페이지 이미지
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Observations of the Wet and Dry Bulb Thermometers.—(continued.)

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Observations of the Wet and Dry Bulb Thermometers.—(continued.)

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These observations were made in a largish mosque, with one small door to the Eastward, and several grated windows in the same direction, which were blocked up with joussa, and watered occasionally. The prevailing winds are Westward, so that the Thermometers were not exposed to their direct influence."

The wet bulb was a standard given me by the late J. Prinsep Esq. with an ivory scale and naked bulb divisions.

The dry one was a good Thermometer with an ivory scale, divisions 13 each belonging to Major Thomson, C. B.


Proceedings of the Asiatic Society.

(Friday the 21st January, 1842.)

A Meeting of the Society was held at its Rooms, at the usual hour, on Friday the 21st January, in consequence of an adjournment from a previous Meeting, on which evening a sufficient number of Members to proceed upon the important business before the Society was not present.

The following letter, conveying the resignation of the Honorable Sir EDWARD RYAN, as President of the Society, was read:

Court House, December 20, 1841.

SIR,-I regret to find that it will not be in my power to attend the next Meeting of the Society, and I must therefore beg of you to tender for me my resignation of the office of President.

I cannot quit a Society on which I have so long presided, without expressing my deep sense of the uniform kindness and consideration with which the Members have been pleased to regard my bumble efforts to discharge the duties of an office, which, if I had properly weighed my own qualifications, I ought perhaps never to have accepted.

It is highly gratifying to me to know, that however unworthily your chair may have been filled, by the exertions of your most able and excellent Secretaries the Society, during the last nine years, has greatly extended the reputation which it early attained amongst the learned Societies of Europe, under the auspices of its Eminent Founder.

I have the honor to be,

Your obedient humble servant,



Secretary to the Asiatic Society.

The Honorable H. T. PRINSEP stated, that as this letter had been referred to the Committee of Papers, it had been deemed proper to convene a special meeting of that body, at which it was determined that the following resolutions be proposed to the Society for adoption at their present meeting :

Read the resignation by the Honorable Sir E. RYAN, of the Chair of the Society. Submitted by the Honorable H. T. PRINSEP, Esq. and seconded by the Honorable Sir J. P. GRANT That it seems to the Committee advisable, that the late President be requested to sit for his picture in England, to any eminent artist whom he may select as fitting for the purpose. The size of the picture to be Kitcat, in order to correspond with the pictures of the other eminent men, as Sir W. JONES, Lord WELLESLEY, Lord MINTO, &c. &c. already in possession of the Society. Resolved-That this proposition be recommended for adoption to the Society, as a proper mode of recording the sense entertained by that body, of the value of Sir EDWARD RYAN's long and able services in the Chair, and the interest with which he has always regarded its proceedings in all branches of Science.

Proposed by the Honorable W. W. BIRD, Esq. and seconded by the Honorable Sir J. P. GRANT, that the Honorable H. T. PRINSEP, Esq. be recommended to the Society as a Member highly qualified by his high general attainments, and his known zeal in the pursuits of Oriental literature, as well as by his long standing in the Society, to take the Chair vacated by the Honorable Sir EDWARD RYAN.

Resolved-That the proposition be submitted accordingly.


Secretary to the Asiatic Society.

The adoption of the first of these resolutions was then proposed by the Honorable H. T. PRINSEP, seconded by the Secretary, and carried unanimously.

The Honorable W. W. BIRD then rose, and after a just eulogy on Mr. H. T. PRINSEP's merits as an Oriental and general scholar, and as a most zealous and industrious member of the Society, with many feeling allusions to the transcendant merits of Mr. JAMES PRINSEP, a name so justly dear to the Society as that from whose labours alone have raised its fame so far above what it had ever before attained- Proposed in continuation, "That the Honorable H. T. PRINSEP be requested to accept of the office of President of the Asiatic Society."

The Right Reverend the LORD BISHOP, in rising to second this motion, paid a warm and a just tribute to the zeal and interest so constantly shewn in every matter relative to the Society's pursuits and affairs by its late President, the Honorable Sir EDWARD RYAN. His Lordship then addressing himself to Mr. PRINSEP as the future President of the Society, adverted to the Discourses of its founder, Sir WILLIAM JONES, as compositions well worthy of the close attention of its Presidents, from their enlarged views, and their general tendency to raise the character of its pursuits, and to render it, as it always had been, both in India and in Europe, the just and fruitful parent of Oriental learning and science. His Lordship also adverted in feeling language to the merits of the late Mr. JAMES PRINSEP, observing, that no one individual could do justice to them.

The motion was carried by acclamation.

The Honorable H. T. PRINSEP, on taking the chair, and returning thanks for the honour conferred upon him by the Society, said, that he felt he owed much more to the labours of his brother, than to any merits of his own: that he felt and knew that his heavy official duties during many years had left him far less leisure than he could have desired for the prosecution of his Oriental and other studies, and that he had thus been unable to do much, which he feared may have been expected from him.

He feared also, that it might now, with the scanty leisure he could still command, be too late to repair this, and to regain lost time, and that he could only thus promise zeal and devotion to the pursuits and interests of the Society, and express his earnest desire to tread in the footsteps of his lamented brother. He looked to, and fully trusted in much assistance from the labours of individual Members, and in the support which he should receive from the Society in the election of its Officers for the advancement of its interests and of its good name.

E. B. RYAN, Esq. was proposed as a Member of the Society, by H. TORRENS, Esq. and seconded by

A letter was read from DR. HEBERLIN, reminding the Secretary that his proposition to elect DR. EWALD an Honorary Member of the Society, was yet before it. DR. EWALD was unanimously elected.

The Secretary brought to the notice of the Society, that the Collection sent out by the Honourable the Court of Directors, as a basis for an Indian Museum of Economic Geology, had been made over to it, and arranged in a separate room appropriated to its objects; but that the extensive duties which the superintendance of a Museum of this nature would require, to carry out fully, and efficiently its great objects, the development of the whole inorganic products of India, were such, that it would require the attention of an individual. He stated, that it was well known by letters from home,

that the Court of Directors had authorised the Government to incur the expence of the nomination of a person charged to carry out their views, and that it might thus not be improper, were the Society to address Government on the subject. It was agreed that this matter should be left to the Committee of Papers.

The following Books, &c. were presented, and the thanks of the Society recorded for them :—

List of Books received for the Library of the Asiatic Society, for the Meeting on the 21st January, 1842.

Lane's Dictionary, English and Burmese. Calcutta, 1841, (3 copies).
Journal of the Bombay Branch Society. No. 2, October 1841, pamphlet.
The Calcutta Christian Observer. January, 1842, No 25, ditto.

The Oriental Christian Spectator. November 1841, Bombay, vol. 2d, No. 11, second series, ditto.

Society for the Encourgement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Premiums for the Sessions 1840-41, 1841-42. London, 1840, six copies, ditto.

Transactions of the Society for the Encourgement of Arts, &c. during the Sessions 1839-40, vol. 53d, part 1.

London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 3d series, vol. 19, No. 122, August 1841, London, pamphlet.

Proceedings of the London Electrical Society, Sessions 1841-42, London, ditto. Transactions of the Geological Society of London, 2d series, vol. 6th, part 1st, 1841, ditto.

Journal des Savans. Mai, 1841. Paris.

Kittoe's Illustrations of Indian Architecture from the Mohammedan Conquest downwards. 1838, Nos. 1 to 12 and 21 Plates, equal to 5 Numbers. One plate


The Silurian System, from the Edinburgh Review, April 1841, No. 147.
Yarrell's History of British Birds. London, part 27th.

Some Account of the General and Medical Topography of Ajmeer, by R. H.
Irvine. Calcutta, 1841.

Di un Vaso Greco Dipinto che si conserva nel real Museo Borbonico Discorso del Cavalier Bernardo Quaranta. Pamphlet.

Sula figura e L'Iscrizione egizia in cise in uno Smeraldo Quaranta. Napoli, 1826 ditto.

Nafhatul Yaman, a collection of pleasing stories and compositions, both in prose and verse. Hooghly, 1841.

Diwani Mootanubee. Hooghly, 1841.

Callery. Systema Phoneticum Scripturae Sinecæ, pars prima et secunda. Macao, 1841.

Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 1841, vol. 2d, part 17th, pamphlet.

Icones Plantarum India Orientalis, by R. Wight. Vol. 2d, part 3d, ditto.

Transactions of the London Electric Society, from 1837 to 1840, London, 1841. Spry's Plants, &c. required for India. Calcutta, 1841, (5 copies).

Masnabee-Kanoor, in Oordoo.
Naphasil-Logawd, in Persian.

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