페이지 이미지


Prophecies of Mofes abound moft in the latter part of

his writings; p. 101. The 28th of Deuteronomy a

lively picture of the ftate of the Jews at prefent;

p. 101, 102. Prophecy of their enemies coming

from far, how fulfilled; p. 102. Prophecy of the

cruelty of their enemies, how fulfilled; p. 103, 104.

Of the fieges of their cities; p. 104, 105. Of their
diftrefs and famin in the fieges; p. 105, 106. Of
women eating their own children; p. 105, 106. Of
their great calamities and flaughters; p. 107. Of
their being carried into Egypt, and fold for flaves at a
low price; p. 107, 108. Of their being plucked from
off their own land; p. 108, 109.
Öf their being
difperfed into all nations; p. 110. Of their ftill fub-
fifting as a diftinct people; p. 110. Of their finding
no reft; p. 110, 111. Of their being oppreffed and
fpoiled; 111. Of their children taken from them;
Of their madness and defperation; p. 11%,
13. Of their ferving other gods; p. 113, 114. Of

their becoming a proverb, and a by-word; p. 114.

Of the long continuance of their plagues; p. 114,

115. Conclufion; p. 115.

p. 112.

Other prophecies relative to the present state of the
Jews; p. 115. I. The prophecies concerning the
reftoration of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin,
and the diffolution of the ten tribes; p. 116-124.

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The restoration of the two tribes foretold to be after
70 years; p. 116. Fulfilled at three periods; p. 116,
117. The ten tribes to ceafe from being a people
within 65 years; p. 117. The prophecy how ful-
filled; p. 118, 119. What is become of them fince,
and where are they at prefent; p. 119, 120. Vain
conjectures of the Jews thereupon; p. 120. Not all
returned with the two tribes; p. 121. Not all fwal-
lowed up and loft among the heathen nations; p. 122.
Whether they remained, or whether they returned,
they ceafed from being a diftinct people, and were all
comprehended under the name of Jews; p. 122, 123.
The reafon of this diftinction between the two tribes
and the ten tribes; p. 123, 124. II. The preferva-
tion of the Jews, and the deftruction of their ene-
mies; p. 124-127. The prefervation of the Jews
one of the moft illuftrious acts of divine providence;
p. 124, 125. Nor lefs the providence of God in the
deftruction of their enemies; p. 125, 126. Not only
nations but fingle perfons; p. 126. III. The defo-
lation of Judea another memorable inftance of the
truth of prophecy; p. 127-132. Foretold by the
prophets; p. 127, 128. The prefent ftate of Judea
anfwerable to the prophecies; p. 128. No objection
from hence to its having been a land flowing with
milk and honey; p. 128. The ancients, Heathens
as well as Jews, teftify it to have been a good land;
p. 128. Mr. Maundrell's account of its prefent state;
p. 129, 130. Dr. Shaw's; p. 131, 132. IV. The
prophecies of the infidelity and reprobation of the
Jews, how fulfilled; p. 132-134. V. Of the calling
and obedience of the Gentiles; p. 135, 136. This
revolution effected by incompetent perfons, and in a
fhort time; p. 136, 137. The prophecies concern-
ing the Jews and Gentiles have not yet received their
entire completion; p. 137, 138. What hath been
accomplished a fufficient pledge of what is to come;
p. 138.
Conclufion diffuading all perfecution, and
recommending humanity and charity to the Jews;
.p. 139-141.


Babylon as well as Nineveh an enemy to the people of

God; p. 158. A very great and very ancient city;

p. 159. Confiderably improved by Nebuchadnezzar;

p. 159. One of the wonders of the world; p. 160.

Ifaiah and Jeremiah foretold its deftruction; p. 161.

Prophecies of Cyrus the conqueror of Babylon, ful-

filled; ; p. 161. The time of the reduction of Baby-

lon foretold; p. 162. Several circumftances of the

fiege foretold; p. 162. Befieged by the Medes and

Elamites or Perfians; p. 163. Armenians and other

nations united against it; p. 164. The Babylonians

hide themselves within their walls; p. 164. The

river dried up; p. 164, 165. The city taken during

a feaft; p. 165, 166. The facts related by Herodotus

and Xenophon, and therefore no room for fcepticism;

p. 166. The prophets foretold its total defolation;

p. 167, 168. Thefe prophecies to be fulfilled by de-

grees; p. 168. Its ftate under Cyrus; p. 168. Un-

der Darius; p. 169, 170. Under Xerxes; p. 170,

171. Under Alexander and afterwards; p. 171, 172.

The accounts of it fince that time, by Diodorus ;

p. 172.
Strabo; p. 172. Pliny; p. 173. Paufa-

nias; p. 173. Maximus Tyrius and Lucian; p. 173.

Jerome; p. 173, 174. Accounts of later authors, of

Benjamin of Tudela; p. 174. Texeira; p. 174.

Rauwolf; p. 174, 175. Peter de la Valle; p. 175,

176. Tavernier; p. 176. Mr. Salmon; p. 176,

177. Mr. Hanway; p. 177. By thefe accounts it

appears how punctually the prophecies have been

fulfilled; p. 177, 178. Conclufion; fuch prophecies

a convincing argument of the divinity of the fcrip-

tures, and likewife inftances of fine writing, and of

the fpirit of liberty; p. 178-180.

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