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each, in a University, College, or School of Medicine approved 9. Candidates for final examination shall furnish testimonials of attendance in the following branches of a medical education, namely: Anatomy, Chemistry, Theory and Practice of Medicine, Principles and Practice of Surgery, Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children, Materia Medica and Pharmacy, Institutes of Medicine, General and Practical Anatomy, of which two courses will be required of six months each; Chemical Surgery, Medical Jurispru dence, Botany, Practical Chemistry, of which one course of three months will be required.

10. Candidates must also give proof by ticket, of having attended at least twelve months' practice of a general hospital, or that of some other hospital approved of, and certified to.

"Your Excellency-Permit me before we leave this hall, to call your attention to the fact that we have here about two hundred young men who are studying literature and natural science, and about eighty who are studying for the church. All are treated alike, without distinction of country and race. We have pupils from Upper as well as Lower Canada, from the other British provinces, and from the United States,-to us political views or status go for nought,-only this-we endeavor to inculcate on all alike the principle of fidelity to the institutions of their own country. To the Americans we say-' Be good republicans when you get back to your homes.' On the subjects of our Sovereign, Queen Victoria, we enjoin faithfulness and loyalty to her. We add that devotion to their country is not only a duty enjoined by honor, but also by conscience. In these principles we rear the young men whose education is entrusted to us, and we hope that you will always find them faithful in persevering in this course of conduct." Hon. Mr. Cartier spoke as follows:-"Gentlemen,-After an 12. That students shall not be permitted to attend any other absence of forty years from this institution, I experience much lectures, during their first year, than those on the following pri-pleasure in finding still here my old master-now the Superior of mary branches, viz:-Final and Practical Anatomy, Chemistry, the College-and you also, who are my fellow students, though I Materia Medica and Physiology; nor will the certificates of any have preceded you by many years. You, gentlemen, perhaps have teacher, who lectures on more than one branch of medical science sometimes (I will not say envied) for a student of the Seminary of be recognized; and more than one lecture each day shall not be Montreal can never have experienced such a feeling, but you somedelivered by the same person, on these primary branches. The times have allowed the position which I occupy to-day to seem to Professor of Surgery may lecture on Clinical Surgery; the Profes- your imagination a high and important one. Well, gentlemen, sor of Medicine, and the Professor of Materia Medica may lecture this high place to which I have attained is not due to my merits. on Botany and Medical Jurispi udence. do not owe it to any ability of my own, but to this reverend gentleman and his valuable instruction." (Applause.)

11. Morever, no one shall be permitted to become a candidate for examination whose final course shall consist of less than four subjects of six months each.

13. Each candidate to be required to produce a certificate of having compounded medicines for two periods of six months each, or one period of twelve months, in the office of a qualified medical practioner, in conjunction with which he must produce a certificate of having attended at least six cases of midwifery.

14. Four fifths of the actual teaching days of the session must be attended before a certificate of attendance at said session can be granted, except in cases of sickness.

15. All graduates from recognised colleges in the United States shall matriculate and attend one full course of lectures; and all students shall matriculate and complete a course of study in the college in which they intend to graduate, equivalent to the curriculum required by the Council.

Before the dispersion of the students for their holiday, they insisted on playing Patrick's Day, and hearing from the Hon. Mr. McGee, who accordingly mounted the steps of the grand entrance, and briefly addressed them. He congratulated them on the good fortune they enjoyed in being inmates of so magnificent a foundation, under the superintendence of the venerable Seminary of St. Sulpice -the true seed-plot of civilization on this island and throughout a great part of Canada. He was glad they had had an opportunity of seeing the Chief Magistrate of Canada among them, and he was equally certain his Excellency was pleased with what he had seen. Without intending any disrespect, he was sure they would all join him in wishing that when his Excellency was in the fulness of time removed from among them, he might be succeeded by a similar order of Moncks. (Loud laughter and cheers.)

III. Education in other Countries.

16. That from a student who is a graduate of any recognised University or College, only three years of attendance on Medical lectures shall be required. The primary examination shall consist of the following branches :--Anatomy, Chemistry, Materia Medica, Institutes of Medicine and Botany, while the final branches shall consist of Practice of Medicine, Surgery and Surgical Anatomy, Midwifery, Medical Jurisprudence and Practical Chemistry, Hamilton's Outlines of English History to the present time, Schmitze's Manual of Ancient History, embracing Roman History to the death BY C. B. STEBBINS, ESQ., DEPUTY STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC of Nero, and Grecian History to the death of Alexander, and Part I. of Fowne's Chemistry, be the subjects of matriculation examination for students entering upon the study of medicine in addition to the other subjects specified by this Council.

17. The regulation shall not act injuriously as to time in regard to those students who have already attended one or more courses of lectures in any Canadian School, but such shall be allowed them.


On Monday last, his Excellency the Governor-General, visited by invitation, the College of the Grand Seminary, Montreal. He was accompanied by his Excellency Major-General Michel, and a brilliant staff. His Excellency was received, at the grand entrance, by the Superior, and Professors of the College, aud conducted to the Examination Hall, where loyal addresses in Greek, Latin, French, and English were presented to him.

His Excellency said in reply that he regretted that he was unable to respond to the addresses which had been presented to him in the several languages in which they were couched-especially at the short notice of a few minutes. He could, unfortunately, only speak his native British, and that not too well, but in that he would return them thanks for their expressions of kindly welcome to himself personally, and their kind wishes for himself and family. He was rejoiced to receive also from the directors and pupils of this large educational establishment the expression of their loyalty to Her Majesty, and of attachment to the free institutions under which they had the happiness to live. He was receiving fresh and most gratifying proofs every day that these feelings of loyalty existed not only in these great educational establishments, but among the whole people of Canada, of every origin and creed. (Applause.) He again thanked them for their kind reception. (Prolonged applause.) "God save the Queen" was then sung, after which the Rev. Principal of the seminary said:



To the Editor of the Journal of Education for Upper Canada. DEAR SIR,-The school census, taken every year under oath, shows that the present population of Michigan is, at the least, 900,000 ; and that 150,000 of this number have been added since the commencement of the late rebellion. In 1860 the number of children from five to twenty years of age was 246,684; and the general census taken the same year was 751,110. This, as well as a similar comparison in other years, shows that the school census comprises scarcely one-third of the population. In 1865 the children numbered 298,091; a gain in five years, of 51,407, of which 17,319 was in 1865 alone. This increase has been exceeded in no past year in the history of the State.

Such has been our increase of population-and the increase of wealth has been greater-while a million and a half of our countrymen have been in fierce conflict in the field of a gigantic rebellion. And, though Michigan furnished eighty thousand men for the Federal army (nearly all volunteers), though our expenses of living increased over fifty per cent, our taxes trebled, and a gloom which no human vision could penetrate overshadowed the future, we are not advised that a single school has been suspended at any time, in consequence of the war. On the contrary, the number of towns and cities reporting schools, has increased since 1860, from 649 to 711; the number of districts, from 4,087 to 4,471 and the number of teachers, from 7,970 to 8,776. In the same time-five years— the annual wages paid to teachers increased from $468,988 to $719,214; the total yearly resources, from $728,575 to $1,239, 124; and the value of school houses, from $1,618,859 to $2,223,988. The number attending school in 1860, was 193,107; and in 1865, it was 228.260.

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About one-third of the amount paid to teachers the past year, was paid in 150 districts--Graded schools-which contained 81,000 children, owned full half the value of schoolhouses, and raised about forty five hundreths of all the school-resources. Yet, in these

schools tuition is the cheapest, the average paid to teachers being on the 1st of March, 65 freedmen's schools, 98 teachers, 6,767 but forty-four and a half cents per month for each one attending pupils-an increase over January of 3 schools, 9 teachers, and 198 school; while in the State-including the graded schools-the aver-pupils, notwithstanding the small-pox so interfered with the schools age was fifty-one cents. This is because, in the graded schools, the in Macon as to decrease the attendance from 1,222 in January to whole number of pupils average sixty-one to each teacher; and in 818 in February. The last quarter, ending March 1st, has witthe state at large, but twenty-six. The aggregate expenses per nessed an increase of 13 schools, 36 teachers, and 2,875 pupils. scholar were greatest in the graded schools, because they averaged Last month the freedmen in five localities contributed $341 toward terms of nine months during the year, while the average in the the support of their schools, and during the quarter seven localities State was but six and two-tenths months. The latter was never contributed $4,662. All this in addition to charitable donations to exceeded, and never equalled save in 1860 and 1864. their suffering poor.

Some of the graded districts have school-houses that rank among the best public buildings in the country. Detroit has $200,000 (it should have twice that) invested in school buildings. A few years since Ypsilanti, with a population of 3,000, built a school-house, now nearly paid for, worth $60,000. There are twenty-eight districts that have expended, by voluntary self-taxation for school building, -over $10,000; twelve, over $20,000; nine, over 30,000; six, over $40,000; and five, over $50,000.

Our means for carrying on the schools are mainly from the following sources :

1st. The interest on the Primary School Fund. This fund is mainly from the sales of one square mile of land in each township of thirty-six square miles, set apart for the purpose when the State was admitted into the Union. These lands amount to over one million acres, not ene half of which is yet sold; but the fund is already but little short of two million dollars. It is loaned to the State, and pays seven per cent. per annum.

2nd. A uniform tax of two mills on the dollar of taxable property, amounting the past year to $288,000.

3rd. Districts can tax themselves annually, not exceeding one dollar per scholar, (and graded schools without limit) for payment of teachers' wages. This amounted to $178,140 the past year. 4th. Any deficiency in means for paying teachers is supplied by rate-bills, which, the past year, reached the sum of $90,250. the above means can be used only for paying teachers.

There are in North Carolina 100 schools for the blacks, 132 teachers, and, in the month of January, 10,459 scholars, or 2,000 more than in December, They are located in all the principal towns, and are generally regarded with favour. The teachers experience, however, the popular aversiou. They and the employees of the Bureau, civil and military, amount to less than two hundred persons-a slender a my of regeneration.

The American Missionary Association have now 11 colored schools in the Shenandoah Valley, with 1,800 pupils. In Lexington the collegians and populace together made strenuous opposition to establish one there. In Richmond there are 1,000 blacks attending schools.-New York Paper.

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"Maximilian's recent communication upon education to his MinAllister of Public Instruction, begins by expressing a desire that the public instruction may be on a level with that of the first nations. Education must be open to all, public, and, with respect to elementary education, gratuitous and compulsory.

5th. Districts may vote such taxes as they please, within certain limits, according to the number of children (graded schools without limit), for building and other purposes. There was raised the past year $375,000.

6th Tuition of non-resident scholars, amounting the past year to about $16,000.


Superior education (secondary) must be so arranged as on one hand to offer to the middle classes of society à proper general education, and on the other hand the course of studies mast be so arranged as to serve as a base for elevated and professional instruction.

7th. The proceeds of fines for breaches of the peace, &c., are appropriated by law to the school libraries. This law is largely disregarded; and not over $14,000 was reported the past year. The number of students in the Normal School, the past year,versity has become a word without a meaning. was 255. This school is doing a great work, but can reach only a small part of our teachers; and the Superintendent of Public Instruction annually holds ten to twelve Institutes, of one week each, in different localities. From 1,000 to 1,500 teachers attend these Institutes, free of tuition, and are usually boarded free by the

"For elevated and professional education he considers special schools are requisite. What in the middle ages was called a uni


"Now we come to the rock on which so many governments have split, and which he must be a good pilot to escape. I mean religious education; this he declares to be a thing which belongs to every one's conscience, and the less the State meddles in religious He continues: We matters, the more faithful is it to its mission. have freed the church and consciences, and I wish to insure to the former the full enjoyment of its lawful rights, and entire liberty in the education of its priests without any interference of the State. But, says Maximilian, a part of the church's duty is religions instruction, in which, unfortunately the clergy hitherto have scarcely taken any share. The parish priest is, therefore, ordered to give such instruction according to the books adopted by the government.

"Strict public examinations, the formation of Normal schools, and the employment of distinguished professors, both Mexicans and foreigners, are the concluding topics of the letter."

The number of male teachers the past year was 1,322; female, 7,476. The proportion of male teachers has been much diminished by the calls of patriotism; and some have feared the schools would suffer in consequence, from the supposed inability of females to govern large scholars. But such persons reason from a stand point of thirty years ago. The fact is, under our school law, the large scholars are more easily governed than the small ones. With the latter, the ultimate governing power must be force; but with the former, the teacher has but to appeal to the district board, which has ample power to subdue or remove any refractory pupil. The existence of this power puts "large boys" on their good behaviour, making its exercise seldom necessary, and a female can rule as well 4. EDUCATION, SCIENCE, AND ART IN ENGLAND. as a Hercules. As to her ability to teach, we are raising up a class The vote for public education this year is to be £693,078 for fully competent to instruct in any branch pursued in nearly all the Great Britain, and £325,583 for Ireland, an increase of £8,813 in schools. Some of the graded schools, where the higher branches the latter vote, and a decrease of £12,326 in the former. The are taught, have had female principals whose success has been un-number of day scholars individually examined in England under questionable. It is probable that the former proportion of male teachers will never be restored.

Thus the statistics indicate that our schools have enjoyed undiminished prosperity during the late sanguinary war. All our information corroborates this evidence. The reports of the district Directors have improved in completeness and accuracy; and the township Inspectors generally report improvement in discipline, thoroughness in teaching, and general progress. Equal prosperty has attended our University (now having over a thousand students), our Colleges and Seminaries.

2. COLORED SCHOOLS IN THE SOUTH. The private benevolence of the northern people is doing an immense work in the South, among whites and blacks alike. We gave the other day some account of the colored schools in Macon. The Nation this week roports that there were counted in Georgia,

the revised code, in the year ending the 31st of August, 1864, was 523,713 out of 794,387, the average number attending the schools visited, or 66 per cent. The number of night scholars individually examined, out of 25,981 attending, was 15,627, or 60 14 per cent. The percentage of failures was as follows:-In reading, 11-87 per cent.; in writing, 13-98; in arithmetic, 23-69. In Scotland, where also the inspection and examination of schools has been conducted since March, 1864, according to the revised code, the percentage of failures was, in reading, 10 89 per cent.; in writing, 28 6; in arithmetic, 33 4. The percentage of day scholars in England over ten years of age to those over six was 39 49 upon the whole number examined; but the children who were both over ten and presented for examination above Standard III., was only 16 per cent., and who passed without failure only 11 12 per cent. of the whole number examined; these two last percentages are slight improvements over the corresponding ones in 1863, which were 14:18 and 10.09 per cent. The estimates for day scholars in elementary schools in

"The policy of the United States is to propitiate and secure the alliance of Canada while it is yet young and incurious of its future. But on the other hand, the policy which the United States actually pursues is the infatuated one of rejecting and spurning vigorous, perennial, and ever-growing Canada, while seeking to establish feeble states out of decaying Spanish provinces on the coast and in the islands of the Gulf of Mexico.

England in the financial year 1865-66 is for 897,513, at 9s. 3d. maintaining. Having happily escaped the curse of slavery, they each. The calculation is based on the actual average number will never submit themselves to the domination of slave-holders, (844,222) in attendance in aided elementary schools in the year which prevails in, aud determines the character of the United States. 1864, with 5 per cent. allowed for increase up to the end of 1865, They will be a Kussia in the United States, which to them will be and 5 per cent. again for the three remaining months of the finan- France and England. But they will be a Russia civilized and Procial year. The grant per head in the year ending 31st August, testant, and that will be a very different Russia from that which 1864, was 98. upon the average number in attendance, against fills all Southern Europe with terror, and by season of that superi8s. 1d. in 1863, and allowance is now made for a further increase, ority, they will be the more terrible to the dwellers in the southern as the schools become better prepared for examination. The esti- latitudes. mate for night scholars is 40.000 at 7s. 6d. In the elementary day schools visited by Her Majesty's inspectors of schools in Great Britain in 1864, 1,133,291 children were found present; the number in 1863 was 1,092,741. The number of certificated teachers actually serving in aided schools was 10,136 in 1863, and 10,809 in 1864; of assistant teachers 461 in 1863, and 688 in 1864; of pupilteachers 14,180 in 1863, and 12,161 in 1864. The number of students in training colleges was 2,701 at the end of 1864; the number resident for 1865 is about 2,493. The estimate contains charges for 64 inspectors of schools, and 20 inspector's assistants, the same last year. The next vote in this class of estimates is of £161,841 for the Science and Art Department-an apparent increase of £26,259, but in part it is merely matter of account. In 1864 6,831 persons were instructed in science and navigation schools and classes; and there were 110,680 students taught in schools of art at a cost of nearly 6s. 9d. per student. Among the items in the vote for art schools are £3,000 to be granted to schools for the labouring poor, and £5,000 in respect to artizans attending night classes; there is also a sum of £2,500 for maintenance of students sent to the national art-training school from local schools, the allowance ranging between 20s. to 40s. a week to each student.— Papers for the Schoolmaster.


"I shall not live to see it, but the man is already born who will see the United States mourn over this stupendous folly, which is ouly preparing the way for ultimate danger and downfall. All southern political stars must set, though many times they rise again with diminished splendor. But those which illuminate the pole remain for ever shining, for ever increasing in splendor.”—Montreal Gazette.


Great Britain is to-day the richest country in the world; her ordinary home revenue in time of peace is $350,000,000, which she could double if necessary, without increasing her debt and without inflicting upon her people a burthen of taxation which they would be unable to support. At the present time she has an army of regulars, Volunteers and Militia of 450,000 men, unequalled the world over in drill and efficiency. She has at her command manufactures and arsenals capable of turning out any amount of warlike material, while in case of war she could, by resorting to conscription put an army of a million of men into the field in a very short time. and marine to man them, exclusive of the Naval Reserve. And in She has a navy of eight hundred vessels of war and 80.000 seamen the event of a war for the maintenance of her power upon this continent, an army of 100,000 men could be brought across the Atfrom India, and her aimed cuisers would fill every sea, for without lantic, while as inany more were thrown upon the Pacific coast

Every year the number who flock to the schools and colleges, and aspire to university honors, increase in India, but especially in Bengal. A few weeks ago the enormous hall of the fine new post office in Calcutta, built just over the Black Hole, was crowded with the university candidates as only the examination-rooms in China are filled. There were 1,500 candidates for matriculation at or above the age of 16, and 447 undergraduates of two years standing for the little go. The following week there would Le 120 aspiring bachelors of arts, besides masters of arts, and those who seek pro-any difficulty 800 or 1,000 vessels might readily be added to her fessional degrees. But among the would-be bachelors there is not already formidable navy. one Mussulman. The Bengalese everywhere predominate in the proportion of four-fifths of the whole.

IV. Papers relating to various countries.


At the present time it may be opportune to reproduce the views on the future of British North America, expressed by Mr. Secretary Seward, in a letter to an Albany newspaper. These views were formed before Mr. Seward became a Cabinet Minister; but the wily Secretary still keeps them in mind, for by his policy of commercial coercion he seeks to secure the annexation of Canada while it is yet young and "incurious of its future." The attempt, however, is too late for success:

"Hitherto, in common with most of my countrymen, as I suppose, I have thought Canada, or, to speak more accurately, British America, a mere strip lying north of the United States, easily detachable from the parent state, but incapable of sustaining itself, and therefore ultimately, nay, right soon, to be taken on by the Federal Union, without materially changing or affecting its own condition or development. I have dropped the opiaion as a national conceit. I see in British North America, stretching as it does across the continent, from the shores of Labrador and Newfoundland to the Pacific, and occupying a considerable belt of the temperate zone, traversed equally with the United States by the lakes, and enjoying the magnificent shores of the St. Lawrence, with its thousands of islands in the river and gulf, a region grand enough for the seat of a great empire.

At the commencement of the century with half her present population and one fourth of her present resmices, she stood alone against the greater part of Europe and the United States, all bent upon her destruction. The spirit of the nation which came triumphant out of that mighty conflict is as strong and unconquerable now as it ever was. The British race of to-day are worthy of their fathers; they love their country as dearly, and prize the honour of the British nation as highly, as the men who won at Waterloo, at Trafalgar, at Vittoria and at Queenston Heights. Lovers of peace and of the blessings which flow from it, should the call to arms be sounded, they would rally like their fathers did around the same unconquered flag, and teach their foes a lesson as to the power and resources of that empire, which a few foolish men are seeking to subvert.-Hamilton Spectator.


dates from 1859, appears to be very satisfactory. The last available
The progress of this colony, the separate existence of which only
census in January, 1864, showed that the colony had then a popu-
lation of 61,467 persons. Of these 2878 were employed in agricul
ture, 7693 in pastoral pursuits, and 14,919 in domestic duties,
while 17,893 were "under tuition." The origin of the 61,467 in-
habitants is thus given :-Born in Queensland, 95992; born in other
Australian colonies and New Zealand, 7205; born in Great Britain
and other British domiuious, 38,185; born in foreign countries,
6485;-total, 61,467. The whole number of paupers or persons
receiving public support was only 222. The revenue increased to
£390 823 in 1863, while the impor s in that year were valued as
£173.263, and the exports at £1,888,381. Although Queensland is
ed at the close of 1863 to 61.467, while that of New South Wales
the youngest of the Australian settlements, her population amount-
140,416, &c.
was returned at 378,934 in 1863, and that of South Australia at


In its wheat fields in the West, its broad ranges of the chase at the North, its inexhaustible lumber lands—the most extensive now remaining on the globe-its invaluable fisheries, and its yet undisturbed mineral deposits, I see the elements of wealth. I find its inhabitants vigorous, hardy, energetic, perfected by the Protestant religion and British constitutional liberty. I find them jealous of the United States and of Great Britain, as they ought to be; and, therefore, when I look at their extent and resources, I know they roons can neither be conquered by the former nor permanently held by These people of Jamaica, who formed Her Majesty's allies in the the latter. They will be independent, as they are already self-late insurrection, are of Coromantes descent, and represent the ori

A Jamaica writer to a London paper thus speaks of the "Ma"" in a late letter :

ginal inhabitants of the island. "Maroon 99 means "hog hunter," with whom I am acquainted adopt the same method, as being the and was given to the slaves of the Spanish colonists of 1655, who easiest for children to acquire, because when they have learned the (the slaves), on the invasion of England, fled to the mountains and ' cases of nouns, they have overcome all the difficulties (if there are supported themselves by robbery and boar-hunting. They skulked any) of th se verbal nouns. about the skirts of the out-lynig plantations and murdered stag- Although, in teaching children, I include all the verbal nouns glers, and at night set fire to cane pieces and out-houses. A regu- which express the cause or end of a previous action, under the golar war was undertaken against them in 1730, during which they vernment of the preposition for; as, "He stood up for to read;' were headed by a famous chief named Cudjoe. It lasted four years, • Winter comes (tor) to rule the varied year." Yet, when the end and presented some of the most curious features of which war ad- of a previous action is expressed by the verbal noun, it would be mits. The Mar on chiefs used to station themselves in glens-more in accordance with reason to term the particle to a preposition called, in the West Indies, "cockpits "-inclosed by nearly perpen- and the accompanying word a veil al noun, in the objective case, dicular mountains and rocks, and only to be entered from a narrow governed by it; as. "He forced him to retire into Gaul;" and, in defile. Here, when an enemy was expected, they planted them this case only would I separate them. selves on the ledges of the rock on each side, and fired on them as they advanced in single li e. So harassing were hostilities of this kind that in 1738 and 1739 regular treaties were made and conces sions given to these brave savages. Land was yielded to them, and a jurisdiction bestowed on the chiefs which constituted an imperium in imperio in the island. This state of things, modified now and then by new regulations, continued till near the end of the last century, when the influence of the French Revolution (acting on the West Indies just as that of the American revolution is acting now) produced the great Maroon war of 1795. Jamaica was then governed by a distinguished soldier-Alexander Lindsay, Earl of Balcarres-who conducted the struggle to a satisfactory conclusion. At that time the common negres did not, as a general rule, join the rebellion, while now it is they who rise and the Maroons who remain firm to Her Majesty's Government.


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Next, with regard to the participle, I teach my pupils that they are all (both imperfect and perfect) derived from verbs, and partake of the nature of the verb and some other part of speech. Sometimes they partake of the nature of the verb and a noun, iu which case they are verbal nouns, and have all the cases of the verbal nouns mentioned above; for instance, take the four sentences, (1.) Generally speaking, the weather is fine;" (2) "Sinking wells is laborious work; (3.) Seeing is believing;" (4) "Ï could not avoid submitting," "They had conquered the enemy; "Health is improved by exercising the body." In the above sentences, (1.) Speaking is in the independent case; (2.) Sinking is in the nominative case to the verb is; (3.) Believing is in the predicative case after is: (4.) Submitting is in the objective case, governed by the verb avoid; Conquered is in the objective case, governed by the verb had; Exercising is in the objective case, governed by the preposition by. All other participles partake of the nature of the verb and an adjective; as, "The sun was rising in the east ; Wright was respected;" where rising is a verbal adjective belonging to the noun sun, and respected a verbal adjective belonging to the noun Wright. All participles are, therefore, either ver

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Sir John Lawrence has sent three native agents, disguised as merchants, to explore Central Asia by different routes. Each one is independent of the others, and kept in ignorance of their ap-bul adjectives or verbal nouns. pointment, so that on their return three independent naratives may be oked for. They are instructed to take note of all they see, to observe the temper of the different peoples among whom they travel, whether movements are taking place in favour of Russia, and to visit Bokhara, Kkokand and Samarcand, before they turn back.


It is calculated that 31 periodicals have, trausferred their seat of publication from Turin to Florence, where at the present moment 64 serials exist, giving employment to about 1500 persons in the printing houses only, without counting the individuals indirectly contributing their part to the production of the smallest leaf of printed paper,

V. Correspondence of the Journal.

1. REMARKS ON ENGLISH GRAMMAR. To the Editor of the Journal of Education:

In the last (February) number of the Journal, I notice that Mr. R. Blackwood, in his remarks upon Grammar, expresses a desire that some other teachers would give their experience on this topic. With him, I am of opinion that, if our teachers would write more on these subjects, it might lead to more uniformity in the method of teaching them, and be productive of good results; with this object in view, I venture to give my experience in dealing with the items which he mentions.

First, with regard to the rule, "One verb governs another in the infinitive mood," I fully agree with Mr. B., in doing away with the infinitive mood in English, and terming this construction a verbal woun, but cannot conceive that they can all be governed according to any single rule, for these verbal nouns are found in all the five cases of the noun, except the possessive; for instance, in the expression, "To be; or, not to be; that is the question;" the verbal nouns, to be, are in the independ. case; or, verbal noun indepen dent. Then, in the sentence, "To obey is to enjoy;" to obey is in the nominative case, and to enjoy in the predicative case, after the intransitive verb is. Again, in the sentence which Mr. B. gives (Forget not to do good'), to do is evidently in the objective case, governed by the transitive verb forget; also, in the sentences, “ I was about to tell thee;" "He was about to send a flood;" "That all men are about to live," &c. ; the verbal nouns to tell, to send, and to live, are in the objective case, governed by the preposition about. When not found in the above positions, they alwa's express the cause or purpose, or the end of a previous action, and are the object of the preposition for, either expressed or understood, because the word for always introduces a complement of cause or purpose. Such is the way in which I teach my classes, and other teachers

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In treating the participle in this way, we simplify the verb; and, instead of making six tenses, we only have the three divisions of time into which it is philosophically divided. No doubt, in the sentences which Mr. B. quotes, the sense would not be lost by making two propositions, but it would materially change the construction, and the participle would no longer be a participle; it would be much easier to leave the constructions as we find them, ("The sun rising: darkness flees away"), call the noun sun the sanctioned by good usage; and, in the sentence which he quotes nominative case absolute, and the participle rising a verbal adjective belonging to it. His next sentence ("Having been there before, he knew the road well") is more simple, the imperfect participle having being a verbal adjective belonging to the pronoun he, and the perfect participle been a verbal noun governed by having.

With the remaining item, which he mentions, there can be no difficulty; if the words are in the same construction, they are the same part of speech and, otherwise, they are not; for instance, "It moves slowly and silently;" in this example, slowly and silently are in the same construction, and are both adverbs, medifying moves; but, if I say "It moves very slowly;" here very and slowly are not in the same construction-very being used to aid the word slowly in expressing an extended signification, and is only an auxiliary adverb belonging to slowly; the same applies to adjectives; as, "A more powerful king," where more is an auxiliary adjective belonging to powerful; but, if the word modifies both the adjective and a noun, the construction is different again, and the word is a secondary adjective, e.g., "A talented young author; his sole remaining joy" here talented belongs to young author, and sole modifies remaining joy. Such examples as these are frequently met with in our reading lessons; and children can see the difference in construction, and I have found this mode of dealing with these items to be readily caught by pupils who have been unable to learn or understand them in any other way. Putnamville, Dorchester, H. M. COOPER. March 17th., 1866.

VI. Biographical Sketches.

No. 28.-THE HON. CHIEF JUSTICE BOWEN. We record the death of the Honorable Edward Bowen, D.C.L., He was Chief Justice of the Superior Court for Lower Canada. born at Kinsale, Ireland, on the 1st December 1780, and had consequently attained the venerable age of upwards of 85 years. He was named Attorney General for Lower Canada a short time after he was admitted to the bar, and was only thirty-two years of age when elevated to the bench on the 3rd May, 1812. Since that time, that is for almost 54 years, he has been a member of the



judiciary, and was probably the longest in office of any judge in the
British dominions. In 1849 the deceased was appointed to the
Chief Justiceship of the Superior Court which he held up to his
death. He was a member of the Legislative Council in 1823, and
In fact, Mr. Chief Justice
was president of that House in 1837.
Bowen may be regarded as one of the last of the "old family com-
pact" celebrities of bureaucracy, who wielded such extensive power
He was a man of
previous to the era of responsible government.
considerable acuteness, and though his temper was somewhat keen
and manner occasionally abrupt, was nevertheless a thorough gentle-
man, generous and humane in disposition.

The degree of D. C. L. was conferred upon the deceased judge some years ago. in recognition of his long services in the history of the country. For a few years he has been prevented by increasing infirmities and a painful malady, from an active participation in the duties of his office, and his death has been expected for a few weeks. The courts adjourned this morning out of respect to his memory.— Quebec Mercury.


In 1849 under the Baldwin LaFontaine Government This office he held for ten or land in the Township of Smith, and lived on it till he removed into Town in 1848. he was appointed Crown Land Ageut. eleven years, until it was removed to the back country.-Review. -LIEUT. COL. MATHESON, whose decease was noticed in our last issue, was born in the town of Wexford, Ireland, on the 8th March, 1783. When fifteen years old his father and several other relatives were murdered by the rebels-his father being "piked" on the bridge of Wexford. He then joined the 13th Regiment of foot and served with them on what was called the "secret expedition" to Ferrol and other places on the coast of Spain, after which they went with Sir Ralph Abercrombie to Egypt. He was in the three first actions in Egypt and escaped with a slight sabre cut. Sir John Francis Cradock took him up the country with him as his He was present in the actions on the Nile and Orderly Sergeant. at the surrender of the French at Grand Cairo-accompanied the General on board the Northumberland man-of-war to the Islands of Elba and Malta, where he joined the Commissariat Department as Clerk. He was at the taking of the Islands Martinique and Guadeloupe, and in 1813 was transferred as Sergeant-Major to the Glengary Light Infantry Fencibles, and served with them against the Americans in every engagement during the last war-1812 & 13. On the Regiment being desembodied in 1816, he was appointed Clerk to the Military settlement at Perth. On the opening of the Rideau Canal Colonel By appointed him Lock-master on it, where he remained till his decease-with the exception of the outbreak in 1837 & 38, when he was appointed Captain and Adjutant of the Queen's Borderers at Brockville. During the whole of his checkered life of 83 years, all but 12 days, of which he spent twenty in the army, seven in the Quarter-Master General's Department, and upwards of thirty-three as Lock-master on the Rideau Canal-he was also Lieutenant-Colonel of the Leeds Provincial Militia.Smith Falls Review, C. W.

MR. THOMAS THOMPSON was an old Peninsular hero.


He served two

No. 29.-COLONEL WILGRESS. Colonel Wilgress was born at Ethan, Kent, 1781; entered the Royal Artillery in 1797; went on foreign service immediately; returned from the Cape, 1803; in 1806 went out to South America, under General Whitelocke, where he served with the celebrated Sir Alexander Dixon, who remained his friend to the last. He returned to England to be cured of his wounds; after which, in 1810, he returned to the Cape of Good Hope, and there served until 1819. His health failing, he was employed in England up to 1826, when he left the army, and resided 5 years in Edinburgh, where he became interested and actively employed in the religious work of the day, particularly in connection with the Military and Naval Bible Society. of which he was Secretary: of the Colonial and Continental Church Society, attending to its committee meetings, and contributing In 1834 he came to Canada, when he was at largely to its funds. once identified with the various religious societies, and was one of was a pensioner of the 1st Royals, aged 84 years, at Esquesthe earliest promoters of the French Canadian Missionary Society, ing. Mr Thompson was a native of the county of Tyrone, Ireland, of which he becaine president, and remained so to his death, presid- and enlisted in the Donegal Militia at an early age. He was the confidential During his military service, he was ing at the last annual meeting but one. afterwards in the 1st Royals. friend of Major Christie, who made him one of the trustees of the years in that regiment, through the Irish rebellion of 1798, and churches he had endowed and built in this country. He was also a in four expeditions, twenty general engagements, and upwards of warm friend of the poor around him, for he not only aided them by one hundred skirmishes. He was compelled to serve three months his means, but visited them in their homes, and during their sick-in French prisons, having been taken prisoner. He received five ness read to them, and ministered to their spiritual wants.-Gazette. wounds, three of which were received at Waterloo. Was at General Moore's retreat, at the battle of Corunna, and at Flushing, He next went to Portugal, under the Duke of which he took. Spain during the Peninsular war. Wellington; his regiment was at the battles fought in Portugal and Almeida, Fuentes D'Onore, Toulouse, Vimeira, Vittoria, Badajos, and St. Sebastian, and assisted in driving the French troops into Paris. Afterwards his regiment was called home, and when Napoleon I. effected his escape from Elba, he was sent out on the fourth expedition-to fight the ever-memorable battle of Waterloo, where he received three painful wounds; one in the temple, one in one of his eyes, and a sword-cut on his head. All those were quite visible, and he carried them to his grave. He emigrated to Canada in 1831, and served his country through the disturbances of 1837 and 1838. He settled in the township of Esquesing in 1831, where he resided until his death, and was highly respected.

The reverend deceased was a native of the parish of Mooncoin,
county Kilkenny, Ireland. Though not old, yet at an age when
most young men dream but little of the Church in connexion with
the sacred ministry, his dreams and the warm feelings of his heart
With the advice and under the council of
turned towards her.
wise directors, he resolved finally to dedicate his person, his ser-
With this view, he
vices, and his talents to God's holy altar.
finished an exact course of preliminary studies in Ireland, embra-
cing humanities, logic, and metaphysics, and in the year 1851, at
the invitation of Mgr. de Charbonnell, then Bishop of this diocese,
entered the Seminary of St. Sulpice, Montreal, in order to acquire
the theological training that is necessary to fit the young clerical
aspirant for the becoming discharge of the sacerdotal functions.
The reverend deceased was ordained priest in 1854, was attached to
the Cathedral in the capacity of curate for a few years, and endeared
himself to all who shared his acquaintance by the kindliness of his
nature, the urbanity of his manners, and the exact and conscien-
In 1855, Father Synnott was
tious discharge of his priestly office.
promoted to the parish of Orillia, North Simcoe, where almost all
But in a brief time, under the divine bless-
remained to be done.
ing, coupled with his own untiring energy, Father Synnott witnessed
a complete renovation of his parish. For the last few years M.
Synnott acted as Local Superintendent of Schools for the Township.


COLONEL CRAWFORD was born during the struggle for American Independence, and living in the stirring times of the Irish rebellion, and during the tragic events of the first Napoleon, he readily assumed his share of duty incumbent upon every loyal subject. In 1820 he emigrated with his family to this country from the County He resided a short time in Lachine, subsequently Down, Ireland. made his way to Cobourg, and from there in 1830 to Peterborough. He bought land and settled in the Township of Douro, about seven miles above here, where he erected a saw-mill, the first erected in the Township. Here he encountered some of the privations and trials incident to backwoods life. Some time after he purchased

He was also at the battles of

DR. THOMAS WEEKS ROBISON, one of our most prominent citizens, who died in the 56th year of his age, having been born in Napanee, in 1810. He was elected Mayor in August, 1844, and served for a year and-a-half. His appointment as Police Magistrate dated as far back as 1847, which office he filled for nearly nineteen years. He was always considered a just and faithful public servant, performing the duties of his office without fear, favor, or affection, more particularly during the troublous period of the late American war, during which his duties were very arduous.-Kingston News.

No. 32. THE REV. JOHN KEBLE, M.A. The Rev. John Keble, author of the "Christian Year," and other beautiful religious metrical compositions is dead. Mr. Keble was born in the year 1792, and was consequently 74 years of age He obtained high honors at Oxford, and was when he died. appointed Professor of Poetry. His beautiful Morning and Evening hymus have obtained a place in almost every hymn book, more especially is the evening hymn commencing with the words"Sun of my soul. thou Saviour dear,

It is not night if thou art near."

familiar to most of our readers. He was Vicar of Hurley for more than 30 years, and on the 6th instant was buried in the beautiful little church which was built out of the profits of the "Christian

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