Long of their patron's gusto let them tell, To sell, and make (may shame record the day) ments of Grecian architecture; to tear the works of Phidias and Praxi. teles from their original position, and demolish fabrics, which time, war, and barbarism, had respected during twenty centuries. The French, whose rapacity the voice of Europe has so loudly and so justly censured, did not incur the guilt of dismantling ancient edifices: they spared the walls, and contented themselves with statues and paintings, and even these they have collected and arranged in halls and galleries, for the inspection of travellers of all nations; while, if report does not deceive us, our plunderers have ransacked the temples of Greece to sell their booty to the highest bidder, or, at best, to piece the walls of some obscure old mansion with fragments of Parian marble and of attic sculpture." (Eustace's Classical Tour through Italy, p. 158.) But alas! all the monuments of Roman magnificence, all the remains of Grecian taste, so dear to the artist, the historian, the antiquary; all depend on the will of an arbitrary sovereign, and that will is influenced too often by interest or vanity, by a nephew, or a sycophant. Is a new palace to be erected (at Rome) for an upstart family? the Coliseum is stripped to furnish materials. Does a foreign minister wish to adorn the bleak walls of a northern castle with antiques? the temples of Theseus or Minerva must be dismantled, and the works of Phidias or Praxiteles be torn from the shattered freize --That a decrepid uncle, wrapt up in the religious duties of bis age and station should listen to the suggestions of an interested nephew, is natural; and that an oriental despot should undervalue the master-pieces of Grecian art, is to be expected; though in both cases the consequences of such weakness are much to be lamented: but that the minister of a nation, famed for its knowledge of the language, and its veneration for the monuments of ancient Greece, should have been the prompter and the instrument of these destructions, is almost incredible. Such rapacity is a crime against all ages and all generations: it deprives the past, of the trophies of their genius and the title deeds of their fame; the present of the strongest inducements to exertion, the noblest exhibitions that curiosity can contemplate; the future, of the master pieces of art, the models of imitation. To guard against the repetition of such depredations is the wish of every man of genius, the duty of every man in power, and the common interest of every civilized nation." (Ibid. p. 269.) * * * "This attempt to transplant the temple of Vesta from Italy to England may, perhaps, do honour to the late lord Bristol's patriotism, or to his magnificence; but it cannot be considered as an indication of either taste or judgment." (Ibid. p. 419.) With palsied hand shall turn each model o'er, That Art and Nature may compare their styles: creep To lounge and lucubrate, to prate and peep, Draws slight comparisons of these with those, And envies Lais all her Attic beaux. When shall a modern maid have swains like these? Ah! would Sir Harry were yon Hercules! Admires the plunder, but abhors the thief. * Mr West on seeing the " Elgin collection" (I suppose we shall hear of the Aber-show and "Jack Shephard's collection) declared bimself a mere "Tyro in art." Poor Crib was sadly puzzled when exhibited at E. House. He asked if it was not a "stoneshop." He was right---it is a shop. Un sot trouve toujours un plus sot qui l'admire :---(Boileau, La Rochefoucault, &c. Loathed in life, scarce pardoned in the dust, Link'd with the fool who fired th' Ephesian dome, Her's were the deeds that taught her lawless son "Look to the east, where Ganges' swarthy race Shall shake your tyrant empire to its base, Lo! there Rebellion rears her ghastly head, And glares the Nemesis of native dead, Till Indus rolls a deep purpureal flood, And claims his long arrear of northern blood So may ye perish-Pallas, when she gave "Look on yon Spain, she clasps the hand she hates, Can spare a few to fight and sometimes fly; "Look last at home-ye love not to look there, No misers tremble when there's nothing left- Him senates hear, whom never yet they heard, "Now fare ye well! enjoy your little hour, Go grasp the shadow of your vanish'd power: Gloss o'er the failure of each fondest scheme No more the hirelings, purchas'd near and far, Rob piecemeal on his own encumbered shores; Show me the man whose counsels may have weight, E'en factions cease to charm a factious land; Yet jarring sects convulse a sister isle, And light with maddening hands the mutual pile. *The Deal and Dover trafickers in specie. VOL. IV. 2 A |