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on the Journey; yet, the nobler Part, her Soul (as, we shall not doubt but that she had a Soul) difdaining now the flavish Submiffion of her Perfon, flew back, to her Delight, in Love.

In this cogitative Mood, she spent the first whole Day of her Journey; not exchanging in all that Time, fix fingle Words with her Sérvant; more than what she could not well avoid. But the second and third Day, produced fomething so extraordinary, that the most Penetrating of our Readers, we dare to affirm, have not the leaft Conception of. And therefore, as it is generally allow'd a very great Beauty in the Art of Writing, to conceal the Catastrophe as long as possible, we beg Leave to withhold the Reft of this entertaining History till the next Chapter.


Containing the Continuation of the Hiftory of the above Paradox. Interfperfed with usefull Digreffions, Obfervations and Reflections; all for the Benefit of the Reader.


T feems at firft Sight, a little repugnant to Nature, and perhaps not eafily accounted for, that the fair Sex in particular, when to all outward

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outward Appearance, they are fo bitterly overwhelm'd with the Afflictions of either embarass'd Love, or heavy Sorrow, they are almost instantly to be diverted from them, and gain'd over in that moft unaccountable Manner, from either of thofe Extremes to embrace a Propofition which no Reason nor Philofophy can warrant. But that it is so, our own Obfervations may frequently testify, And a moft flagrant Inftance we have of it, for Example in the Life of that deteftable, ill-shaped Tyrant, Richard the third; who attack'd the Widow of Prince Edward, Son to Henry the fixth, (who was one of the moft amiable Princes in the World) and whom this ungratefull Monster had himfelf moft inhumanly murder'd. Yet, he (heeding, as little, a Repulfe from her, as he had Remorfe for the cruel deadly Crime he had thus been guilty of) in that most melancholy Mood, and unpromifing Seafon, both woo'd, and won her! But, that there is any Thing in our present Tale that bears the best Affinity with this historical Digreffion our Readers need not to fufpect.

The first Day of our fair Traveller's Journey being spent, as mention'd above, in filent fighing, &c. the fecond was now begun to the fame Tune; but, as every Moment, in all material-beings produces fomething new; so we may now say, of Narciffa, for the Wind shifting

its Point, began now to fan her corroding Fires; which, as yet, had not fo much as fhew'd it felf in one fingle Spark, till it broke forth in a gentle, lively Blaze; to the no small Amazement of her sympathizing Servant. We say, fympathizing, because, as she had maintain'd a perfect Silence hitherto, this fenfible, well behaved young Fellow had never once attempted, by the leaft Word, or Action, to interrupt her Thoughts. So that, being now weary of this dumb Proceeding, which render'd that most ready, useful, and active Inftrument, her Tongue quite unemploy'd, fhe held it requifite to fet it again in Action: and which thereupon, immediately fpoke her Directions in the following Manner.

Come hither John; faid fhe (for fo we shall here call him) here John fpur'd his Steed till he became in an oppofite Line to his Lady. I fuppofe, John, faid fhe to him, that you are not all together ignorant of what has pafs'd between my Uncle Argoose, and Mr. Vulpine, on my Account; and therefore, confequently you know the Reafon of my prefent Journey into yonder odious Country. Which is, for no other Caufe, than to convey me out of his eafy Reach: but, as the Place. whither I am going, is not altogether agreeable to my Inclinations; and, as you are ap


pointed to attend me, and obey my Commands, that is, I mean in proceeding to the Place we are now directed; if you will consent to oblige me in a particular Favour, which I fhall now afk of you, I will very fufficiently reward you for fo doing. It is not long, you know, ere I can demand my Fortune in to my own Hands; and bid Defiance to the arbitrary Power of my Guardian-Uncle: And then, you may affuredly depend upon it, that I will more especially remember your good Defervings; if you shall now oblige me, in what I am going to afk. You must understand that I am not very defirous to reach the Place we are as yet bound for: I have Reason to apprehend that I fhall there be under the continual Watchings and Jealoufies of an hundred curious and impertinent Spies. Who, I may well imagine, will not only give falfe Intelligence of my every Action, but may alfo injure my Réputation to the World. Therefore, I own, I would willingly break through this deftined Course, if I could; and bend our Way to fome quite different Period. We may eafily, and fuddenly change our Names; and that we may not fo eafily be difcover'd, I will prefent you with Money fufficient to other wife equip yourself. Diveft you therefore of that mean Badge of flavifh Servitude, and accoutre yourfelf like other Men. I will pafs for your Sifter;


Sifter; or, your Kinfwoman; or, any other Perfon you may conceive more proper to favour our Defign. And this you may also depend on, that my present Purpose, which is to determine my future Refolutions for Life, fhall abfolutely be concluded within the Space of one Month. And then I will, if you please, return again to my Uncle. You, John, know these Countries; continued the: I am an abfolute Stranger in them; Therefore, convey me Witherfoever you please, so that it be but with Decency and Honour; and you shall be well rewarded. For, as you deal with me in. this Undertaking, you shall accordingly find your Account in it, hereafter.

This unexpected Propofal from Narcifla threw poor John's Spirits into the most agitated Ferment imaginable, and inftantly prefented to him fuch a confufed Multitude of wild Ideas, that it put him into the utmost Perplexity. And as it was a Matter of more Confequence than would admit of an immediate Determination, either Way; he very prudently and politically defired of the generous and embarafs'd Narciffa only half an Hour's Confideration for his abfolute and final Answer. Which was immediately granted. And this fhort limited Space fhe employ'd the While to the fame Effect, that is to fay, in the fame Kind of Cogitation.

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