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noise, no driving along the streets, it's very shocking, but walk orderly, quietly, gently; and then you will shew us, and will shew others, that Sunday-school instruction though lost upon some, is in your case bringing forth good fruit to the glory of God, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Blessed Lord, who in the days of Thy flesh, commanded little children to be brought unto Thee, and blamedst those that would have kept them from Thee, graciously behold these children, which we present unto Thee, in Thy faith, fear, and love; impress upon their hearts, settle in their understandings, and root deeply in their convictions, those things wherein they have been this day instructed; and make them finally heirs of that everlasting salvation, which Thou hast wrought out for Thy people!

Vouchsafe too, we beseech Thee, Thine especial blessing upon us who labor within this little portion of Thy spiritual vineyard; and having given us by Thy grace, so to pass

through things temporal, as finally to lose not things eternal, receive us to Thyself, O Lord, our righteousness, for ever and ever. Amen.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen.


THERE is a passage in one of the Psalms of David, my dear children, which embraces in a few words the desire of your teachers, and your own duty; and it no less expresses my own feelings and anxieties in addressing you on the present occasion: the passage is this, "Come ye children, hearken unto me, and I will teach you the fear of the Lord."

We have here, our own duty and our desire "to teach you;" we have your duty (and would it were your desire also), "to hearken;" and we have the subject upon which our instructions should rest, "the fear of the Lord." The remarks which I am about to offer you will be confined to these two latter points.

First, your duty "to hearken." Now, one of the first lessons that man has to learn is, that he is a sinner in the sight of God; that he, far away from doing what God's holy law

requires, and that, unless he seek and find a Saviour, he is eternally undone.

This lesson our heavenly Father is continually pressing upon the attention of mankind, by the public preaching of his Word, by his judgments, by his providences, by the witness of their own consciences; but with you, as yet, these things are scarcely understood, and God therefore comes to you in the teaching of the Sabbath-school. Week after week, as it passes by, when you are received within these walls to form your several classes, there is a voice, and it is the voice of God, coming to you through the patient instruction of your teachers, "my son, give me thine heart." It is to these instructions, it is to this voice, that I am now desirous of persuading you to hearken. Hear," I may indeed say, "and your souls shall live." For what else are they which are constantly repeated to you, which you have alike from ministers and teachers, but "the words of eternal life?" "To-day then, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts."


You may remember, some of you at least, that when our Lord Jesus Christ was upon

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earth, he was staying at the house of two of his friends, Martha and Mary: Martha was careful and troubled about many things, divided and distracted by the busy cares of life, but Mary, we read, "sat at Jesus' feet and heard his word;" and we know from our Lord's own lips that she chose "a good part." And how many of you, my dear children, have the word of Christ among you, but, alas! not within you!-how many of you may see the truths of the gospel, but have no desire after them!— of how many of you may that not be said, which was said by God of old, in the case of his ungrateful Jewish children, "But my people would not hear my voice, and Israel would not obey:" and what, if of you that should be said, which was indeed said and done to Israel, "so I gave them up to their own hearts' lust, and let them follow their own imaginations." Why, prophets, and kings, and righteous men desired to hear the wonders of redemption, to see the goodness of God in the sufferings of Jesus, and yet did not hear them. This goodness of God, these wonders of redemption, your teachers are, I make no doubt, trying

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