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from the busy scene of his labors.

An esteemed contributor to this half-pay and was an active Magistrate at Kingston for several years. journal, he has favored us with many articles, one of which will be During the late Rebellion he was again called into active service as found in another column. He had also actively contributed to the First-class Barrack Master at Montreal, St. Helens and Dependenestablishment and success of the Lachute College and the Hunting-cies,' where he served until 1854, when being deprived of his sight, don Academy. Twice in each year he visited regularly all the he was, for his long and zealous services, of more than 57 years, schools in his extensive district of inspection, which comprised the permitted by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury County of Huntingdon, parts of the Counties of Châteauguay and to retire on full pay for life as a Field Officer.-North American. Argenteuil, and the Protestant schools of the City of Montreal; and the reports which he made of these visits were invariably drawn up with the utmost care, and contained statistical and other information of great value. In him the public has lost a faithful and zealous servant, and the Department an able collaborator.-Lower Canada Journal of Education.

No. 20.-JOHN S. McCOLL, ESQ.

Died, at his residence, in the Township of Aldborough, on the 17th instant, after a short but painful illness of 18 hours' duration, John S. McColl, aged 37 years. Deceased was quiet, modest and unassuming in his manners; frank, honest, and sincere in his intercourse; warm and ardent in his attachments; constant, faithful, and unflinching in his friendship. In boyhood he contracted a love for learning, and made use of the best of our Common Schools to attain his purpose. He has ever been diligent in acquiring information on educational, literary and political questions. To this end he invested very liberally in books, which he always selected with great care and good judgment. His reading and information was therefore much more extensive than was generally supposed. Whatever he undertook to do, he did heartily; and no good cause ever appealed to his sympathy or his support in vain. The abilities that were bestowed on him were ever exercised for good, and with such a transparent honesty of purpose, as to give him a quiet but extensive influence.-When in April, 1849, A. McLachlin, Esq. resigned the office of Local Superintendent of Schools for the West Riding of the County, deceased was appointed by the County Council his successor, and he continued to discharge the duties of that office with diligence until the day of his death.-Home Journal.


-MR. BARTHELEMI LACHANCE, of Deschambault, one of the leaders in the rebellion of 1837-8, and co-proprietor of the Liberal paper of Quebec, died a few days since in Deschambault village, at the age of 84 years. He was imprisoned, and at one time shared the cell of the late Judge A. N. Morin, also a prisoner.

-WILLIAM P. McLAREN, ESQ., came to Hamilton more than a quarter of a ceutury ago, when the city was little more than a village, and commenced business. He was exceedingly successful, six years, ago he retired from business, he had amassed a most handmore so than has usually fallen to the lot of man, and when, about some fortune, being probably one of the wealthiest men in Upper Canada. His name is closely identified with the commercial history and progress of the city.

-DR. WOOLLEY, who was drowned in the London, was not Bishop of Sydney, as stated, but Principal of the Sydney Univer, sity, which office he had held since the university was establishedtwelve years ago. He was an Oxford man, and Fellow of University.

-MR. ALLAN STEVENSON, the eldest son of Robert Stevenson, died in England, on the 23rd of December last. Like his late father, he was a celebrated lighthouse engineer, and built no fewer than twenty-three lighthouses. He contributed largely to the knowledge of dioptrics, was a remarkable linguist, and author of many valuable treatises on those spheres of science with which he was most familiar.

MR. JAMES CARGILL died, at Nassagaweya, County Halton, on the 10th ult., a native of Ireland, at the advanced age of 104 years and some months. This old gentleman was born in the year 1760-that in which George III. ascended the throne of Britain. He thus was a contemporary of all the stirring events of that long reign; was personally cognizant of the rise and fall of Napoleon; bore a part in the suppression of the Rebellion of 1798 in his native land, and might have held conversation with men who existed during the troublous times of the Pretender and his son Charles Edward. -Hamilton Spectator.

JAMES GRANT, Esq., L.R. C. S., Edinburgh, died at Ottawa, 14th inst. The deceased was born in 1806, in Scotland, and had, consequently, attained his sixtieth year. His father was James Grant, Esq., an advocate of some celebrity, and considerable ability, who in 1819 took the premium of the Highland Society of Scotland, for a History of the Gael-the prize consisted of a large silver cup. In 1829, at the age of twenty-three, he came and settled in Montreal. Shortly afterwards he removed to Martintown, Glengarry, in which place he remained until 1864. Upon one occasion he contested the

-BISHOP FITZPATRICK, of Boston, whose death occurred recently, from softening of the brain, in the 53rd year of his age, was a native of that city, but was educated in the seminary of St. Sul-County of Glengarry in the conservative interest but was defeated. pice, of Montreal.

-A. D. M. BELL, ESQ., A Quebec paper regrets to record the death of Alexander Davidson McKenzie Bell, Esq., which took place at his residence, Grande Alee, on Sunday evening. The deceased gentleman was the fourth son of the late Hon. Matthew Bell, and was connected with many of the oldest and most noted Quebec families. He had been engaged in mercantile pursuits, and was for many years a member of the firm of Forsyth, Bell, & Co.

-MR. BURSTALL. The Quebec Cronicle announces the death, from congestion of the lungs, of Mr. Burstall, at Kirk Ella, near Hull, England, in his 62nd year. He was a resident of Quebec for upwards of 30 years, and among the mercantile as well as with the whole community his loss will be deeply deplored; for as a merchant he was known for his strict honesty of purpose and singleness of heart.

JAMES DORAS, ESQ., died on the 18th ultimo, at the age of 66 years. Mr. Doras emigrated to this country from the county of Fermanagh, Ireland, about 42 years ago, and settled in the township of Cavan, when that part of the country was almost a howling wilderness. After a residence of ten years amongst the "Blazers," Mr. Doras removed to Otonabee, where he has resided until his discease. He has been prominently mixed up with the municipal affairs of his township, having discharged for a long term the duties of coun

cillor.-Canadian Freeman.


-W. H. GRAY, Esq., died at Picton C. W., of congestion of the lungs, on the 5th of March, 1866, in the 90th year of his age. Mr. Gray was born in 1776, in the County of Louth, Ireland and entered upon his mititary career at Cornet, in the Yeomanry Cavalry of Ireland in 1796, and served through the Irish Rebellion of 1798. He also served as Lieutenant in the British Army during part of the Peninsular War in Spain, and in the American War in 1812-13. He was appointed in 1816 "Assistant Barrack Master General of Canada" in charge at Chambly, St. John's, Isle Aux Noix and Laprairie; also served at Kingston and Niagara, when he retired on

He came to Ottawa, and when among us but a short time, his great professional skill and strong salient points of character had won for him numerous patients and hosts of friends.-Ottawa Citizen.

21. JOSEPH WORCESTER, LL.D. Another eminent scholar has just passed away. Dr. Joseph Emerson Worcester, the renowned lexicographer, died recently at his residence in Cambridge, Massachusetts, at the good old age of 81. He was born in Bedford, New Hampshire, on the 24th of August, 1784. He graduated at Yale College in 1811, and for several years after taught school. In 1819, he moved to Cambridge, and published a number of works on geography and history. In 1827, he issued his first work on lexicography, from which time till now he has devoted the principal portion of his time to this branch of litterature. In 1830, his "Comprehensive, Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary" appeared, and in 1846, his "Universal and In 1860, after more Critical Dictionary of the English language." than 30 years mostly spent in lexicographical studies and labours, he gave to the world his chief work, his opus magnum, "A Dictionary of the English Language." He also published many other literary and scientific treatises. He received the degree of LL.D. from Brown University and Dartmouth College, was a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society of London, and a member of other the American Academy of Science, was a corresponding member of learned bodies. His death will cause a noticeable blank in the list of American scholars of eminence.

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at eighty-five. Though men of many words, they were men of few deeds, and lived free from those excitements which hasten death.

VI. Miscellaneous.*


A. D. 1812-1866.

Steady be your beacon's blaze

Along the line! along the line!
Freely sing dear Freedom's praise

Along the line! along the line!
Let the only sword you draw
Bear the legend of the law,
Wield it less to strike than awe,

Along the line! along the line!

Let them rail against the land

Beyond the line! beyond the line!
When its heroes forth it sends,

Along the line! along the line!
On the field or in the camp
They shall tremble at your tramp,
Men of the old Norman stamp,

Along the line! along the line!
Wealth and pride may rear their crests,
Beyond the line! beyond the line!
They bring no terror to our breasts,

Along the line! along the line!
We have never bought or sold
Afric's sons with cruel gold,
Consience arms the free and bold,

Along the line! along the line!
Steadfast stand, and sleepless ward,

Along the line! along the line!
Great the treasures that you guard

Along the line! along the line!
By the babes whose sons shall be
Crowned in far futurity,
With the laurels of the free,

Stand your guard along the line!

-Hon. T. D. McGee.


It is so long since Her Majesty took part in this grand ceremonial that we think it will be gratifying to our readers, especially in the schools, to give the graphic account of the recent opening of the great Council of the Nation, from the London Times. We have, however, very greatly to abridge the elaborate description of the august ceremony from the Times.

May than of February-crowds filled the line of procession through which the Queen was to make her way, and that housetop and balcony, as well as pavement, swarmed with loyal multitudes anxious not alone to see their Sovereign, but to welcome her back to the performance of that dignified part in the great drama of Government, which she had consented to forego under the pressure of a grief with which every one sympathised.

Yesterday afternoon the business of the new Parliament was commenced by a speech from the Queen, who, for the first time since the death of the Prince Consort, visited Westminster for the purpose of addressing the members of the House of Lords and Commons. Her Majesty left Windsor and drove from the Castle to the Great Western terminus, where a special train had been provided in readiness for the trip to town. The royal party left the station at 10.35 a.m., amid the royal salutation of the crowd, and arrived at Paddington at 11. 20, after a splendid journey of about 35 minutes. As the Queen was about to step into the royal equipage a perfect ovation ensued, and the vaulted iron roof of the immense station rang again as the mass of spectators repeatedly and enthusiastically gave vent to their satisfaction in British cheers. In a few moments the royal cortege swept from the station, the Queen's carriage being escorted by a guard of honour composed of a squadron of carbineers on its way to Buckingham Palace.

As early as ten o'clock immense crowds were wending their way in the direction of Westminster, and many had already stationed themselves near the several approaches to the house. That a cordial welcome was intended was manifest in every part by the preparations for the accomodation of the lovers of sight-seeing. In Parliament-street most of the balconies in front of the houses were dressed with crimson and green cloth, the seats provided for the visitors being covered with the former. A spacious gallery was erected outside the Chapel Royal, and not a yard was lost in the Privy-gardens where a view of the procession could be obtained. In the New Palace-yard the crowd was immense, the enclosure there adjoining the cab-rank being literally filled with stands and substantial galleries of every description. In several places flags were hoisted. The assemblage in the park perhaps was greater than on any former occasion, the scene from the Horse Guards to Buckingham Palace presenting one mass of human beings. In anticipation of the arrival of her Majesty the railings outside the palace were besieged with spectators; and when at half-past eleven a cry was heard of "The Queen is coming," a general shout was heard from the multitude. The procession soon after reached the gate, and the cheering, then renewed with even more vigor, continued till the royal cortege had passed inside. The procession, which was very simple, was headed with one of her Majesty's outriders, followed by the Queen in a private carriage, drawn by two horses; then came two more private carriages containing members of the royal family, and a brougham; the whole being accompanied by an escort of the Royal Blues. The scene along the whole line of route was very animated. When the time arrived for the procession to leave Buckingham Palace the anxiety of the people became intense; and during its progress through the park there was a universal display of loyal affection towards her Majesty.

Peers' entrance of the Palace of Westminster, most, if not all, of
At noon a long line of carriages extended from Pall Mall to the
which were occupied by ladies in full evening costume. The only
peculiarity in the appearance of the House was the Throne, which
was covered, and had all its ornaments concealed, by something
thrown loosely over it. It was no ordinary covering, but Her Ma-
jesty's robe of state, which she usually wore on all great occasions
of ceremonial, but which she could not be persuaded to wear on
The kindly instincts of the British people will but see in this little
The robe was there, but the heart to put it on was wanting.
incident a new proof of gentle womanliness on the part of the chief
lady of the land.

The opening of Parliament by the Queen in person is always an event of deep interest to the British people. The affection and respect in which Her Majesty is held by all classes of her subjects adds a tenderer grace to the ceremonial than ever adorned it in former periods of English history. The last time that Her Majesty appeared in the House of Lords in all the paraphernalia of her regal office was now five years ago. On that occasion the Prince Consort stood by her side, and, as it then seemed to the eyes of the people, in the full maturity and strength of his manhood and of his mild and mellowed wisdom, the visible embodiment of the private happiness of her home and the public felicity of her reign. Since that day a generation of schoolboys and students has grown into manhood. But the sixth Parliament of Victoria saw the Queen's face The House filled very slowly, both floor and galleries, with fair no more. The saddest bereavement that can befall a woman fell visitors, and converted for the time being the most solemn seat of upon the loftiest and most beloved head in the realm, and drove legislative wisdom in the world, into a parterre of human beauty. Her Majesty into seclusion, and almost into solitude, and when it A few Peers escorted their wives or daughters to seats, and then was publicly made known that the Parliament of 1866, the seventh retired to the robing-room, whence they speedily emerged, engirt of Her Majesty's reign, would be opened by the Queen in person, a with the scarlet robes and the white cross-bands which indicate their feeling of satisfaction concentrated upon the proceedings of yester-rank in the aristocratic hierarchy. Every now and then a newday a far greater amount of affectionate interest than any of her previous appearances in public had elicited.

comer into the seats reserved for the corps diplomatique excited a little burst of attention, to be succeeded by a new sensation of curiIt was no wonder that under such circumstances-rendered still osity among the ladies. Soon the Judges, preceded by the venermore auspicious by bright skies and balmy airs, more like those of able Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, entered and took their NOTE TO TEACHERS.-FRIDAY READINGS FROM THE JOURNAL. Our chief seats opposite to the woolsack, introducing by their presence a new motive in maintaining the "Miscellaneous" department of the Journal is element of colour into the mosaic which presented itself to the eyes to furnish teachers with choice articles selected from the current literature; of visitors in the gallery. Scarcely had the Judges seated themof the day, to be read in the schools on Fridays, when the week's school-selves when the Lord High Chancellor of England, preceded by the work is finished, as a means of agreeable recreation to both pupil and Mace-bearer, entered by the door to the left of the Throne and took teacher. Several teachers have followed this plan for several years with his seat on the woolsack, with his face towards the House and his most gratifying success. back to the Throne. His Lordship's appearance was the signal for

the formal commencement of the business of the day, the offering and the Duke of Cambridge, retired by the door at which she had up of prayer by the Bishop of Ely. There was a rustling of silks entered, with the usual flourish and following, in which heralds and and satins as the Peeresses stood up, followed by a deep silence, Garter Kings of Arms delight. which allowed every syllable of the prayers to be distinctly heard Thus ended the opening of the seventh Parliament of Queen in all parts of the House. After prayers there was another flutter- Victoria. The Peers and Judges laid aside their scarlet robes and ing of silks in the dovecotes and a renewal of the hum of conversa-ermine; and the Peeresses hastened home, to hear the faint echo tion which had prevailed among the ladies since they had been con- in the streets of the hearty applause that was showered upon the gregated in numbers sufficient to form themselves into coteries. Sovereign, by a people delighted to see her once again among them; Another batch of Judges, robed and wigged, speedily entered, fol- to cherish the hope that many years of health and happiness were lowed by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge. The Heir yet in store for her. to the Throne was not long after his Royal cousin in making his appearance; and at a signal from the Usher of the Black Rod the whole assembly rose en masse, Peeresses, Peers, Bishops, Judges, and the foreign Ministers, to receive the new-comers. The Prince and Princess of Wales, the Prince in the full uniform of a general

VII. Short Critical Notices of Books.


Pronouncing and Explanatory; by John Ogilvie, LL.D., author of the "Imofficer, and the Princess tastefully attired in a dress of white tulle, trimmed with black lace, wearing a tiara of diamonds and a long perial " and the "Comprehensive" Dictionaries. Small 4to; triple columns, flowing veil of white gauze, entered side by side. The Princess Pp. 814.*-This convenient sized Comprehensive Dictionary is all that we was escorted to the place of honour on the woolsack, immediately could desire for the student or for the general reader. Whatever the diverfronting the Throne. At length, at 2 o'clock precisely, the Usher sity of opinion may exist in regard to the merits of the great Americanized of the Black Rod made a signal to the Lord Chancellor, at which English Dictionaries of Worcester and Webster, we think there will be the whole assembly rose, with the same pleasant rustling of silks and satins as before. In a few minutes the door to the right of the none in regard to the general excellence of this work and the system or Throne was flung open, and preceded by a long train of halberdiers, mode of spelling which has been adopted in it. The pronunciation of each buffetiers, and other officials, entered the Majesty of England-the word has been "adapted to the best modern usage, by Richard Cull, FelMonarch of an Empire, in which, to use the eloquent words of low of the Society of Antiquarians." The words themselves (which are Daniel Webster, “There is no hour of the twenty-four which in printed in large plain type) "have been traced to their ultimate sources, one or other of the two hemispheres does not see her ancient banner the root or primary meaning inserted, and the other meanings given fully, flung to the morning breeze, or hear the drum beat or the bugle call of her soldiers sounding the reveillé." Her Majesty was attired according to the best usage." The work is illustrated with about three in half mourning, and walked with slow steps to the Throne, fol- hundred excellent engravings and add greatly to the value of the text. lowed by the great officers of State,-the Marquis of Lansdowne, The size, too, is a most convenient one; while the various styles of binding bearing the Crown upon a cushion; the Duke of Argyll, holding in which it can be furnished, will render easily accessible to all. We have the Sword of State; the Marquis of Winchester, supporting the great pleasure in recommending it for general use in our schools. Cap of Maintenance, and several other nobles performing their appointed functions. Her Majesty stopped for an instant at the foot of the steps to shake hands with the Princess of Wales, who, in common with the whole assemblage, had risen on her entrance. The Queen wore a deep purple velvet robe trimmed with white miniver, and a white lace cap à la Marie Stuart, to the portraits of which unfortunate lady she bore in this attire a remarkable similitude. Around her neck she wore a collar of brilliants, and over her breast the blue riband of the Order of the Garter. Other ornaments she had none, and looked in this simple and highly becoming costume every inch a Queen," and far more picturesque and regal than if she had worn the royal robes. Her Majesty was accompanied by the Princesses Helena and Louisa, and by Prince Christian of Denmark, who stood at the right of the Throne; the two Prin:

cesses attired in half-mourning, like their illustrious mother.

The Lord Chancellor having notified the Queen's desire that the company should resume their seats, a message was sent by the Usher of the Black Rod, desiring the attendance of the Speaker and the House of Commons at the bar of the Lords. During the interval that elapsed between the summons of the Commons and the reply, the Queen sat silent and motionless, with her eyes fixed upon the ground. She seemed to take no heed of the brilliant assemblage around her, but to be wholly absorbed in melancholy meditation. Even when the Commons rushed helter-skelter, like a mob of schoolboys, to the bar, Her Majesty took no notice of the interruption, and never once lifted her gaze from the ground. When silence had been restored-when the real Parliament of the British people, the governing power that holds the purse, and with the purse the sword-the rough and noisy commons (never rough and noisy except on this occasion) had adjusted themselves as well as they could to the scanty accomodation afforded them, the Lord Chancellor, standing to the right on the second step from the Throne, announced that Her Majesty had been graciously pleased to command him to read the Royal Speech, which he should proceed to do in Her Majesty's own words. His Lordship then read the Speech amid the all but breathless silence of the assembly, in part of which occurs the following passages :—

"I watch with interest the proceedings which are still in progress in British North America with a view to a closer union among the Provinces, and I continue to attach great importance to that object. "In these and in all other deliberations I fervently pray that the blessing of Almighty God may guide your counsels to the promotion of the happiness of my people.'

The reading concluded, the Lord Chancellor bowed his obeisance to the Queen, who slightly, but courteously, returned the salute. Then rising from the Throne, the whole of the brilliant assemblage rising from their seats at the same time, Her Majesty stepped slowly down, kissed the Princess of Wales, who sat almost at her feet, shook hands with Prince Christian, and, handed out by his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, followed by the Princess of Wales

WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED AND PICTORIAL ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY.-We have had this admirable Dictionary on our table for some months, but have been prevented until now from giving it the notice in our Journal which we had desired to do In its new and revised state, we conceive it to be one of the most important and valuable Dictionaries ever published. The present edition extends to 1,840 royal quarto pages, and is illustrated with over 3,000 appropriate wood engravings. In addition to other features of this great work (to which we will presently refer) we are much pleased to notice two important improvements in it as compared with the former edition. The first is that each word in the Dictionary is at once, without wearyprinted in large bold letters, so as to catch the eye

ing the sight in distinguishing it from the rest of the text. The other feature is the insertion of the various spellings of each word-including the English and Websterian-method. Our objection to Webster's Dictionary was chiefly based upon our decided aversion to the attempt to make the Websterian mode of spelling disputed words the standard in Canada. On this ground, we were not prepared to recommend Webster's Dictionary for use in our public schools. In the present edition this objec tion has been removed, and we now cordially recommend it to teachers and others concerned. We will now proceed to notice the various features of this admirable Dictionary.

1. Etymology. Dr. Webster in his great work, made many important and original contributions to the science of English etymology; but in the thirty years which have elapsed since he essentially completed his labors, very great progress has been made in this department of human knowledgeespecially in Germany. The Publishers, therefore, secured the services of Dr. C. A. F. Mahn, of Berlin. As the result of these labors, the etymological portion of the present edition, we believe, will be found to be a most important contribution to English philology.

2. A brief history of the English languages, by Professor Hadley of Yale College. This will be found to be an excellent summary, and, will be of great value to all who have occasion to teach or study the structure and growth of our mother-tongue.

3. The Vocabulary. Dr. Webster's original work, as stated in his Preface, e mbraced a vocabulary of from 70,000 to 80,000. The "Pictorial Edition" of 1859, increased that number to 99,798 words, while this present revision of Webster contains upwards of 114,000 words.

4. Definitions. In this, Dr. Webster's aim was to give a thorough knowledge of the root meaning of every word.

5. Special departments. Definitions of words relating to special subjects have been revised by eminent men in the several professions. Among

Blackie & Son, London and Glasgow; Arch. Ferrie & Co., Montreal.

these are (a) Captain Craighill, lately a Professor in the United States Military Academy at West Point, by whom the Military Words and Terms have been carefully revised and perfected, with the addition of many new terms. Captain Craighill also furnished over fifty drawings or copies for the Pictorial Illustrations of Military terms. (b) Hon. J. C. Perkins, recently of the Massachusetts Bench, and a well-known editor of various law. books, by whom the Legal Terms have been revised with great care. (c) Prof. J. D. Dana, of Yale College, who has treated of the terms in Geology Mineralogy, Natural History, &c., and whose name, it will be allowed, is hardly second to any other in those departments. (d) Professor R. Cresson Stiles, having charge of the Medical department. (e) A. L. Holley, Esq, of New York, a distinguished civil engineer, Mechanics and Engineering (f) Dr. Lowell Mason and John L. Dwight, Esq., who have revised the definitions of words or terms in Music. Others might be mentioned.

6. Orthography. A valuable Table is furnished in the Introduction, presenting several hundred important words in regard to which a differing orthography is sometimes employed; and, where current usage recognizes more than one, the various forms are usually given in their appropriate places in the Vocabulary, with the necessary cross-references.

7. Pronunciation. Special attention has been given in the present revision to this department. In this edition the pronunciation of the words of the English language, as used in this country, Great Britain, and her colonies, is more correctly and fully given than in former editions. Several new diacritical marks have been employed, as will be seen by an inspection of the Key, recognizing some distinctions not before marked by Dr. Webster and others. Another distinguishing and important feature is the marking of the secondary accent, where it occurs, with a lighter stroke, and thus indicating the distinction from the primary. The "Synopsis of Words differently Pronounced " exhibits at one view the pronunciation of a particular word as given by eight of the most eminent modern orthoëpists. The list embraces upwards of thirteen hundred important words, in regard to which there has been diversity of opinion and usage.

8. Synonyms. The valuable feature of Synonyms, occupying 72 pages by themselves in the "Pictorial Edition," is here incorporated into the body of the work, each article, under its appropriate word. In addition to this, the present edition furnishes, preceding each of the articles, a list of synonymous words, without explanation. Like lists are presented under several hundred other words through the Dictionary.

9. Pictorial Illustrations. These illustrations, over 3,000 in number, have been selected and engraved with great care.

WENTWORTH TEACHERS ASSOCIATION.-The annual meeting of the teachers' association was held in the central school house to-day. The schools was transacted, and the following were elected officers of the attendance was very good. Much business of interest connected with the association for the current year:-President, Rev. Dr. Ormiston; 1st Vice President, Mr. A. McCallum; 2nd Vice President, Mr. Miller; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. J. B. Gray; Assistant Secretary, Mr. Moore; Executive Committee, Messrs. King, Granfield and B. Smith.


Books approved by the Council of Public Instruction for use in the Schools
of Upper Canada.

The following Books, published in Canada, by JOHN LOVELL, have
been approved and recommended by the Council of Public Instruction
for use in all the Grammar and Common Schools of Upper Canada:
AMERICA; by ditto.
Decimal Currency; by J. H. SANGSTER, M.A., M.D.
ELEMENTARY ARITHMETIC, in Decimal Currency; by ditto.

to 65 cents.

The Publisher respectfully calls attention to the subjoined School Books. It will be seen that the Prices have been reduced, so as to place them within the reach of all the School in the country. LOVELL'S GENERAL GEOGRAPHY, new and revised edition reduced EASY LESSONS IN GEOGRAPHY, reduced to 45 cents. HISTORY OF CANADA, AND OF THE OTHER BRITISH PROVINCES IN NORTH AMERICA. Just published, a newly revised and enlarged edition; by J. GEORGE HODGINS, LL.B. A comprehensive summary of British American History, during the past three hundred years. A new edition, greatly improved and enlarged. Designed for the Library as well as the School Room. Price 50 cents.



containing a number of Prose and Poetical Pieces and Dialogues,
suitable for Crammar and Common School Examinations and Exhi-
bitions. By J. GEORGE HODGINS, LL.B.

IOR CLASSES, based upon the History of Canada and of the other
British Provinces in North America, for the use of Schools, with
Illustrations. By the same.

and Illustrations. By the same.



Use of American Geographies Illegal.

10. Tables. These are, (a) The Explanatory and Pronouncing Vocabulary of the Names of noted Fictitious Persons, Places, etc. (b) Pronouncing IN PRESS-SIMPLE EXERCISES IN MENSURATION. By the same. Vocabulary of Scripture Proper Names. (c) Pronouncing Vocabulary of Greek and Latin Proper Names. (d) Etymological Vocabulary of Modern Geographical Names. (e) Pronouncing Vocabularies of Modern Geographical and Biographical Names. (f) Pronouncing Vocabulary of Common English Christian Names of Men and Women, with their signification &c. (g) Quotations, Words, Phrases, Proverbs, &c., from the Greek, the Latin, and Modern Foreign Languages. (h) Abbreviations and Contractions used in Writing and Printing. (i) Arbitrary Signs used in Writing and Printing. (j) Ancient, Foreign, and Remarkable Alphabets.

its sanction to the use of Morse's Geography in any of the public schools of Upper According to previous notice, the Council of Public Instruction has withdrawn Canada. Hereafter it will not be lawful (after the copies now in actual use in any schools are worn out) to use either Morse's or any other American geography in the Grammar or Common Schools of Upper Canada. A violation of this order, in any case, will subject the school concerned to the loss of its share in the Grammar School Fund or Legislative School Grant, as the case may be.―Journal of Education for Upper Cauada.

Lovell's Books at the London and Dublin Exhibitions. We have now given a summary of the chief features of this most valu- London, in 1862, report: "The Colony (Canada) produces many of its own school LONDON EXHIBITION, 1862.-The Jury of the International Exhibition held in able Dictionary, and would strongly recommend it to our readers. books, among which may be mentioned 'Lovell's General Geography,' a trustworthy and attractive manual, remarkable for its clear arrangement, and for the fulness of its illustrative and statistical contents."

THE ARGOSY.-We have received the January and February numbers of this excellent periodical. The Standard, a first class English Newspaper, says:—The Argosy' is the best first number of a Sixpenny Magazine that ever has been published in this country. We take the new magazine at its word, and shall expect from it the fulfilment of its best promise. Meanwhile, it needs the cordial support that alone can make such a magazine permanent at such a price, and enable it to hold to the high purpose with which it seems to have been started."

GOOD AND CHEAP LITTLE PAPERS.-We desire to refer to The British Workman, Sabbath School Messenger, and Band of Hope Review, published by Mr. F. E. Grafton, Bookseller, Montreal. These little papers are all well known, are undenominational in their character, and well filled with the choicest reading matter for young and old. The cheapness must recommend them to all. The Workman is but 30 cents a year; the Review, 15 cents, and the Messenger, 15 cents, for single copies. Small clubs get a considerable reduction. The postage on the Messenger is but one cent a month for ten copies. Specimen copies will be sent on application to Mr. F. E. Grafton, Montreal.

†A. Strachan & Co., London, and 50 St. Peter Street, Montreal,

DUBLIN EXHIBITION, 1865.-A Silver Medal was awarded to Mr. John Lovell, at

"LOVELL'S CANADIAN SCHOOL SERIES.'-This is a series of school books which

the Dublin Exhibition of 1865, for his cheap and excellent series of School Books.
have been specially prepared for the use of the public schools of Canada, and are
now in course of publication by Mr. Lovell, of Montreal. They are interesting, both
Canada, but still more of the sort of teaching which is being established in that
on particular and on general grounds, not only as a specimen of the literature of
Colony. We have been much struck with the merit of the series, which, as a
whole, will bear favourable comparison with any works of a similar class published
in this country.-London Educational Times.
JOHN LOVELL, Publisher.
Lovell's General Geography is now sold for 65 cents, and for Sale
ADAM MILLER, 62 King Street East, Toronto.
March 28, 1866.
[3 in. m.a.m., n.p.
SHORT ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in the Journal of Education for 20
cents per line, which may be remitted in postage stamps or otherwise.
TERMS: For a single copy of the Journal of Education, $1 per annum,
back vols., neatly stitched, supplied on the same terms. Allsubscriptions
in all cases accompany the order. Single numbers, 10 cents each.
to commence with the January Number, and payment in advance must
All communications to be addressed to J. GEORGE HODGINS, LL.B.
Education Office, Toronto.



[blocks in formation]


I. METEOROLOGY AND ASTRONOMY.-(1) Meteorological Observations at
Grammar School Stations. (2) Meteorology in Italy. (3) The Lunar
Eclipse of Good Friday.....
II. THE COUNTY SCHOOL CONVENTIONS.-(1) Minutes of Resolutions passed
after Discussion by each Convention; extracted from the Official
Reports of the Conventions furnished to the Department by the Re-
spective Chairmen and Secretaries. (2) School Conventions in Upper
Canada. (3) Schedule of County School Conventions held by the Chief
Superintendent of Education, 1866

III. PAPERS ON PRACTICAL EDUCATION.-(1) Singing in School. (2) Musi-
cal Education. (3) Music in Schools

IV. PAPERS ON CLASSICAL ARCHEOLOGY.-(1) Ancient Busts ar.d Statues at
Cyrene. (2) French Excavations at Eleusis. (3) A Temple Discovered
at Pompeii. (5) "Lost Cities." (6) Palace of the Institute, Athens.
(7) Supposed Site of the Garden of Eden. (8) Danish Remains in Eng-

V. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES.-No. 23. Robert Stanton. Esq. No. 24.
Hon. C. R. Ogden. No. 25. J. J. Dunlop, Esq. No. 26. Sir Charles
Lock Eastlake, P.R. A. No. 27. John Gibson...

VI. PAPERS ON NATURAL HISTORY.-(1) The Bird's Petition. (2) A Cardi-
nal ou Small Birds. (3) Habits of the Seal. (4) Prince Albert's Pets.
VII. MISCELLANEOUS.-(1) Ten Thousand Volunteers to the Front (2) Spiri-
ted and Patriotic Charge of the Chief Justice of Upper Canada.........









No. 4.

Superintendent, according to the form and regulations provided
by the Department of Public Instruction; but the number and
locality of such meteorological stations shall be designated by the
Council of Public Instruction with the approval of the Governor
in Council."

Under this provision, His Excellency the Governor in Council,
on the recommendation of the Council of Public Instruction for
Upper Canada, has authorized the establishment of meteorological
stations at the following Grammar Schools :-Windsor, Goderich,
Stratford, Simcoe, Hamilton, Barrie, Peterborough, Belleville,
Cornwall and Pembroke.

Of these, all but Goderich have applied for and obtained the required instruments, and are, with one or two exceptions, in working order. It is hoped that all the ten stations will 62 shortly be in a position to send regular and accurate returns of their observations; and as provision has been made for remunerating the observers for their work, those gentlemen may fairly be expected to give the necessary time and attention to the subject.





It is our intention to publish in the Journal of Education, from month to month, abstracts of the observations at the Meteorological Stations, established in connection with the department, under the provisions of the grammar school law.

It will be seen, from the subjoined extracts from correspondence on the subject, that the Smithsonian Institution, at Washington, which collects and publishes a vast amount of valuable meteorological records, has, with great generosity, forwarded to this department a copy of its last annual report and of the large volumes of meteorological results as a gift to each of the Grammar School stations in Upper Canada. These books (which will be sent to the stations as opportunity offers) will, no doubt, be examined by each observer with great pleasure and attention, and it is hoped that a new encouragement will be felt in performing a work which is shown to be so important, and which is now being energetically carried on by great numbers of scientific inen in all parts of the world. The following instruments are used at each station :-

One Barometer*, one Maximum and one Minimum Thermometer,* Wet and Dry Bulb Thermometers; one Rain Gauge and Measure; one Wind Vane.

The Consolidated Grammar School Act provided that the head master of each senior county grammar school in Upper Canada should take certain observations in accordance with prescribed instructions, and that the county council should defray the cost of the necessary instruments. Abstracts of the observations were to be forwarded by the observer, monthly, to the Chief Superintendent of Education at Toronto. The senior schools (i. e. those situated in the county town of each county) had, under a previous enactment, been especially privileged by a preference over the junior schools in the distribution of the Grammar School Fund. As the law did not connect the increased grant with the performance of the duty of recording observations, and as many of the county councils neglected to make any appropriation for the purchase of instruments, although, in all cases, half the cost was paid by the department, the result ensued that several of the senior schools Full abstracts of the daily records are to be sent to the Educawere never provided with the apparatus, and many of those stations tion Office monthly, in addition to a weekly report of certain obserfor which the instruments were provided, made the returns in a vations, which is prepared for publication in any local newspaper desultory and unsatisfactory manner, which rendered the publica- the observer may select. The returns are duly examined, and tion of a connected series impossible. There were, however, care will be taken to publish none unless they are apparently to observers, to whom this remark does not apply, and who continued be relied on. We cannot of course, afford space for the detailed to send valuable abstracts which are preserved in the Education Office.

In 1865, the Grammar School Improvement Act, for the passage of which efforts had been annually made, was at length passed, and contained the following section :

11. Each of the Grammar School Meteorological stations, at which the daily observations are made, as required by law, shall be entitled to an additional apportionment out of the Grammar School fund, at a rate not exceeding fifteen dollars per month for each consecutive month during which such duty is performed and satisfactory monthly abstracts thereof are furnished to the Chief

Observations are taken at 7 a.m. and at 1 and 9 p.m. daily, except on Sundays. The self-registering thermometers are read at 9 p.m. The rain is measured at 1 p.m.

daily observations; but the observers' abstracts will be so kept
and arranged as to be accessible for investigations for which the
published Monthly Results do not afford the required data.

The only Stations of which we can give the Monthly Results
for January and February, in this number, are Barric, Belleville,
Hamilton and Stratford.

*These instruments were supplied by Messrs Negretti & Zambra, and

Casella, London, and the index errors have been ascertained by compari-
sons at the Kew Observatory in England, and at the Toronto Observatory.
They are obtained by the stations, together with Registers and forms for
Abstracts, from the Educational Depository, Toronto.

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