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And to direct its united Energies against the perfidious Attempts
of a malignant, cruel, and impious Foe.





England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.








Price 3d. each Number, or 2s. 6d. a Dozen.


Printed for J. HATCHARD, 190, Piccadilly; R. BICKERSTAFF, Corner of Essex
Street, Strand; J. ASPERNE, Cornhill; and H. D. SYMONDS,

Paternoster Row.


THE title-page of this work will explain our primary object in the undertaking. Every well-informed True Briton must feel in his own breast a sufficient motive for calling forth our united and most strenuous exertions during the present emergency. We have, therefore, only to inform our Readers, and the Public in general, that any LOYAL COMMUNICATIONS, tending to further our design, or to render it more extensively beneficial, will be thankfully accepted by the Editor.

The form in which our work appears, must shew that it is calculated not only for wide circulation, but that it is adapted likewise for the shelf of a LIBRARY. The Table of Contents, &c. to each Volume, will be published with the concluding Number successively. -The First Number contains Two Sheets; each succeeding Number will comprise Sixteen Pages only.

A great Variety of loyal and patriotic Papers are sold by the Publishers.

S. GOSNELL, Printer, Little Queen Street, Holborn.


Price 3d. each Number, or 2s. 6d. a Dozen,

By J. HATCHARD, 190, Piccadilly; R. BICKERSTAFF, Corner of Essex Street, Strand; J. ASPERNE, Cornhill; and H. D. SYMONDS, Paternoster Row.





Original and Select Papers;

Intended to rouse and animate the BRITISH NATION during the present important Crisis, and to direct its united Energies against the perfidious Attempts of a malignant, cruel, and impious Foe.

Addressed to all patriotic Persons; especially, to the SOLDIERS, SAILORS, and LOYAL VOLUNTEERS, throughout England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. Recommended for liberal Distribution in every City, Town, Village, Camp, and Cottage of the United Kingdom,

Communications and Orders (post paid) are received by J. HATCHARD, Bookseller, 190, Piccadilly.

This patriotic Work may be purchased of all other Booksellers and Newsmen in the United Kingdom.

"It is in London that all the miseries of Europe have been fabricated; and it is there that they must be terminated." French Proclamation. We will give the English to enjoy all the blessings of equality."

Moniteur of Paris.


WE are now engaged in a cause which no less concerns the peasant in his cottage, than the prince on his throne. We are contending against an inveterate foe, who aims at the destruction of every thing dear to you as BRITONS. We are threatened on our own shores, and in our own houses. Our domestic, civil, and religious privileges are all at stake. The existence of our wives, our children, our relations, our friends, our family comforts, our freedom, our trade, and our property, may depend on your immediate exertions. Notwithstanding your courage has formed a prominent

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part of the history of this island, as it is recorded by our earliest historians-notwithstanding this courage is no less in amount at the present epoch than it has been at any former period, yet mere courage will not render your efforts on the present occasion completely effectual. To know fully how to counteract the machinations of your enemy, it is requisite that his character and mode of conduct should be developed, his ultimate views explained, and his resources accurately calculated. To know how to defeat their foe, Britons should examine their own resources, and the means of best adapting them to this trying occasion. Estimating therefore the necessity of such information so strongly as he does, it becomes the duty of the Editor of the LOYALIST to lay before his countrymen, periodically, such intelligence of authority as he may be able to procure; and to offer such suggestions as the ingenuity or experience of the gentlemen who have promised to support this Work, by their literary contributions, may from time to time communicate for that purpose.

N° 190, PICCADILLY, Saturday, 13th August, 1803.

Grounds of the Contest in which we are engaged.

THE grounds of the war are, by no means, as our enemies pretend, to be sought for in a desire entertained by his Majesty to keep the island of Malta, contrary to the treaty of peace, or to leave unfulfilled any other part of his sacred engagements; they are to be sought for in the ambition of the Consul of France, and in his implacable hatred of Britain, because, in the power and valour of Britain alone, he finds a check to that ambition, which aims at nothing short of the conquest of the world. His Majesty, ever anxious to procure for his people prosperity and ease, eagerly seized the first opportunity that offered itself for the restoration of peace; but not without remembering, at the same time, that their safety, for which it was his peculiar duty to provide, was not to be sacrificed to any other consideration. This peace he concluded with the most sincere desire that it might be durable, and that the conduct of France would be such as to authorize him to execute, with scrupulous punctuality, every one of the stipulations of the treaty: but scarcely was that compact concluded, when the First Consul, at the very time that his Majesty was surrendering to France and Holland the great and numerous conquests he had made from them

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during the war, began a new sort of hostility upon the weak and defenceless states on the continent of Europe: Piedmont, a country equal to all Scotland, was added to France; Holland, which had, at the making of the peace, been recognised as an independent nation, became, more than ever, the object of French rapacity and despotism, was compelled to furnish ships and stores for French expeditions, and to feed and clothe French armies; the only use of which was to keep her in a state of slavish subjection, and to render her shores an object of serious alarm and real danger to Great Britain: Switzerland was invaded by a French army, which compelled the people of that once free and happy country, to submit to a government framed at Paris, the members of which government were chiefly composed of men who had betrayed the liberties of their country, and who were nominated by the Consul himself. Notwithstanding, however, all these and several other acts of aggression and tyranny, some of which were highly injurious to Great Britain, and were shameful violations of the treaty of peace, still his Majesty earnestly endeavoured to avoid a recurrence to arms; but the Consul, emboldened by our forbearance, and imputing to a dread of his power, that which he ought to have imputed solely to our desire to live at peace, manifested his perfidious intentions again to take possession of Egypt, whence we had driven him in disgrace; again to open a road to our possessions in India, there to destroy one of the principal sources of our wealth and our greatness.

Not contented with thus preparing for our destruction from without, endeavouring to cut off our intercourse with the rest of the world, shutting, as far as he was able, all the ports of other countries against us; gradually destroying our navigation, commerce, and trade; hemming us up in our own island, and exposing our manufacturers, artizans, and labourers to the danger of starving for want of employment: not contented with these malignant endeavours, and seeming to regard us as already within his grasp, he audaciously interfered in the management of our domestic concerns; required us to violate our laws by banishing those subjects of the French monarch, who had fled hither for shelter from his unjust and tyrannical government; demanded of us the suppression of the liberty of speech and of the press; and, in a word, clearly demonstrated his resolution not to leave us a moment's tranquillity, till we had surrendered our constitution, till we had laid all our liberties at his feet, and till, like the Dutch, the Italians, and the Swiss, we had submitted to be governed by decrees sent us from France.

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