
The admiral's barge appeared first.

The word earl originally was eorl the Saxon word for nobleman.

Arm, warriors, arm.

Return to thy dwelling, all lonely return.

Weave the warp and weave the woof.

Have you a copy of Smith's Thucydides.

But he was to be stretched upon a bed of Procrustes.

Droves of slaves manacled and tied together were sold

in the market place.

The heights, depths, and breadths of the subject. "That tear'st the bowels of thy mangled mate."

I give my hand and my heart to this vote.

Go starve and be forgotten.

The road forks about a mile hence.

He errs in his estimate.

Search the scriptures.

He was a harsh overseer.

What fear'st thou.

For them no more the blazing hearth shall burn.

At the stern of the ship we saw a large dead fish

[blocks in formation]

By the British constitution every man's house is his castle.

This meteorous vapor is called will o' the wisp.

I thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of my thumb.

Man wants but little here below, nor wants that little long.

Foreign travel enlarges and liberalizes the mind.

He never swerved from his purpose.

We lost our best swivel gun.

Thou liv'st-liv'st did I say? appear'st in the Senate.

He was driven into the snare.

The muzzles of their pieces were within a few feet of

his breast.

He was attacked with spasm of the heart.

A prison with a good conscience, rather than a palace without it.

The bells tinckled on the ear.

He truckles to power.

Thou chuckl'dst over thy gains too soon.

One extremity was pointed, the other bulb'd.

The bulbs should be immersed in rain water.

The policy of this prince was to mulct the rich Jews. He mulcts his subjects.

He holds his trust from the people.

To the pert fairies and the dapper elves.

Is this delft ware ?

The costliest silks are manufactured there.

O'erwhelm'd with whirlwinds and tempestuous fire.
His kindness overwhelms me.

He halts between two opinions.

Your healths gentlemen.

Earth that entomb'st all that my heart holds dear.
His attempts were fruitless.

Hold off your hands gentlemen.

The sounds of horses hoofs were heard at a distance.

The songs of the Gondoliers alone broke the stillness. What want'st thou?

They were wrenched by the hand of violence from a congenial soil.

Their sing'd tops though bare, stand on the blasted heath.

The strength of his nostrils is terrible.

A gentle current rippled by.

He barb'd the dart by which he fell.

Do you like herbs in your broth ?
Thou barb'st the dart that wounds thee.
Thou barb'd'st the dart by which he fell.
Many arcs were seen floating down the stream.
There bark'd and howled, within, unseen.
The culprit was hurled from the tarpeian rock.
Words, Words, Words!

Are the goods wharfed?

The burghs of Scotland.
It was strongly urged upon him.

Remark'd'st thou that?

Mark'st thou ?

He snarls but dares not bite,

Arm'd say ye? Armed my lord.

They have arms in their hands.

The delinquent was burn'd in the hand.

Wellington learnt the art of war under his brother in


A boundless song bursts from the grove.

It was a union of hearts as well as hands.

Earth's ample breast.

He searched the house for it,

It hurts me.

Thou hurt'st his feelings.

On entering the palace the busts of Fox and Tooke were conspicuous.*

* It will be understood by the reader, that the superscribed sentences are merely intended to subserve the purpose of exercise of the articulating organs, and that therefore sense and connection have not been regarded in devising them.



ELOCUTION is the art of so employing the Quality, Abruptness, Force, Time, and Pitch of the voice, in the utterance of syllables, as to convey the sense and sentiment of discourse in the fullest manner, and with the greatest possible gratification to the ear.

Each of these properties of the voice, (except abruptness,) is exerted more or less in the utterance of every element or syllable. Every syllable is uttered by voluntary muscular effort, and therefore requires some force, for this is implied in all voluntary action. Every syllable consumes time in its pronunciation. Every uttered sound has pitch-finally a particular quality of voice, (apart from the before mentioned properties) will be apparent whenever a syllable is spoken; for no two voices are exactly alike in quality. Abruptness means suddenness combined with fullness, and therefore may or may not accompany the utterance of a syllable.

Hence the meaning of discourse and the impression made by it, will depend upon the relative degrees and modifications of the Quality, Abruptness, Force, Time, and pitch of the voice.



The Quality of the voice, no doubt depends partly, on unknown circumstances in the structure and action of the organs of speech; as the same tune played upon

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