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To the REMARKABLE PASSAGES in this Volume.

N. B. To find any particular Book, or Pamphlet, fee the
Table of Contents, prefixed to the Volume.

ABEILLARD, his converfation with

Heloifa, on the subject of marriage,
105. His retirement from the world,
106. Great number of pupils refort-
ing to him, 109.

Abul Fazel writes the inftitutes of the
Emperor Akber, 615. His noble fen-
timents, 624.

Academy, Royal, in Ireland, its hiftory,
203. Of Arts and Sciences in Ame-
rica, its history, 385. Royal Society
of Edinburgh, its history, 532.
Aid, nitrous, produced from inflammable
and dephlogifticated airs, 327.

tartarcous, an excellent remedy in
ardent fevers, 685. Ordinary prefcrip-
tion for making it, ib. Improved,


Aids, experiments on their freezing, 325.
Acidity, obfervations on the principles of,

Alams, Dr. the American fatefman, his
comments on Nedham's Excellency of
a Free State, 295.
His obferv. relative
to the American Conflitutions, 291-297.
ber, an improved method of making
it, 638.

Air, inflammable, and dephlogifticated,
does not produce water, 327 but ni
trous acid, ib.

phofphoric, defcribed, 587.
fulphureous, described, ib.
•pump, on a new construction, 391.
Akber, Emperor, abstract of his life, 615.
His haram, 617. His library, 618.
His manner of spending his time, 620.
Alembert, M. d' his excellent remarks,
reflections, and anecdotes rel, to many
eminent men of letters, &c. 642-654.
Americans, inquiry into their original de-
fcent, 580.

Anatomy, proper method of studying, 303.
Ought not to attempt a defcription of
the foul, 304.

Anderfon, Dr. his experiments on the cul-
ture of potatoes, 473. On feed corn,
480. On cultivated graffes, ib.
Animals, brute, cruelly treated by man-
kind, 315. Children moft apt to be
guilty of this crime, ib. Parents cul-
pable, for not teaching them beiter,
316. Hunting, an inhuman pastime,
b. Cruelty of confining birds in cages,
ib. Of angling with live baits, ib.
Of over-driving post-horles, 317.

how their fpecies are difling. for.
Antelope packet, cast away on the Pelew
inlands, 110. Subfequent adventures of
the captain and crew, 111, &c.
Antimonial wine, improved method of
making, 24.

Antiquities of various kinds, defcribed,
298-303. 511-515.

Ariftotle's Poetics. See Twining.
Artillery Company, account of, 333.
-, history of, 419.
Arundelian marble. See Parian Chron.
Athens, inquiry concerning, and the man-
ners of its ancient inhabitants, 627.
Population, 629. Manufactures and
commerce, 630.

BACON, Ld. his Effays modernized,

274. His life, by Dr. Willymote, ib.
His opinion concerning war, 673.
Baillie, Col. narrative of the imprisonment
and fufferings of his detachment, in the
Eaft-Indies, 86.

Baldwin, Mr. his account of a curious
electrical appearance, 389.
Barberini vafe, defcribed, 425.
Barometer, the caufes which produce inac-
curacy in measuring heights with it, 32.
A new formula for barometrical mea-
furements, 33. A portable one def. 205.
Barrington, Mr. his obfervations on card-
playing, 301.

Bath waters, new ideas concerning, 267.

Beauty. See Cyprus.
Beever, Sir Thomas, on the culture of the
turnip-rooted cabbage, 477. Of the
fcarcity-root, 479.

Beings, natural. See De Luc.
Belifarius, his great character, 14.
Belles Lettres not fufficiently encouraged
in England, 532 Reasons why, ib.
Bengal, prefent flourishing ftate of, under
the English establishment, 22.
Benzies, a new way of making its flowers,

Bills of Exchange, great commercial quef.
tion relative to, 559.
Bingham rocks, defcribed, 422.
Bishops formerly ferved in the army, 331.
Curious anecdote of one, 332.

Blagden, Dr. on cooling water below the
freezing point, 323.

Boileau, the poet, anecdotes rel. to, 644.

Of his two brothers, 645. Epigram
by one of them, 640-619.
Beruwlafki, M. the Polish dwarf, ace, of,
63. His progreffive growth at different
periods of his life, ib.

Botargo, how prepared, 641.
Bourde, M. his philofophical principles
rel. to navigation, manœuvres at fea,
&c. 500.

Browne, John, poetical translations by,

at 12 years old, from various authors,
Greek and Latin, 359.
Brunjwic, Duke of, his administration in
Holland cenfured and defended, 667.
Buccleugh, Duke of, meteorological diary

kept by at Branxholm, 36.
Buck wheat, experiment on its culture,

Burgess, Mr. Confpectus criticarum Ob-
fervationum, 698.

Burje mucofe described, 497. 578.

CABBAGE, turnip rooted, its culture,


Calvinism, the principles of, cold, unphi.
lofophical, and unpoetical; furnishing
no pleasures to the imagination, 103.
Cancers, method of palliating the pain
which they occafion, 377.

Cannara, &c. the caves there, defcribed,

Cards, origin of the different games of, 301.
Caricatura, in painting, difapproved, 61.
Vindicated, 62.

Cerrors, their culture. 473.

Cartwright, Mr. bis abra of the regu

lations of the Exft-India Company rela
tive to the officers, &c. of their hips,
illicit tradi, &c. 372.

Cattle, a difeafe in their horns, defcribed,
392. Cure of, ib.

Coufticon, of the French chemists, de-
fcribed, 586.

Cavall, M. on the method of afcertaining

the prefence of fmall quantities of elec
tricity, 319.

Cavendish, Mr. his experiments on freez-
ing the nitrous and vitriolic acids, 325.
Centripetal forces, theory of, algebraically
demonftrated, 244.

Charlemont, Earl of, on the antiquity of

the woollen manufact. in Ireland, 512.
Charles VI. Emperor, his character, 679.
Chelsea College, hiftory of, 417. Abules
in is management, 418.

Cheltenham waters, their qualities, 268.
Chenftry, nomenclature of it adapted to
the French fyftem, 74. The different
fyftems of, compared, 163-165. The
prefent ftate of, in France, 590.
Cbrifianity, its doctrines incomprehen-
fible by human reason, 340.
Church, primitive, free remarks on the rife
and progreis of its doctrines, 17.
Churches, obfervations on, 302.
Cicero, obf, on his literary character, 435.
On his oratory, 436. Fine pafluge from
one of his orations against Verret,
tranflated, 438.

Clegbarn, Dr. his account of various fub-
ftances found in an ovarium, 206.
Clergy, invective against, 337, 338.
Clover, obf. on different crops of, 480.
Cold, obferv. on a remarkable degree of,

34. Caufe of, on high mountains, 321.
Collins, Mr. his epistle to Sir Thomas
Hanmer quoted, with respect to Shake-
fpeare's characters, 81. His ode on
the fuperfitions of the Highlanders,

Combe, Dr. his obferv, on fome antiquities
found in Lombard-ftreet, 301.

Comet of 1789, hiftory of, 318. Diffi-
culties in calculating its return, ib.
That of Jan. 1785, 573. Of April
1785, 574.

Condensation of vapours, productive of heat,


Condorcet, Marquis de, on the population
of France, 574.

Confcience, courts of, remarks on, 504.
Confumptions, Dew obfervations on their
caules, 178. And on the method of
treating them, 179. Cured by external
embrocations, 180.

Cook, Capt. birth and education, 395.
Preferment in the navy. 356. His
f voyage round the world, 307. His
jecond voyage, 358. His third, 399.
His character, ib.

Cock, Mr. his drill plow recommended,

Cour ́s martial, their history, 416.
Ciaruford, Dr. his theory of heat attacked
by the French chemins, 538. D:-
fended, ib.

Crimea defcribed, 638. Now a Rufian
province, ib. its natural curiofities, 639.

Criminals under fentence of death, doubts
relative to the expediency of giving the
moft profligate of them too great a por-
tion of religious comfort, 286.
Critical days, not to be neglected in acute
difeafes, 55.

Croonian lecture, account of one by Dr.
Fordyce, 246.

Cruelty to brute animals, horrid nature of,

Crystals, their ftructure, 578.
Curl, a difeafe in potatoes, 475.
Curves, their quadrature, 206.
Cyprus, vifit to, by a gentleman now
living, 519.
Account of a most beau-

tiful woman there, 520.

DAIRIES, obfervations on, 481.

Darkness, uncommon, described, 388.
Darwin, Dr. his frigorific experiments on
the expansion of the air, 321.
Dearborn, Mr. his defcription of two
pumps, 391.

Debtors, infolvent, rem. on the impolicy

& injuftice of their imprisonment, 467.
Denne, Mr. his obfervations on dome's-

[blocks in formation]

Elixir foetidum, an excellent prefeription
for making it, 687.

Elizabeth Q. of Spain, her character, 680.
Elliot, Mr. his improved method of cor-
recting the obferved diftance of the
moon from the fun or a fixed ftar, 35.
England, fiate and character of, by the late
King of Pruffia, 680.

Equations, the method of reducing them
when they have two equal roots, 144.
Analyfis of indeterminate, 570.
Ether, of Sir Ifaac Newton, adopted by the
modern chemifts, 585. Different mo-
difications of it the caufe of light and
heat, ib.
Euftatius, St. capture of, in the late war,
not yet beneficial to the captors, 378.
Plan for a divifion of the prize-money,


·FENELON, Archbishop, anecdotes re◄
lative to, 650.

Fermentation, theory of different fpecies of,

Fire arms, when first used, 333. Reasons
why not earlier introduced, 334.
Fisher, Mr. his cafe of an abdominal tu-
mour, 392.

Flattery, triking inftances of its being
ufed with fuccefs, 647. La Fontaine's
verfes in recommendation of, ib.
Fleming, Mr. on the agitation of the
waters of Loch Tay, 35,

Fluents, found by infinite feries, how cor-
rected, 145.

Freezing, experiments on, 321-326.
Fourerey, M. de, on the fmoking oil of
vitriol, 576. On the mucous capfulæ,

Fulda, a fhort account of the town and
country of, 684.

GANNET, Mr. on the Aurora Borealis,

Gendre, M. le, on the analysis of indeter
minate equations, 570%
Ge-organon described, 459.
George II. his character, 680.
Georgium Sidus, its motion, orbit, and ele-

ments determined, 38. Tables of its
places, ib. Its oppofition in 1785, 573,
German ode, without rhyme or metre,
tranflated, 656.

Gibbon, Mr. his mode of hiftorical compo-
fition, 122. His account of the By-
zantine empire, 123. Of the establish.
ment of the Popes, 125. Of the Cru
fades, 223. Defects or his work, 233.
His ftyle commended and criticited,

Gibraltar, good policy of reftoring that
fortreis to Spain, for an equivalent,


Glafs, Dr. on the affinity of certain words
in the language of the Friendly islands,
with the Hebrew, 299.
Glober, ufeful in illuftrating the theory of

aftronomy and geography, but not in
folving nice problems, 459.
Glover, Mr. his poetry glanced at, 515.
Specimen of his Arbenaid, ib.
Gout, new theory of, 404.
Gradation among natural beings. See De

Graffes, their culture. 480.

Gratitude, a noble inftance of, 441.
Gravel, and tone, new theory of, 404.
Graves, Mr. author of anecdotes of Shen.
stone, 261.

Gray, Dr. on the manner in which glafs

is charged with electrical fluid, 320.
Gregory VII. Pepe, account of his ufurped
domination and tyranny over the po-
tentates of Europe, 208. Reflexions
on his character and conduct, ib.
Greek fire, used in war, 129. Its terrible

effects. ib. Compofition unknown, 419.
Greenfield, Mr. on negative quantities, 33.
Grimwood, Mr. on the degeneracy of fruit-
trees, 482,

Gallonian lure, read at the College of
Physicians, by Dr. Riollay, 267.
Gunpowder, its invention, 420. Compo-
pofition of, ib.

HASTINGS, Mr. inadvertency in the

conduct of his trial, 267. Patronizes
the ftudy of Eaftern literature, 616.
Heat, mutability of it in the atmosphere,
321. Experiments on it, 323. Of ani-
mals, new theory of, 376. Dr. Craw-
ford's theory of, attacked by the French,
588, defended, ib.

Heberden, Dr. his table of the mean beat

at London, for 10 years, 249.
Heloifa, her fpeeches to Abeillard, declin-

ing his offer of marriage, 105.
Hepatitis particularly defcribed as it ap-
pears in India, 181; Its method of cure,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Infcription, a curious one in a rock et Na

raganfet Bay, in North America, 424.
On a Roman altar at Tinmouth, 426.

Of an Irish chief, 511.

Jones, Mr, his account of Weft-river
Mountain, 390.

Ireland, controverfy in that country, sela-
tive to tithes, 455. The question rel. to
the violation of the articles of Limerick
reviewed, 545..

Irifh academy, its hiftory, 203.

Iron, a mafs of it found, native, in Ame-
rica, 248.

Irritability in vegetables, 248.

Jupiter, the theory of that planet, 575.
Juftinian, emperor, celebrated as a great
Jegiflator, 16. His example recommend-
ed to imitation, ib.

KEATE, Mr. editor of capt. Wilfon's
acc. of the Pelew iflands, his refpect-
able character, 202.

Kings, rarely diftinguifhed as Authors,
6-6. The late K. of Pruffia's pre-
eminence in that respect, 677.

Kits Corry-boufe described, 514.
Knight's-fee explained, 330.

Koumifs, a Tartarian wine, method of
making, 35.

LACEDEMONIANS, faid to have con-

tributed more toward the ruin of
Greece, than any other nation, 631.
Their moral character unfavourably re-
prefented, 633.

La Fontaine, his verfes on adulation, 647.
La Morte, anecdotes rel. to, 652. Veres
of, tranflated, 652, 654.

[ocr errors]

Learned men, danger of their being wife
in their own conceit, 529.

Lee Boo, fon to the Pelew king, accompa
nies capt. Wilfon to England, and dies
of the fmall pox, 191.
Light, objections to the Newtonian doc-
trine of, refuted, 387.
Lightning, its effects, 389.

On a Dutch
Eaft India fhip, 614. A ready conduc.
tor applicable to ships, ib.
Limerick, articles of, whether violated or
not, 547.

Lincoln, Mr. h's mifcellaneous obferva-
tions on natural history, 390. On in-
grafting fruit trees and vegetation, ib.
Lions, how caught in Hindostan, 621.
Loch Tay, a remarkable agitation in its

[blocks in formation]

ther, 39

Macguire, Mr. defcribes a new portable
barometer, 206.

Macneil, Mr. his acc, of the caves of Can-

nara, Ambola, and Elephanta, 423.
Madness, method of preventing it after
the bite of a mad dog, 180.
Mal del fole, a difeafe endemial in Milan,
636. Cure of, 638.

Marines, origin of that corps, 334.
Marum, Dr. Van, on noxious vapours,
and the methods of preventing their
pernicious effects, 612.

Mafter, Mr. on an ancient painting on
glass, 426.

Mafts of hips, curious remarks rel. to,

Mathews, general, vindicated, with regard
to his military conduct in Hindoftan,

Mayer's tables, an error in them correct-
ed, 571.

Measures, Ruffian, of length, reduced to

English feet, 641.
Medicines, the most active of them taken
from the mineral kingdom, 684.
Mercury, its operation on the human bo-
dy, 269.
Mfier, M. his obf. on the occultations

of the Pleiades by the moon, 571. Of
Venus, 573. Obfervations on the comet
of 1785, ib. On another comet, 574.
Me:aftafio, beautiful lines of his tranf
lated, 660. Elegant complimentary
veries to, 664. His happy manner of
treating the paffion of love, 665. A



great mafler of the eloquence of the
heart, 665.
Meteorological Diary at Branxholm, 36.
At Hawkhill, 39. In London, 249.
Obfervations on the mode of keeping,
Microcofm, a periodical work, written by
fome Eaton fcholars, 211. Specimens
of their profe, 213. Of their poetry,
Laft will and teflam-nt of the
fuppofed author, Gregory Griffin, 216.
Real names of the writers, ib.
Militia, when first established, 331.
Milton, the moft learned of all our poets,
1. His juvenile poems appreciated, 2.
Mr. Warton's edit. of, its defign and
conduct, 4. His Lycidas criticifed, 5.
Obf. on his other pieces, 9-12. Cr-
ticifms continued, 97. His imitations
difcufied, gg. Vindicated against the
His Latin
charge of Puritanism, 101.

poems commended, 343. Story of his
flagellation at the univerfity controvert.
ed, 318. His Lycidas farther illuftrat.
ed, 350.

Monnier, M. le, on the conjunction of
the moon with the Pleiades, 571. On
the oppofition of the 7th planet, 573.
Conjunction of the moon with Venus,

Montagu, Ed. Wortley, not the author of
the book on ancient republics, published
under his name, 469. The rev. Mr.
Fofter faid to have been the real au-
thor, ib.

Moon, a new method of correcting its ob..
ferved diftance from the fun or a fixed
ftar, 35.
Its conjunction with the
Pleiades, 571. Occultation of Venus
by it, 573.
Metion, mulcular, faid to be independent
on the nerves, 246. This doctrine re-
futed, 247.

Mountains, formula for measuring their
height, 33.

Mulberry, a propofal for propagating it by
feed, 484.

Muller, its natural hiftory, and migra-
tions, 641. Manner of catching, 642.
Mushrooms, difficulty of defcribing them,

NARSES, the eunuch, diftinguished as
a ftatesman, and warrior, 15.
Navigation. See Bourdé.
Nedham, Marchamont, his "excellency of
a free flate" controverted, 290.
Negative quantities, their ufe in Algebra,

Negroes, their flavery in the W. Indies
extenuated, 69. Their liberation not
advisable, 79. Laws lately made by

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