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the Leader, extracting only the salient points the boy John; we have no regrets to express from a full and accurate detail.



Yesterday was a proud day for the "Oberlin and Wellington Rescuers." Previous notice had been given, that Bushnell, the last of the jail confined "Rescuers" and "Felons," was to proceed to his home in Oberlin; and as the hour approached for his departure from the stone castle where for so many weeks he had been confined, an immense crowd gathered in and about the jail to see him off. Both jail and yard were densely crowded with the friends of the prisoner. Mr. John F. Warner was endowed by the Sheriff with the powers of Marshal, and under his guidance the procession was formed, headed by a guard of colored men with a banner inscribed Oberlin and Wellington Rescuers."

Then followed the Chaplain, Rev. J. C. WHITE, and after him the Hecker Band in full uniform, discoursing lively and spirited national airs. Then came a long line of friends on foot followed by Mr. BUSHNELL in a carriage with his baggage; accompanied by the ladies of Sheriff Wightman's family. Several other carriages followed, decorated with banners and flags. A great crowd followed the procession to the depot, where there were gathered immense masses who welcomed the hero of the occasion with hearty cheers.

that he has been imprisoned."

Mr. BUSHNELL was then welcomed home by Rev. E. H. FAIRCHILD, as follows:


In behalf of this crowd of fellow-citiyour zens gathered to greet you on your return from jail. I am requested to extend to you the right hand of fellowship, and welcome you home. I esteem it a high privilege to discharge an office at once so agreeable and so honorable.

For many years we have known you only to respect and esteem you. We have known you as a citizen incapable of an act of injustice to a fellow man, or to your country. And this high estimation of you has by no means been damaged by the events of the few past months.

When on the evening of the 13th of September last, you returned with that rescued man, we were not ashamed of you. When the news came of your indictment by a grand jury selected from a small minority of the citizens of this district, we were not ashamed of you. And when we heard of your conviction by a jury of the same stamp, and of your sentence by a judge eager to execute the most impious of all laws, we were not ashamed of you. And now that you return to us unsubdued, ready to repeat the same act when opportunity offers, we are not ashamed of you. Again, I say, welcome! thrice welcome to your home in Oberlin, and to the county of Lorain! How general, and how hearty this welcome is, let the cheers of five thousand people assembled in the heat of harvest, on the first working day of the week, at the hour of dinner, bear testimony.


At 11:25 the train, with six crowded coaches, left the depot, the band playing national airs as Yet, sir, we should do you and ourselves inthey commenced the journey. On reaching justice, should we intimate that we have gath Oberlin, the guns of Artillery Co. A., Cap-ered here for the simple purpose of expressing tain W. R. SIMMONS, who had gone to that our personal regard for you. place on the early train, spoke forth in boom- We are well aware that we cannot thus honing notes one hundred shots of welcome and or you on your return from prison, without triumph. That Company, with the Oberlin making ourselves responsible for the act that Hook and Ladder and Engine Companies sent you there. Indeed, for this very purpose were drawn up to receive the Clevelanders. we are here. What was your act? Besides these, there were thousands of the alarm was given and came to your ears, that a Lorain citizens ready to grasp their fellow-neighbor had fallen among thieves, who were citizen by the hand. One banner which they dragging him South into life-long bondage. carried was curious and noticeable. An im- Without inquiring into the character, color, or mense horn, labelled "U. S. District Court," condition of that neighbor, without asking was the principal feature, the "Rescuers" whether the robbers were private or public issuing from the large end, while from the robbers, whether they acted on their own relittle end of the horn the Officials were crawl-sponsibility, or by United States authority, you ing out upon the "Democratic Platform," at hastened to the spot, delivered the " spoiled which one was grinding at "Public opinion." from the oppressor," brought him to a friendly At a little distance from the Rescuers were inn, "and took care of him.” friends who greeted them with "Well done, For such an act we wish to be responsible good and faithful servants." Besides these before our country and the world. You could there was a pair of scales, with "Higher Law "neither have been "a good Christian nor a going down in one scale, while "U. S. Laws " good citizen," had you coldly witnessed such were flying up, being weighed in the balances an outrage on a fellow man, and "passed by and found wanting. It was expressive. on the other side."

On leaving the cars, Judge SPALDING said to the crowd, " My friends, Bushnell had no regrets to express that he had aided in rescuing

You raised no standard of rebellion against your country; you simply violated an inhuman statute so base, that, on its engrossment, only

two Northern Senators voted for it; and then you quietly submitted to its penalty. How long we will imitate you in this latter respect, we do not propose to say. We acknowledge our obligation to submit so long, and only so long as we lack the moral, political, and physical power to render the enforcement of that Act impossible. We belong to no "modern school" of politics or theology, and lay claim to no new light on these subjects. We belong to the school of the Fathers, who having been driven from their native land by the persecutions of their government, taught their children that "resistance to tyrants is obedience to God;" or to the more ancient school, which exclaimed to the existing authorities, "Whether it be right to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye;" or to that still more ancient, which said to the king, "We will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image which thou has set up." We crave the honor of some slight connection with the long line of prophets, apostles, reformers, and martyrs, who, by the governments of their time, were persecuted, imprisoned, and killed, "of whom the world was not worthy."

Three more cheers were then given, when the procession, headed by the Wellington Sax Horn Band, and including the Artillery, Fire Companies, the Elyria Band, the "Rescuers," visitors, etc., marched to the immense church, which was most densely crowded with thousands of the best citizens of Lorain county and vicinity. The spacious galleries of the church presented a beautiful spectacle, being almost entirely filled with the ladies of the college and neighborhood. These ladies held a prominent banner inscribed


Thrice Welcome.

Such a beautiful sight as those galleries presented one seldom sees. It was an exhibition surpassed nowhere on this terrestrial ball."


A large choir of ladies and gentlemen occupied the front of the gallery, and by their execution added greatly to the interest of the occasion. The speakers and reporters occupied the pulpit.

Prof. MONROE opened the exercises at half past one o'clock, by calling upon the venerable Father KEEP to open with prayer, which he did in an eloquent and stirring appeal to the God of Heaven for his blessing upon the meeting, and rendering heartfelt thanks and gratitude for the blessings which had been poured forth on the "Rescuers," and enable them to go through that trying ordeal and despotic rule.

Prof. MONROE, as Chairman, first called

upon Hon. D. K. CARTTER, who responded in his usual off-hand, sarcastic, and impetuous



Mr. CARTTER closed amid the most enthusiastic cheers. His remarks having been frequently interrupted with shouts of laughter and cheers.

This speech was followed by singing by the choir of a magnificent quartette and chorus, entitled "The Gathering of the Free," by Prof. George N. Allen. This was splendidly performed by the choir, setting every heart beating with exultation and sympathy.

A. G. RIDDLE, Esq., was then called upon, and rehearsed with hearty eloquence the history of the trial and incarceration of those who had so long felt the force of a tyrant's prison. At one point the speaker brought Bushnell up to the stand, who was greeted with rousing cheers.

At the close of Mr. RIDDLE's remarks, which were heartily cheered, the Hecker band gave some of their unsurpassed music. After which Hon. R. P. SPALDING was introduced to the audience as the man who, when he was on the Supreme Bench of the State of Ohio, announced publicly, that should a fugitive slave be brought before him, he would set him free. He was received with cheers, and remarked —

When BUSHNELL was asked by the Judge if he had any regrets to express for his conduct, how would he have leaped from his seat and shouted, "No, sir 'ee," could he have looked forward to this proud day, when five thousand citizens assemble to bid him welcome. The speaker gave a high tribute to the character of Father Gillett, who told him at Cleveland that should he plead "nolle contendere," his sons at home would shut the door against him. The speaker then gave a history of slavery from the fifteenth century to the present time, with appropriate and earnest comments.

Mr. BUSHNELL was then brought up to the stand. The applause and cheers that greeted him spoke truly of the sympathy and welcome which the audience felt for the noble "felon." He remarked, that while he had felt no regret when before the Court, he did now regret that he could not in fitting language respond to their call. He had been imprisoned for disobeying the Fugitive Slave Law, and Marshal Johnson told him that that law had been enforced on the Reserve; but this audience showed that it could not and should not be; and as for him, if a fugitive came to him for aid he should have it, though all the mortals in Ohio opposed it, so help him God. "Three times three" were then given with a will for Simeon Bushnell in "speaking tones."

Music by the Wellington band.

Hon. JOSHUA R. GIDDINGS was then brought forward.

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have not space for all

his eloquent address, | whose manhood could not be overshadowed or as we have also the scarcely less brilliant one of perverted by his official character, who, with


The Marseilles Hymn was then executed by the choir, the solo being finely sung by Miss Church, and the full choir of one hundred and fifty ladies and gentlemen joining in the chorus with splendid effect..

Hon. RALPH PLUMB (one of the Rescuers) was the next speaker. On the 13th of September last, just ten months ago, he had, it is true, been glad to know of the rescue of John Price; but he was ashamed to say that he did nothing to aid in the rescue. It was not these men alone, but it was the spirit of Oberlin, which was opposed to all oppression, which was indicted. But years ago he had been guilty of rescuing slaves. [At this point Mr. Giddings arose and said that he remembered one Sunday morning, long years ago, when this man Plumb brought a whole wagon load of slaves to his house, on the way to freedom.] The speaker then went on to describe and speak of their prison lives of eighty-five days, of the feelings that actuated the imprisoned, and their trials when thinking of their families at home. He had felt cheered with the thought which his daughter had written him while in prison, "Father, it is a great boon to be the lever, or even the stone upon which that lever rests, which is to lift a nation and a whole people up into purer atmosphere where freedom can live and bless." They should go on, until Ohio should be, what she professes to be, a free State, and until our whole broad land is free from slavery's blighting curse.

Prof. MONROE announced at the close of Mr. Plumb's remarks, that it had been said that recent events had soured the temper of the Oberlin people; and he must confess that Prof. Fairchild, one of the most amiable of men, had become so soured that he was about to cane a person right there on the stage.


the discernment which God gives to the truehearted, could discover honest and upright men, even under the brand of indicted and convicted felons. Those committed to him as prisoners, he dared to receive as guests; and, from the first moment of their commitment to this present hour, he has made it his care to administer to their comfort and welfare.

Our friends were sought out and cared for by many others. Foremost among these, was one who did not merely come and look on them, to "pass by on the other side," but he came to them with such comfort and help as personal attention and personal resources could provide. He took care of them, and even went beyond the parable, in not leaving them until he saw them safely lodged in the bosom of their families.

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[Now, Mr. President, do not permit the good people here to say that I have intimated that our friends had fallen among thieves. If they press the illustration to that extent, they must do it on their own responsibility; I was brought up not to call bad names.]

Within the prison walls, our friends were introduced to a jailer - whom God made a man before he was made a jailer-and to his excellent wife and her two assistants, all of whom were unwearied in their attentions to the prisoners and their friends that visited them, and by their considerate kindness gave to the gloomy place as much the air of a home as a prison ever had.

The citizens of Oberlin, in whose behalf I speak, have not been insensible to this kindness, of which hundreds of them have been personal witnesses. Without the idea of repaying it, they have wished in a measure to relieve their sense of obligation, by a public testimonial of their gratitude; and I will call upon our friend Mr. Grannis to accept and transmit to Mr. Sheriff Wightman this cane, presented by the citizens of Oberlin, and this-its fellow-to Mr. Henry R. Smith, the good Samaritan; a small token of our appreciation of their kindMr. President. It seems to be your prerog-ness. Assure them, sir, that these gifts have ative to assign us our duties, at your pleasure, been selected with an eye to utility as well however grotesque they may seem, and we are as comeliness-not that we would intimate not at liberty to decline them; but, I take it, that they are afflicted with any spinal weakevery man is by nature chartered with the privi-ness, or require any such support of their lege of performing his duties in his own way. manhood. Nor have they enemies whose asYou will expect me, then, to administer the can-saults they might repel, - nor is there any thing ing which you have appointed me, in our plain in human form against which we bear a grudge, Oberlin fashion-not with that display of re- upon which we would wish them to try the finement andchivalry which might be appropri- temper of these trusty weapons. But if, in ate to the chamber of the United States Senate. their pilgrimage through the world, they should There are, probably, few in this vast assem- fall in with the monster which Mrs. Partington bly who need to be informed that our friends has called the fugitive slave Bill," going about at Cleveland experienced much kindness from seeking whom he may devour," the mere sight various sources, as an offset to the pains and of these two good sticks shall frighten him back penalties laid upon them by United States offi- to his native pandemonium, whence he is a fugicials. At their first introduction to prison tive, and where he "owes service and labor." walls, they made the acquaintance of a Sheriff

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The matrons of Oberlin who have thus far

had the privilege of caring for their husbands as an American citizen. We wished that the at home, have provided for the gentle hostess of wide world could all have seen him standing our friends, Mrs. John Smith, this set of there, pouring forth in clarion notes his noble, spoons; for her assistants, Miss Eliza Morrill manlike, and godlike thoughts. No more eloand Miss Lucy P. Wightman, this dress and quent speech was made yesterday than his. this book; assure them that their kindness will be held in remembrance, and that they are among those whom we shall delight to


Frof. FAIRCHILD then presented to John C. Granniss, Esq., to be presented by him to the parties nameda gold-headed cane for Sheriff Wightman; a similar one for Mr. H. R. Smith; a set of spoons for Mrs. Smith; a dress for her sister; and a book for Miss Lucy Wightman. These articles Mr. Granniss delivered, and responded for the recipients in a happy and fitting manner.

The canes are heavy ebony, with elegantly chased gold heads, inscribed to the recipients "from the citizens of Oberlin.". They are valuable articles, both intrinsically and for their deeply interesting associations.

Prof. MORGAN then read the following resolution, which was carried with a will:

Resolved, That the people of Oberlin in Mass Meeting assembled, tender to R. P. SPALDING, F. T. BACKUS, A. G. RIDDLE, and S. O. GRISWOLD, our heartfelt gratitude for the unwearied zeal and devoted self-sacrifice with which, refusing all compensation, they have conducted their very able defence of the Rescuers before the U. S. Court and the Supreme Court of the State. We feel that no fees could have bought such services, and that no gift can duly express our sense of the debt we owe; but by us and by countless others of the friends of right and freedom, the names of these able jurists and their noble services will be had in everlasting remembrance.

Esq. GOODWIN, of Sandusky, was then introduced, and spoke of the present contest between common and higher law-claiming that nothing was "law" save that which commanded what was right, and prohibited what was wrong. He spoke with words of counsel and hope for the future, and with a prophetic eye looking through the coming ages to the last day, when kings and beggars, black and white, bond and free, should meet together before the great white throne, to be judged for the deeds done in the body.

JOHN LANGSTON, Esq., rose in response to a call, to apologize for the absence of his brother Charles, and to speak a word for himself. In his characteristic bold eloquence, he spoke fearless and startling words in opposition to the Fugitive Slave Law. He paid a high and proud tribute to the speech of his brother in the United States Court, which was received with loud applause. He thanked his noble friends who had gone up to Cuyahoga county jail-thanked them in his character as a ne -as a white man— as one in whom the blood of both races joined as a man· - and


Prof. MONROE then introduced Prof. PECK, expressing his doubt in the mathematical assertion that eight quarts were equal to one Peck.

Prof. PECK remarked that he had been put into intimate association with the noble men who had brought eloquence and talent to bear upon their defence, and expressed his gratitude to them in touching words and kind remembrances, and also in the highest and tenderest terms of Jailer Smith, his family, and those associated with him in imprisonment, expressing as his will and testament, that those brethren should be the first to follow his body to its burial, and the ones to offer up the last prayer over his lifeless clay.

Judge SPALDING and Mr. RIDDLE, for the counsel for the defence, expressed their thanks for the compliments paid them, but asserted that the Bar of Cuyahoga, with possibly a few exceptions, were entitled to equal gratitude, for all were ready and eager to leap forward for the defence of such men; so bring on your Rescuers."


With music by the Hecker Band, the immense congregation of not less than 3,000 persons was then dismissed, it being 6 o'clock, and at 7: 50 the Cleveland delegation returned to the city, "satisfied."

The meeting was an earnest and a good one, not less than five thousand persons gathered to do honor to the occasion. Notwithstanding the dust- - the intense heat of the sun's raysthe time in the middle of harvesting and the fact of its being the first working day of the week, the hosts of freedom came up and encamped in the strong-hold of liberty and equality. Oberlin is not "subdued," and never will be.

Of all the features of the day, there was nothing that was of more interest than the singing by the vast and well-trained choir. It was, without exception the most grand and glorious singing-the nearest to our conception of a grand choral harmony, of any thing we ever heard.

A lady remarked to us on the homeward passage, that she "did n't believe we would hear better singing in the other world." We do believe there is no choir like that one in the country. No words, no language can express the beauty and sublimity of the execution of the Marseilles Hymn, or the "Gathering of the Free," and so will not attempt it. It was beyond all praise.

After partaking of a bountiful supper at Prof. PECK's, we returned home, hearty cheers ris-\ ing as the excursionists left the station, and when next Oberlin celebrates, and her eleven hundred students are "out of school," and the latch strings are out, "may we be there to see.”

We are permitted to close this volume with the following beautiful and thrilling lines, the offering of a recent graduate of Oberlin College.


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A SONG for Freedom! let it ring
In wild and stirring rhyme,
Fit for the glowing lips to sing,

When beating hearts keep time;
For all the hills are flushing red,
A glorious morn is breaking,
And earth is thrilling to the tread
Of Freedom's hosts awaking.

Through the long night we only heard
The distant warder's cry,

And here and there a soul gave back
The watchword in reply:

Now, full and clear above them all,
The bugle notes are sounding,
A thousand voices swell the call,
A thousand hearts are bounding.

From lip to lip along the lines,

The battle-cry rings out:

"GOD SPEED THE RIGHT!" then loud and high

The kingly leaders shout:

"Now with your good swords flashing bare,

O host of GOD's anointing!

Look to the heavens! and follow where

The beacon star is pointing!"

Ho, Tyrants! ye who dared to steal
The pearl ye could not win,
Who thought to crush with iron heel

The free-born soul within;

Bowed to the dust beneath your sway,
Our hearts spring up the stronger;
Lo, FREEDOM takes the crown to-day
And falsehood rules no longer.

We cannot fail, while day by day,
In every cottage home,
Young children kneel, and softly pray,
"Thy heavenly kingdom come!"
So courage, heart! for come it must,

That kingdom high and glorious,
The tyrant's power shall fall to dust,
And truth shall reign victorious.

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