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one, and found none. Then said they, Have you none? but the man answered never a word. So they told the King, but he would not come down to see him, but commanded the two shining ones that conducted Christian and Hopeful to the city, to go out and take Ignorance, and bind him hand and foot, and have him away. Then they took him up, and carried him through the air to the door that I saw in the side of the hill, and put him in there. Then I saw that there was a way to hell, even from the gates of heaven, as well as from the City of Destruction. So I awoke, and behold it was Bunyan.

a dream.


ETHINKS I see a glimpse of glory.
Methinks I hear the shouts of praise,


and even stand by Abraham and David, Peter and Paul, and other triumphant souls! Methinks I even see the Son of God appearing in the clouds, and the world standing at His bar to receive their doom, and hear him say,

Come ye blessed of my Father;" and see them

go rejoicing into the joy of their Lord! My very dreams of these things have sometimes very greatly affected me; and should not these just suppositions have much affected me? What if I had seen, with Paul, those unutterable things? or, with Stephen, had seen heaven opened, and Christ sitting at the right hand of God? Surely that one sight was worth his storm of stones. What if I had seen, as Micaiah did, the Lord sitting upon His throne, and all the hosts of heaven standing on His right hand and on His left? Such things did these men of God see; and I shall shortly see far more than ever they saw till they were loosed from the flesh, as I must be. Baxter.


F thou wilt be fearless of death, endeavour to be in love with the felicities of

saints and angels, and be once persuaded to believe that there is a condition of living better than this; that there are creatures more noble than we; that above there is a

country better than ours; that the inhabitants know more, and know better, and are in places of rest and desire; and first learn to value it, and then learn to purchase it—and death cannot be a formidable thing, which lets us into so much joy and so much felicity. And, indeed, who would not think his condition mended if he passed from conversing with dull mortals, with ignorant and foolish persons, with tyrants and enemies of learning, to converse with Homer and Plato, with Socrates and Cicero, with Plutarch and Fabricius? So the heathens speculated; but we consider higher. "The dead that die in the Lord" shall converse with St Paul, and all the college of the apostles, and all the saints and martyrs, with all the good men whose memory we preserve in honour; with excellent kings, and holy bishops, and with the great Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, Jesus Christ, and with God Himself. For "Christ died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we might live together with him." Then we shall be free from lust and envy, from fear and rage, from covetousness and sorrow, from tears and cowardice; and these, indeed, properly, are the only evils that are contrary to felicity and wisdom. Then we shall see strange things, and

know new propositions, and all things in another manner and to higher purposes.

Jeremy Taylor.


HEY that are written in heaven can never be lost. Woe, then, to that religion which teacheth even the best saint to doubt of his salvation while he liveth! Hath Christ said, Believe, and shall man say, Doubt? This is a rack and strappado to the conscience; for he that doubteth of his salvation, doubteth of God's love; and he that doubteth of God's love, cannot heartily love Him again. If this love be wanting, it is not possible to have true peace. O the terrors of this troubled conscience! It is like an ague; it may have intermission, but the fit will come and shake him. An untoward beast is a trouble to a man; an untoward servant is a great trouble; an untoward wife a greater trouble; but the greatest trouble of all is an untoward conscience. Blessed is the man whose sins are forgiven; where there is no remission of sins, there is no blessedness.

Now, there is no true blessedness but that which is enjoyed; and none is enjoyed unless it be felt; and it cannot be felt unless it be possessed; and it is not possessed unless a man know it; and how does he know it that doubts whether he hath it or not?

All souls are passengers in this world; our way is in the middle of the sea: we have no sure footing: which way soever we cast our eyes, we see nothing but deep waters, the devil and our own flesh raising up against us infinite storms. God directs us to Christ as to a sure anchor-hold; He bids us undo our cables, fling up our anchors in the vail, and fasten them upon Jesus: we do so and are safe. But a sister of ours, passing in the ship with us, that hath long taken upon her to rule the helm, deals unkindly with us: she cuts in pieces our cables, throws away our anchors, and tells us we may not presume to fasten them on the Rock, our Mediator. She' rows and rowls us in the midst of the sea, through the greatest fogs, and fearfullest tempests: if we follow her course, we must look for inevitable shipwreck. The least flaw of wind will overturn us, and sink our souls to the lowest gulf. No, they that are written in the eternal leaves of heaven,

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