JR/T 0055.2-2009 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (JRT 0055.2-2009, JR/T0055.2-2009, JRT0055.2-2009): Technical specifications on bankcard interoperability - Part 1: Message interface [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: https://play.google.com/books > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]https://www.chinesestandard.net, 2018. 2. 11. - 95ÆäÀÌÁö This standard specifies the message interface for online transactions between the institution and the switching center, including the structure, format, and message field of the online transaction message. This part of this standard applies to all the institutions such as the switching center, acquirer, and card issuer which involve the bankcard inter-bank transactions. |
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Account Identification Account type bank card binary number Bit Message field bytes fixed-length numeric bytes length value card confiscated card issuer card transactions Cardholder billing character in length China UnionPay code Illegal characters country code Daily cutoff Data type value Field 70 field Data type Field descriptions Field edit value field is filled field Length value fixed-length numeric characters GB/T greater than 999 Illegal characters appear Illegal characters Illegal Illegal number indicates institution identification code Integrated Circuit length field Length LLLVAR magnetic stripe card mandatory Message Authentication Code message between switching message bitmap Message field Data Network access institution number or character original data element original transaction Point of Service primary account request message Reserved for industry Reserved for private reset key response code response message special characters Subfield switching center Track 2 Data transaction message transfer-in Transfer-out type code type See chapter Usage This field value is greater Variable attributes