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Reality of the Psychic Influence - Its Identity with the Vital Force-Why some have more Power to heal Disease than others- The Power not confined to a Few - Distinguished Healers-Greatrakes - George Fox- The Jewish Prophets — Jesus and the Apostles · In what Sense it is a Gift - How far an Art - Design of the Volume - Scientific Mission of the Present Age-Where the Psychopathic Method may be generally useful- Need of Popular Knowledge of its Nature and Laws Change in the Condition of Human Nature - Modification of Diseases-New Remedial Agencies demanded - The Un

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T is now an established fact, and has become a part


of the positive science of the new age upon which humanity is entering, that one person can influence another person in a way usually called magnetic. The influence, thus imparted, is either identical with the vital force, or has the property of affecting its action. Some persons have more of this power than others, owing, perhaps, to their peculiar mental and physical organization, the ability to concentrate their mental energy and force upon a certain end or aim, and their superior strength of will. But the power to cure disease without the administration of medicines, and simply by the psychic force imparted through the hand, is a

more common endowment than is generally supposed. A large proportion of both men and women, possessing an average share of intelligence, might become successful practitioners, with a little instruction, directing them how to use the powers they possess. In fact, a large

number of persons of both sexes, in a quiet and unostentatious way, are successfully practising this apostolic mode of healing the sick without fee or reward, actuated solely by a benevolent desire of relieving human suffering, and by an irrepressible love of doing good. Some, by a more public career, have attracted general notice, and attained to fame. Such are scattered all along the world's history. Such were some of the Jewish prophets, who cured disease by this divine method. The remarkable cures wrought by Valentine Greatrakes, which attracted the attention of the English people, and which were investigated by the Royal Society, were effected by "stroking with the hands." George Fox, the founder of the Society of Friends or Quakers, performed, what have been deemed miracles of healing, as his Journal shows.

The cures wrought by Jesus were no miracles, or departures from the established order of nature, as he himself avers. They exhibit the action of a higher law, the dominion of mind over matter. Everything that is done is effected in harmony with some law of nature, some law of mind or matter, and has in it the relation of cause and effect. To understand the law by which it is done is to be able to do it. Hence, Jesus declares respecting his wonderful works, which were mostly those of healing the bodies and minds of the people who flocked to him from every part of the land of the Jews, "The works that I do shall ye do also, and greater works than these shall ye do, because I go to my

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