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of those who found their safety in a neutra lized demeanour. But it will be the master difficulty to restore the opinion which has been destroyed, in the division of interests, for the purposes of governing them in their separate conditions, between between the native soldier and his European commander. Here is a diversified and perplexed duty, and surely a most imperious one, that cannot be executed but by the hand of Time, and by the concurrence of good fortune.

But, though no immediate



may be descried for the reconciliation of these jarring interests and passions, some effectual ones might be found for reconciling individuals to themselves. It would not appear any very arduous employment to discover the way for soothing and allaying the irritation of the army. requires but to call into use the dictates of a natural and liberal policy. It is only to extend the principles of the amnesty, declared in India, to every individual involved in any of the stages or acts growing out of the late discontent.

It can be no great effort of magnanimity to restore those again to their rank and to their stations, who have been dis

missed from them without a hearing, and without investigation, unless it shall have been carried on behind their backs, and have been supported by representations as partial as the proceeding itself. If there can be any reason for a momentary pause, it will arise, we are sure, from the impression, necessarily suggested by every liberal bosom, that some enquiry is due, as a matter of strict justice, to the injured feelings of those individuals, who have been hurried from India to this country; unheard, though not unjudged; whose punishment has foreran their trial; and whose injuries will not be redressed by the mere restitution of their offices. But, above all, it will be a wise exercise of discretion in the Court of Directors to reprobate, and to abolish, that baneful and odious practice, which is alone sufficient to account for all the ills. that have happened, of disfranchising men of their rights, acquired by patient, and perhaps meritorious service, without allowing them the opportunity of protecting and defending their interests, or the privilege scarcely of complaint. So long as this arbitrary principle shall obtain, it will require not the spirit of divination to foretel,

that so long will subsist, however it may be suppressed and masked for a time, an universal sentiment of disgust and abhorrence. It arises from a cause so thoroughly ingrafted in our nature, as to exceed the reach of human power to eradicate or correct it. It is against the essence of justice itself, as implanted by the hand of Providence in our hearts, and as evinced in all its ways and dispensations. Let not the pride of State forbid what it is the best interest of the State to grant. Let it not be imagined, because the mutiny itself has been subdued, that the spirit which engendered it is dead. Nor let those, to whom we are now addressing ourselves, believe, that a passion which we have described to be universal, has been confined to a local habitation. If the flame of discontent, by accident or other causes, hath only yet burst forth in one place, let them not flatter themselves that it has been quenched and extinguished in all; but rather fear,-for there is but too much cause for such an apprehension, that it is only smothered for awhile, and may blaze forth, unexpectedly, with a fury, redoubled by the circumstances

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of its suppression. Let them be wise in season, and from precept, and not wait for the instruction of further calamitous events. But in a disposition of grace and favor, iet them lay down imaginary privileges or rights, which are not suited to the condition of things, or cannot be exercised without working extensive practical inconvenience, and, without endangering the very foundation of justice. There are none amongst


warmest advocates of this fanciful right of suspension, who can go the length of supporting it, in its full exercise, as in relation to the present acts. For, whatever power the legislature may be supposed to have given to the representative body of the East India company, it never could have intended, that it should have been deputed by them to any other, who might disband at its own. will, and at its own caprice, without the shew and the form of any judicial proceeding, their best officers from the army, nay the whole extended circle of them, with a single dash of the pen. Let them renounce this suspicious and dangerous practice, and comfort themselves with this undoubted consolation, that what they may lose in power,

they will gain in reverence and respect. This act alone would call back men's duties and affections, were they estranged at a greater distance than they are. Such a willing offering to peace, would do more than a hundred examples of sanction and of vengeance. The hour may come, notwithstanding the present meridian height of our Eastern splendour, when every heart and hand may be required to secure even a safe possession. Let not any ungracious pertinacity dissever one from the other.

Let not any one represent these plain observations, as adverse to the interests, or disrespectful to the rights of the constituted body, to which they are principally addressed. They are not offered in the feeling of an enemy, but in the sentiment, and with the warning voice of a friend. If the style or manner of the address shall be deemed in some parts to be rude, the intent at all times, and in all places, will be seen, we trust, to be honest. The case in our view of it, appeared to be extreme, and desperate, and not to admit of any trifling palliatives, or more flattering digestives. It would, in our contemplation, have been an act of

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