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Aberdeen, Earl of, offers G. Smythe
office, 221. Offered an alliance
by Russell, 415. Refuses, 416.
Premier, 478. Asked by Russell
to supersede Newcastle, 492.
Defeated, and resigns, ib. Sacri-
ficed for blunders in Crimea,

Abyssinia, expedition to, 577.
Achmet Aga at Perustitza, 631.
Achmet Aga Hadji,one of the heroes
of the Bulgarian atrocities, 622-3.
Akroyd, Mr. E., on condition of
Halifax, 358.

interests of,
strongly attacked by Lord
Beaconsfield, 65-6; and vehe-
mently defended by Lord Bea-
consfield, 75.

"Alarcos" published, 200. Ana-
lysed, 200-201.

Albert, Prince, rebukes opposition
to Palmerston, 499-500.
Alberoni, object of Lord Beacons-
field's early admiration, 25.
"6 Alroy" shows influence of Miss
D'Israeli, 2. Allusion in, to Lord
Beaconsfield's travels, 18. Pub-
lished, 26. Its character, ib.
Alsace, 387.

Alvanley, Lord, fights a duel with
Morgan O'Connell, 106-7.

America, civil war in, 535.


Angela Pisani" published, 224.
Character of, ib.

"Anastasius," influence on Lord
Beaconsfield, 598.
Andrassy, Count, issues Note on
Turkey, 617. On English rejec-
tion of Berlin Memorandum, 619.

Anglo-Turkish, The, Convention,

Annual Parliaments demanded in
National Petition. 181.
Anti-Corn-Law League position
in 1846, 280. Revived, 425.
Annual Register quoted, 365, 393,
479, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486,
487, 488, 489, 491, 492, 493, 494,
495, 496, 497, 498, 500, 501, 502,
503, 512, 513, 515, 516, 517, 518,
519, 522, 524, 534, 535, 537, 539,
540, 541, 545, 546.


Ashley, Lord (Earl of Shaftesbury),
appearance in 1837, 158-9.
opponent of Jewish Emancipa-
tion, 379.

Ashley, Mr. E., on Bulgarian atro-
cities, 620-21.
Ashworth, Mr. H., quotes Cobden
on Peel, 285; on Protection and
Free Trade, 358; on condition
of Bolton, ib. Quotes Cobden's
speech in '52, 425-6.

Asia Minor, Protectorate of, in-
consistent with Lord Beacons-
field's speech in 1841, 205-6.
English protectorate of, 666-7.
Assisi, Francis de, marriage with
Queen Isabella, 365.

Austria annexes Cracow, 365. De-
fended by Lord Beaconsfield,
392. Intervenes between Russia
and England, 495. Requested by
Cabinet Ministers to assist in
putting down Bosnian insurrec-
tion, 616-17. Issues Andrassy
Note, G17; and joins in Berlin
Memorandum, 618.

Avrat-Alan, condition of, during

Bulgarian atrocities, as described
by MacGahan, 629; and by
Baring, 640.

Aylesbury, meeting at, attended by
Lord Beaconsfield, 64. Scene of
an agricultural dinner, 72; Lord
Beaconsfield at, contrasted with
Lord Beaconsfield at Marylebone,
76-7. Lord Beaconsfield's speech
at, 648-53.

Ayrton, Rt. Hon. A. S., attacks

Lord Beaconsfield's introduction
of Queen's name, 593.
Aziz-Pasha leads the massacre at
Perustitza, 631-3.

Baines, Mr. E., proposes reduction
of franchise, 543.

Ballot supported by Lord Beacons-
field, 57, 59. Again supported by
Lord Beaconsfield, 65. Again
supported by Lord Beaconsfield,
68. Dropped by Lord Beacons-
field, 78-9. Proposed by Grote,
181. Opposed by Lord Beacons-
field, ib.

Balkans, condition of villages in,
during Bulgarian atrocities, 625.
Baker, Rev. Mr. (of Addington),
receives Maunday Thursday
letter, 589.

Bandiera Brothers, 263.

Bank Charter Act suspended, 371,

Bankes, Mr., votes against Peel,

357. Referred to by Morning
Chronicle, 391.

Baring, F. T., appearance in 1837,


Baring, Sir T., resigns High
Wycombe, 44. Receives letter

from J. Hume, 49-50.
Daring, Mr., opposes Gladstone's
proposed raising of £2,000,000,

Baring, Mr. Walter, commissioned
to inquire into Bulgarian atro-
cities, 639. His report, 639-46.
Statement contrasted with Mr.
MacGahan's, ib.

Basevi, George or Joshua, uncle of
Lord Beaconsfield, 1.
Bashi-Bazouks, employment of,
denounced by Sir H. Elliot, 621;
and by several English Consuls,
622-3. At Otluk-Kui, 630; at
Perustitza, 631-33; at Batak, 642,

[blocks in formation]

Belgrade, English Consul at, 620.
Bentinck, Lord George, anxious to
get Lord Beaconsfield into Par-
liament, 77-8. Helps to organize
opposition to Peel, 297-8. Opposes
second reading of Corn Law Bill,
302. Worthless speech extrava-
gantly eulogised by Lord Beacons-
field, 302-3. Supports first read-
ing of Coercion Bill, 309. Raises
a debate on a phrase of Peel's,
310. Advised by Lord Beacons-
field to oppose second reading
of Coercion Bill, 322, although
he had vehemently supported
introduction, ib. Accepts the
advice, 323. His excuse ex-
amined, 323-4. Resolves to de-
termine the opposition by a
violent speech, 326. Accordingly
attacks supporters of Peel in
coarse language, ib. Accuses Peel
of treachery to Canning and of
falsehood, 326-7. Were those
charges suggested by Lord Bea-
consfield? 328-32. His attack on
Peel a mean party move, 332.
Answered by Peel, 332-3, 345-54.
His attack unanimously condem-
ned, 354-5; yet persists in renew-
ing it, 355. Opposes abolition of
protection on sugar, 360-61. De-

feated, 361. Takes seat on front
Opposition bench, 362. Proposes
counter scheme for dealing with
Ireland, 363. Again defeated,
364. Attacks Palmerston's
Spanish policy, ib.; and policy
towards Russia, 365. Opposes
all economical reforms, 366. In
favour of Jewish emancipation,
375. Requested by Protection-
ists to abstain from voting, ib.;
but speaks and votes, 376. Re-
signs leadership of Protection-
ists, 376-7; and leaves place on
front Opposition bench, 377.
Conduct contrasted with that of
Lord Beaconsfield, 377-381. Was
Lord Beaconsfield trying to cut
him out? 371, 388. Death, 390.
Lord Beaconsfield's conduct to-
wards, 437-8.

Bentincks, The, vote against Peel,


Beresford, Major, referred to by
Morning Chronicle, 391.
Beresford-Hope, Mr.,fellow-student
of G. Smythe, 219.

Berlin. The Memorandum issued,
618; proposals, ib.; rejected, 619.
Congress at, 664-7. Treaty,

Bernal, Mr., appearance in 1837,

Berkeley, Mr. G., in 1837, 160.
Proposes a five-shilling import
duty, 406.

Beverley represented by Mr. Hogg,


Birmingham disturbed by Chartists,
182. Represented by Mr. Bright,


Bismarck (Prince), on English rejec-

tion of Berlin Memorandum, 619.
Blanc, Louis, description by, of
Carrel-Girardin duel, 87.
Blessington, Countess of, youth

and married life, 10-11. Com-
panion of Count D'Orsay, 11-12.
Celebrated hostess, 13-14. Her
guests, ib. Entertains Lord
Beaconsfield, 15-17. One of Lord
Beaconsfield's early teachers, 228.
Blessington, Earl of, husband of
Lady Blessington, 11.
Blunt, H. W., signatory of Lord
Beaconsfield's baptismal certifi-
cate, 9.

Bohn, Mr. H. G., gives account of
Miss D'Israeli, 3-4.
Bolton, condition in '42, 358.
Bolingbroke, Lord, quoted in
"Vivian Grey," 32; and fre-
quently in real life, 61. Lord
Beaconsfield compares himself to,
121-2. Eulogised for deserting
Tory principles in office, 123. His
writings really Liberal, 124.
Parallel between his religious
unscrupulousness and Lord Bea-
consfield's, 274-5.

Bonham, Mr., accused by Lord
Beaconsfield of connection with
Despard's Plot, 265-6. Charge
shown by Peel unfounded, 266.
Bosnia, Insurrection in, beginning
of Eastern Question, 616. The
Andrassy Note, 617.

Bradenham House, Bucks, taken
by I. D'Israeli, 44.

Bright, Mr. John, in 1837, 162. In
the Anti-Corn-Law League, 280.
On condition of Sheffield. 358. At-
tacked by Lord Beaconsfield, 386.
Contemptuously replies, 386-7.
Again attacked, 387. On tactics
of Lord Beaconsfield in 1852, 435;
on Lord Beaconsfield's first Bud-
get, 439. On Villiers' motion,
460. Denounces Palmerston, 498.
Opinions on armies supported by
Lord Beaconsfield, 556. Accuses
Lord Beaconsfield of defending
assassination in "Revolutionary
Epick," 541-2. The result, 542-4.
Objects to simultaneous discus-
sion on Lord Beaconsfield's Reso-
lution and Reform Bill, 555. On
Lord Beaconsfield's Irish policy,
579. Denounces Lord Beacons-
field's use of Queen's name, 595-6.
The reply, 596.
Bristow, Col., nominator of Colonel
Grey, 63.

Brooks's Club, Lord Alvanley's
requisition to, 106-7.
Brotherton, Mr., in 1837, 160.
Brougham, Lord, attacked by
"Runnymede," 145-6. In 1837,

[blocks in formation]

Buck, Mr., votes against Peel, 357.
Buckingham, Duke of (the late), pre-
sides at meeting at Aylesbury, 73.
"Buckinghamshire, History of."
See Sheahan.

Bucks contested by Lord Beacons-
field, 367. Associations with
Burke and Hampden, ib.
Bucks Gazette contains letters of J.
Hume, etc., 50. Attacks Lord
Beaconsfield, 50-52. Comments

on result of election, 54-55. Con-
tains speech of Lord Beacons-
field, 62-64. Again attacks Lord
Beaconsfield, 64.

Bucks Herald supports Lord Bea-
consfield, 50. Approves his
oratory, 52. Speech of Lord
Beaconsfield in, 73-6. Quoted,
369-71. Reports Lord Beacons-
field's speech, 516-7.

Bulgaria, massacres in, 619. Re-
ported in Daily News, 620.
Subject of questions in the
House of Commons, 620-21;
625-6. Atrocities described by
English Consuls, 622-5.
Bulgarians, treatment of, described

by Consul Reade, 625; by Mac-
Gahan, 628-38; by Schuyler, 638-9;
and by Baring, 639-46; effect of
story on English public, 646.
Buller, Mr. C., in 1837, 160.
Buller, Sir J. Y., proposes_vote
against Ministry, 184.
against Peel, 357.


Bulwer, E. L., see Lytton, Lord
(the late).

Bulwer, Sir H., expelled from
Madrid, 387.

Bunsen, Chevalier, blamed by Lord
Beaconsfield, 387.

Burdett, Sir F., writes a letter in
favour of Lord Beaconsfield,
48. Appearance in 1837, 159.
Changed from Radical to Tory,
ib. Subscribes to Spottiswoode
Subscription, 164. Attacks O'Con-
nell, 165. Attacked in return, ib.
Motion for Catholic Relief, 346.
Burke, Edmund, treatment of, by
Whigs, denounced by Lord Bea-
consfield, 64. Eulogised in "Vin-
dication," 121. Associations with
Bucks, 367. Destined to re-
ceive title of Lord Beaconsfield,

Burrell, Sir C., votes against Peel,

Byron, Lord, as portrayed in
"Venetia," 198-200.

Cadurcis, character in "Venetia,”
198; 599.

Cagliostro, as described by Car-
lyle, 675.

Cairns, Earl, in 1837, 162.

Calne represented by Mr. Lowe,


Camberwell (St. Giles'), compound
householders in, 565.

Cambridge University attended by
G. Smythe, Lord J. Manners,
Lord Lyttelton, Lord Penzance,
and Mr. A. B. Hope, 218-19.
Influenced by the Tractarian
movement, 227.

Campbell, Mr., denounces Lord
Beaconsfield as unpatriotic, 513.
Canada discussed by Lord Beacons-
field, 537-8.

Canning, George, quoted by Peel,

266. Relations with Peel alluded
to by Lord Beaconsfield, 267-8.
Peel's reply, 268-9. Said by Ben-
tinck to have been hunted to
death by Peel, 326-7. Peel's
reply, 332-3. Story rehashed by
Lord Beaconsfield, 333-45. Ex-
travagantly eulogised by Lord
Beaconsfield, 341; though for-
merly severely satirized, 342-3.
Peel's reply, 345-54.

Canning, Lord, Viceroy of India,
attacked by Lord Beaconsfield,


Canning, Mrs., anger at adhesion
of her husband's friends to Wel-
lington, 328.

Canterbury represented by G.
Smythe, 219.

Carabas, Marquess of, character
in "Vivian Grey," 31.
Cardwell, Lord, Memoirs of Peel
quoted, 210.

Carington, Lord (the 2nd). See
Smith, Hon. R.

Carlisle, Earl of, see Lord Morpeth.
Carlyle, Thomas, on Cagliostro,

Carnarvon, Earl of, resigns, 556.
On household suffrage, 557, 561.
Carrel, Armand, duel with Girardin,

Castlereagh, Lord, ridiculed in
"Coningsby," 232.
Catholics, appealed to by Lord
Beaconsfield against Peel, 276.
Peel accused of inconsistency
towards, 340. Accused by Lord
Beaconsfield of conspiracy with
Ritualists, 588, 589-90.
Cavendish, Mr., elected for Bucks,
370. Commented on by Lord
Beaconsfield, 370-71.

Cayley, Mr., opposes increase of
Malt Tax, 485.

Cecil, Lord Robert. See Marquis
of Salisbury.

Chamberlain, Mr. J., compared to
reformer of 1832, 46. A Liberal,
though no Whig, 62.
Chandos, Marquis of (afterwards
Duke of Buckingham), leader of
the agriculturists, 71-2; the hero
of an Aylesbury dinner, 73. Eulo-
gised by Lord Beaconsfield, 75-6.
A friend of Lord Beaconsfield, 78.
Retires from office in '41, 209;
and leads opposition against Peel
in '46, 286.

Charles Albert condemned by Lord
Beaconsfield, 392.

Charles I. celebrated by Lord
J. Manners, 216-17.
Charter, see National Petition.
Chartists present National Petition,
179. Lord Beaconsfield's atti-
tude towards, 179-182. Create

disturbances, 182; hold conven-
tion, ib. Again discussed by
Lord Beaconsfield, 183. Motion
on prisoners, 184.

Cheetham, Mr., violently de-
nounces Peel, 400-401.
Chefket Pasha, the leader of the
massacre at Bazardjik, 643. De-
nounced by Lord Derby, 657-8.
Chelmsford, Lord (Sir F. Thesiger),
defeats Russell Ministry, 418.
Declaration on Protection in '52,
429. Opposes emancipation of
Jews, 490. Dismissed by Lord
Beaconsfield, 578.

Chettinge, English Consul in, 620.
China, war with, 503, 505, 510.
Christianity, relations to Judaism
according to Lord Beaconsfield,
Christopher, Mr., opposes Peel's

Corn Bill in 1841, 210. Votes

against Peel, 357. On restora-
tion of Protection, 428-9, 446.
Chancellor of the Duchy of
Lancaster, 428-9.

Chubb, Rev. Mr., Vicar of Hugh-
enden, 608.

Church, Irish, reduction of, advo-
cated by Lord Beaconsfield, 79-80.
and condemned by Lord Beacons-
field, 90; denounced by Lord
Beaconsfield, 253-4; defended by
Lord Beaconsfield, 580 et seq.
Circassians as described by Lord
Beaconsfield, 621; and by others,

Clarendon, Earl of (the late), sati-
rized by Lord Beaconsfield, 504.
Cleveland, character in "Vivian
Grey," 37.


Cobden, R., in 1837, 162. Doc-
trines practically adopted by
Peel in 1842, 208. Painful
scene with Peel, 261-2. Scene
alluded to by Lord Beaconsfield
in 1845, 261; and in 1846, 301;
Speech on the allusion, 301-2.
Supports Maynooth Grant, 274.
On Peel's position in '46, 285. In
the Anti-Corn-Law League, 280.
Opposes Coercion Bill, 306. Uses
a phrase which originates a
stormy scene, 306-7. Repudiates
Lord Beaconsfield's interpreta-
tion of his words, 309. Attacked
by Lord Beaconsfield, 386. Con-
temptuously replies, ib. Again
attacked, 387. On tactics of Lord
Beaconsfield in 1852, 435.
Lord Beaconsfield's treatment of
Peel, 451-2. On Villiers' motion,
460. Criticises Lord Beacons-
field's Budget, 471. Denounces
Palmerston, 498. Denounces Lord
Beaconsfield for duplicity on
question of Protection, 403-5.
Again denounces Lord Beacons-
field for duplicity, 406-7.
nounces Derby Ministry, 425-6.
On tactics of Lord Beaconsfield
in '52, 435. Proposes vote of cen-
sure on China war, 505.
Cockburn, Sir A., on policy of Lord
Beaconsfield in '52, 433.
Coercion Bill (Irish) introduced by
Peel, 249. Discussed by Lord
Beaconsfield, 249-50. Introduced
by Peel, 303. Blocks Corn Law


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