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Organic Matter-ZOOLOGY, BOTANY.


1. WHAT general name may be given to everything that exists, all objects in nature; and what comprehensive name may be given to all studies of natural objects?

2. Into what two great divisions may all natural objects be grouped ; and what title will accurately mark the distinctive features?

3. Into what two distinct studies may the first division be resolved; and what natural objects will be the objects of research in each ?

4. Analyze the two words Zoology and Botany, and give an accurate definition of each.

5. What is the distinguishing feature of the second great division of all natural objects? And what kind of objects does it thus embrace ? Give some instances of the comprehensiveness of the study.

6. Write a list of various studies in this second division, each embracing a peculiar field of study.

7. Analyze the words Geology and Chemistry, and give an exact definition of each; also, state accurately their distinctive features.

8. Define Natural Philosophy, and thus show that it is in itself a comprehensive study and needs subdivision; also, branch off other studies from it.

9. Derive and explain Mineralogy-Metallurgy-Pneumatics-Optics -Acoustics.

10. What name is given to the method of reasoning adopted in natural science; and who was the great author of the system?


11. Show how this method differs from mathematical demonstration, and give instances that the latter (i. e. mathematical) may be stated thus, "Given the data, find the results;" and the former (i. e. inductive) thus, “Given the results, deduce the law."

12. From the data, “The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the two interior and opposite angles," deduce other results.

13. From the result of water rising in a pump 32 feet, deduce the law of the weight of air and its uniform pressure.

14. From these two propositions, explain clearly the two methods of proof or reasoning.

15. Show the value of the inductive method, by giving instances of wonderful discoveries it has led to.

16. Show also how that inductive laws are more or less indeterminate, and give instances of what were once thought to be laws, set aside or modified by the progress of discovery.

17. Explain these two statements:— A. Nature abhors a vacuum.

B. Heat expands all matter.

18. Write a short account of Galileo-Torricelli-Sir Isaac Newtonand their discoveries.




1. STATE what natural objects are included in the study called "Natural History." And what section of these objects in Zoology.

2. Into what four classes may all animals be divided; i.e. what four classes will include every existing animal?

3. What is meant by animals of a low or high organization? Give instances of each, and explain them.

4. Explain the words vertebrate, mollusc, articulate, radiate, as applied to the four sub-kingdoms.

5. What distinct organization marks the first sub-kingdom? Explain its use and object.

6. Name the characteristic features of vertebrate animals in

A. Construction, limbs, &c.

B. Blood and nervous system.

7. Name four classes which will include all animals of this first subkingdom; and explain "mammal" and "reptile."

8. Name the distinguishing organization of these four classes. A. Mammalia.

B. Birds.

C. Reptiles.

D. Fishes.

9. Name the characteristic features of animals of the second subkingdom; what they have not, and what they have; and how they are protected.

10. Describe their organization, construction, movements, &c.; and thus show that they are lower in organization than vertebrates.

11. Of the six classes into which this sub-kingdom is divided, explain the words cephalopoda, pteropoda, gasteropoda, acephala, brachiopoda, cirrhopoda.

12. Name, if possible, animals of each class.

13. State the characteristic features of animals of the third sub-kingdom; and show that they are lower still in the scale of organization. 14. Explain distinctly the word articulate, as applied to them; and give some account of their construction, &c.

15. This third sub-kingdom may be divided into four classes. Explain

the words annulata, crustacea,, arachnides, insecta; as distinguishing


16. Name, if possible, animals of each class.

17. Explain the word radiata, as applied to the fourth sub-kingdom, and describe their construction and their low organization.

18. Of the five classes into which this sub-kingdom may be divided, explain the names echinodermata, entozoa, acalepha, polypi, infusoria.

19. Name, if possible, any animals of this kingdom.

20. Write a short descriptive account of the immense variety of animals, in their size, form, limbs, armour, skin, habits, &c. &c.




1. Name the four classes which compose the first sub-kingdom, and show that in classes as well as kingdoms we descend from a higher to a lower organization.

2. These classes again are divided into orders according to important differences. Analyze the names of the nine orders of the first class, Limana, quadrumana, carnaria, marsupialia, rodentia, edentata, pachydermata, ruminantia, cetacea.

3. What animal stands alone in the first order? Show his claims to stand alone in

A. Physical organization, limbs, brain, nerves, &c.

B. Mental and moral powers; reason distinguished from instinct.

4. Distinguish accurately "bimana " from "quadrumana," as to the construction of the hand and fingers, and show the correctness of the term "quadrumana.”

5. Give some account of these animals, their nature, habits, form, &c. 6. Give also some account of the highest type of their intelligence. And also, of some degraded specimens of mankind. And then show clear marks of distinction between these animals and the lowest of mankind.

7. Explain carnaria. What other name is sometimes applied to this type of animals? Name a few of them, from the highest type downward.

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