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WILLIAM HOWITT is a pleasant book-maker. Without any originality, depth of idea, or other prominent or peculiar feature, he is a racy collector and arranger; a wellstored gossip, a rather industrious reader, an admirable road-side talker, with a manner comprehensive, flowing, hearty, sometimes rich in illustration, and always genially egotistic. Leigh Hunt has a happy vein of egotism-Howitt's, while it is less happy, is more self-important. The latter says things more with Quaker strength than epicurean polish; while Lamartine's egotism is equally polished and obtrusive.

In the same respect as Mr. Gilfillan is a literary portrait painter, Mr. Howitt is a literary landscape gardener-in some instances a landscape painter. And he does paint a landscape in words--its clustering foliage, rich and heavy, when the summer is gliding into autumn; its genial sky tinged with a warm glow, like a half conscious beauty in the presence of her admirer; the brown hills floating in a sultry purple vapor, like rich grapes in a cup of wine; or Wordsworth's matter-of-fact surrounded with Coleridge's thoughts. The streamlet in the foreground whimpering along the edges, and laughing over the stones and pebbles like youngsters gamboling at leap-frog-and the distant homestead, with shining gable in judicious relief, and the blue smoke melting off into the limber ash trees and sheltering elms behind-such a landscape can he paint with almost the richness of color and condensed variety of a Wilson, while his farm-yard, and country lads and lasses, with their yellow hair, laughing eyes, and rosy checks, remind one of Gainsborough and Morland. After he has presented you with the tout ensemble of his landscape, he takes you through every green lane, through his every favorite copse, down by the hedge side, and up the mountain, to tell you of the primrose, and the sweet briar, and the woodbine, and the forget-me-nots, and blue bells, or the honeysuckle, blue campanula, white convolvulus, or the orange berries of the mountain ash. He brings you to listen to the first coo of the ring-dove in March, or the flying twitter of the swallow in August-to look at the tawny-breasted kingfisher flitting along the river bank in May, or the welcome red-breast in December,

When we had finished glancing through his last work, "The Country Year Book," and while yet the pictures of favorite spots in his country were in our "mind's eye," and while we grew young again thinking over early days and scenes in our own, we relit our pipe and smoked ourself into a forgetfulness of the present, and the winds that shook our brown curls at eighteen, fanned our forehead again, and the burly echoes that answered our halloos through the glen, awoke on the tympanum of the mountain solitude as fresh and vigorous as ever.

We were young again-a manly likeness of our boy, D. P., junior, who sits yonder by the stove, busy in delight over "Gulliver's Travels," and wondering why his school geography does not say something of the kingdoms of Lilliput and Brobdignag, for he has in vain sought out their whereabouts. Well, we were, say, an eighteen years' like ness to him, and we dwelt on one of the hill-sides of a glorious valley. A wild river, hissing and sparkling like fresh champaigne, wound through its centre, and from which at either side the land rose, first in sloping table lands, and then in rough and barren grandeur. A green and yellow verdure plaided its way nearly half-way up several of the hills around-one or two were green to the summit at stated seasons, while others, the loftiest, rose rough, brown and gloomy into the very sky. Oft have we watched the sun dying off behind the western hills, and bronzing the summit of the taller ones


with the hue of the red man, or its native mountaineer; and in the morning, we have often thought of the fair face of Desdemona reclining on the brown shoulder of the Moor Othello, as the beautiful clouds, clear as porcelaiu, dimpled their fullness resting on the mountain's breast. Up through the valley, an occasional clump of trees denoted where the tiller of the soil pitched his camp, aud, enjoying his health and mountain air, felt as happy in his cabin as if it was the stateliest city palace. We felt much happier; and the humble farmer would feel so too, had he our bitter experience. Here in our mountain solitude have we studied Milton-here have we ranged the armies of Paradise and perdition, and viewed the war for eternal life. Here have we almost worshipped Lucifer for his daring and ambition. You know, saintly reader, youth is ambitious and daring, and it was less our fault than Milton's. We loved Eve then-rash youth-aud if sh had offered, would have eaten as many apples as it is recorded gave Swift the illness from which he never recovered. We don't mean to say that he means would have effected the end any way the more particular, for in both instances, that of Swift's basketful, and Adam's single one, the eating was irreparable; but we mean to say, a bushel of pippins should never have measured our passion for the first The sin of our first parents" is a standing theme for popular wail, but Dudley Perkins doubts very much, if our last parents were in Eden, that any serious alteration would have to be made in the book of Genesis.


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Here, in this valley home of the turning point of our life, have we lived in the glorious air-castles of imagination-in fabrics Miltonic, Dantesque, Byronic, tiil it became almost a transition to some purgatorial world, when we had to enter into the strifes, turmoil and unhealthy prose of what is termed civilized life. Cruel, beartless existence! And there was one, fair reader, who dwelt fin my ærial palace-houses, who looked on the wild brocken through the eyes of a poetess, and gave a dreamy reality to the mansions we conjointly raised for the shelter of our love. Who worship ed nature with me till her heart was as simple and as grand as heaven's productions ever are. Who, when she wished to view herself, looked at me, for I reflected her-and in her alone I saw myself. The same grass which bent not beneath her feet in its eagerness to touch it as she tripped along, kissed mine, for that I followed her as much as to whisper, "God speed.' And I always thought the rough breeze coming off the mountains was a messenger of love, when he twined her raven tresses and my brown locks as I sheltered her from his kiss, or lifted her over some mimic cascade or ambitious bramble. Those were the “Paul and Virginia" days of our existence. How fair she was, how graceful! Perkins dare not task his heart to describe her at this far date, when his head is gray unto whiteness, and his limbs unsteady. He has already thought too much on such a tender subject, and must take refuge in the world of words. Like most unfortunate men, that which harasses his feelings most he loves to dwell upon. But mirth can divert, though it cannot annihilate; and Dudley Perkins, LL.D., has for his motto the Italian proverb:"A hundred years of melancholy will not pay a farthing of debt." Experientia docet. It is a good one. Under the head, The Old Lodge of Queen Elizabeth," Howitt discourses thus:

"Away! but whither? To the Old Lodge of Queen Bess. Old Lodge, we salute thee for thy venerable antiquity; but we owe thee no respect as the one-time resort of the boasted virgin queen! No! We revere not the den of the assassin-we have no worship for the hand of the murderer, whether clad in royal, or in ragged apparel. Foh! The blood of a queen and of a consin is on the hands of that wretched old woman! Let the interested courtier doff his hat, and fling his mantle in the way of that ancient hag, and Jezebel. We owe more respect to hat and mantle, and to our own self, than thus to desecrate them! Foh! She thought Sir Amias Paulett a dainty fellow, because he would not take off her captive cousin privily at her cominand. She kept Sir Ralph Sadler as her royal commission of murder at Berwick. She imprisoned and ruined poor Secretary Davison as her scapegoat, for the foul murder of her captive rival. Shall I lift my hand to do the royal tigress homage? The bloody stump of the printer who dared to print a pamphlet against her projected Spanish marriage rises up and warns me. Get thee behind me, Satau; and all those who have painted thee, as a noble mother in Israel."

"Howitt's Book" is a very pleasant one. He is a first-rate gossipper about th country. When I read a few pages of him, I almost catch the fragrance floating off the wild thyme and sweet meadow-and hear the little birds twittering and lovemaking about the corn. It makes me melancholy-for it brings back youth and joy, and I never can reach those early days without passing over a stygian era-a gloomy, comfortless, solitary moor with nought to cheer, but every thing and every thought on and about it depressing and rayless.



THE principal operas performed during the month have been, "Lucia di Lammermoor," 66 Don Giovanni," "Lucrezia Borgia," "La Favorita," and "Marino Faliero." The last was never before performed in New-York. All must admit that it was a triumph-a finer opera has never been presented to the American public. Marini, as the Doge, won for himself a great re putation, making the part his own; Beneventano, as Israele, and Truffi-Benedetti, as Elena, maintain their popularity. We would allude more fully to this opera, did our space allow it; but, as it is, can only mention the duett and chorus at the conclusion of the second act, and the grand finale, as being the finest portions of "Faliero." Concerning "Don Giovanni," the musical critics are waging war: one side insists that Marini's personation of Leporello has in it too much buffoonery, and the other side maintains a contrary opinion. We will not strive to settle their quarrel, but, for our own part, will say that the opera, Marini included, gave us great satisfaction. Max Maretzek deserves much credit for his untiring efforts, and we do not doubt but that he will be amply rewarded.


The principal attraction during the month has been the grand spectacle "Azael, the Prodigal." It is, we believe, a translation from the French, and, as its title indicates, is a version of the Prodigal Son. The scenery is very elegant, although marks of haste may easily be traced; the ballet and groupings were quite picturesque. Its poetical merits are beyond what we usually find in spectacles. Miss Anderton, Mrs. Abbot, and Mr. Conway, support the principal characters.


During more than twenty years Niblo's Garden has been one of the chief attractions of the city of New-York. Its performances have always been of a high character, and, for many years, the establishment, under the control of Mr. William Niblo, has held the first rank among the public amusements of the metropolis. The able manager has held a situation in the public esteem similar to that occupied physically by the garden. Twenty years ago it was "out of town," but a point of attraction; the dwellings of the citizens have gradually passed it, and spread upon the upper portion of the island, until the garden is " down town," but a greater point of attraction than ever. So it has been with the performances; they have always presented the highest amusement for the less fashionable classes, without ever losing the recognition of the

highest fashion. Whether the Ravel family, or the Rossuets, or Burton's admirable company, occupy the stage, the same brilliant and crowded assemblage graces the beautiful building erected upou the site of that destroyed by fire some years since. During the present summer the Ravel family and Burton's company of comedians play on alternate nights of each week. Gabriel Ravel, after many years retirement, has again appeared with more than his wonted eclat. On the front of the lot formerly occupied by the garden exclusively, Mr. Niblo has erected a block of buildings, which forms one of the chief architectural ornaments of the city. Its symmetry, beauty, and general appearance, has scarcely an equal in any other city of the Union.


As the city of New-York swells in numbers of residents, and experiences an annually increasing influx of strangers, not only the variety, but the style of amusements, requires multiplication; and Mr. Brougham, with much enterprise, detected, not only the want, but the mode of meeting it Single-handed, and backed by nothing but his energy and popularity, he purchased a site and built a theatre, which, from the start, was successful, and has been since gaining upon public esteem. The manager himself, a most successful “playwright,” is indefatigable in the production of novelty, and has a happy manner of working up the foibles, follies and fallacies of the day into most amusing. satirical sketches, which please without fatiguing, and hit without wounding. This style of, things seems to penetrate through the "heavy business" of the latter ages, and reach the classic era, when existing men and manners were correctly reflected by the mimic art.


SHAKSPEARE'S DRAMATIC WORKS. With Introductory Remarks and Notes, Original and Selected. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co.

This magnificent edition has been increased beyond the compass of the origiual plan, by the addition of the Miscellaneous Works of the great poet. To facilitate the completion of Shakspeare's Works, the publishers thought it advisable to issue the Poems in three large Parts-each one containing about three times as much as the average of the preceding numbers. The present number, containing Nos. 39-40-41, with a beautiful portrait of Desdemona, forms the first of this series.

The next number will contain a magnificent vignette title page, now engraving, from an original design by Billings.

The third, and concluding part, will contain a splendid engraving of Mrs. Siddons as the tragic muse, from the celebrated painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds.

THE PARTHENON: Containing Original Characteristic Papers. By living American Authors, Illustrated by Darley, Billings, Wallen, Wade, Croome, Kirk, and others. New-York: Loomis, Griswold & Co.

Mr. Griswold has labored long and well in the cause of American literature, and has, in the general effect of his works, done much to consolidate and nationalize it. This new work, now presented to the public, we doubt not will have an importan influence in the same direction, thereby rivalling, we hope, both in importance and

duration, its Athenian prototype. The design is a magnificent one, and the first number, in its execution, well sustains the design. Each living American author contributes a gem in his peculiar style. It is superbly printed, in quarto form, accompanied with illustrations in the best style of American art, and subscribed with the fac simile autographs of each author. The number of writers is large, and the engravings will reach, for the volume, 200 in number, of which 50 are full page size, in tint. A splendid frontispiece, title-page, with comprehensive index to authors, artists, and engravers, will accompany the 12th number, which will complete the volume. The price is $1 per number, or $9, in advance, for the volume.

The first number opens appropriately, with an article, by Cooper, entitled the "Lake Gun," illustrated with exquisite sketches of Seneca Lake-a poem by Mrs. Sigourney follows; two by Miss Gould; one by Augustine Duganne; closing with another by Wallace.

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THE GIRLHOOD OF SHAKSPEARE'S HEROINES. By Mary Cowden Clarke. Tale V. Meg and Alice. George P. Putnam.

This series of well-wrought stories has reached its fifth number, under growing popularity.

A SCHOOL DICTIONARY of the Latin Language. By Dr. J. H. Kaltschmidt. Blanchard & Lea.

This volume forms the 2d, or English-Latin part, of the Dictionary, of which the 1st part has already obtained a wide-spread reputation.

TRENTON FALLS, Picturesque and Descriptive. Edited by N. Parker Willis. Embracing the Original Essays of John Sherman, the First Resident. With Illustrations. George P. Putnam.

This little work, having the marks of Mr. Willis' editorship, is elegantly printed and illustrated with nine engravings. It is descriptive of one of the most lovely spots of Western New-York.

PARA; or Scenes and Adventures on the Banks of the Amazon. By John Esaias Warren. G. P. Putnam.

This work, written in a very lively and anecdotical style, has great attractions. It describes a country, almost a fairy land, and a people of whom but little is known, comparatively, but which will yet play a very important part in the world's history. The sportive manner of the writer lends a charm to scenes which, although before described, derive a new interest from the attractive garb in which they are now clothed.

THE AMERICAN COTTON SPINNER, and Manager's and Carder's Guide; A Practical Treatise on Cotton Spinning, giving the dimensions and speed of Machinery, draught and twist calculations, etc., with Notices of Recent Improvements, &c. &c. Compiled from the Papers of the late Robert H. Baird. A. Hart, late Carey & Hart, Pailadelphia.

A practical treatise on cotton spinning, requiring only its announcement in a country like this, to make it eagerly sought for. That we are the sole resource, from which the spinners of the world look for supplies of the raw material, is known; that we shall soon become the sole source of supply for cotton cloth, is certain; and it is by means of such information, as is contained in this little cheap volume, that the public become interested and instructed in that important branch of industry.

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