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Wherein is contain'd a brief Account of a Rebellion which broke out here; and a Copy of a remarkable Address from a famous City, to the Yawhoop of Puppet-Ifland, thereupon.


BOUT this Time, a furious Rebellion broke out in this Ifland; but indeed, not fo much out of a Difaffection to the Government, as it was the Contrivance of a neighb'ring Enemy, who chiefly fupported it for few of the Puppets join'd therein, but thofe of defperate Fortunes, and the bafeft of the People. For the Yawhoop himself was a Prince the moft remarkable for Juftice, and of the greateft Humanity. So that, as foon as this Spirit of Rebellion began to fhew itself in intelligible Characters, all the Civil-Magistrates, and all incorporated Bodies in every Part of the Island affembled together, and fent up Letters and Meffages to their Sovereign the Yawhoop (according to the wonted Custom of the Island, and, I believe, of moft other Countries, on the like Occafion) to acquaint him of their great Deteftation and Abhorrence of this malignant


Treason. And alfo, affuring him, that they, and their Wives, and their Children, and their Lands and their Buildings, and their Cattle and Servants, and all their Clothes, and their Victuals and Drink, were at his Disposal. And that he might facrifice them all as he pleased; so that he would- but destroy this Hydra of Rebellion.

The following is a very exact Translation of one of those extraordinary Meffages. And which Compofition is of fo ftrange and curious a Nature, that we apprehend, it will not only be worthy a Reader's Perufal, but also the near Confideration of almost every profefs'd Polititician in Europe.

The humble Presentation of the famous and moft judicious City of Gullgame, to the rawhoop of Puppet-Ifland.

May it please your moft facred, and divine Majefty!

We, your Majefty's most faithfull! most affectionate moft loyal! most dutifull and most fubmiffive Subjects, the Magiftrates of your moft honourable City of Gullgame, do, at this particular Crifis, beg Leave to make you a most folemn Sacrifice of this our humble Duty and Submiffion to your facred Will and Pleasure.


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First, we do humbly petition your most sacred Majefty, that you take all the Care you poffibly can of your moft heavenly and divine Perfon: As we moft earnestly do intend to do, of our terrestrial ones.

Secondly, that your Majefty do, always, regard fuch Informations and Advices, only, at this turbulent Juncture, as in your own infinite Wisdom and Penetration, you are most inclining to approve.

Thirdly, we likewise, so please your Majefty, humbly defire, that your Enemy's Fleet, which is now upon our Coaft, may be invited, fafely to ride in fome of our best Harbours: in Order to dispell the Jealousy of our uncertain Fate. And that we may the easier guefs at what we have to truft to, we beg, that, without any further Delay, your Majefty would be graciously pleased to fend a Meffage to this prefuming Invader, who now heads thofe Rebels, to ask it as a particular Favour, that he would be so good and fo dutifull as to return home, and comfort his poor aged Father; and not continue to run ftroling about the Island as he does; like a Thief and an Outlaw, and a Vagabond, for, that it is our abfolute Refolution, never to give him the leaft Encouragement here.

Fourthly, we also would willingly follow the laudable Example of the rest of your good Subjects,

Subjects, and make your Majesty a free Offer of our Lives and Fortunes; that you might dif pose of them in what Guife you please; but that our Lives, so please your Majefty, are not worth your taking and for our Fortunes, they are already in your Minifter's Hands, by which ‹ Means they are reduced fo very low, that we humbly recommend them to your Majefty's Grace and Goodness, as a deed of the utmoft Charity, to advance them.

Fifthly, we return your Majefty our hearty and loyal Thanks, for your Goodness in appointing as the comfortable Pleasure of certain *Faft-Days; for indeed, it is much to be doubted but that fome of us fhould have been obliged to have ftrictly obferved it, without a Decree: And therefore, it is fome Confolation, to find that our Wants are fo highly agreeable to your Majefty's good Pleasure. But, indeed, we had much rather (had it better pleased your Majefty) that this double Appointment had been enforced in a more seasonable Time; becaufe, we humbly conceive it, to be a little un

This Ordinance for general Fafting in the Days of Calamity, was originally taken from the Story of the People of Ninive, who faved their City, by a timely Submiffion, Prayer, and Fafting: which the Puppets would feem to imitate; but always forget it, till fome impending Danger immediately threatens them with Rain.


feasonable as well as unwholefome, for People, who have good healthfull Appetites to hold a Fast at such a * Biting Time of the Year.

Sixthly, We most devoutly, and most humbly thank your Majefty for driving away all the Peterians at this critical Juncture, for that we are of Opinion (unanimously) that those superftitious People richly deferve Banifhment themfelves, who are fo cruel, or fo foolishly ridiculous, as to banish the chearfull and hearty Companions of good Beef, Mutton, Pork, Lamb, Veal, &c. &c. from their own Tables, two or three Days in a Week, contrary to the Conftitutions of their poor defiring Stomachs; and at the fame Time, to admit and entertain in their Stead, both Swine, Beafts, and Canibals (in their own worse Shapes) their great GuttlingPriests. And

Seventhly, and laftly, fince by your Majefty's Royal and moft judicious Proclamation, the whole difloyal Poffe of Peterians are also to be difarm'd; we your Majesty's most faithfull Subjects do humbly folicit that their Priests may be unman'd; or, that we may the more furely know them from the reft of that mif chievous Function and Opinion (if it better please your Majesty) that they may be un

Being about the Middle of Winter.


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