페이지 이미지

scientific reader. The Lords of the Admiralty, some time since, sent copies to all the Schools in the Public Arsenals." [Similar notices appeared in the Western Mercury, Morning News, and other papers.]

The WESTERN DAILY STANDARD, 6th March, 1869.

"The Author of this work (STEVENS ON STOWAGE), who, as most of our readers are aware, is the Plymouth Correspondent of The Times, has just received an unexpected compliment. Capt. M'FARLANE, of the ship Warrior, belonging to Messrs. JAMES HENTY and Co., extensive shipowners in Melbourne, has recently brought home a cargo of colonial produce, and in sending an account of the passage, he says: 'I have seen a copy of your book called STEVENS ON STOWAGE, and I consider it the best work of its kind ever seen. My owners have several copies in their office.' Voluntary approbation like the above must be very gratifying to the author. It appears that Capt. M'FARLANE's opinion, and that of his owners, prevails in other ports besides Melbourne, for the present edition of the work is nearly disposed of. A Fifth and larger Edition will, we understand, soon appear."

From the SUB-EDITOR of a Daily Newspaper.

February 1st, 1869. "Dear Sir, I return you your book on Stowage, for the opportunity of looking through which I have to thank you very sincerely. You would properly regard as impertinent any attempt of mine to appraise its value; in truth I can only marvel, with an almost ignorant admiration, at the knowledge, industry, and care which have been employed to produce a work whose worth I can recognize, though I cannot render it the justice of an adequate criticism."


The figures in the Index refer to paragraphs unless page, pa, or p is annexed.
There are separate Indices for Ships, Law Cases, Port Charges, &c., at the end of

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Spikenard 1025

Spirits and wines 1026

to 1043

Sponge 1044

Spontaneous combustion
142 160
Squinanthem 1045
Starch 1046

Stationery 1047 1048
Staves 1049 to 1054
Steam 1055

Steam engines 1056
Steel 1057

Steering 1058 1059
Stevedore 1060 to 1070
Stick lac 1071

Stone cargoes 1072 to

Stoppage in transitu 1082
to 1085

Stores 1086
Straw plait 1087
Succadees 1088
Substances soluble in
water 1089
Sugar 1090 to 1125
Sugar candy 1126
Sulphate of soda 1127
Sulphur 1128
Survey 1130
Sweating boxes 1131

Tallow 248
Talc 1132

Tallow 1133 1134
Tamarinds 1135
Tapioca 1136
Tar 1137 1138
Tares 1139
Tartar 1140

Tea 1141 to 1170


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Referred to incidentally in this work.

Abbot's Reading 967
Acadian 324 856
Achilles 542

Adamant 1395

Adela 514 998

Ada 506

Afton 853

Agrippina 240

Albert 911
Alicante 294

Allegro 1080

Alliance 437
Alma 1226

Ann and Susan 112
Ann Adamson 1169
Annie Grant 873
Annie Comrie 771
Ark 208
Ariel 1306
Armstrong 1224
Asshur 242
Atalanta 314
Athanasian 795
Aurora 1410
Australasian 488

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