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The question of reform in A. Ph. A. conventions has been under discussion for some months, and in order to crystallize these discussions a special committee was appointed to revise the rules and by-laws of the association. The most important actions of this committee are the following:

The addresses of welcome and responses are to be omitted in future conventions. Council meetings will be held in the evenings except the first and the last meetings. The work of the sections will be confined to the hours between 9:30 and 12 in the morning and 2 to 5 or 6 in the afternoon and no section meetings shall be held at night. The usual concurrent meetings of sections will be continued and bulletins shall be provided in each to show what is going on in other meetings, so that a member may pass from one section to the other to hear those particular papers and discussions in which he is specially interested.

Manuscripts are to be secured by the chairmen of the Sections and sent to the General Secretary four weeks in advance. of the annual meetings, and such of these papers may be printed in advance as may seem desirable in the judgment of the General Secretary and the Section. chairmen. The General Secretary will then prepare a collective program, containing the detailed programs of each section and indicating the time of the reading and discussion on each paper.

The Section on Pharmacopoeias and Formularies was abolished and the Chairman of the Section of Practical Pharmacy and Dispensing was instructed to appoint. a committee of three on Pharmacopoeias and Fomularies to co-operate with the Section in securing papers on this subject.

The By-laws were amended to provide for the following sections: Scientific with the four sub-divisions of chemistry, botany and pharmacognosy, biologic assays and bacteriology; Commercial interests; Practical Pharmacy and Dispensing; Pharmaceutical Education and LegislaPharmacy; Historical Pharmacy; and the Women's Section.

Council was further authorized to create new sections when necessitated. The Sections shall perform such duties as may be referred to them and shall report to Council or the Association if so

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Dr. Wm. J. Schieffelin of New York on the subject: Uniformity in Dosage of Radium Emanation.

This paper elicited the closest attention and was given much space in the local press. It was accompanied with an exhibit of $250,000. worth of radium recently received from Madam Curie of Paris, and various charts and tables.

New officers of the Scientific Section were chosen as follows: W. H. Englehardt, Baltimore, chairman; Dr. Wm. Mansfield, New York, Secretary, W. L. Scoville, Detroit and L. A. Brown, Lexington, Ky., vice-chairmen.

Program of the Commercial Section.


Address by the Chairman.. HARRY B. MASON "Is a Strictly Cash Business Desirable or

Possible?"-Three short papers by FRED

"Does It Pay to Cultivate the Business of

Dispensing Doctors?"--Two papers by E. G. MCCLALLEN and ARTHUR S. WARDLE. "The Druggist and His Bank."-A paper by B. S. COOBAN, and extemporaneous remarks by CHAS. F. MANN and CHAS. HOLZHAUER. "What Advertising Methods Do We Employ?" Two papers by R. A. LEET and HARALD N. BRUNN.

"Calendars as an Advertising Medium for

Retail Pharmacists".. FRANKLIN M. APPLE "Efficiency and Nine Hours a Day for the Retail Druggist.....


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"Building Up Trade in Spraying Materials," CHAS. R. SHERMAN "How to Gain Greater Efficiency and Coöperation from Drug Clerks,"

CHAS. R. SHERMAN "A Uniform System of Accounting in the Retail Drug Trade". . CASWELL A. MAYO "The Sale of Biological Products in the

Drug Store"-Two papers by W. M. BOWMAN and WALTER M. CHASE. "Paying More Than Wages"......E. BERGER "Displaying Confectionery and Cough

Drops in Bulk........ FRANKLIN M. APPLE "High Grade Candy as a Side Line," J. W. PEYTON

Extemporaneous discussion of selected ques-
tions if time permits.
Election and Installation of Officers.
Final Adjournment.

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"What per cent. of the Prescriptions dispensed in your store can you conscientiously declare to be dispensed with fresh drugs and chemicals," C. OSSEWARD

"The American Institute of Prescriptionists...... .H. V. ARNY "The Pharmacy of Adrenalin," C.P. BECKWITH "A Plea for Reform in the Dispensing of Ointments and Similar Preparations,"

F. W. NITARDY "A Formula for a new Type of Saline Antiseptic Solution........C. H. LAWALL "Red Gum". .J. K. THUM "Deterioration of Galenicals"...E. KIMMICH "A New Antidote for Corrosive Sublimate Poisoning" Wм. A. HALL "On the Preparation of Flake Agar Agar, F. W. NITARDY


Report of Nominating Committee and Report of Committee on Chairman's Address.

Election of Officers.

Pharmaceutical Queries.


"Odd Prescriptions,"






F. M. APPLE and C. OSSEWARD "Should the Retail Druggist Make His

Own Preparations". PROF. H.C.Washburn "Should the Retail Druggist Make His Own Preparations or Buy Them?"

C. J. CLAYTON "The Chemistry of Cold Cream". . H. S. GROAT "Artificial Perfumes". H. S. GROAT "How Would You Advertise Your Prescription Department... J. DINER "Some Random Notes".....T. D. McELHENIE "Some Pharmaceutical Notes"..WM. R. WHITE "What Attraction Has Pharmacy to Offer to Prospective Pharmacists?" R. P. FISCHELIS

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Reading of Minutes of Preceding Sitting. Report of the Committee on Patents and and Trade Marks.

Reading of Paper: "A Plea for a Higher
Standard for Entrance to the Pro-
fession of Pharmacy". . . . . . C. B. JORDAN
Reading of Paper: "Pharmaceutical Edu-
cation, or the Education of the Phar-
Reading of Paper: "Pharmaceutical Edu-
Report of the Special Committee on the
Standardization of Courses for Phar-
macal Degrees.

Report of the Committee on Drug Reform.
Election of Officers.

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Report of the Secretary

A List of Modern Pharmacopoeias and

Report of the Chairman of the U. S. P.
Committee of Revision,

JOSEPH P. REMINGTON Report of the Chairman of the A. Ph. A.

Committee on U. S. P...L. D. HAVENHILL Report of the Chairman of the Committee

on National Formulary....C. LEWIS DIEHL Report of the Chairman of the Committee

on Unofficial Standards, GEO. M. BERINGER Report of the Chairman of the Recipe Committee.. HENRY P. HYNSON

"Can the U. S. P. and N. F. Be Made Popular with Physicians?" BERNARD FANTUS, M. D.


Review of the Norwegian Pharmacopoeia,
Review of the New Homeopathic Phar-
macopoeia...... .GEORGE M. BERINGER
Exhibition of About 400 New or Modified
Preparations proposed for the U. S. P.
IX and N. F. IV.

This exhibit consists of about 250 preparations
made by members of the Association at the
request of the Chairman of the section, and
about 150 preparations made by members of
the Committee in the course of the revi-
sions. An examination and discussion of
the preparations will be invited.
Exhibition of Crude Drugs, EDWIN L. NEWCOMB
"A Needed Change in Ointment of Zinc
This section was incorporated in the Section
of Practical Pharmacy and Dispensing.

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The entertainment features of the Detroit convention were on a very large scale, owing to the unusual attendance due to the joint meetings of the A. Ph. A. and the Michigan State Association.

The entertainment program was carried out in detail as planned. On Tuesday afternoon the ladies were the guests of Nelson Baker & Co., on a trip to Bois Blanc Island, supper being served on board the boat. The following afternoon a card party was given them in the Hotel Ponchartrain. On Wednesday evening the ladeis were the guests of The F. A. Thompson Co., and F. F. Ingram Co., at a theater party at Temple Theater. Thursday afternoon all sessions were suspended and everybody took the river excursion given by the Parke-Davis Company. A stop was made at the plant for an inspection trip, where the crowd was broken up into small parties and escorted over the immense Parke-Davis plant by members of the pharmaceutical staff. A special boat was chartered for the occasion. trip was continued up the river to the beautiful flats. Supper was served on the boat, the ladies being presented with American Beauty roses while the men enjoyed cigars. Friday afternoon everybody was taken on an automobile sight-seeing trip through the city, the parks and through Belle Isle. The gracious hospitality of their Detroit hosts left little chance for A. Ph. A. members to feel as strangers within their gates, and the formal vote of thanks but faintly expresses the appreciation of one and all for the warmth of their reception and the lavish entertainment.



The pessimist Fletcherizes his quinine pills. The optimist gets treed by a bear and enjoys the view.-Yale Record.


Right Wing of the American Pharmaceutical Association and Michigan State Pharmaceutical Association, on the Lawn at Parke-Davis & Co.'s Plant.

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