페이지 이미지

Damnosa quid non imminuit dies?

IL fama confert, nil solidi genus
et res avitis in penetralibus;

quas saeva non expugnat arces

mors gelidam impositura dextram reges in ipsos? nam diademata et deiecta magnae sceptra tyrannidis cum falce et agresti ligone

sorte pari premit aequa tellus.
quid ense campum si metit horridum
laurusque fuso in sanguine conserit
bellator? haud vivax in aevum

robur habet domitor domantem
passurus. omnes serius ocius
in vincla tractos nec sine questibus
vitam relinquentes triumpho
funereo Libitina ducet

exsangue vulgus. pone superbiam,
cui fronte laurus defluit.

en ubi

mortis cruentatas severae

tingit ovans modo victor, idem

nunc victima, aras. omne quidem caput olim ad sepulcri frigora venerit ;

at sola fragranti coronat

flore memor pia facta caespes.

G. P.

Marcus Manlius.

ARCUS obit? fato concessit Manlius? ergo Manlius et Marcus, nobile par, valeant. at vos cognati, vos, gens agnata, cavete ne tellus eadem nomen utrumque tegat. tutior hic Marcus ponetur, Manlius illic; compositis una rixa duobus erit.


Eve at the Fountain.

HAT day I oft remember, when from sleep
I first awaked, and found myself reposed

under a shade on flowers, much wondering where and what I was, whence thither brought, and how. not distant far from thence a murmuring sound of waters issued from a cave, and spread into a liquid plain, then stood unmoved, pure as the expanse of heaven.

I thither went

with unexperienced thought, and laid me down
on the green bank, to look into the clear
smooth lake, that to me seemed another sky.
as I bent down to look, just opposite

a shape within the watery gleam appeared,
bending to look on me: I started back,

it started back; but pleased I soon returned;
pleased it returned as soon with answering looks
of sympathy and love: there I had fixed
mine eyes till now, and pined with vain desire,
had not a voice thus warned me: what thou seest,
what there thou seest, fair creature, is thyself;
with thee it came and goes.

[blocks in formation]

NE day as I was weaving a garland of sweet posies, my luck it was to light upon young

the roses;

Love among

so by the wings I caught him and plunged him in the


and seized the cup, and merrily Love, wine, and all I

quaff'd ;

but ever since within me I have felt him, and i' faith I'm much afraid his tiny plumes will tickle me to death. BAYLEY (from the Greek).

Imaginis Umbra.

ULTA mihi redit illa dies, cum prima sopores excussi: recubantem in floribus umbra tegebat frondea: sic iacui multum meditata, quid essem quaque, tulisset eo quae fors atque unde locorum. haud procul inde latex saliens strepitabat aquaï spelunca, liquidumque patescens latus in aequor stabat caeruleus caelique exemplar aperti. huc animi imprudens deveni membraque porro fusa dedi virides per ripas, inque tuebar marmora pura lacus splendentiaque aetheris instar alterius. dum procumbo tueorque, per undam ecce relucentem contraria fulsit imago, procumbenti eadem similis similisque tuenti. absilio; absilit illa: recurro laeta; recurrit laeta, paremque pari vultu promittit amorem. sicut eram, speculans steteram perfixaque vano tabueram desiderio, nisi missa per aures vox monuisset ibi, 'te, formosissima rerum, te specularis; adest tecum pariterque recedit.'

T. S. E.

Haustus Amor.

ERTA mihi quondam texenti suavia florum visus Amor mediis involitare rosis. hunc ego correptis alis in pocula ieci, vinaque commixto laetus Amore bibi. mox teneras sensi plumas, timeoque, misellum ne me titillans denique mactet Amor.


Katherine and Grumio.


PR'YTHEE go, and get me some repast;
I care not what, so it be wholesome food.
Gru. What say you to a neat's foot!
Kath. 'Tis passing good; I pr'ythee let me have it.
Gru. I fear, it is too cholerick a meat :-
how say you to a fat tripe, finely broiled?

Kath. I like it well; good Grumio, fetch it me.
Gru. I cannot tell; I fear, 'tis cholerick.
what say you to a piece of beef, and mustard?
Kath. A dish that I do love to feed upon.
Gru. Ay, but the mustard is too hot a little.

Kath. Why, then the beef, and let the mustard rest. Gru. Nay, then I will not; you shall have the mustard, or else you get no beef of Grumio.

Kath. Then both, or one, or any thing thou wilt. Gru. Why, then the mustard without the beef. Kath. Go, get thee gone, thou false deluding slave, that feed'st me with the very name of meat: sorrow on thee, and all the pack of you, that triumph thus upon my misery! gone, I say.

go, get thee


The Fisherman's Weather-wisdom.

HEN the wind is in the North,
then the fisher goes not forth;
when the wind is in the South,

it blows the hook in the fish's mouth;
when the wind is in the East,
then the fishes bite the least;
when the wind is in the West,
then the fishes bite the best.


Quid dem? quid non dem?

Κ. ἀλλ ̓ οὖν ἀνύσας τι δεῖπνον ἐνσκεύαζέ μοι,
ὁποῖον ἀμελῶ βρῶμ', ἐάνπερ ὑγιες

Γ. ἀλλ ̓ ἡδέως ἂν καταφάγοις μόσχου πόδα;
Κ. ἥδιστά γ ̓, ὦ παῖ· τοῦτ ̓ ἀνύσας παραθες σύ μοι.
Γ. καίτοι φοβοῦμαι μὴ μάλ' ὀξύθυμον τ
τοῦτ ̓. ἀλλὰ πως σε κοιλία προσίεται

λιπαρά τε καὶ κάλλιστ ̓ ἐπηνθρακισμένη ;
Κ. πάντως μὲν οὖν ἀλλ ̓, ὠγάθ', ἐνσκεύαζέ μοι.
Γ. καὶ μὴν ἀπορῶ γε μὴ τόδ ̓ ὀξύθυμον .
πῶς νάπυ καὶ βόειά σοι πρὸς ἡδονήν ;
Κ. ἐδέσμαθ ̓ οἵων δὴ πασαίμην ἂν φίλως.
Γ. ἀλλ ̓ ὀξὺ γὰρ τὸ ναπυ θερμότερόν τέ τι.
Κ. δὺς οὖν τὰ βόεια, τὸ δέ γε νάπυ χαιρέτω.
Γ. οὐκ. ἀλλὰ καὶ τὸ ναπύ γ ̓ ἕξεις, εἰ δὲ μὴ

οὐδὲν βοείων τοῦδε πάρα λήψει κρεῶν.
Κ. ἑκάτερον οὖν ἢ θάτερον, εἴθ' ὅ τι δὴ θέλεις.
Γ. δέξαι μὲν οὖν τὸ νάπυ, τὰ δὲ βόεια μή.
Κ. βάλλ ̓ ἐς κόρακας, ὦ δόλιε κἀπίτριπτε σύ·
αὐτῶν κρεῶν ὀνόματι προσφέρβεις ἐμέ.
ἀπόλοιο καὶ σὺ καὶ τὸ πάνδημον γένος
τῶν ξυμφοραῖσιν ὧδ' ἐπιχαιρόντων ἐμαῖς.
βάλλ' ἐς κόρακας σὲ τὸν μιαρώτατον λέγω.

Exemplo rem sapienter ages.

Τ. S. Ε.

RIGORE cum Boreas caelum contristat acuto, nil tibi, piscator, proderit ire foras ;

at Notus, imbriferis simul advolitaverit alis, impulit hamatos piscis in ora dolos.

si furet Eurus atrox, homini gravis ille ferisque, torpescit minimo piscis amore cibi ;

sed male sana fames, sed maxumus ardor edendist, cum Zephyrus molli flamine mulcet aquas.


Η. Κ. S. S.

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