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4th, That the Gunges be not included in any fettlement with any Zemindar, but that, for the present, they remain under the exclufive jurisdiction of an officer appointed by the Collector, who is to propose fuch regulations as he may think best calculated for regulating and fixing the duties.

5th, That the fumma of each Zemindar, being affeffed, the amount thereof fhall be apportioned by the different villages in it, if poffible, previous to the conclufion of the Sudder fumma, either by the Zemindar, who is to be required to make this diftribution, or Collector; or fubfequent thereto, under a claufe binding each Zemindar to deliver in an account of the affeffment on the villages apportioned to the Sudder Jumma within three months from the fignature of the Cabooliat.

6th, That if there are villages of which there are no proprietors, the fettlement of

them be made as above with a farmer.

7th, That the Sudder Kiftbundy be fo regulated as to afford the Zemindars all pof

fible convenience on the discharge of their rents, with a due regard to the fecurity of Government, and that the Collector report whether any, and what, inconvenience would en fue from extending the period of the Sudder and Mofuffil Kiftbundy to two months instead of one.

8th, That the Collector do also establish the Mofuil Kiftbundy in fuch a form as may be moft convenient for the Reyuts, without risking the fecurity of their payment to Government.

9th, That as the number of renters paying revenue immediately to Government may, in confequence of framing a fettlement with the Zemindars, be greatly increased, the Collectors report if it will be neceffary and advifeable to appoint Tehfildars to receive the revenues from a certain number of the landholders, and whether any, and what, additional expence will be required on this account.

10th, That every Zemindar, or Talookdar, who is a minor or female, be declared

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incapable of having any concern whatever in the management of the revenues, and that no engagements for the payment thereof be contracted with any Zemindar under this defcription.

The management of the revenues of Zemindars who are minors or females, fhall be affigned to a person especially appointed by Government for this truft, to be denominated Serbuzacar, or Manager, who, previous to the receipt of his commiffion, is to execute an obligation binding himself to a faithful discharge of the duties affigned to him, and no farther.

The Manager is to be chofen by the Collector, fubject to the approbation of the Board of Revenue, and his commiffion is to be figned by the Collector, and to be authenticated by the official feal. In recommending the perfon to this truft, the following confiderations are to be obferved:

In the first inftance, a near relation of the Zemindar is to be preferred to all others; in the fecond, a creditable fervant of the

family; and in the last resort, a perfon unconnected with it: capacity for the bufinefs is understood to be a neceffary qualification, and to be particularly attended to in determining the preference.

Lunacy, contumacy, or notorious profligacy of character, are to be deemed difqualifications of a Zemindar, and the settlement, in fuch cafes, is to be regulated by the provifions above laid down with regard to the lands of minors and females; but no Zemindar is to be excluded for any of the difqualifications mentioned in this article without the previous approbation of the Governor General in Council.

11th, That the engagements with the Zemindars and Farmers be made for Sicca rupees, and in order to obviate any inconvenience which may arise from there not being a fufficient number of Sicca rupees in circulation for the payment of the revenues, that the farmers and Zemindars be allowed, till the expiration of the Fufillee year, 1197, the option of paying their rents in Siccas, or in Sonauts at the Batta

at which the latter are reduced into Siccas in the treasury account of the Collector. That the Collectors do either remit fuch Sonaut to the Prefidency, or in the event of their being obliged to pay them away to answer bills drawn on them in Siccas, they infert in their treasury accounts the profits or lofs, or on the difpofal of them, under the head of profit and lofs on exchange. That after the expiration of the year 1197 no other rupees except Siccas be received at the treasuries of the Collectors, it being the intention of Government to put a stop to the currency of every other species of rupees by that period.

We direct that the above refolutions be tranfimitted to the Collectors of Bahar, and that they be directed to prepare for the formation of a fettlement accordingly, to the prescriptions of them, advising you by the end of June, if any objections should occur to any of them, either as to the propriety or practicability of them, to fubmit, with fuch objections, any other propofitions which they may deem more eligible.

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