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places, they were for the most part secure. The two countries harassed each other by predatory inroads and petty warfare. Sometimes the stronger party kept the field, blockaded a fort, and reduced it by wasting the surrounding country; but peace was usually made with as much levity as war had been entered upon. Great bravery was often exhibited in their desperate forays; and the use of the sword and the bow was carefully studied. Some matchlocks were beginning to be introduced into their armies ; but the sabre and the charge of horse still generally decided the day. They were not ignorant of the art of mining. Their most skilful miners were from Badakhshan, where they probably learned the art from working the ruby mines and beds of lapis lazuli. A few cannon had begun to be used in sieges, and latterly even in the line. Their military array, however, was still formed according to the rules given by Taimur Beg. They had, indeed, a right and left wing, and a centre, with a body in advance, and a reserve ;* they had also parties of flankers on their wings; but they seem seldom to have engaged in a regular battle. Most of the armies mentioned by Baber were far from being numerous; and the day seldom appears to have been decided by superior skill in military tactics.

These are the only remarks that seem necessary regarding the countries north of the Hindukûsh Mountains; and little need be added concerning those to the south, which were subdued by Baber. The labours of Major Rennell throw sufficient light on the geography of that monarch's transactions in India; and long before this volume can appear, a similar light must have been shed over his marches in Afghanistân, by the publication of the work of Mr Elphinstone on that country. It may only be briefly remarked, that the Hindûkûsh range, after passing to the north of Kâbul, breaks into numerous hills running west and south-west, which constitute the ancient kingdom of Bamiân, and the modern countries of the Hazâras and Aimaks; that the Belût-tâgh Mountains, formerly mentioned as running north from Hindûkûsh, seem also to shoot south by Sefid Koh, forming the Sulemân range which traverses the whole of Afghanistân, as far as the country of Belochistân, running in the greater part of its course nearly parallel to the Indus; and that this range, soon after it passes the latitude of Ghazni, seems to divide into three or more parallel ridges that run south; but that though the mountains run north and south, the slope of the land is from west to east ; in consequence of which, some of the rivers that rise in the high lands of Ghazni and Kâbul, appear to be obliged to force their way through a rupture in the transverse ranges, when they pursue their course eastward to the Indus. Such is the case with the river of Kâbul, when it bursts its way first through the Logur range, and lower down, through the Sulemâni, near Jelâlâbâd; and in an inferior degree, with the Kurram and Gomul rivers, which have wrought themselves a course through the more southern branches of the same range.

From this long range, which runs south, there issue three minor branches of some note, that run eastward. The most northerly is the Khaiber, or Kohat range, which extends from Sefîd Koh, to Nilâb on the Indus, running all the way nearly parallel to

See White's Translation of the Institutes of Timour.

the Kâbul river, and to the road from Kâbul to Peshâwer. The next, which by Baber is called the Bangash Hills, and by Mr Elphinstone is designated as the Salt Range, runs from Sefid Koh, south-east to Kâlabagh, where it is crossed by the Indus, but pursues its course in its original direction to the Behat or Jelam river, the Hydaspes of antiquity, beyond Pind-Daden-Khan. The third, which runs from Bâzâr to Paniâla, on the Indus, may be called the Dûki Range. Between the two first lies the valley of Kohat, so particularly mentioned by Baber; and between the two last, Bânu, part of Bangash, and several other districts. The other places in this direction will be noted when they occur.

From the west of the Sefid Koh, runs a range which passes to the south-west of Kâbul, Ghazni, and Kandahâr, whence it runs down to the desert of Sistân.

Between this range and that of Paropamisus, the level country of Kâbul rises up to Ghazni, which is the highest table land in Afghanistân, the rivers descending on the one side, north to Kâbul, on the other, west to Kandahâr, and on the eastward, to the Indus. The western slope of Ghazni is by Kandahâr, to the Lake of Sistân, and the desert. This level country is of no great breadth.

But the part of Afghanistân which is most frequently alluded to by Baber, is the tract lying along the southern slope of the Hindûkûsh Mountains, and the angle formed by the Paropamisan Hills, as they advance to the south. It consists of a number of mountainous mounds, pushed forwards from the higher hills, and forming steep and narrow, but beautiful and finely watered valleys between, which transmit their streams to swell the Kâbul river. Most of these, from Ghourbend and Penjshêr, down to Penjkora and Sewâd, are particularly commemorated by Baber himself, in his lively description of the country. His account of the different roads from Hindustân is a curious portion of the geography of Afghanistân.

With the assistance of Major Rennell's and Mr Elphinstone's maps, it will be easy to follow Baber through all the journeys mentioned in the two last parts of the Memoirs; and the Memoir and map of Mr Waddington will give a clearer idea than is elsewhere to be found of the country north of the Oxus, the scene of the first part of the Memoirs.







Death of


BABER begins his Memoirs abruptly, by informing us, that he mounted the throne of Ferghâna at the age of twelve. As he often alludes to events that occurred previous to that time, and speaks familiarly of the different princes who had governed in the neighbouring countries, supposing the reader to be well acquainted with their history, it becomes necessary, for the better understanding of his text, to give a short review of the succession of the most eminent of those who had ruled in his kingdom, and in the adjoining countries, for some years before his accession; and as the whole of these princes were descended from the famous Tamerlane, or Taimur Beg, as all their kingdoms were only fragments of his immense empire, and their claims and political relations derived from him, the reign of that prince is the most convenient period from which to commence such a review.

Taimur Beg, after having spread his empire over the fairest provinces of Asia, died in the year 1405,* near the city of Otrar, beyond the river Sirr. His dominions, however, though extensive, were ill compacted and ill governed. He had conquered countries, but he had not the genius to found an empire. Though a conqueror, whatever

17 Shaban, A. H: 807. Wednesday, 18th February, A. D. 1405, (not 1st April, as fixed by Petis de la Croix, Hist. de Timur Bec, vol. IV. p. 228, and Gibbon's Rom. Empire, vol. X. p. 42.) I generally follow Gladwin's Tables of the Christian and Mahommedan Æras, Calc. 1790, 8vo, and correct them by the Chronological Tables in the first volume of L'Art de Verifier les Dates, 3 vols. Paris, 1783, folio.

his encomiasts may assert, he was no legislator. He had marched into Tartary, into Hindustân, into Mesopotamia, into Syria and Asia Minor, and had subdued a great portion of all these countries; but in the course of a very few years, his native country of Mâweralnaher, with Persia and Kâbul, alone remained in his family, and Persia also very soon after escaped from their grasp, and was over-run by the Turkomâns.

ceeded in Sa


A.D. 1412.

In his lifetime, he had given the immediate government of different quarters of his extensive dominions to his sons and their descendants, who, at the period of his death, were very numerous; and the Tûrki and Moghul tribes, like other Asiatics, having no fixed rules of succession to the throne, various princes of his family set up for themselves in different provinces. The nobles who were about his person at the time of his He is sucdeath, proclaimed his grandson Khalîl, an amiable prince of refined genius and warm markand by affections, but better fitted to adorn the walks of private life, than to compose the dissensions of a distracted kingdom, or to check the ambitious designs of a turbulent nobility. He reigned for some years, with little power, at Samarkand, his grandfather's capital; but was finally dethroned by his ambitious nobles.* His uncle Shahrokh, Shahrokh the youngest son of Taimur Beg, a prince of solid talents and great firmness of cha- Mâweralracter, on hearing of this event, marched from Khorasân, which was the seat of his naher. dominions, took possession of Samarkand, and reduced all the rest of Mâweralnaher under his obedience. He governed his extensive dominions with a steady hand till His death. death, which happened in 1446.†

Mirza seizes

A. D. 1415.

A.D. 1446.

ed in Samar


by Ala-ed

Ulugh Beg.

On his death, his sons, according to the fashion of their country and age, seized the Is succeeddifferent provinces which they had held as governors, each asserting his own inde- kand by pendence, and aiming at the subjugation of the others. He was succeeded in Samar- Ulugh Beg kand by his eldest son Ulugh Beg, a prince illustrious by his love of science, and who has secured an honest fame, and the gratitude of posterity, by the valuable astronomical tables constructed by his directions, in an observatory which he built at Samarkand for that purpose. Ulugh Beg, who had long held the government of Samarkand in his father's lifetime, soon after his accession, led an army from that city against his In Khorasan nephew, Alâ-ed-doulet, the son of his brother Baiesanghar, who was the third son of doulet, who is Shahrokh. Alâ-ed-doulet, who had occupied the kingdom of Khorasan, being defeated dethroned by by his uncle Ulugh Beg, on the river of Murghâb, fled to his brother, the elder Baber Mirza. That prince had taken possession of Jorjân, or Korkân, on the south-east of In Korkán the Caspian, the government of which he had held in the lifetime of his grandfather, Mirza, who Shahrokh, and now asserted his independence. Baber led the forces of his principality restore his towards Herât, to restore his brother Alâ-ed-doulet; but being defeated, and hard brother; pushed by Ulugh Beg, was forced to abandon even his capital, Asterâbâd, and to take refuge in company with Alâ-ed-doulet, in Irâk, which was then held by another of but is defeattheir brothers, Muhammed Mirza. Ulugh Beg having soon afterwards returned across to Irák. the Amu to Bokhâra, Baber Mirza again entered Khorasân, and took possession of Conquers Herât; while Ulugh Beg's own son, Abdal-latîf, revolted and seized upon Balkh.[]

See De Guignes's Hist. Gen. des Huns, vol. V. p. 75.

+ De Guignes, vol. V. p. 82.

See the learned Hyde's Syntagma Dissert. vol. I. and Hudson's Geograph. Min. Graec. vol. III. || There is some confusion regarding the succession in Fârs. Ibrahîm, the second son of Shahrokh, Mirza, had held it in his father's lifetime, and was succeeded by his son, Abdalla Mirza.

by Baber

marches to

ed, and flies



Revolt of

To complete Ulugh Beg's misfortunes, Abusaîd Mirza, who was the son of Muhammed Mirza, the grandson of Taimur Beg, by that conqueror's second son Mirânshah, but who is better known by his own conquests, and as the grandfather of the great Baber, also appeared in arms against him. Abusaîd had been educated under the eye of Ulugh Beg. When his father, Muhammed Mirza, was on his death-bed, Ulugh Beg had come to visit him. The dying man took Abusaîd's hand, and putting it into Ulugh Beg's, recommended his son to his protection. Ulugh Beg was not unworthy of this confidence, and treated the young prince with great kindness and affection. One of Ulugh Beg's friends having remarked to him, that his young cousin seemed to be attached and active in his service, " It is not my service in which he is now employed,” said the generous Sultan; "he is busy acquiring the rudiments of the arts of government and of policy, which will one day be of use to him."* Abusaîd, during the disorders that followed the death of Shahrokh, had for some time held the province of Fârs; but, being stripped of that possession by Muhammed Mirza, (the brother of Alâed-doulet and of Baber Mirza,) had again taken refuge at the court of Ulugh Beg, who had given him one of his daughters in marriage. Believing, probably, according to the maxims of his age and country, that the pursuit of a throne dissolved all the obligations of nature or of gratitude, he now availed himself of the prevailing confusions, and of the absence of Ulugh Beg, who had marched against Abdal-latîf, his reDeath of bellious son, to seize on Samarkand. Ulugh Beg, on hearing of this new revolt, had Ulugh Beg. turned back to defend his capital, but was followed from Balkh by Abdal-latîf, who defeated and slew him, after a short reign of three years.


Abdal-latif Abdal-latîf, after the murder of his father, continued his march, defeated Abusaîd Samarkand. Mirza, took him prisoner, and recovered Samarkand. But Abusaîd, who was destined


to act an important part in the history of Asia, was fortunate enough to effect his escape, and found shelter and concealment in Bokhâra. While in this retreat, he heard that Abdal-latîf had been murdered by a mutiny in his army, and had been sucIs succeed- ceeded by his cousin Abdalla,† who was the son of Ibrahîm, the second son of Shahed by Abdalla. rokh, and consequently a nephew of Ulugh Beg. The ambitious hopes of Abusaîd Mirza were revived by this event. He succeeded in forming a party, seized upon Bokhâra, and marched against Samarkand, but was defeated and forced to take shelter in Turkestân, beyond the Sirr. Next year, however, having engaged the Uzbeks of the desert to assist him, he returned towards Samarkand, defeated Abdalla in a great battle, defeats Ab- and occupied all Mâweralnaher. His new allies appear to have indulged in great excesses, and were with difficulty prevailed upon to retire from the fertile plains and rich Samarkand. pillage of the valley of the Soghd.||


Abusaid Mirza

dalla, and




Meanwhile Baber Mirza had not remained long in possession of Herât, having been driven from driven from it by Yar-Ali, a Turkoman chief. Baber, however, retired slowly, and Herât by with reluctance; and returning soon after by forced marches, came upon him by surprise in that capital, took him prisoner, beheaded him in the public market-place, and


* Târikh Khâfi Khan, vol. III. MS.

+ It does not appear how this Abdalla had lost Fârs, or even if he was the same prince who had held it. This is the Turkestân below Tâshkend, and north-west from that country.

|| D'Herbelot in voce Abousaîd. De Guignes, vol. V. p. 84.

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