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AUGUST 1820.


Michael Scott.

(Concluded from p. 499, Vol. VI.) Before their eyes the Wizard lay, As if he had not been dead a day; His hoary beard in silver rolled, He seemed some seventy winters old. A palmer's amice wrapt him round, With a wrought Spanish baldric bound Like a pilgrim from beyond the sea: The lamp was placed beside his knee : His left hand held his book of might, A silver cross was in his right, High and majestic was his look, At which the fellest fiends had shook, And all unruffled was his face, They trusted his soul had gotten grace. Lay of the Last Minstrel. Canto II. WE left the Wizard engaged in translating Aristotle at the court of Frederic the Second, A particular account of all the treatises of this philosopher, which he presented in a Latin dress to his patron the Emperor, would be unnecessarily dry and fatiguing. He who is curious in tracing the early history of the peripatetic philosophy, will find his translations enumerated by Dempster, Tanner, and Pitseus." His original works are more worthy of notice, although it must be allowed that they give a strange and rather revolting picture

The list of his works given by Mackenzie in his Lives, Vol. I. p. 214, is very imperfect, nor is Niceron, Vol. XV. p. 101, to be relied on. Roger Bacon, in his Opus Majus, p. 36, 37, seems to ascribe a great portion of Aristotle's fame amongst the philosophers of his day to the translation of his works by Michael Scott.

of the fantastic and puerile philosophy of the thirteenth century.

At the particular request of Frederic, Michael, during his residence at his court, composed his treatise on physiognomy, entitled Phisionomia et de Hominis Procreatione. He has divided this singular and absurd dissertation into three parts. In the first he treats De Generatione Hominis, founding his doctrines regarding this mysterious subject upon the principles of Aristotle and Galen. In the second part are enumerated the various signs which enable us to form a judgment of the different dispositions of men and women; and in the third division of the work, he has laid down certain rules by which we may discern, from an examination of the various parts of the body, the particular mental qualities and ruling inclinations of the individual. This treatise of the magician's is not only absurd in its principles, but indecent to a high degree in its descriptions and illustrations. It commences with a laboured and dignified proemium to Frederic, of which it is one remarkable feature, that he addresses this representative of the Cæsars more in the familiar style of a sage who instructs a disciple, than of an author who lays his work at the feet of an another part of this dedication, he had emperor. If we are to give credit to not only managed to insinuate himself into the confidence of this warlike prince, but it was by his particular advice that the emperor encouraged the resort of so many ingenious philosophers and learned doctors to his

court, and that he was wont laying aside the pomp and terror of a conqueror, to engage with them in friendly argument and familiar discourse. Hence," says he," it is by my advice and counsel that learned men, and grave and ingenious doctors, are found around thee at thy court, and that thou art often induced to enter into discourse with them, engaging them in conversation with wisdom and urbanity."

According to Michael's definition, physiognomy is a science of a very high character, embracing within its range some of the noblest subjects on which the human intellect can be em

ployed." It is the doctrine of safety, the election of good, the avoidance of evil. It is the comprehension of virtue, the detestation and prætermission of vice. The knowledge of this science is induced and created by the true love of God, and the fear of the devil-by the meritorious principle of faith, and the hope of the imperishable reward of eternal life." +

When we compare this high wrought definition with the shallow and trifling opinions, and the indecent ribaldry which, under the name of philosophy, compose the greatest part of the work, it is difficult to say whether we should be most surprised at the folly of the author who could write, or of the public which could greedily swallow, no less than thirteen editions of so disgusting a production.

Another work which has been ascribed to Michael Scott, although it is not to be found in the pages of Dempster, or the catalogue of Tanner, is the "Mensa Philosophica," a translation of which was published in England in the year 1609, entitled, "The Philosopher's Banquet, furnished with a few Dishes for Health, but large Discourse for Pleasure." This is a very whimsical performance, and if we look to a passage at the commencement of the thirtieth chapter, a strong presumption arises, that it was not written by our Scottish philosopher. This supposition will be strengthened by a reference to the very ludicrous subjects of several of his chapters, and the culinary remarks which are thrown in to garnish and enrich the style. "The use of this

Phisionomia, p. 1, edit. 1477. + Ibid. p. 2.

booke," says the English translator, "is to make a man able to judge of the disposition and state of his own body; of the effects, natures, and dispositions of those things wherewith we daily feed our bodies. The next is to give us a general insight and brief notice of histories, and men of greatest fame and note; and the next is, that here we may recreate and make merry ourselves at our tables." He adds, that it is a work of "special notice in this kind, and written first in Latin by Michal Scotus.” From this sketch of the contents and nature of the Philosopher's Banquet, we may believe that the discussions it contains are somewhat heterogeneous and dissimilar. It treats of Ram's Flesh in one chapter, and of the Bishops of the Gentiles in another-of Pot Herbs, and Wicked Women. It investigates the actions of kings and emperors, and explains the causes why some eggs crack in the fire, and others do not. It treats of the nature and properties of friendship, and endeavours to determine whether fishes chew their meat or no. Last of all, it contains certain honest and merry jests, " to exhilarate our bodies and minds at our tables, which are to be served in, like carawayes, at the end of our feast." This could scarcely be written by Michael Scott-we must believe it to have been the work of some philosophic cook, or some very cookish philosopher, although it must be allowed that the frequent quotations from the volumes of Arabian physicians and sages, from Rases, Averroes, and Avicenna, give some countenance to the supposition of its having been the performance of the Wizard.

In addition to these, Gesner informs us that he composed, for the recreation of the Emperor, a Treatise on the Sphere of Sacrobosco,—a work entitled Astronomical Diagrams,—a book on the Opinions of Astrologers, -a dissertation on Chiromancy, and another book on the Signs of the Planets. *

The dissertation on the Sphere, written by John de Sacrobosco, a mathematical doctor of the thirteenth century, who has been highly praised by Regiomontanus and Melancthon, was one of the most popular works of

Gesner, Biblioth. p. 607.

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this age.
It has run through in-
numerable editions-it kept posses-
sion of the schools for four centuries
-and, during this long period, it has,
in the words of Leland, been sought
out, studied, and painfully handled by
the whole herd of mathematicians."
Upon this mathematical treasure Mi-
chael Scott composed the work en-
titled Super autorem Sphæræ Ques-
tiones. Justinian de Rubeira, a
printer of Bologna, in the year 1495,
about two hundred years after the
death of its author, published an edi-
tion of this treatise, with the follow-
ing title, showing that the lapse of
two centuries, so far from impairing,
had added freshness to the scientific
reputation of our Scottish astronomer.
"The work of Michael Scott, that
most excellent and inimitable investi-
gator of the motions of Nature and
the courses of the Stars, upon the au-
thor of the Sphere, with the Mathe-
matical questions most diligently cor-

Frederic, however, whose time was now occupied by schemes of ambition, and his exchequer drained by continual and expensive wars, could probably afford to give little else than empty praise to his philosophic instructor; and although Michael, in the spirit of the age, had become an experienced alchymist, this delusive science must rather have impoverished than enriched him.

It is likely that these reasons induced him to bid farewell to the court of the emperor, and to devote himself seriously to the study of medicine as a profession. In this art he soon arrived at the greatest reputation, and possessed, if we may believe an able, though anonymous, author, the most miraculous skill. + "Dira illa (says he) lepram podagram, hydropsin, aliaque insanabilia corporis contagia arte sua mirifice, et nullo ut videatur negotio sustulit."

Michael, as a last service to the emperor, predicted to him the place in which he was fated to finish his royal career, asserting that his death

See Tanner, Biblioth. p. 370; Brucker, Vol. III. p. 868.


Panzeri, Annals Typog. Vol. I. p.

MS. Anonymi de claris Doctrina Scotis. In Sir R. Sibbald MS. Hist. Literaria Gentis Scotorum, preserved in the Advocates' Library.

would happen at a certain castle named Fiorenzola. The prophecy, according to Granger, in his Commentary on Dante, in due time was strictly fulfilled. Frederic, as he was praying in the chapel of the castle of Fiorenzola, at the time when the bell was ringing, was struck on the head by a stone which had been loosened by the rope; the wound proved mortal; and his death, of course, imparted additional lustre to the supernatural endowments of his late astrologer.▾

After a residence of many years in Germany, Michael passed over into England, on his return to his native country. Edward I. then filled the throne, and was employed at this period in those able and treacherous schemes for the subjugation of Scotland, in which he spared neither blood nor money, and regarded neither truth nor honour, provided he accomplished his purpose. It was one part of his policy to endeavour to lower and brutalize the character of the Scottish people, by compelling all the learned scholars of the nation to reside at the universities of England. "This year," (1302,) says Antony Wood,

the King compelled all such Scotchmen as were of singular knowledge in learning or literature to be resident in Oxford, doubting lest the Scotch nobility, increasing in politic prudence by their instructions, should seek to throw off the yoke of bondage." + The celebrated John Duns Scotus was one of those scholars who suffered under this persecution. Along with eleven other ecclesiastical prisoners, he was led chained and a captive into England. Michael Scott's destiny was

Naude Apologie, p. 497.

toforo Landini, in his Commentary on Dante, published at Florence in 1482, tells the story somewhat differently. Michael, according to him, told Frederic that he would die at Florence; but the similarity of the name, says he, deceived the wizard, for the emperor died at Fiorenzola, a stone from the belfry falling upon his head when he was praying, "which, when he had taken up and weighed, he found it was of the exact weight which had been foretold, and knew that he would die, which happened accordingly."

It ought not to be concealed, that Chris

+ Hist. Oxf. Vol. I. p. 366.

Vita Joan. Dunsii, a Mathco Veglen se, a very rare book, published at l'adua in 1671.

more tolerable; he was kindly received and patronized by Edward, retained for some time at his court, and afterwards allowed to pass into his native country.

Michael, after his long absence, appears to have arrived in Scotland at a critical conjuncture, when the nation was plunged into grief by the death of Alexander the Third, and it became necessary to send ambassadors to bring over from Norway the young queen Margaret, grand-daughter to the deceased monarch. + Sir Michael Scott, and Sir David Weems, were, by the Regents, appointed to proceed to Norway upon this important service. It is well known, that Edward the First, who intended to marry his eldest son to the heiress of Scotland, had the chief management of the negotiations with Eric, King of Norway, and the certainty of his previous intimate acquaintance with the English monarch, in common with the popular tradition upon the subject, render it extremely likely that this knightly personage of the same name was none other than the Wizard Michael Scott. His long residence abroad, united to his age and experience, peculiarly recommended him for such a foreign mission. § This was the last service in which we can trace his name, and it was a melancholy and unfortunate one. || The young queen sickened on her passage to Scotland, and died in Orkney, leaving her kingdom to be torn and distracted by the competition between Bruce and Baliol, and the perfidious intrigues of the royal umpire Edward. Michael did not live to see the miseries of his native country. He died soon after in the year 1292, after having attained to an extreme age

We have already seen that the magician obtained a niche in the Inferno of Dante.

Quell' altro che ne fianchi e cosi poco
Michele Scoto fu, che veramente
Delle magiche frode seppe il gioco.

Canto xx. 1. 115.

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That live in the mid air, who thus lament Another poet of Italy, Theophilus That they must do his bidding. He who

• Maitland, Hist. Scot. Vol. I. p. 402. Hailes's Annals, Vol. I. p. 237. Buchanan's Hist. Scot. Book VIII.

G. 3.


This magic cap, invisible can walk,
And none so lynx-eyed as detect his pre-


In the most peopled city: yet beware,

§ Rymer, Vol. II. p. 533. Wynton, Let him not, trusting to the demon's power, B. VIII. c. 1.

Niceron, p. 96. Vol. XV.

Cross the white splendour of the sun, for there,

Although no palpable substance is discerned,

His shadow will betray him.

Such is a free paraphrase of the verses of the pretended Merlin Coccaius. The supernatural power here ascribed to the magician's cap is not alone to be traced in the poem of the Mantuan Buffoon Folengus. The cantrips of the warlock's bonnet are recorded in many of the tales which still live amongst the peasantry of Scotland. +

From the narrative which has been given of the life and writings of Michael Scott, he certainly appears to have been an extraordinary man. He lived in favour and friendship with three of the most warlike and powerful sovereigns in Europe. In a dark and ignorant age he was remarkable for his learning, and in times when, to travel in search of knowledge to distant countries, was a work of extreme danger, owing to the unlicensed manners of the feudal governments through which he passed, he had embarked in the perilous adventure, and had sought for knowledge in France, Italy, Germany, and Spain. He travelled, indeed, protected by the superstitious dread with which the vulgar regarded him, for he was universally reputed a magician, and many a fierce baron, who would have cared little to have robbed or murdered the defenceless son of science as he passed his castle, must have trembled beneath his steel coat when the Wizard declared his far-famed name, and threatened to make him feel its power. It is pleasant thus to see superstition, which, in later ages, has been the bane of knowledge, becoming, in these earlier and darker periods, the protectress of infant science; and we shall not wonder at the universality of the belief which then prevailed, that all superior knowledge was connected with preternatural powers, when we consider that it was the interest of the men of science to encourage a belief so conducive to their personal security.

We do not take a fair method to estimate the talents of a sage of the thirteenth century, when we compare

• Merlini Coccaii Macaroniea, XVIII. p. 273.

+ See Notes to the Lay of the Last Minstrel.

his works with the advanced state of
human knowledge in our own times;
for when we attend to the march of
science, and pursue the links in the
chain of discovery, a boy of the eigh-
teenth might read a lecture to a sage
of the sixteenth century. This is
very evident, yet it is one of those
truths generally admitted, yet, in
forming our opinions, little acted on.
To weigh the talents of Michael
Scott, we must compare him with
men of his own age, and estimate
his powers by the state of science
in the countries where he lived and
wrote, and became celebrated. Ap-
pealing to such a criterion, the Scot-
tish Wizard may hold his head very
high amongst the philosophers and
scholars of Europe. The author of
Mensa Philosophica would be entitled
at any literary banquet to take his
seat amongst the most distinguished
luminaries at the table. He was cer-
tainly the first who gave Aristotle in
Latin dress to the learned world

I am aware that, if we may believe
Trithemius, (See Brucker, Vol. III. p.
669,) Hermannus Contractus, a German
philosopher of the eleventh century, had,
of Aristotle from the Arabic into Latin,
at this earlier æra, translated some volumes
but these volumes do not now exist. Tri-
themius quotes Hermannus himself as the
only authority for the fact, and the judi-
cious Brucker is evidently very sceptical
on the subject. Previous to the time of
Michael Scott, Daniel Morlay had in the
eleventh, and Robert of Reading in the
twelfth century, addicted themselves to the
study of the Arabian philosophy and litera-
turc. Both were Englishmen. Robert of
in which he visited France, Italy, Dal-
Reading, after a life of travel and labour,
matia, Greece, and Syria, returned from
the East into Spain, and died Archdeacon
of Pampeluna in the 1243. (Brucker, Vol.
III. p. 682.) Daniel Morlay, a native of
Norfolk, after having studied at Oxford
and Paris, passed into Spain, and devoted
himself to the mathematical sciences, and to
the acquisition of the Arabic language at To-
and Leland. But Morlay's works consist of
ledo. A life of him is to be found in Bale
some treatises on mathematical subjects, and
a dissertation which seems to be of a geolo-
gical description, entitled, De Inferiori, et
De Superiori parte Mundi, and Robert of
Reading wrote nothing but a collection of
Epistles-a Translation of the Koran, of
which Huetius, De Claris Interpr. p. m.230,
speaks with great contempt; and a Treatise
on the Mahomedan Religion. I think,
therefore, I am correct in saying that

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