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que cette sanction est renforcée, le cas échéant, par le paiement de dommages-intérêts pour les pertes matérielles ;

que, en thèse générale et abstraction faite de situations particulières, ces sanctions paraissent suffisantes;

que, également en thèse générale, l'introduction d'une autre sanction pécuniaire paraît être superflue et dépasser le but de la juridiction internationale;

Considérant que, par application de ce qui vient d'être dit, les circonstances de la cause présente ne sauraient motiver une telle sanction supplémentaire; que, sans autre examen, il n'y a donc pas lieu de donner suite à la demande susmentionnée.

Sur la demande de l'Agent français tendant à faire condamner le Gouvernement Italien à payer la somme de cinq cent soixante-seize mille sept cent trente huit francs vingt-trois centimes, montant total des pertes et dommages réclamés par les particuliers intéressés au navire et à son expédition,

Considérant que la demande d'une indemnité est, en principe, justifiée ;

Considérant que le Tribunal, après avoir entendu les explications concordantes de deux de ses membres chargés par lui de procéder à une enquête sur lesdites réclamations, a évalué à soixante-quinze mille francs le montant de l'indemnité due à la Compagnie générale transatlantique, à vingt-cinq mille francs le montant de l'indemnité due à l'aviateur Duval et consorts, enfin à soixante mille francs l'indemnité due à l'ensemble des passagers et chargeurs, soit à cent soixante mille francs la somme totale à payer par le Gouvernement Italien au Gouvernement Français.

Le Tribunal Arbitral


Déclare et prononce ce qui suit :

Les autorités navales italiennes n'étaient pas en droit de procéder comme elles ont fait à la capture et à la saisie momentanée du vapeur postal français,,Carthage."

Le Gouvernement Royal Italien sera tenu, dans les trois mois de la présente sentence, de verser au Gouvernement de la République Française la somme de cent soixante mille francs, montant des pertes et

as this penalty is made heavier, if there be occasion, by the payment of compensation for material losses;

as generally and excluding special circumstances, these penalties appear to be sufficient;

as, also, the imposition of other pecuniary penalty appears to be superfluous and to go beyond the purposes of international jurisdiction;

Whereas, by the application of what has just been said, the circumstances of the present case would not justify such a supplementary penalty; as, without further examination, there is no occasion to comply with the above-mentioned request.

Upon the request of the French agent to the effect that the Italian Government be condemned to pay the sum of five hundred and seventy-six thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight francs, twentythree centimes, the total amount of the losses and damages claimed by private parties interested in the vessel and its voyage,

Whereas the request for indemnity is, in principle, justified; Whereas the Tribunal, after having heard the concurring explanations of two of its members, charged by it to proceed to an investigation of the said claims, has fixed at seventy-five thousand francs, the amount of indemnity due the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique, at twenty-five thousand francs the amount of indemnity due the aviator Duval and his associates, and finally, at sixty thousand francs the amount due together to the passengers and shippers; or a total of one hundred and sixty thousand francs to be paid by the Italian Government to the French Government.


The Arbitral Tribunal

Declares and pronounces as follows:

The Italian naval authorities were not within their rights in proceeding, as they did, to the capture and temporary seizure of the French mail steamer" Carthage."

The Royal Italian Government shall be obliged, within three months from the present award, to pay to the Government of the French Republic the sum of one hundred and sixty thousand francs, the amount

dommages éprouvés, à raison de la capture et de la saisie du,,Carthage," par les particuliers intéressés au navire et à son expédition.

Il n'y a pas lieu de donner suite aux autres réclamations contenues dans les conclusions des deux Parties.

Fait à La Haye, dans l'Hôtel de la Cour Permanente d'Arbitrage, le 6 mai 1913.


Le Secrétaire général: MICHIELS VAN VERDUYNEN

Le Secrétaire: RÖELL

of the losses and damages sustained by the private parties interested in the vessel and its voyage, by reason of the capture and seizure of the "Carthage."

There is no reason to comply with the other claims contained in the motions of the two parties.

Done at The Hague, in the building of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, May 6, 1913.

President: HJ. L. HAMMARSKJÖLD Secretary General: MICHIELS VAN VERDUYNEN Secretary: RÖELL







The Governments of France and Italy made an agreement on April 15, 1912

1. To submit to an International Commission of Inquiry the questions raised by the seizure of the French steamer, "Tavignano" by the Italian torpedo boat "Fulmine" on January 25, 1912 in the neighborhood of Raz-Zira and upon the subject of the shots fired by the Italian torpedo boat "Canopo," on the same day and in the same neighborhood upon the two Tunisian mahones, "Kamouna" and


2. To transmit if there is reason, the result of the inquiry to the Arbitral Tribunal charged with the determination upon the cases of the "Carthage" and "Manouba," in order that a decision may be pronounced upon the questions of law, that the responsibility may be fixed and that the proper moral and material reparation may be determined.

The Commission of Inquiry1 made its report on July 23, 1912. The two Governments, unable upon the basis of this report to come to an understanding for the establishing of a direct agreement with a view to a final solution, agreed by a compromis of November 8, 1912, to intrust to the Tribunal charged with the decision upon

1 Captains, J. R. Seagrave (British Navy), President, Th. Somborn (French Navy), G. Genoese Zerbi (Italian Navy), and Lieutenant L. H. Violette (French Navy), French Secretary, and M. Gravina (Italian Navy), Italian Secretary.

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