페이지 이미지

His grace was speedily blocked up in Uttoxeter, by a body of the county militia, who amused him with a treaty for capitulating, till Lambert came up and secured him. Callendar, however, with about one-half, refusing to await the issue of his general's timid and irresolute negociations, broke through the enemy, and escaped. Thus was destroyed an army, which, managed with common prudence, might have effected the object for which it was pretended to be raised, but which was rendered useless, and eventually ruined by a junction with the cavaliers, to whom, by their own declarations, the leaders were in sentiment utterly opposed. When the engagers entered England, Cromwell was occupied in the siege of Pembroke castle; and Fairfax, who was friendly to the presbyterians, was employed in that of Colchester. Had they then issued a declaration, that they meant to liberate the parliament and the king from the thraldom of the independents, and followed it up by a rapid march through the counties attached to their cause, direct to the capital, and cordially coalesced with the two houses, all was in their favour; but their irresolute conduct, the flagrant irregularities of the army, and the more than suspected principles of the commanders, exasperated the people, and allowed their opponents time to concentrate and overwhelm them.

The following curious petition, and proceedings in consequence thereof, in the Scottish parliament, may be

the lighting up of the glow-worm on Noll's nose." And in relating a conversation he is said to have had with the Duke of Glou'ster, when the prince refused to be put apprentice, the conclusion is thus given :-" Almighty Nose makes answer, 'Boy, you must be an apprentice; for all your father's revenues would not make holy satisfaction for the wrong he hath done the kingdom;' and so Nose went out blowing."-Merc. Elenct., February 21st to 28th, 1649.

deemed not unworthy of preservation in a work of this nature. Of the petitioner we have not been able to gather any particulars further than what is stated in the preamble to the petition; but it seems not improbable that he was attached to the royal garrison stationed at Sunderland at the period to which it refers.

"ACT in favours of Major Quinten Muire.

"[The Petitioun of Major Quintyne Mure somtyme town major of Berwick Vnto the Right Honorable The Committie of Billis

"Humblie Shaweth

“THAT I have constantlie Remayned in the service of this kindome dureing all thir bygane trubilles wher I did ever acquitt myself faithfullie to my great hurt and prejudice As vpoun the 13: of Marche 1634:* when I wes comandit by the Lord marqueis of Argylle To carrie the lait kingis maties lettires from Sunderland to Edinburgh, efter divers gentillmen had refused, I wndertook that Journey wes taken prissoner and carried to Newcastle where I remayned in prissone Tuentie four houres and being efterwards releived I wes thairefter Robbit and plundered of all that I had by Nyne trowpers who set vpon me and stripped me naiked wherfore I have never as yet gottin any satisfactioun nor my saidis losses. refoundet me, And albeit I wes oftentymes vrget to have wndertaikne in that sinfull and vnlaw" Ingadgment yet it pleased God I still Refused to have any complyance thairwith HEIRFOIR I humblie beseik yo' Lo to take the premisss to yo' Los serious Consideratioun And to take som effectuall course how my saidis losses may be

So in the printed copy, but evidently a typographical error for 1643, at which time king Charles was at Oxford.-See Whitelocke's Memorials, pp. 63-4.

refoundit vnto me As yo' Los hes beine pleased to doe to vthires whois necessities and sufferings hes beine lesser nor myne Nor have more constantlie adhered to the caus and Covenant nor yo' petitioner And sall by gods assistance endeavour to continow constant thairin And yo' Los ans I humblie attend."

"I declare that the supplicant was sent by the comittie of the armie (whereof I was at that tyme president) from Sunderland with letters from his Ma and the nobilitie who wer then at Oxfoord. And that we wer certainlie informed that he was robbed as the supplication bears, on his way toward Scotland. M. ARGYLL."

"Ed 14 July 1649"

"The Comittie of bills having hard and considerit the supplica un of the w'in namit major Quintine muir towne major of Bervick Schowing tht he hes still remaynit in the s'vice of this kingdome since the begining of thir trublis and hes gotin nothing or werie litle for all his s'vices and th' he being sent from Sunderland to Ed wt sum l'res from the lait king to the Comittie he was takin and robit of all he had to his werie heavie and great prejudice which hes broucht the supplicant to ane werie mean and low conditioun he having ane great famelie to mantain And not having any thing to give tham for th' mentenance The Comittie foirs having sein ane testificat subscryvit be the Lord marques of Argyll schowing that the supplicant hes bein in this publict s'vice and as he is certanlie informit. robit in maner and for the cause foirs and also having

sein ane testificat subt be Mr Jo" Drumond qa had publict chairge at newcastle testefieing that th' is yet dew to the supplicant for his bygain s'vice and imploymentis in the publict the sowme of thrie thowsand aucht hundrithe tuentie tua markis scotis In regaird q'of and of the supplicantis mean conditioun and constant adherance to the cause and sufferingis th'for IT is the humble oppinioun of the Comittie th' the parliament recomend him to the Comittie of money That they may tak course for payment to him of the sd sowme of 3822 markis quhich is dew to him for his bygain s'vice in maner foirs

"18 July 1649"

Mr J HAY I.P. Com."

"The parl' approves the report above wretten

LOUDOUN. Can"rius


Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland temp. Caroli II. Vol. 6, pp. 484-5.



DURING the civil wars, many of the more ancient and opulent families of nobility and gentry within the county of Durham remained attached to the crown from hereditary principle: Sir William Lambton, Knt., one of the aldermen of Sunderland under bishop Morton's charter, fell at Marston Moor, July 2, 1644; the sons of Sir William Belasyse, Knt., the first mayor of Sunderland, fought right gallantly in the royal ranks, and the Hyltons of Hylton Castle ruined a princely fortune in the cause of their sovereign. On the parliamentary side were Sir Henry Vane, the elder and younger, Knights; Col. Francis Wren, of Henknowl; Capt. Robert Hutton,* of Houghton

* Eldest son of Robert Hutton, Esq., of that place, by Elizabeth, daughter of Christopher Fulthorp, of Tunstall, near Stranton, and grandson of the Rev. Robert Hutton, D. D., rector of Houghton from 1589 to 1623. He bore a captain's commission of a troop of horse-guards in Cromwell's army; served in Scotland; was with General Monk at the storming and plunder of Dundee; and, according to village tradition, he built the family mansion-house with the plunder obtained on that occasion: but, as Surtees observes, the building itself affords strong evidence of an earlier date. On May 19, 1659, he was on a "Commission of Charities" issued by the "Keepers of the liberties of England." After the restoration, Capt. Hutton remained zealously attached to the Puritans; which may probably account for his being buried in his own orchard, where an altar-tomb (now broken) still bears the following inscription :-HIC IACET ROBERTVS HVTTON ARMIGER. QVI OBIIT AVG. DIE NONO 1680. ET MORIENDO VIVIT. It is said that the captain's favourite charger lies buried in the same place. Amidst a collection of family portraits, the captain appears as a bluff, weather-beaten soldier, with coal-black hair, not cropped like a Roundhead, but flowing over his armour.


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