrently with Her Majesty's Consul in Siam, of authority and jurisdiction in regard to all suits of a civil nature between British subjects arising within the dominions of the Kings of Siam: And whereas doubts have arisen whether all the jurisdiction intended to be vested by the said Order in Council in the Supreme Court of Singapore can be effectually vested in the said Court without the authority of Parliament, and it is expedient that the said Order should be confirmed as hereinafter mentioned: Be it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

I. The said Order in Council is hereby confirmed, and shall have the same force and effect as if every Article and provision therein had been enacted by the authority of Parliament: Provided always, that it shall and may be lawful for Her Majesty, by Order in Council, at any time hereafter to amend, alter, or vary the said Order in Council, and from time to time by any fresh Order or Orders in Council to make such other rules and regulations touching the administration of justice by the said Supreme Court at Singapore, under the said recited Order, as to Her Majesty in Council shall seem right.

MESSAGE of the President of Liberia, on the Opening of the Legislature.-Monrovia, December 3, 1856.



Government House, Monrovia, December 3, 1856. THE period having arrived at which the law of the Republic makes it my duty to meet you, it affords me great pleasure to do so, for the purpose of making representation to your honourable department, of the foreign and domestic affairs of this Republic, as also of recommending such public measures, as I have deemed expedient under existing circumstances.

We have great cause to feel profoundly grateful to the Father of all our mercies for his preserving care and direction of us and our public affairs through the course of another year, which has been marked by difficulties and dangers of no ordinary nature.

The ushering in of my administrative term was a juncture fraught with many disadvantages and discouragements. About six weeks previously, at a time when this Government, and especially that country, were illy prepared for such an event, a most distressing civil war had broken out between the Americo-Liberians of Sinoe County, and the aboriginal tribes, known as the Grand and Little Butaw, the Sinoe and the Blue Barree tribes inhabiting said county; which, for some time, threatened the extinction of our settlements in that section of this Republic. Three of the interior settlements had been abandoned, and two others, partly destroyed by the flames of the enemy, were but feebly occupied as outer stations. The crops were nearly all destroyed; all inland communication, and consequently such supplies as the country usually afforded, were cut off; thus suddenly rendering four-fifths of the Americo-Liberians in that interesting county entirely dependent on charity for food and raiment, at a time when foreign and domestic provisions were more than 50 per cent. higher than usual; so that the extinction of the settlements in that interesting county by war and its concomitants seemed inevitable, and was pretty generally apprehended.

But we have great cause to feel grateful that Divine Providence has mercifully dispelled during the year most of the clouds that presented such a portentous aspect, and has measurably caused a genial and encouraging sunshine of security, prosperity, independence and contentedness to ensue.

The military campaign authorized and requested by you at the last session to be put on foot for the purpose of chastising the aggressive tribes of Sinoe county, and for the protection of our settlements there, has been faithfully and effectually prosecuted

under the able command of General John N. Lewis. The 1st Regiment (Colonel Payne) sailed from this port on the 26th of January, and the 2nd Regiment (Colonel J. D. Washington), from Grand Bassa, on the 24th of the same month, for Sinoe, where they were joined by the 3rd Regiment (Colonel S. Dickerson), and took up the line of march on the 31st, to operate against the Grand and Little Butaw, the Sinoe and Blue Barree tribes, and by the 23rd of February, had inflicted such a chastisement as was necessary to carry out the object contemplated by the Act; and on the 26th February embarked for home, having sustained very little numerical loss. In the prosecution of that campaign (which, properly speaking, was but the suppression of an insurrection of heathens) the policy was to adhere as closely as possible to that humane principle in international law which enjoins, "to the enemy as little harm and as much good in time of war as may, under existing circumstances, accord with a sound discretion."

Considering, Gentlemen, the relation we sustain to aboriginal Liberia, our great duties, responsibilities, and brilliant hopes with respect to their future social, political, and religious welfare, it was generally regretted that measures so revolting to our feelings had to be resorted to for our own as well as their safety and benefit.

The great pressure of business consequent upon the incipiency of my administrative term, prevented my revisiting Sinoe after the return of the troops, until the 11th of June, when I was happy to find that Judge Murray, associated with Commissioners, had, on the 9th, two days previously, concluded a satisfactory peace in Greenville with the Grand and Little Butaw tribes; and during my stay there I succeeded on terms mutually satisfactory, in negotiating peace with the Blue Barree and Sinoe Chiefs, who met me in the court house at Greenville for that purpose. Copies of the terms of peace will be duly laid before the Honourable the Senate, in which it will appear that reasonable indemnities were exacted of them; reparations sufficiently stringent, when taken in connection with the chastisement they had already received, to cause them to reflect seriously in the future before perpetrating similar aggressions; and from their general expressions of regret, exhibitions of humility, and solemn promises of future good behaviour and loyalty, I cannot doubt, if a judicious course is observed by the Americo-Liberians, that that county will rest from war at least a score of years, if not perpetually. In order, however, to contribute to the perpetuation of peace, I advise that provision be made, so soon as our pecuniary circumstances will allow, for putting the settlements there, as well as elsewhere within the Republic, in a state of defence.

A great number of our fellow-citizens inhabiting that county have long since returned to their deserted villages and homes with

new life and zeal, and are praiseworthily laying the foundation of a permanent prosperity and independence.

During my visit to Sinoe, I dispatched Captain Crayton, vid Butaw, with friendly assurances to Joe Weah, an interior Chief, with whom for many years we have been on the most friendly terms; the obstruction of whose intercourse to our settlements by the Butaws, who had been waging war against him for several years for that purpose, has proven very retarding to the prosperity of our settlements for years; and the interposition of this Government so as to establish free intercourse, contributed in a great measure to the assumption, by the Butaw tribes, of the late hostile attitude. towards us. These friendly assurances were cordially reciprocated by Joe Weah and tribes contiguous, and a proposition was made by him, and an understanding had, that, as former obstructions were now removed, a good road be opened from our settlements to his town; in the prosecution of which he pledged the co-operation of his people. It is said by those who have visited it, to be a healthy, fertile, well watered and timbered country, furnishing an abundance of rice at all seasons, and with contiguous sections abounding with many valuable commodities.

I visited Grand Cape Mount early in May, for the purpose of regulating matters at Robertsport, as well as to bring about a cessation of hostilities among the seabord tribes of that country. I am happy to inform you that I succeeded in making peace between the two principal belligerents, George Cane and Far Forney; and the long obstructed intercourse between them was re-opened and has not been obstructed since; both Chiefs have since died; the former last month, and the latter during the month of June.

The term of the enlistment of the volunteers to Robertsport having expired on the 1st of April, they had become discouraged by the impoverished state of the country induced by constant war, and their discouragement was augmented by their continued disappointment, in an accession by immigration; but I could not for a moment entertain the idea of an abandonment of that promising settlement, after so large an expenditure by Government for its establishment. I had, therefore, to assume the responsibility of continuing their rations for four months beyond the original term of enlistment-by which time I indulged the hope that the settlement would be strengthened by immigration-with the understanding that they remain there as permanent settlers. I also assured them, should circumstances require them to be called into actual service up there this year, I had no doubt that you would authorize their adequate compensation.

Though it is possible we may find it necessary at some future day to chastise some of the more interior tribes of that section of

country, for persisting in the prosecution of their predatory wars, on which they have so long depended for livelihood, yet for the present it is a very highly gratifying fact that peace so generally prevails within our borders, and that the aborigines are manifestly increasing in their respect for, and loyalty to this Government; and are encouragingly progressing in those principles of civilization that are destined to elevate them to social and religious blessings, as well as to national greatness.

During the month of March, I sent up a surveyor to lay out the city of Robertsport, who returned in the month of May with a certificate from the General Superintendent, stating that 416 lots had been laid off. I am happy to say, that about 100 of the immigrants by the Elvira Owen were landed there early in September, under the supervision of the Rev. John Seys, Special Agent of the American Colonization Society, and one of the fine commodious receptacles brought out by the same vessel has been erected at that place for the accommodation of successive companies of immigrants. The volunteers and immigrants have drawn their town lots, and are praiseworthily converting that wilderness into civilized habitations. I know of no seaboard settlement in Liberia possessing more and greater advantages. As it was deemed advisable that the farms be apportioned of lands up the country, which can be reached by ascending the bay and river, I have deferred their assignment until such time as the present settlement shall have acquired sufficient numerical force for self-protection; meanwhile there is sufficient public land contiguous to Robertsport that the settlers can cultivate for the present with more convenience, profit, and safety.

I beg to invite your attention to the propriety of making suitable provisions for the administration and government of the local affairs at Cape Mount.

In case you are pleased to constitute it a distinct county, in compliance with the petition of its inhabitants, and will invest it with the usual county officers and organizations, then my duty will be plain; but should it not be made a separate county, then it will be necessary for you to make special provisions for the administration and government of their local affairs, so as to obviate in some degree the great inconvenience and expense that would in such case result from their being so distant from the county seat, and the poor facilities for communication and transportation. In either case, I advise that you constitute Robertsport a port of entry and delivery.

The Rev. John Seys, well known as a devoted Christian missionary for a long time in Liberia, arrived in the ship Elvira Owen in the month of August, as Special Agent of the American Colonization Society; and among other important duties, he is charged with the mission, by permission of this Government, of making explora[1856-57. XLVII.]

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