
5 dr.; colaga 11 tbs. 13 oz. 63 dr. Batavia, a koyan 28 piculs. Bengal, a raik, 20 chittacks 21 lbs., factory maund 74 lbs. 10 oz. 10 dr. Birma, a teng about bushels. Bombay, candy for grain, seeds, &c., 8 parahs of 19 lbs. 9 oz. 9-6 dr., maund 28 lbs. Canara, a colaga a bushel nearly. Coimbatore, a bullah 181 cubic inches. Coromandel, collum 70 to 80 quarts. Darraporan, a bullah 216 cubic inches. Deccan, a cossan rather less than 1 lb. the sixtieth part of a carwar. Java, a kulach=74 catties of 46 measures, each of 5 gantangs or about 9.83 lbs. ; a coyan 27 piculs or 3,581 lbs., a koizang about 60 bushels. Madras, the corn measure contains 80 parahs or 400 marcals, and the marcal 80 puddies or 64 ollocks; the marcal should measure 750 cubic inches, and weigh 27 lbs. 2 oz. 2 dr. avoirdupois of fresh spring water; hence 43 marcals=15 Winchester bushels, and therefore the garce= 17 English quarters nearly. When grain is sold by the weight 9,256 lbs. are reckoned for 1 garce, being 18 candles 12.8 maunds; some reckon the garce at 8,400 lbs., and to contain 80 parahs; a parah equal to 5 marcals, a marcal 8 puddies, and a puddy 8 ollocks. Malay gantang 256 cubic inches; 4 chupahs 1 gantang. Manila caban 3,4 cubic feet. Mysore bullah 4 tbs. Nubia a moud 18 hand full. Samarang, a koyan 30 piculs. Siam, a sat 33 lbs. or 34 pints, a seste 135 lbs. Seringapatam, colaga 11 bushels. Singapore a coyan 40 piculs of 1334 tbs. each. Sooloo and Sunda Isles, a raga 53 lbs. Sumatra, a nellie consists of 3 bamboos, tenth of the guncha; a eulah 0-0618 bush. Surat, a maund 41 tbs. The following grain measures are also used in the E. Indies: contagah 984 cwt., garce 12-8 maunds of 400 marcals =9,2561 lbs, marcal 8 puddies, morau 34.56 cubic inches, moray 38 seers about 1 bush., ollock 20th of a gallon, punchago 24 cwt. 2 qr. 16 fb., puddy 17 quarts. EGYPT.—Alexandria, 100 ardebs wheat, Indian corn, and barley=63 quarters, a quillot or kisloy five-ninths of a quarter; an ardeb of Egyptian corn 73 to 91 bushels, but it varies considerably; 6 waybecks 1 ardeb, 4 roobecks 1 weybeck 100 ardebs beans=65 qrs. A rhebebe of wheat 4-364 bushels.

FRANCE.—112 lbs. 50% kilogrammes, 100 litres 1 hectolitre, 2 hectolitres 88 litres 1 quarter, 36 litres=1 bushel; 1 ton 1,015, sometimes 1,018 kilogrammes; a French sack of grain varies from 2012 to 4.256 bushels. In business the usual calculation is 100 kilos-220 tbs. Marseilles, 100 charges 56 quarters wheat. Havre, 3 hectolitres 1 quarter adding 4 cent., 3,355 hectolitres=1,1648 quarters. Nantes, 2,064 hectolitres=681g quarters. Bordeaux, 1,830 hectolitres=646₫ quarters.

8 bushels Eng.=1 qr.; 11 qr. Eng. 33 hectolitres; 220 lbs. Eng. 100 kilos. 54 lbs. per bushel equal 67·19 kilos per hectolitre,

[blocks in formation]

Hanover, 10 scheffels=1 wisp, 2 wisp 1 last, 1 last=11 quarters wheat or

pints, a foudre about 7 quarters; Bremen,

11 quarters barley; 51 lasts 12 scheffels wheat-513 quarters. Emden, 1 last beans 103 quarters, 38 lasts 417 quarters. Wiesmar, 70 lasts wheat 9333 quarters, 26 lasts oats 345 quarters. Lubeck, 4 fass of grain is equal to 1 scheffel 0.92 bushels, 4 scheffels 1 tonne 3.68 bushels, 3 tonnen 1 drömt 11-04 bushels or 1:38 quarters, and 8 drömt 1 last 88.32 bushels or 1104 quarters, 96 scheffels 11 quarters 67 lasts 787g quarters. Hamburg, last of wheat, peas, beans=11} quarters, barley 103, some say 11§ quarters, oats 10 quarters; 10 lasts are equal to 108.8 quarters, the last is divided into 60 fuss. Rostock, last 96 scheffels, equal to 13 quarters; some say oats 14 quarters, other grain 14 quarters; another authority gives for oats 141 quarters, other grain 14 quarters; another authority gives for oats 14 quarters, wheat 13, and barley 13 quarters. Bremerhaven, a last is 80.70 bushels Winchester or 10·087 quarters, that is 10 quarters and 0·7 bushels; some calculate a Bremen last of 40 scheffels to be 93 quarters. Altona wheat, a last 11 quarters nearly, 111 lasts=1,274; quarters; barley, a last 11 quarters, 30 last=343 quarters.

GREECE.-The kila is 0.9152 bushels or 0.1144 quarters; the starco 2.259 bushels; others compute the starco at 3 bachels=2·33 English bushels; the ancient keramion 8.488 gallons.

HOLLAND.-Amsterdam, a last of oats 10 quarters 5 bushels; in settling for freight rye is considered 20 cent. higher than oats, wheat 30 cent. higher, rye 12 cent. higher than seeds; a muid 2-752 bushels. Rotterdam, a last is 10 quarters wheat or rye, 10 barley, 10 or 103, 26 lasts=272; quarters oats; the last of wheat for freight is charged 10 cent. higher than that of barley, and the latter 20 cent. higher than oats. oats 10 quarters.

Groningen last

IONIAN ISLES.-At Santa Maura a cado 13, some say 3 bushels. ITALY.-The measures vary, a bussolo 0:335 pints, a quataro 1 gallon, scorzo 3 gallons nearly, moggio 2 quarters, some places 4 bushels only, a rubbio about 8 bushels, 104} rubbii=100 quarters in Ancona; centinajo or quintal, Florence 75 lbs., Milan 2201 Ibs.; a starello, Milan 2 gallons, Rome 4 gallons; at Naples 5 carro 7 quarters. Venice, a stajo is equal to 2 bushels and 2-21 gallons imperial, and is taken in commerce at 342 staji to 100 quarters imperial, or 100 staji 28% quarters, some parts 100 staji 50·2 quarters; (another authority) the moggio is divided into 4 staji 16 quarte or 64 quartaroli, the stajo is equal to 2-27 Winchester bushels. Genoa, mina 8 quarte or 96 gombette, 1 mina-3 Winchester bushels nearly, 2 mina=1 quarter some say 245 minas and others 248 minas 100 quarters, 100 minas=40 quarters, 1,400 minas=5633 quarters. Ancona, 104 rubben=100 quarters. A quarter at Venice 3 staji; Naples 53 tomoli, 7,800 tomoli=1,447 quarters; Leghorn 4 sacchi; Palermo 80 tomoli 5 quarters old measure. Trieste 3 stara 1 quarter less 1 cent.

JERSEY.-19 cabots=1 quarter wheat, 11 cabots 1 quarter barley.

MALTA.-The salma is 7·969 bushels, 101 salma (some say 102 salma) are 100 quarters; another authority says the salma, stricken measure-8-221 Winchester bushels; heap measure is reckoned 15 cent. more; the caffise or caffiso from 1 to 2 quarters; 3,099 salmas=3,158 quarters.

MOLDAVIA.-Galatz 100 to 101 kilos are 148 quarters.

MOREA.-A bachel is one-third of a staro and is equal to 6 gallons.

POLAND.-A korsec is 31 to 3 bushels corn.

PORTUGAL.—Lisbon, the moyo divided into 15 fanegas, 30 alquieres, 240 quartos, 480 selemis, &c.; the moyo=23 Winchester bushels, the quarto 1 to 31 gallons. Viana, 17 alquieres=1 quarter, 1 moio=3 quarters.

PRUSSIA.-Dantzic, Memel, Konigsberg, Pillau, 56 scheffels are equal to 1 last or from 10 to 103 quarters, or 84 to 86 bushels; another authority says, at Memel a last 3 malters, 60 scheffels, or 240 viertels, or 11 quarters 3 bushels English; for wheat, rye, &c., the last of 56 scheffels, or 10 quarters 7 bushels English is generally used. A last at Anclam, Barth, Wolgast and Stralsund is 14 quarters wheat, 13 barley, and 14 oats; at Berlin and Stettin 13 quarters; and at Wiesmar 13 or sometimes 13 quarters; another authority says, at Stettin a last is 96 scheffels, which on discharging makes from 14 to 14 quarters, and at Dantzic a scheffel weighs 1.552 bushels; a last is 56} scheffels or 10 quarters 7 bushels; 60 scheffels are 11 quarters 3 bushels; a Dantzic ship-pound is 330 tbs. English; a Prussian scheffel 1 bushels, Sazony 3 bushels, Oldenburgh 0.544 bushels, and Rostock 1.070 bushels; Rostock last 96 scheffels 13 quarters; a legal Prussian scheffel weighs, wheat 85 lbs., rye 801, barley 65, oats 45, meal 75, and peas 901 lbs.; a chalter at Stettin is 84 bushels.

RUSSIA.-2 osmin=1 chetwert, 100 chetwerts

St. Petersburg 70, some say 73, 74, Odessa 72, and Archangel 68, rye 70 quarters; others say Riga wheat and barley are measured 48 loops or loofs to a last, equal nearly to 11 quarters; a loop being 17 bushels; rye 45 loops, or 10 quarters; oats and peas 60 loops or 14 quarters; a Russian ton is 5 chetwerts or about 28 bushels= 174 cwt. Libau, 1 last oats 13g quarters, 108 lasts 1,492 quarters. SARDINIA.—The sterello is equivalent to 1 bushel 14 peck English; the cantarello or quintal is 89 lbs., at Cagliari 93 lbs.

SICILY.-Palermo, 4 salma of 20 tumoli, or 5 salma of 16 tumoli 5 quarters old


SMYRNA, Asia Minor.-1 kilo=1 bushel; 816 kilos 100 quarters.

SOUTH AMERICA.-The fanega ranges in Chili from 153 to 200 lbs.; Central America, maize 400 lbs.; Monte Video, 32 bushels, averaging 5 fanegas to a quarter; Valparaiso, the fanega is equal to 1·6 Winchester bushel, or 5 fanegas, 1 Winchester quarter nearly; a fanega of wheat 135 lbs. SPAIN.-A barchilla (one-twelfth of a cahiz) 2 to 4 gallons, a bisaccia is onefourth of a salma=1.885 bushels, a fanega 1 to 2 bushels, 5 fanegas 1 quarter. Alicante, cahiz or caffise, containing 12 barchillas, 96 medios, or 192 quartillas; the cahiz is equal to 7 Winchester bushels nearly; at Cadiz 12 fanegas 18 bushels; at Valencia 100 cahices 704 quarters; at Barcelona 100 cuarteros 243 quarters; at Requijada 5 fanegas wheat=1 quarter less 5 cent.; 11,045 fanegas=2,1181 quarters; at Santander 4 fanegas wheat= 1 quarter less 4 cent.; 9,580 fanegas=2,301 quarters; at Bilboa 51 fanegas =1 quarter adding 6 cent., 11,483 fanegas 2,221 quarters; at Almeria 5 fanegas 1 quarter less 7 cent.; 1,300 fanegas=244 quarters. SWEDEN.—4 quarto=1 spann, 2 spann 1 tun or barrel; 1 tun=41-16ths English bushel; 18 tuns are 10 quarters; some take 176 barrels as equal to 100 quarters; the lispund weighs from 14 to 18 lòs.

SWITZERLAND.-64 goblets make a sack of corn; the coupe at Fribourg 7 gallons, at Geneva 17, at Lyons 13 gallons only.

TURKEY.-Constantinople, 816 kilos=100 quarters, or 100 kilos 12 quarters; 8,680 kilos=1,083 quarters; a killow contains 2,023 cubic inches or 0.912 bushels; others say the kiloz or killow=0·941 of a bushel, 81 kislos= 1 quarter, 22 okes make a killow, and 4 killows a fortin. TUSCANY.-A sacca-3 stagi, each of 2 mina, or 4 quarti=about 2 bushels. UNITED STATES.—A sack of wheat (miller's) 2 weys or 13 tods=364 lbs.; a barrel of corn 5 bushels. Shipments and sales made by 60 lbs. bushel or

480 lbs.

quarter. A barrel of Indian corn contains 31 Winchester bushels, each weighing about 57 lbs.; a hogshead of Indian meal 800 lbs. WALLACHIA.-Ibrail, 100 kilos 220 quarters; some say 2221, and an experienced London firm 232 quarters. A few years since a new measure was adopted, viz.: 100 kilos=232 quarters, and the old measure of 100 kilos= 222 quarters abolished. The difference was in the size of the kilo.



The first point which presented itself for consideration was the extent of the proposed movement.

The Committee, considering the interests represented at the meeting of the 13th November, 1862, and in their own body, came to the conclusion that their proceedings should be limited to the trade of the Mediterranean and Black Sea, including the Danube and the Sea of Azov, and adopted the title accordingly, "Mediterranean and Black Sea Freight Committee."

Public attention was then invited, by advertisements in the leading journals of this and foreign countries, to the movement on foot, with a view to obtaining suggestions bearing upon the subject from the various interests concerned.

The Committee thankfully acknowledge the receipt of many such suggestions, which have received due and deserved consideration at their hands during the progress of their deliberations.

Appended to this are the drafts of the charter-party, in form suited to the several ports of shipment, viz. :—

No. 1, 2,-From Odessa and the Sea of Azov; (No. 2, also No. 4, with the addition of the so-called "Mediterranean clause.")

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Which the Committee now submit, with their explanatory remarks.

Although not specifically stated in the formal resolutions passed at the Meeting on the 13th of November, at the Baltic Coffee-house, it was a well understood fact that the great change contemplated was the alteration of the basis for payment of freights from measure to weight; and if is, perhaps, superfluous to add, that the reasons which mainly influenced the demand for this change of basis were firstly, to assimilate the mode of paying freights to that which regulates the sale of all grain and seed in the United Kingdom and Continent, viz., weight; secondly, to render thereby the interests of shipowner and captain

indentical with that of the merchant in securing an accurate return of the cargo discharged; and, thirdly, to avoid the very frequent disputes and causes of dissatisfaction arising out of the present system, which are patent alike to merchant and shipowner, and therefore need not be more particularly entered upon.

As a weight the Committee have fixed upon the British ton of 2,240 lbs. or 1,015 kilograms. It was obviously impossible to arrive at any weight which should approximate closely to the imperial quarters of wheat from all parts of the Mediterranean and Black Sea, because, from Egypt for instance, the weight is 440 lbs. per average quarter, while from the Black Sea in certain seasons (in the present for instance), a weight of 504 lbs. has been attained. Hence no weights could be said to approximate closely to the imperial quarter. The ton of 2,240 lbs. on the other hand, is a standard of weight for almost all merchandise, and is most in use for calculation of freight from all parts of the world; it cannot, therefore, be objectionable in reference to grain; and if it should not come to pass that the ton weight be constituted a standard weight for the sale of grain in all parts of the United Kingdom, as it already is in many parts of Ireland, the reduction of that weight to any other is a simple process, void of intricacy.

As the standard article for regulating charters, the Committee name wheat, as being of foremost importance in the trade of the ports interested, and therefrom have attempted to arrange a scale of proportions for other grain, seed, &c., as appears to them, after due inquiry, founded upon justice to the shipowner, and, therefore, deserving of acceptance by the merchant. It is as follows:

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And other articles not enumerated in this scale, to be computed according to the London Baltic printed rates in proportion to tallow, as fixed by this scale; and on other articles, not enumerated in either scale, freight to be paid as if laden with wheat.

The alterations here made are mainly an increase, more or less important, on the rates payable upon the lighter kinds of grain and seed in proportion to wheat, as compared with the Baltic rates; and in the Appendix will be found a table illustrative of the changes proposed, with the results attained by this scale, and by that of the Baltic printed rates, as nearly as it is possible to estimate the average carrying power of vessels of the present day for lighter grain as compared with wheat.

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