페이지 이미지

Date of annual meeting changed.

Reports of officers.

No. 107, A.]

[Published March 21, 1899.


AN ACT amending section 1941-27 of the Wis consin statutes of 1898, relating to annual meeting of church insurance corporations.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Section 1941-27 of the revised statutes of 1898 is hereby amended by striking out the words "Tuesday succeeding the first Monday" where they occur in said section and substituting therefor the following words: "Wednesday succeeding the second Monday," so that the said section when so amended shall read as follows: Section 1941-27. The annual meeting of every such corporation shall be held on the first Wednesday succeeding the second Monday in January at the office of the secretary for the pur pose of electing officers, at which meeting the seeretary and treasurer shall each make a report setting forth the condition of the corporation, the number of policies in force, the number of new and the number of canceled policies, and the total amount of risks written during the year, the amount of losses paid, the number of assessments levied, and the financial condition of the corporation and what changes there have been made in the reserve fund, if there be one.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 17, 1899.

No. 81, A.]

[Published March 22, 1899.


AN ACT to amend chapter 201a of the revised statutes of 1898, entitled "Of the State Reformatory."

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Chapter 201a of the revised statutes of 1898, entitled "Of the State Reformatory" is hereby ainended to read as follows:

criminal and


NAME AND OBJECTS: Section 4944a. The To remove Wisconsin State Reformatory is hereby con- evil tendentinued. The purposes for which it was created, and the objects to which the rules and regulations for its government, its discipline, and the exercise of all its functions should be directed, are to correct and remove those criminal or evil tendencies and influences which render the inmates confined therein a menace to society, to the end that such inmates may become good, industrious and useful citizens.

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ORGANIZATION: Section 4944b. The juris- Board of condiction of the state board of control over the re- risdiction over formatory is established, and the powers of the with power to board are defined by law. The board shall ap- erning offipoint a superintendent, assistant superintend- cials. ent and steward, and fix their respective terms. of office, and may appoint or authorize the superintendent to appoint such other officers, and such employes as it may deem necessary, and shall fix their compensation, prescribe their duties and provide for their removal or suspension. It may also maintain therein a manual training school, may cause the inmates to be instructed in trades, and may carry on in the insti tution any industry not prohibited by law, employing for that purpose the labor of the inmates confined therein.

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Three classes of criminals admitted to reformatory.

Trial court given discre

to sentence.

WHO MAY BE COMMITTED: Section 4944c. Male persons who belong to one of the following classes may be committed to the reformatory: First-Persons convicted the first time of a felony, that is, of an offense which may be punished by imprisonment in the state prison, and who when so convicted were not over thirty years of age, and not under sixteen years of age when committed to the reformatory; and were not convicted of murder in the first or second degree. Second. Persons of like age convicted for the first time of any misdemeanor which may be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for one year or more; and third:-Inmates of the Wisconsin industrial school for boys not under sixteen years of age when committed to the refor matory, to be selected as hereinafter provided.

SENTENCES: Section 4944d. Any person be tionary power longing either to class one or class two aforesaid, may in the discretion of the trial court, be sentenced directly to the reformatory and may be so sentenced for a certain specific term, not less than six months, within the limits of imprisonment prescribed by law for the offense of which he is convicted, which term shall commence at the time prescribed in section 4733 of these statutes for the commencement of terms of sentences to the state prison. Or the court in its discretion may sentence any such person to the refor matory for a general or indeterminate time not less than the minimum nor more than the maximum term of imprisonment in the state prison or jail prescribed by law for the offense. The general sentence shall be substantially as follows: "You are sentenced to the Wisconsin state reformatory for a general or indeterminate term not less than...... ....years (such minimum for the offense) and not more than. . . . . (the maximum). . . . . . years." Such sentences shall have the force and effect of a sentence for such maximum term subject to the power of release from actual confinement by parole or absolute discharge hereinafter conferred or by pardon.

Terms and form of sentence.

The trial Court to make enquiry as to

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DUTY OF COURT: Section 4944e. court will make careful inquiry in each case as age and elgito the age of the convict, and whether the offense inals. which he has committed is his first offense, and will satisfy itself that he is eligible to be committed thereto before sentencing him to the reformatory.

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State prison

Insane in


TRANSFERS: Section 4944f. With the ap- Executive approval of the governor any inmate of the refor- sary to remove matory belonging to class one whose continued inmates. presence there is considered detrimental to the convicts may other inmates, may be transferred by the board be transferred. to the state prison, and his original term of im- mates to be reprisonment shall be continued therein. Convicts in the state prison belonging to class one as aforesaid and in any county jail belonging to class two may, with like executive approval, be transferred from any of those institutions to the reformatory and may be returned to the institution from which they were respectively taken. Inmates of the industrial school for boys who have reached the age of sixteen years may also be transferred to the reformatory, by the board of control and may be retained there until they are twenty-one years of age. Or they may sooner be returned to the school or to the counties from which they were sent to the school. All such transfers shall be made in the manner prescribed by section 561jj of these statutes. In case an inmate of the reformatory becomes insane he may be removed to a state hospital for the insane, and returned to the reformatory when recovered, in the manner prescribed in said section for the removal to such hospital and return of insane convicts.


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RECORDS WITH TRANSFERS: Section 4944g. Method of With each person transferred to the reformatory from any other institution as provided for in the next preceding section, there shall be transmitted by the warden or superintendent of such institution to the superintendent of the reformatory, copies of the original commitment of such person, and of his record of service, conduct

Commitment papers defined.

Clerk of sent

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and history, and if he be returned to the institution from whence he came, the superintendent of the reformatory shall furnish such institution with a like record of service and conduct therein and of the personal history of the convict there obtained. When any

COMMITMENTS: Section 4944h.

offender shall be sentenced to the reformatory by encing court any court, the commitment papers shall consist erintendent of of the warrant of commitment, and certified copies of the information, indictment or complaint, the plea of the accused, the verdict, if there be one, and the judgment and sentence; which copies shall be delivered with the order, or warrant of commitment to the officer executing such order or warrant, and when executed by some officer other than the superintendent of the reformatory, the same shall be delivered by the officer executing the same to such superintendent. Whenever any person shall be sentenced to the reformatory, the clerk of the court or the judge or justice pronouncing the same shall forthwith notify the superintendent of the reformatory of such sentence and thereupon such superintendent or some subordinate officer of the reformatory to be designated by him shall, as soon as practicable after such notice is given, remove the person so sentenced to the reformatory. Such clerk, judge or justice shall deliver to such superintendent or to the officer thus designated by him, the order or warrant of commitment and copies of the aforesaid records, and on presenta tion of such order or warrant to the officer having such person in custody, the latter shall deliver him to the officer thus presenting the same. Should the reformatory be filled with inmates when any such notice is received by the superincannot accom- tendent, the latter shall at once inform the court son sentenced. Or magistrate giving such notice of that fact and that the person thus sentenced cannot then be received into that institution. Thereupon the person sentenced shall be retained in the proper county jail until he can be so received. If the offense of which he is convicted is a felony the


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