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July 1, 1881, amonnt available..

Received from sale of coal to Col. John Newton..

$70,265 88 90 00

70,355 88

July 1, 1882, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive of outstanding liabilities July 1, 1881..

$38,461 89

July 1, 1882, outstanding liabilities..

4,101 88

42,563 77

[blocks in formation]

1,683,662 00

Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project.... Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1884

(See Appendix D 16.)

60,000 00

17. South River, New Jersey.-The original condition of the navigable channel is:

1. A false direction of the canal mouth, a depth there at mean lowwater of 3 feet; thence up to Little Washington, depths varying from 3.1 to 11.6 feet at mean low-water; thence to Bissett's Brick-yard, depths varying from 2.8 to 10.1 feet at mean low-water; and thence to Old Bridge, depths varying from 2.1 to 12.5 feet at mean low-water. There are also several sharp bends above Little Washington where it will be expedient to strengthen the course occasionally by cuts.

2. The originally adopted project, which has not been modified, was: To change the outlet of the canal; to close the natural course of the river below Tetit's; to dike and to dredge in order to obtain 8 feet at mean low-water up to Little Washington; thence to straighten the course, dike and dredge up to Bissett's Brick-yard in order to obtain 6 feet at mean low-water; and, finally, to straighten the course, dike and dredge to Old Bridge in order to obtain 4 feet at mean low-water.

3. The amount expended to the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1881, was $382.20.

No change in the work at that time. The amount expended during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1882, was $356.43, without change in the condition of the river.

The available funds, $55,261.37, can be profitably expended during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1883, upon diking and dredging in the canal and at its mouth.

The estimated amount for the entire and permanent completion of the work of improvement, in accordance with the approved and accepted project, is $138,695.

July 1, 1881, amount available..

July 1, 18-2, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive of outstanding liabilities July 1, 1881

$45,617 80

July 1, 1882, amount available

Amount appropriated by act passed August 2, 1882..

Amount available for fiscal year ending June 30, 1883

356 43

45, 261 37 10 000 00

55, 261 37

Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project 138,695 00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1884. 40, 000 00 (See Appendix D 17.)

18. Cheesequake's Creek, New Jersey.-The original condition of the channel over the bar or shoal at the mouth gives a depth of 1 foot at mean low-water for about three-fourths of the length to be improved,

and for the remaining portion a depth from 4 feet to 12 feet at lowwater. The course of the creek is very crooked and requires to be straightened.

The originally adopted project for the improvement was the change of the outlet into a direction at right angles to the beach; to sustain this direction by parallel jetties of stone, and to straighten the course of the creek and increase the depth in the upper portions thereof. The amount expended to the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1881, was $129.82.

The condition of the creek and outlet at that date was unaltered. The amount expended during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1882, was $568.07, and no alteration was made in the original condition of the outlet and creek.

The available funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1883, in the prosecution of the work.

The estimated amount required for the entire and permanent completion of the work of improvement, in accordance with the approved and adopted project, is $35,279.

July 1, 1881, amount available...

July 1, 1882, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive of

outstanding liabilities July 1, 1851..

July 1, 1882, outstanding liabilities..

July 1, 1882, amount available...

Amount appropriated by act passed August 2, 1882..

Amount available for fiscal year ending June 30, 1883..

$24,870 18

$568 07

10 00

578 07

24,292 11 15,000 00

39, 292 11

35,279 00

Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1884. 20,000 00 (See Appendix D 18.)


To comply with provisions of the river and harbor act of March 3, 1881, Colonel Newton was charged with and completed the survey of Harlem River and through the Harlem Kilns to the East River, the results of which were transmitted to Congress and printed as Senate Ex. Doc. 25, Forty-seventh Congress, first session. (See also Appendix D 5.)


Officer in charge, Maj. G. L. Gillespie, Corps of Engineers.

1. Passaic River above Newark, New Jersey.-The present project was adopted in 1872, and provides for the removal of rock and other obstructions between Newark and the head of navigation, so as to afford a sufficient channel 6 feet deep at mean low-water. The amount expended to June 30, 1882, was $111,547.38, and has resulted in securing a 6-foot channel, of moderate width at mean low water, from the Midland Bridge to Passaic. No work beyond a limited survey of the upper river bars was done during the year. The project of placing a dam across the river, near Belleville, now under consideration by the city authorities of Newark and Jersey City, may, if carried out, materially modify the character of future improvements.

The appropriation of $3,000 asked for is to be applied to the completion of the existing project.

[blocks in formation]

2,924 00

Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project .... Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1884. 3,000 00 (See Appendix E 1.)

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2. Passaic River, from Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge to its mouth, New Jersey. The project for this improvement was adopted in 1880, and provides for the formation and maintenance of a channel 200 feet wide and 10 feet deep at mean low-water, from Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge at Centre street, Newark, to Newark Bay.

The appropriation of $50,000 made by the river and harbor act of March 3, 1881, as far as expended, was applied to the construction of 2,0034 linear feet of diking, and to the excavation of 97,853 cubic yards of material from the channel on the east side of the dike leading to the river.

The appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1883, will be applied to continuing the existing project, and to extending the dike 650 feet towards the Elbow Beacon.

July 1, 1882, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive of

July 1, 1881, amount available..

[blocks in formation]

$55,656 87

$44,675 13
1,051 92

45,727 05

9,929 82

43,000 00

52,929 82

84,995 00

85,000 00

Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project.... Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1884. (See Appendix E 2.)

3. Channel between Staten Island and New Jersey. The project for this improvement provides for the excavation of a channel 400 feet wide from the east side of Shooter's Island to the deep water of Arthur's Kill, the central portion of which for a width of 200 feet shall be 13 feet deep at mean low-water, and the residue 12 feet. During the year the central portion of the projected channel was carried from the east side of Shooter's Island, for a full width of 200 feet and a depth at low-water of 13 feet, to deep water in Arthur's Kill. The amount of material excavated during the year was 116,931 cubic yards.

It is proposed to apply the appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1883, in continuing the dredging in accordance with the existing plan. The local engineer recommends that the appropriation of $75,000 asked for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1884, be applied in deepening the central portion of the channel to 16 feet at low-water for the entire length of the channel.

July 1, 1881, amount available....

$28,538 84

July 1, 1882, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive of outstanding liabilities July 1, 1881.

24,710 19

July 1, 1882, amount available....

3,828 65

Amount appropriated by act passed August 2, 1882.

40,000 00

Amount available for fiscal year ending June 30, 1883...

43,828 65

$93,698 63

Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project........ Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1884. 75,000 00 (See Appendix E 3.)

4. Shrewsbury River, New Jersey.-The present project was adopted in 1879, and provides for the formation of a channel 6 feet in depth at mean low-water, from the entrance of the Shrewsbury River to Upper Rocky Point on the North Branch, and to Jumping Point on the South Branch. The original depth in the channel was 34 feet. Up to the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1882, $142,245.79 had been expended. The amount available for the improvement at the opening of the year was $97,413.77, to be divided among the improvements in progress and in contemplation in the main river and its two branches. During the year 55.586 cubic yards were removed in the North Branch, resulting in the opening of a channel 100 feet wide and 6 feet deep, connecting the 6foot curve below Barley Point and the 6-foot curve above Oceanic Wharf, near Red Bank, N. J. In the South Branch the channel was carried from Seabright Bridge to Pleasure Bay, with a width of 150 feet, as far as McPherson's Wharf, beyond which it varies from 50 to 75 feet; 44,269 cubic yards sand and rock were removed. Boats are now enabled to reach Branchport, on Pleasure Bay. At the entrance to the river a dike was built 4,021 feet long, extending from Crane's Point, on the right bank, to the vicinity of the bar, and a channel 50 feet wide, with 6 feet depth at mean low-water, was carried from the inside toward the bar, and to within 300 yards of the deep water of Sandy Hook Bay.

The appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1883, will be applied in widening the channel at the entrance, deepening the shoal near the Highlands Bridge, and in continuing the improvements in progress in the North and South branches. The appropriation of $17,000. asked for will be applied in completing the existing project, and in maintaining the channels already improved.

July 1, 1881, amount available..

July 1, 182, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive of outstanding liabilities July 1, 1881..

July 1, 1882, outstanding liabilities..

July 1, 18-2, amount available.....

Amount appropriated by act passed August 2, 1882.

Amount available for fiscal year ending June 30, 1883......

$97,413 77

$75, 159 56
2,747 20

77,906 76.

19,507 01

30,000 00.

49,507 01

17,000 00

Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project..... Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1884. (See Appendix E 4.)

17,000 00.

5. Rahway River, New Jersey.-The present project was adopted in 1878, and contemplates a channel 8 feet deep at high-water, and varying in width from 125 to 100 feet from Bricktown up to Main Street Bridge, in the town of Rahway. During the fiscal year 16,978 cubic yards of material were removed from the river, which resulted in the extension of the channel from Edgar's Dock, with 7 feet at high-water and 50 feet wide, 200 feet beyond Milton Avenue Draw-bridge, in the suburbs of Rahway. The depth in the natural channel before dredging was 44 feet. The amount expended to June 30, 1882, was $24,962.43.

The contract under act of March 3, 1881, is still in progress, and it is expected that $6,400 cubic yards, approximately, will be removed before the close of the contract. The appropriation of $15,000 asked for will

be applied in extending the 50-foot channel to the head of navigation, and in widening it from. Edgar's Dock toward Rahway.

July 1, 1881, amount available...

$19,497 54

July 1, 1882, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive of

outstanding liabilities July 1, 1881.

$14,459 97

July 1, 1882, outstanding liabilities..

481 39

14,941 36

4,556 18

7,000 00

11,566 18

29, 250 00

July 1, 1882, amount available....

Amount appropriated by act passed August 2, 1882..

Amount available for fiscal year ending June 30, 1883..

Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project................ Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1-84. (See Appendix E 5.)

15, 000 00

6. Elizabeth River, New Jersey.-The improvement of this river was commenced in 1879, in accordance with the authorized project which contemplates the formation of a channel 60 feet wide and 7 feet deep at mean high-water, from the mouth of the river to the head of navigation at Stone Bridge, at the Broad street crossing. The appropriation of $4,000, act of March 3, 1881, was applied, by contract, in extending the improved channel to the iron draw-bridge at South street, in the town of Elizabeth. The appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1883, and the appropriation of $16,200 asked for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1884, will be applied to the completion of the existing project. July 1, 1881, amount available

July 1, 1882, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive of outstanding liabilities July 1, 1881

$3,950 16

Amount appropriated by act passed August 2, 1882.....

3,950 16

8,000 00

16, 160 00

Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project....

Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1884.. 16, 200 00 (See Appendix E 6.)

7. Woodbridge Creek, New Jersey. The present project was adopted in 1878, and contemplates the formation of a channel 80 feet wide and 12 feet deep at mean high-water. The appropriation of $5,000, act of March 3, 1881, was applied in widening the cut through the shoal above Boynton's Dock from 20 to 75 feet, excavating a cut 50 feet wide through the shoal above Maurer's Brick Works, and opening a 50-foot channel almost through the shoal above Anderson's Dock.

The amount expended up to the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1882, was $14,000.

The appropriation of $4,000 asked for will be applied in accordance with existing plans.

July 1, 1881, amount available.

$5,262 27

July 1, 1882, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive of outstanding liabilities July 1, 1881

5,262 27

Amount appropriated by act passed August 2, 1882

5,000 00

4,000 00

Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project. Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1884.. 4,000 00 (See Appendix E 7.)

8. Manasquan River, New Jersey. The present project was adopted in 1879, and has for its object the opening of a direct channel-way across the beach and protecting the same from the flow of the tidal currents between the river and the ocean so as to obtain and maintain a suitable

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