Bayerische LONDON: PRINTED BY THOMAS DAVISON, WHITEFRIARS. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS IN VOL. II. Page 3, note 1,-line last, for his entering, read for entering. - 30, note 1, • 34, note 2, 117, note 1,. 127, note 1, 145,-1.35, 154, note, 175, note, - 178, note 2, 199, note, 214, note 2, : 216, - 227, note 1, Instead of the reference there, read-post, pp. 54, 187, and 225. add-BoswELI., but see the letter in the Appendix. for etiam is, read etiamsi. for December, read-September. Perhaps the Scotch nonjuring Bishop Campbell was add-Lord St. Helens has since confirmed to the editor, on the authority of his father, an eyewitness, Dr. Johnson's failure at the Society of Arts. This friend was Mr. Cullen, advocate, son of the celebrated physician, afterwards a judge, by the name of Lord Cullen. add-[Mr. Malone's note is absurd. Mr. Hallam for booksellers, read publishers. 217, 1. 5, and note 1, The gentleman was probably Mr. Fitzherbert, who - 257, note, for 216, read-116. 293, note 2,-1. last, for Scotarem, read-Scotorum. 318, note, 323, note 1, 325, note 2, 346, note 2, 348, note 1, 350,-1. 26, - 433, note 1, 478, note 2, • • for Guy, read Grey. for 239, read-245. for probably, read certainly. for Cushel, read Cashel. dele [ED.] and substitute-BOSWELL. after drawbridge, insert over. add-no doubt from the same root as gladius. - 182, note 1; 270, note, 1. 9; 271, note; 424, note, add-Boswell. |